* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
require '../load.php';
$results = [];
if (isset($_GET['lat_n'], $_GET['lat_s'], $_GET['lng_e'], $_GET['lng_w'])) {
    $lat_n =& $_GET['lat_n'];
    $lat_s =& $_GET['lat_s'];
    $lng_e =& $_GET['lng_e'];
    $lng_w =& $_GET['lng_w'];
    $results = query_results(sprintf("SELECT station.station_ID, station.station_lat, station.station_lon, " . "stationowner.stationowner_uid, stationowner.stationowner_name " . "FROM {$JOIN('station', 'stationowner')} " . "WHERE station.station_lat BETWEEN %f AND %f " . "AND station.station_lon BETWEEN %f AND %f " . "AND station.stationowner_ID = stationowner.stationowner_ID", $lat_s, $lat_n, $lng_w, $lng_e), 'Station');
    $n_results = count($results);
    $results->error = $n_results > 90;
    if (!$results->error) {
        // Get prices
        for ($i = 0; $i < $n_results; $i++) {
            $results[$i]->prices = query_results(sprintf("SELECT DISTINCT price.price_value, price.price_self, " . "fuel.fuel_uid, fuel.fuel_name " . "FROM {$JOIN('price', 'fuel')} " . "WHERE price.station_ID = %d " . "AND price.fuel_ID = fuel.fuel_ID " . "ORDER BY price.price_value", $results[$i]->station_ID), 'Price');
echo json_encode($results, isset($_GET['pretty']) ? JSON_PRETTY_PRINT : 0);
//query("TRUNCATE {$T('station')}");
//query("TRUNCATE {$T('stationowner')}");
//query("TRUNCATE {$T('fuelprovider')}");
//query("TRUNCATE {$T('fuel')}");
query("TRUNCATE {$T('price')}");
$comuni = query_results("SELECT comune_ID, comune_uid FROM {$T('comune')}", 'Comune');
$comuni = indexed_array($comuni, 'comune_uid', 'comune_ID');
$provincie = query_results("SELECT provincia_ID, provincia_uid FROM {$T('provincia')}", 'Provincia');
$provincie = indexed_array($provincie, 'provincia_uid', 'provincia_ID');
$fuels = query_results("SELECT fuel_ID, fuel_uid FROM {$T('fuel')}", 'Fuel');
$fuels = indexed_array($fuels, 'fuel_uid', 'fuel_ID');
$stations = query_results("SELECT station_ID, station_miseID FROM {$T('station')}", 'Station');
$stations = indexed_array($stations, 'station_miseID', 'station_ID');
$stationowners = query_results("SELECT stationowner_ID, stationowner_uid FROM {$T('stationowner')}", 'Stationowner');
$stationowners = indexed_array($stationowners, 'stationowner_uid', 'stationowner_ID');
$fuelproviders = query_results("SELECT fuelprovider_ID, fuelprovider_uid FROM {$T('fuelprovider')}", 'Fuelprovider');
$fuelproviders = indexed_array($fuelproviders, 'fuelprovider_uid', 'fuelprovider_ID');
try {
    if (!isset($argv[1], $argv[2])) {
        throw new Exception(sprintf(_("Utilizzo: %s FILE_STAZIONI.csv PREZZI_ALLE_8.csv"), esc_html($argv[0])), 1);
    define('FILENAME_STATIONS', $argv[1]);
    define('FILENAME_PRICES', $argv[2]);
    if (!file_exists(FILENAME_STATIONS)) {
        throw new Exception(_("File delle stazioni non trovato"), 2);
    if (!($handle = fopen(FILENAME_STATIONS, 'r'))) {
        throw new Exception(_("Impossibile aprire il file delle stazioni"), 3);
    // Waste first 2 lines
Esempio n. 3
 } elseif (stripos($text, 'spotted') === 0) {
     $spotted = ltrim(str_ireplace('spotted', '', $text));
     if (strlen($spotted) === 0) {
         apiRequest('sendMessage', ['chat_id' => $update['message']['chat']['id'], 'text' => _("Il comando <code>spotted</code> è esatto. Tuttavia, per inviare uno spot, deve essere seguito da un messaggio.\n" . "Es. Spotted Chi da l'esame al posto mio domani?"), 'parse_mode' => 'HTML']);
     } else {
         $spotted = str_truncate($spotted, 1000, '...');
         insert_row('spotted', [new DBCol('spotted_datetime', 'NOW()', '-'), new DBCol('spotted_message', $spotted, 's'), new DBCol('spotted_chat_id', $update['message']['chat']['id'], 'd'), new DBCol('spotted_approved', 0, '-')]);
         refresh_admin_keyboard($update['message']['chat']['id'], $spotted, $first_name, $last_name, $username);
         $spotters = query_value("SELECT COUNT(*) as count FROM {$T('spotter')}", 'count');
         apiRequest('sendMessage', ['chat_id' => $update['message']['chat']['id'], 'text' => sprintf(_("Il messaggio\n<code>" . $spotted . "</code>\ne' stato acquisito ed ora è in coda di moderazione per esser mandato a <b>%d</b> persone.\n"), $spotters), 'parse_mode' => 'HTML']);
 } elseif (is_command($text, 'Pubblica')) {
     $spotted_ID = (int) trim(str_replace('Pubblica', '', $text));
     if ($spotted_ID) {
         query(sprintf("UPDATE {$T('spotted')} " . "SET " . "spotted_approved = 1 " . "WHERE " . "spotted_ID = %d", $spotted_ID));
         $spotters = query_results("SELECT spotter_ID FROM {$T('spotter')}", 'Spotter');
         $fifo_rows = [];
         foreach ($spotters as $spotter) {
             $fifo_rows[] = [$spotted_ID, $spotter->spotter_ID];
         insert_values('fifo', ['spotted_ID' => 'd', 'spotter_ID' => 'd'], $fifo_rows);
     refresh_admin_keyboard($update['message']['chat']['id'], "Messaggio pubblicato");
 } elseif (is_command($text, 'Elimina')) {
     $spotted_ID = (int) trim(str_replace("Elimina", '', $text));
     $spotted_ID && query(sprintf("DELETE FROM {$T('spotted')} WHERE spotted_ID = %d", $spotted_ID));
     refresh_admin_keyboard($update['message']['chat']['id'], "Messaggio eliminato");
 } elseif (is_command($text, '/help')) {
     $text = ltrim(str_replace('/help', '', $text));
     if (strlen($text) === 0) {
         apiRequest('sendMessage', ['chat_id' => $update['message']['chat']['id'], 'text' => _("Per inviare un messaggio ai programmatori, scrivi <code>/help messaggio</code>.\n" . "(Es. /help Salve, non riesco a mandare uno spot perche'...)"), 'parse_mode' => 'HTML']);
Esempio n. 4
function refresh_admin_keyboard($chat_id, $text, $nome, $cognome, $username)
    $keyboard = [];
    $tojudge = query_results('SELECT ' . 'spotted_ID, ' . 'spotted_message ' . 'FROM ' . $GLOBALS[T]('spotted') . ' WHERE ' . 'spotted_approved <> 1 ' . 'ORDER BY ' . 'spotted_datetime ASC ' . 'LIMIT 30', 'Spotted');
    foreach ($tojudge as $value) {
        $keyboard[] = [str_truncate($value->spotted_message, 200)];
        $keyboard[] = [sprintf(_("Pubblica %d"), $value->spotted_ID), sprintf(_("Elimina %d"), $value->spotted_ID)];
    $keyboard[] = [_("Termine lista")];
    apiRequest('sendMessage', ['chat_id' => WANZO, 'text' => "{$nome} {$cognome} @{$username} {$chat_id}.\n.{$text}", 'reply_markup' => ['keyboard' => $keyboard, 'resize_keyboard' => true]]);
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
// And now a lot of example doing the same thing in multiple way.
 * First require your configuration file to start the framework. That's it!
 * Note: the page obviusly dies here if you have not configured you database access.
require 'load.php';
// You can use `query` for a pure standard `mysqli` result.
$results = query('SELECT NOW() AS miao');
while ($row = $results->fetch_object()) {
    printf("The database says that now it's '%s'", $row->miao);
// You can use `query_results` for an array of objects
$results = query_results('SELECT NOW() AS miao');
foreach ($results as $result) {
    printf("The database says that now it's '%s'", $row->miao);
// You can use `query_result` for an object with only the first row
$row = query_row('SELECT NOW() AS miao');
printf("The database says that now it's '%s'", $row->miao);
// You can use `query_value` for only a single field from a single row:
$miao = query_value('SELECT NOW() AS miao', 'miao');
printf("The database says that now it's '%s'", $miao);
 * Note that the last parameter of `query_results`, `query_row`, and `query_value`
 * can be a custom class name. To to something as this:
 * @see MyClass.php
function sort_resultarray($mat1, $mat2)
    $search_tabs = array();
    $query_array = $mat2;
    $arr1 = $mat1;
    $arr2 = $arr1;
    $arr3 = array();
    $sorted_results = array();
    echo "Clusters </br>";
    echo "</br>";
    foreach ($arr2 as $key => $val) {
        foreach ($arr1 as $key1 => $val1) {
            if ($val == $val1 and $val > 0.1) {
                echo "\n";
                echo "\n";
                array_push($sorted_results, $key1);
    $sorted_results = array_unique($sorted_results);
    foreach ($sorted_results as $key => $val) {
        $val = $val + 2;
        $query12 = "select column_name from information_schema.columns where ordinal_position='{$val}' and table_schema='test' and table_name='cluster_heads'";
        $result12 = mysql_query($query12) or die(mysql_error());
        $data12 = mysql_fetch_array($result12);
        $col = $data12['column_name'];
        if ($col != "term") {
            echo "\n";
            echo $col;
            echo "</br>";
            array_push($search_tabs, $col);
    echo "</br>";
    query_results($search_tabs, $query_array);