Esempio n. 1
 * checks the validity of input parameters, fills $page['errors'] and
 * $page['infos'] and send an email with confirmation link
 * @return bool (true if email was sent, false otherwise)
function process_password_request()
    global $page, $conf;
    if (empty($_POST['username_or_email'])) {
        $page['errors'][] = l10n('Invalid username or email');
        return false;
    $user_id = get_userid_by_email($_POST['username_or_email']);
    if (!is_numeric($user_id)) {
        $user_id = get_userid($_POST['username_or_email']);
    if (!is_numeric($user_id)) {
        $page['errors'][] = l10n('Invalid username or email');
        return false;
    $userdata = getuserdata($user_id, false);
    // password request is not possible for guest/generic users
    $status = $userdata['status'];
    if (is_a_guest($status) or is_generic($status)) {
        $page['errors'][] = l10n('Password reset is not allowed for this user');
        return false;
    if (empty($userdata['email'])) {
        $page['errors'][] = l10n('User "%s" has no email address, password reset is not possible', $userdata['username']);
        return false;
    $activation_key = generate_key(20);
    list($expire) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query('SELECT ADDDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 HOUR)'));
    single_update(USER_INFOS_TABLE, array('activation_key' => pwg_password_hash($activation_key), 'activation_key_expire' => $expire), array('user_id' => $user_id));
    $userdata['activation_key'] = $activation_key;
    $message = l10n('Someone requested that the password be reset for the following user account:') . "\r\n\r\n";
    $message .= l10n('Username "%s" on gallery %s', $userdata['username'], get_gallery_home_url());
    $message .= "\r\n\r\n";
    $message .= l10n('To reset your password, visit the following address:') . "\r\n";
    $message .= get_gallery_home_url() . '/password.php?key=' . $activation_key . '-' . urlencode($userdata['email']);
    $message .= "\r\n\r\n";
    $message .= l10n('If this was a mistake, just ignore this email and nothing will happen.') . "\r\n";
    $message = trigger_change('render_lost_password_mail_content', $message);
    $email_params = array('subject' => '[' . $conf['gallery_title'] . '] ' . l10n('Password Reset'), 'content' => $message, 'email_format' => 'text/plain');
    if (pwg_mail($userdata['email'], $email_params)) {
        $page['infos'][] = l10n('Check your email for the confirmation link');
        return true;
    } else {
        $page['errors'][] = l10n('Error sending email');
        return false;
Esempio n. 2
    if (isset($error_copy)) {
        $errors[] = $error_copy;
    } else {
        session_set_save_handler('pwg_session_open', 'pwg_session_close', 'pwg_session_read', 'pwg_session_write', 'pwg_session_destroy', 'pwg_session_gc');
        if (function_exists('ini_set')) {
            ini_set('session.use_cookies', $conf['session_use_cookies']);
            ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', $conf['session_use_only_cookies']);
            ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', intval($conf['session_use_trans_sid']));
            ini_set('session.cookie_httponly', 1);
        session_set_cookie_params(0, cookie_path());
        $user = build_user(1, true);
        log_user($user['id'], false);
        // email notification
        if (isset($_POST['send_password_by_mail'])) {
            include_once PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/';
            $keyargs_content = array(get_l10n_args('Hello %s,', $admin_name), get_l10n_args('Welcome to your new installation of Piwigo!', ''), get_l10n_args('', ''), get_l10n_args('Here are your connection settings', ''), get_l10n_args('', ''), get_l10n_args('Link: %s', get_absolute_root_url()), get_l10n_args('Username: %s', $admin_name), get_l10n_args('Password: %s', $admin_pass1), get_l10n_args('Email: %s', $admin_mail), get_l10n_args('', ''), get_l10n_args('Don\'t hesitate to consult our forums for any help: %s', PHPWG_URL));
            pwg_mail($admin_mail, array('subject' => l10n('Just another Piwigo gallery'), 'content' => l10n_args($keyargs_content), 'content_format' => 'text/plain'));
if (count($errors) != 0) {
    $template->assign('errors', $errors);
if (count($infos) != 0) {
    $template->assign('infos', $infos);
//----------------------------------------------------------- html code display
Esempio n. 3
 * Creates a new user.
 * @param string $login
 * @param string $password
 * @param string $mail_adress
 * @param bool $notify_admin
 * @param array &$errors populated with error messages
 * @param bool $notify_user
 * @return int|false user id or false
function register_user($login, $password, $mail_address, $notify_admin = true, &$errors = array(), $notify_user = false)
    global $conf;
    if ($login == '') {
        $errors[] = l10n('Please, enter a login');
    if (preg_match('/^.* $/', $login)) {
        $errors[] = l10n('login mustn\'t end with a space character');
    if (preg_match('/^ .*$/', $login)) {
        $errors[] = l10n('login mustn\'t start with a space character');
    if (get_userid($login)) {
        $errors[] = l10n('this login is already used');
    if ($login != strip_tags($login)) {
        $errors[] = l10n('html tags are not allowed in login');
    $mail_error = validate_mail_address(null, $mail_address);
    if ('' != $mail_error) {
        $errors[] = $mail_error;
    if ($conf['insensitive_case_logon'] == true) {
        $login_error = validate_login_case($login);
        if ($login_error != '') {
            $errors[] = $login_error;
    $errors = trigger_change('register_user_check', $errors, array('username' => $login, 'password' => $password, 'email' => $mail_address));
    // if no error until here, registration of the user
    if (count($errors) == 0) {
        $insert = array($conf['user_fields']['username'] => pwg_db_real_escape_string($login), $conf['user_fields']['password'] => $conf['password_hash']($password), $conf['user_fields']['email'] => $mail_address);
        single_insert(USERS_TABLE, $insert);
        $user_id = pwg_db_insert_id();
        // Assign by default groups
        $query = '
  WHERE is_default = \'' . boolean_to_string(true) . '\'
        $result = pwg_query($query);
        $inserts = array();
        while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
            $inserts[] = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'group_id' => $row['id']);
        if (count($inserts) != 0) {
            mass_inserts(USER_GROUP_TABLE, array('user_id', 'group_id'), $inserts);
        $override = array();
        if ($language = get_browser_language()) {
            $override['language'] = $language;
        create_user_infos($user_id, $override);
        if ($notify_admin and $conf['email_admin_on_new_user']) {
            include_once PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/';
            $admin_url = get_absolute_root_url() . 'admin.php?page=user_list&username='******'User: %s', stripslashes($login)), get_l10n_args('Email: %s', $mail_address), get_l10n_args(''), get_l10n_args('Admin: %s', $admin_url));
            pwg_mail_notification_admins(get_l10n_args('Registration of %s', stripslashes($login)), $keyargs_content);
        if ($notify_user and email_check_format($mail_address)) {
            include_once PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/';
            $keyargs_content = array(get_l10n_args('Hello %s,', stripslashes($login)), get_l10n_args('Thank you for registering at %s!', $conf['gallery_title']), get_l10n_args('', ''), get_l10n_args('Here are your connection settings', ''), get_l10n_args('', ''), get_l10n_args('Link: %s', get_absolute_root_url()), get_l10n_args('Username: %s', stripslashes($login)), get_l10n_args('Password: %s', stripslashes($password)), get_l10n_args('Email: %s', $mail_address), get_l10n_args('', ''), get_l10n_args('If you think you\'ve received this email in error, please contact us at %s', get_webmaster_mail_address()));
            pwg_mail($mail_address, array('subject' => '[' . $conf['gallery_title'] . '] ' . l10n('Registration'), 'content' => l10n_args($keyargs_content), 'content_format' => 'text/plain'));
        trigger_notify('register_user', array('id' => $user_id, 'username' => $login, 'email' => $mail_address));
        return $user_id;
    } else {
        return false;
Esempio n. 4
function save_profile_from_post($userdata, &$errors)
    global $conf, $page;
    $errors = array();
    if (!isset($_POST['validate'])) {
        return false;
    $special_user = in_array($userdata['id'], array($conf['guest_id'], $conf['default_user_id']));
    if ($special_user) {
        unset($_POST['username'], $_POST['mail_address'], $_POST['password'], $_POST['use_new_pwd'], $_POST['passwordConf'], $_POST['theme'], $_POST['language']);
        $_POST['theme'] = get_default_theme();
        $_POST['language'] = get_default_language();
    if (!defined('IN_ADMIN')) {
    if ($conf['allow_user_customization'] or defined('IN_ADMIN')) {
        $int_pattern = '/^\\d+$/';
        if (empty($_POST['nb_image_page']) or !preg_match($int_pattern, $_POST['nb_image_page'])) {
            $errors[] = l10n('The number of photos per page must be a not null scalar');
        // periods must be integer values, they represents number of days
        if (!preg_match($int_pattern, $_POST['recent_period']) or $_POST['recent_period'] < 0) {
            $errors[] = l10n('Recent period must be a positive integer value');
        if (!in_array($_POST['language'], array_keys(get_languages()))) {
            die('Hacking attempt, incorrect language value');
        if (!in_array($_POST['theme'], array_keys(get_pwg_themes()))) {
            die('Hacking attempt, incorrect theme value');
    if (isset($_POST['mail_address'])) {
        // if $_POST and $userdata have are same email
        // validate_mail_address allows, however, to check email
        $mail_error = validate_mail_address($userdata['id'], $_POST['mail_address']);
        if (!empty($mail_error)) {
            $errors[] = $mail_error;
    if (!empty($_POST['use_new_pwd'])) {
        // password must be the same as its confirmation
        if ($_POST['use_new_pwd'] != $_POST['passwordConf']) {
            $errors[] = l10n('The passwords do not match');
        if (!defined('IN_ADMIN')) {
            // changing password requires old password
            $query = '
  SELECT ' . $conf['user_fields']['password'] . ' AS password
    FROM ' . USERS_TABLE . '
    WHERE ' . $conf['user_fields']['id'] . ' = \'' . $userdata['id'] . '\'
            list($current_password) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query));
            if (!$conf['password_verify']($_POST['password'], $current_password)) {
                $errors[] = l10n('Current password is wrong');
    if (count($errors) == 0) {
        // mass_updates function
        include_once PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'admin/include/functions.php';
        if (isset($_POST['mail_address'])) {
            // update common user informations
            $fields = array($conf['user_fields']['email']);
            $data = array();
            $data[$conf['user_fields']['id']] = $userdata['id'];
            $data[$conf['user_fields']['email']] = $_POST['mail_address'];
            // password is updated only if filled
            if (!empty($_POST['use_new_pwd'])) {
                $fields[] = $conf['user_fields']['password'];
                // password is hashed with function $conf['password_hash']
                $data[$conf['user_fields']['password']] = $conf['password_hash']($_POST['use_new_pwd']);
            // username is updated only if allowed
            if (!empty($_POST['username'])) {
                if ($_POST['username'] != $userdata['username'] and get_userid($_POST['username'])) {
                    $page['errors'][] = l10n('this login is already used');
                } else {
                    $fields[] = $conf['user_fields']['username'];
                    $data[$conf['user_fields']['username']] = $_POST['username'];
                    // send email to the user
                    if ($_POST['username'] != $userdata['username']) {
                        include_once PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/';
                        $keyargs_content = array(get_l10n_args('Hello', ''), get_l10n_args('Your username has been successfully changed to : %s', $_POST['username']));
                        pwg_mail($_POST['mail_address'], array('subject' => '[' . $conf['gallery_title'] . '] ' . l10n('Username modification'), 'content' => l10n_args($keyargs_content), 'content_format' => 'text/plain'));
            mass_updates(USERS_TABLE, array('primary' => array($conf['user_fields']['id']), 'update' => $fields), array($data));
        if ($conf['allow_user_customization'] or defined('IN_ADMIN')) {
            // update user "additional" informations (specific to Piwigo)
            $fields = array('nb_image_page', 'language', 'expand', 'show_nb_hits', 'recent_period', 'theme');
            if ($conf['activate_comments']) {
                $fields[] = 'show_nb_comments';
            $data = array();
            $data['user_id'] = $userdata['id'];
            foreach ($fields as $field) {
                if (isset($_POST[$field])) {
                    $data[$field] = $_POST[$field];
            mass_updates(USER_INFOS_TABLE, array('primary' => array('user_id'), 'update' => $fields), array($data));
        trigger_notify('save_profile_from_post', $userdata['id']);
        if (!empty($_POST['redirect'])) {
    return true;
Esempio n. 5
 * @deprecated 2.6
function pwg_send_mail($result, $to, $subject, $content, $headers)
    if (is_admin()) {
        trigger_error('pwg_send_mail function is deprecated', E_USER_NOTICE);
    if (!$result) {
        return pwg_mail($to, array('content' => $content, 'subject' => $subject));
    } else {
        return $result;
function do_subscribe_unsubscribe_notification_by_mail($is_admin_request, $is_subscribe = false, $check_key_list = array())
    global $conf, $page, $env_nbm, $conf;
    $check_key_treated = array();
    $updated_data_count = 0;
    $error_on_updated_data_count = 0;
    if ($is_subscribe) {
        $msg_info = l10n('User %s [%s] was added to the subscription list.');
        $msg_error = l10n('User %s [%s] was not added to the subscription list.');
    } else {
        $msg_info = l10n('User %s [%s] was removed from the subscription list.');
        $msg_error = l10n('User %s [%s] was not removed from the subscription list.');
    if (count($check_key_list) != 0) {
        $updates = array();
        $enabled_value = boolean_to_string($is_subscribe);
        $data_users = get_user_notifications('subscribe', $check_key_list, !$is_subscribe);
        // Prepare message after change language
        $msg_break_timeout = l10n('Time to send mail is limited. Others mails are skipped.');
        // Begin nbm users environment
        foreach ($data_users as $nbm_user) {
            if (check_sendmail_timeout()) {
                // Stop fill list on 'send', if the quota is override
                $page['errors'][] = $msg_break_timeout;
            // Fill return list
            $check_key_treated[] = $nbm_user['check_key'];
            $do_update = true;
            if ($nbm_user['mail_address'] != '') {
                // set env nbm user
                set_user_on_env_nbm($nbm_user, true);
                $subject = '[' . $conf['gallery_title'] . '] ' . ($is_subscribe ? l10n('Subscribe to notification by mail') : l10n('Unsubscribe from notification by mail'));
                // Assign current var for nbm mail
                $section_action_by = $is_subscribe ? 'subscribe_by_' : 'unsubscribe_by_';
                $section_action_by .= $is_admin_request ? 'admin' : 'himself';
                $env_nbm['mail_template']->assign(array($section_action_by => true, 'GOTO_GALLERY_TITLE' => $conf['gallery_title'], 'GOTO_GALLERY_URL' => get_gallery_home_url()));
                $ret = pwg_mail(array('name' => stripslashes($nbm_user['username']), 'email' => $nbm_user['mail_address']), array('from' => $env_nbm['send_as_mail_formated'], 'subject' => $subject, 'email_format' => $env_nbm['email_format'], 'content' => $env_nbm['mail_template']->parse('notification_by_mail', true), 'content_format' => $env_nbm['email_format']));
                if ($ret) {
                } else {
                    $do_update = false;
                // unset env nbm user
            if ($do_update) {
                $updates[] = array('check_key' => $nbm_user['check_key'], 'enabled' => $enabled_value);
                $updated_data_count += 1;
                $page['infos'][] = sprintf($msg_info, stripslashes($nbm_user['username']), $nbm_user['mail_address']);
            } else {
                $error_on_updated_data_count += 1;
                $page['errors'][] = sprintf($msg_error, stripslashes($nbm_user['username']), $nbm_user['mail_address']);
        // Restore nbm environment
        mass_updates(USER_MAIL_NOTIFICATION_TABLE, array('primary' => array('check_key'), 'update' => array('enabled')), $updates);
    $page['infos'][] = l10n_dec('%d user was updated.', '%d users were updated.', $updated_data_count);
    if ($error_on_updated_data_count != 0) {
        $page['errors'][] = l10n_dec('%d user was not updated.', '%d users were not updated.', $error_on_updated_data_count);
    return $check_key_treated;
Esempio n. 7
        foreach ($users as $u) {
            $usernames[] = $u['username'];
            $authkey = create_user_auth_key($u['user_id'], $u['status']);
            $user_tpl = $tpl;
            if ($authkey !== false) {
                $user_tpl['assign']['LINK'] = add_url_params($tpl['assign']['LINK'], array('auth' => $authkey['auth_key']));
                if (isset($user_tpl['assign']['IMG']['link'])) {
                    $user_tpl['assign']['IMG']['link'] = add_url_params($user_tpl['assign']['IMG']['link'], array('auth' => $authkey['auth_key']));
            $user_args = $args;
            if (isset($authkey)) {
                $user_args['auth_key'] = $authkey['auth_key'];
            pwg_mail($u['email'], $user_args, $user_tpl);
        $message = l10n_dec('%d mail was sent.', '%d mails were sent.', count($users));
        $message .= ' (' . implode(', ', $usernames) . ')';
        $page['infos'][] = $message;
    } elseif ('group' == $_POST['who'] and !empty($_POST['group'])) {
        check_input_parameter('group', $_POST, false, PATTERN_ID);
        pwg_mail_group($_POST['group'], $args, $tpl);
        $query = '
  WHERE id = ' . $_POST['group'] . '
        list($group_name) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query));
Esempio n. 8
function do_action_send_mail_notification($action = 'list_to_send', $check_key_list = array(), $customize_mail_content = '')
    global $conf, $page, $user, $lang_info, $lang, $env_nbm;
    $return_list = array();
    if (in_array($action, array('list_to_send', 'send'))) {
        list($dbnow) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query('SELECT NOW();'));
        $is_action_send = $action == 'send';
        // disabled and null mail_address are not selected in the list
        $data_users = get_user_notifications('send', $check_key_list);
        // List all if it's define on options or on timeout
        $is_list_all_without_test = ($env_nbm['is_sendmail_timeout'] or $conf['nbm_list_all_enabled_users_to_send']);
        // Check if exist news to list user or send mails
        if (!$is_list_all_without_test or $is_action_send) {
            if (count($data_users) > 0) {
                $datas = array();
                if (!isset($customize_mail_content)) {
                    $customize_mail_content = $conf['nbm_complementary_mail_content'];
                $customize_mail_content = trigger_change('nbm_render_global_customize_mail_content', $customize_mail_content);
                // Prepare message after change language
                if ($is_action_send) {
                    $msg_break_timeout = l10n('Time to send mail is limited. Others mails are skipped.');
                } else {
                    $msg_break_timeout = l10n('Prepared time for list of users to send mail is limited. Others users are not listed.');
                // Begin nbm users environment
                foreach ($data_users as $nbm_user) {
                    if (!$is_action_send and check_sendmail_timeout()) {
                        // Stop fill list on 'list_to_send', if the quota is override
                        $page['infos'][] = $msg_break_timeout;
                    if ($is_action_send and check_sendmail_timeout()) {
                        // Stop fill list on 'send', if the quota is override
                        $page['errors'][] = $msg_break_timeout;
                    // set env nbm user
                    set_user_on_env_nbm($nbm_user, $is_action_send);
                    if ($is_action_send) {
                        $auth = null;
                        $add_url_params = array();
                        $auth_key = create_user_auth_key($nbm_user['user_id'], $nbm_user['status']);
                        if ($auth_key !== false) {
                            $auth = $auth_key['auth_key'];
                            $add_url_params['auth'] = $auth;
                        // Fill return list of "treated" check_key for 'send'
                        $return_list[] = $nbm_user['check_key'];
                        if ($conf['nbm_send_detailed_content']) {
                            $news = news($nbm_user['last_send'], $dbnow, false, $conf['nbm_send_html_mail'], $auth);
                            $exist_data = count($news) > 0;
                        } else {
                            $exist_data = news_exists($nbm_user['last_send'], $dbnow);
                        if ($exist_data) {
                            $subject = '[' . $conf['gallery_title'] . '] ' . l10n('New photos added');
                            // Assign current var for nbm mail
                            if (!is_null($nbm_user['last_send'])) {
                                $env_nbm['mail_template']->assign('content_new_elements_between', array('DATE_BETWEEN_1' => $nbm_user['last_send'], 'DATE_BETWEEN_2' => $dbnow));
                            } else {
                                $env_nbm['mail_template']->assign('content_new_elements_single', array('DATE_SINGLE' => $dbnow));
                            if ($conf['nbm_send_detailed_content']) {
                                $env_nbm['mail_template']->assign('global_new_lines', $news);
                            $nbm_user_customize_mail_content = trigger_change('nbm_render_user_customize_mail_content', $customize_mail_content, $nbm_user);
                            if (!empty($nbm_user_customize_mail_content)) {
                                $env_nbm['mail_template']->assign('custom_mail_content', $nbm_user_customize_mail_content);
                            if ($conf['nbm_send_html_mail'] and $conf['nbm_send_recent_post_dates']) {
                                $recent_post_dates = get_recent_post_dates_array($conf['recent_post_dates']['NBM']);
                                foreach ($recent_post_dates as $date_detail) {
                                    $env_nbm['mail_template']->append('recent_posts', array('TITLE' => get_title_recent_post_date($date_detail), 'HTML_DATA' => get_html_description_recent_post_date($date_detail, $auth)));
                            $env_nbm['mail_template']->assign(array('GOTO_GALLERY_TITLE' => $conf['gallery_title'], 'GOTO_GALLERY_URL' => add_url_params(get_gallery_home_url(), $add_url_params), 'SEND_AS_NAME' => $env_nbm['send_as_name']));
                            $ret = pwg_mail(array('name' => stripslashes($nbm_user['username']), 'email' => $nbm_user['mail_address']), array('from' => $env_nbm['send_as_mail_formated'], 'subject' => $subject, 'email_format' => $env_nbm['email_format'], 'content' => $env_nbm['mail_template']->parse('notification_by_mail', true), 'content_format' => $env_nbm['email_format'], 'auth_key' => $auth));
                            if ($ret) {
                                $datas[] = array('user_id' => $nbm_user['user_id'], 'last_send' => $dbnow);
                            } else {
                    } else {
                        if (news_exists($nbm_user['last_send'], $dbnow)) {
                            // Fill return list of "selected" users for 'list_to_send'
                            $return_list[] = $nbm_user;
                    // unset env nbm user
                // Restore nbm environment
                if ($is_action_send) {
                    mass_updates(USER_MAIL_NOTIFICATION_TABLE, array('primary' => array('user_id'), 'update' => array('last_send')), $datas);
            } else {
                if ($is_action_send) {
                    $page['errors'][] = l10n('No user to send notifications by mail.');
        } else {
            // Quick List, don't check news
            // Fill return list of "selected" users for 'list_to_send'
            $return_list = $data_users;
    // Return list of "selected" users for 'list_to_send'
    // Return list of "treated" check_key for 'send'
    return $return_list;
Esempio n. 9
function ws_pshare_share_create($params, &$service)
    global $conf, $user;
    if (!pshare_is_active()) {
        return new PwgError(401, "permission denied");
    $query = '
  WHERE id = ' . $params['image_id'] . '
    $images = query2array($query);
    if (count($images) == 0) {
        return new PwgError(404, "image not found");
    $image = $images[0];
    if (!pshare_is_photo_visible($params['image_id'])) {
        return new PwgError(401, "permissions denied");
    if (!email_check_format($params['email'])) {
        return new PwgError(WS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM, l10n('Invalid email address'));
    // TODO check the expires_in is in the defined list
    $query = '
    ADDDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL ' . $params['expires_in'] . ' DAY)
    list($now, $expire) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query));
    $key_uuid = pshare_get_key();
    single_insert(PSHARE_KEYS_TABLE, array('uuid' => $key_uuid, 'user_id' => $user['id'], 'image_id' => $params['image_id'], 'sent_to' => $params['email'], 'created_on' => $now, 'duration' => $params['expires_in'], 'expire_on' => $expire));
    $query = '
  WHERE uuid = \'' . $key_uuid . '\'
    $shares = query2array($query);
    if (count($shares) == 0) {
        return new PwgError(500, "share not created");
    $share = $shares[0];
    // Send the email
    include_once PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/';
    // force $conf['derivative_url_style'] to 2 (script) to make sure we
    // will use i.php?/upload and not _data/i/upload because you don't
    // know when the cache will be flushed
    $previous_derivative_url_style = $conf['derivative_url_style'];
    $conf['derivative_url_style'] = 2;
    $thumb_url = DerivativeImage::thumb_url(array('id' => $image['id'], 'path' => $image['path']));
    // restore configuration setting
    $conf['derivative_url_style'] = $previous_derivative_url_style;
    $link = get_absolute_root_url() . 'index.php?/pshare/' . $share['uuid'];
    $content = '<p style="text-align:center">';
    $content .= l10n('%s has shared a photo with you', $user['username']);
    $content .= '<br><br><a href="' . $link . '"><img src="' . $thumb_url . '"></a>';
    $content .= '<br><br><a href="' . $link . '">' . l10n('clic to view') . '</a>';
    $content .= '</p>';
    $subject = l10n('Photo shared');
    pwg_mail($params['email'], array('subject' => '[' . $conf['gallery_title'] . '] ' . $subject, 'mail_title' => $conf['gallery_title'], 'mail_subtitle' => $subject, 'content' => $content, 'content_format' => 'text/html'));
    return array('message' => l10n('Email sent to %s', $share['sent_to']));
Esempio n. 10
 * Function called from UAM_admin.php to send notification email when user registration have been manually validated by admin
 * @param : user id
function validation_mail($id)
    global $conf;
    $conf_UAM = unserialize($conf['UserAdvManager']);
    include_once PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/';
    $custom_txt = "";
    $subject = "";
    // We have to get the user's language in database
    // ----------------------------------------------
    $query = '
SELECT user_id, language
WHERE user_id = ' . $id . '
    $data = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query));
    // Check if user is already registered (profile changing) - If not (new registration), language is set to current gallery language
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (empty($data)) {
        // And switch gallery to this language before using personalized and multilangual contents
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        $language = pwg_get_session_var('lang_switch', $user['language']);
    } else {
        // And switch gallery to this language before using personalized and multilangual contents
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        $language = $data['language'];
        // Usefull for debugging
        load_language('plugin.lang', UAM_PATH);
    // Retreive users email and user name from id
    // ------------------------------------------
    $query = '
SELECT id, username, mail_address
WHERE id = ' . $id . '
    $result = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query));
        // Management of Extension flags ([username], [mygallery])
        // -------------------------------------------------------
        $patterns[] = '#\\[username\\]#i';
        $replacements[] = stripslashes($result['username']);
        $patterns[] = '#\\[mygallery\\]#i';
        $replacements[] = $conf['gallery_title'];
        if (function_exists('get_user_language_desc')) {
            $subject = get_user_language_desc(preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $conf_UAM['ADMINVALIDATIONMAIL_SUBJECT'])) . "\n\n";
        } else {
            $subject = l10n(preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $conf_UAM['ADMINVALIDATIONMAIL_SUBJECT'])) . "\n\n";
    if (isset($conf_UAM['ADMINVALIDATIONMAIL']) and !empty($conf_UAM['ADMINVALIDATIONMAIL'])) {
        // Management of Extension flags ([username], [mygallery], [myurl])
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------
        $patterns[] = '#\\[username\\]#i';
        $replacements[] = stripslashes($result['username']);
        $patterns[] = '#\\[mygallery\\]#i';
        $replacements[] = $conf['gallery_title'];
        $patterns[] = '#\\[myurl\\]#i';
        $replacements[] = get_gallery_home_url();
        if (function_exists('get_user_language_desc')) {
            $custom_txt = get_user_language_desc(preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $conf_UAM['ADMINVALIDATIONMAIL'])) . "\n\n";
        } else {
            $custom_txt = l10n(preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $conf_UAM['ADMINVALIDATIONMAIL'])) . "\n\n";
    $infos = array(get_l10n_args('UAM_User: %s', stripslashes($result['username'])), get_l10n_args('Email: %s', $result['mail_address']), get_l10n_args('', ''));
    // Sending the email with subject and contents
    // -------------------------------------------
    // Adding gallery URL at the end of the email
    if (isset($conf_UAM['ADD_GALLERY_URL_TO_EMAILS']) and $conf_UAM['ADD_GALLERY_URL_TO_EMAILS'] == 'true') {
        $content = l10n_args($infos) . "\n\n" . $custom_txt . get_absolute_root_url();
        pwg_mail(array('name' => stripslashes($result['username']), 'email' => $result['mail_address']), array('content' => $content, 'content_format' => 'text/plain', 'subject' => $subject));
        // Send a copy to admins
        if (isset($conf_UAM['EMAILS_COPY_TO_ADMINS']) and $conf_UAM['EMAILS_COPY_TO_ADMINS'] == 'true') {
            UAM_Copy2Admins($subject, $content);
    } elseif (isset($conf_UAM['ADD_GALLERY_URL_TO_EMAILS']) and $conf_UAM['ADD_GALLERY_URL_TO_EMAILS'] == 'false') {
        $content = l10n_args($infos) . "\n\n" . $custom_txt;
        pwg_mail(array('name' => stripslashes($result['username']), 'email' => $result['mail_address']), array('content' => $content, 'content_format' => 'text/plain', 'subject' => $subject));
        // Send a copy to admins
        if (isset($conf_UAM['EMAILS_COPY_TO_ADMINS']) and $conf_UAM['EMAILS_COPY_TO_ADMINS'] == 'true') {
            UAM_Copy2Admins($subject, $content);
    } else {
        $content = l10n_args($infos) . "\n\n" . $custom_txt;
        pwg_mail(array('name' => stripslashes($result['username']), 'email' => $result['mail_address']), array('content' => $content, 'content_format' => 'text/plain', 'subject' => $subject));
        // Send a copy to admins
        if (isset($conf_UAM['EMAILS_COPY_TO_ADMINS']) and $conf_UAM['EMAILS_COPY_TO_ADMINS'] == 'true') {
            UAM_Copy2Admins($subject, $content);
    // Switching back to default language
    // ----------------------------------
 * Add new registered user in Piwigo users table from audit/synch action
 * To solve password synch problem, passwords are reset to NULL to force users to get a new password on their profile page
 * Based on user_mass_register plugin (thx to plg!)
 * @return : $errors
function Synch_Piwigo_Adduser($fluxbb_id, $username, $password, $email)
    global $conf;
    load_language('plugin.lang', REGFLUXBB_PATH);
    $errors = register_user($username, $password, $email, false);
    if (empty($errors)) {
        include_once PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/';
        $keyargs_content = array(get_l10n_args('Hello %s,', $username), get_l10n_args('To synchronize your forum access with the gallery you have been registered at %s!', $conf['gallery_title']), get_l10n_args('', ''), get_l10n_args('Here are your connection settings', ''), get_l10n_args('Username: %s', $username), get_l10n_args('Password: %s', $password), get_l10n_args('Email: %s', $email), get_l10n_args('', ''), get_l10n_args('Please change your password at your first connexion on the gallery', ''), get_l10n_args('', ''), get_l10n_args('If you think you\'ve received this email in error, please contact us at %s', get_webmaster_mail_address()));
        pwg_mail($email, array('subject' => '[' . $conf['gallery_title'] . '] ' . l10n('Registration'), 'content' => l10n_args($keyargs_content), 'content_format' => 'text/plain'));
        $pwg_id = get_userid($username);
        FluxBB_Linkuser($pwg_id, $fluxbb_id, "NOK");
    return $errors;