function qtranxf_slug_add_row_migrate()
    qtranxf_add_row_migrate('Qtranslate Slug', 'qtranslate-slug', array('note' => __('These options get auto-migrated on activation of plugin if applicable. Migration utilities are provided here for the sake of completeness.', 'qtranslate')));
Esempio n. 2
function qtranxf_admin_section_import_export($request_uri)
    //echo '<div class="tabs-content">';
	<table class="form-table">
		<tr valign="top" id="qtranslate-convert-database">
			<th scope="row"><?php 
    _e('Convert Database', 'qtranslate');
    printf(__('If you are updating from qTranslate 1.x or Polyglot, <a href="%s">click here</a> to convert posts to the new language tag format.', 'qtranslate'), $request_uri . '&convert=true#import');
    printf(__('If you have installed qTranslate for the first time on a Wordpress with existing posts, you can either go through all your posts manually and save them in the correct language or <a href="%s">click here</a> to mark all existing posts as written in the default language.', 'qtranslate'), $request_uri . '&markdefault=true#import');
    _e('Both processes are <b>irreversible</b>! Be sure to make a full database backup before clicking one of the links.', 'qtranslate');
				<label for="qtranxs_convert_database_none"><input type="radio" name="convert_database" id="qtranxs_convert_database_none" value="none" checked />&nbsp;<?php 
    _e('Do not convert database', 'qtranslate');
				<label for="qtranxs_convert_database_to_b_only"><input type="radio" name="convert_database" id="qtranxs_convert_database_to_b_only" value="b_only" />&nbsp;<?php 
    echo __('Convert database to the "square bracket only" style.', 'qtranslate');
    printf(__('The square bracket language tag %s only will be used as opposite to dual-tag (%s and %s) %s legacy database format. All string options and standard post and page fields will be uniformly encoded like %s.', 'qtranslate'), '[:]', esc_html('<!--:-->'), '[:]', 'qTranslate', '"[:en]English[:de]Deutsch[:]"');
				<label for="qtranxs_convert_database_to_c_dual"><input type="radio" name="convert_database" id="qtranxs_convert_database_to_c_dual" value="c_dual" />&nbsp;<?php 
    echo __('Convert database back to the legacy "dual language tag" style.', 'qtranslate');
    _e('Note, that only string options and standard post and page fields are affected.', 'qtranslate');
    qtranxf_add_row_migrate('qTranslate', 'qtranslate', array('compatible' => true));
    qtranxf_add_row_migrate('mqTranslate', 'mqtranslate');
    qtranxf_add_row_migrate('qTranslate Plus', 'qtranslate-xp');
    qtranxf_add_row_migrate('zTranslate', 'ztranslate', array('compatible' => true));
    qtranxf_add_row_migrate('WPML Multilingual CMS', 'sitepress-multilingual-cms', array('href' => '', 'text' => sprintf(__('Use plugin %s to import data.', 'qtranslate'), '<a href="" target="_blank">W2Q: WPML to qTranslate</a>')));
		<tr valign="top">
			<th scope="row"><?php 
    _e('Reset qTranslate', 'qtranslate');
				<label for="qtranslate_reset"><input type="checkbox" name="qtranslate_reset" id="qtranslate_reset" value="1"/> <?php 
    _e('Check this box and click Save Changes to reset all qTranslate settings.', 'qtranslate');
				<label for="qtranslate_reset2"><input type="checkbox" name="qtranslate_reset2" id="qtranslate_reset2" value="1"/> <?php 
    _e('Yes, I really want to reset qTranslate.', 'qtranslate');
				<label for="qtranslate_reset3"><input type="checkbox" name="qtranslate_reset3" id="qtranslate_reset3" value="1"/> <?php 
    _e('Also delete Translations for Categories/Tags/Link Categories.', 'qtranslate');
    _e('If something isn\'t working correctly, you can always try to reset all qTranslate settings. A Reset won\'t delete any posts but will remove all settings (including all languages added).', 'qtranslate');
				<label for="qtranslate_reset_admin_notices"><input type="checkbox" name="qtranslate_reset_admin_notices" id="qtranslate_reset_admin_notices" value="1"/> <?php 
    _e('Reset admin notices.', 'qtranslate');
    _e('All previously dismissed admin notices related to this plugin will show up again on next refresh of admin pages.', 'qtranslate');
    //echo '</div>';