<?php !defined('W_P') && exit('Forbidden'); InitGP(array('page', 'fid', 'type', 'wind_action', 'wind_pwd')); $fid = (int) $fid; $page = (int) $page; $page < 1 && ($page = 1); $page > 500 && ($page = 500); $thisp = 0; $forumName = $db_bbsname; if (empty($fid) && empty($type)) { //我的书签 $wapfids = pwGetShortcut(); if (empty($wapfids) && $db_wapfids) { $tmpwapfids = explode(',', $db_wapfids); foreach ($tmpwapfids as $val) { $wapfids[$val] = wap_cv(strip_tags($forum[$val]['name'])); } } wap_header(); require_once PrintWAP('forum'); wap_footer(); } if ($fid) { $foruminfo = L::forum($fid); !$foruminfo && wap_msg('data_error'); $foruminfo['type'] == 'category' && wap_msg('forum_category', 'index.php?a=list&fid=' . $fid); $rt = $db->get_one("SELECT fd.topic,fd.top1,fd.top2,fd.lastpost,fd.aid,fd.aids,fd.aidcache,fd.tpost,fd.topic,fd.article ,a.ifconvert,a.author,a.startdate,a.enddate,a.subject,a.content,fd.topthreads FROM pw_forumdata fd LEFT JOIN pw_announce a ON fd.aid=a.aid WHERE fd.fid=" . pwEscape($fid)); $rt && ($foruminfo += $rt); #版块信息合并 $forumset = $foruminfo['forumset'];
} */ $spaceurl = $baseUrl; $a = ''; $userdb = $db->get_one("SELECT index_privacy FROM pw_ouserdata WHERE uid=" . pwEscape($u)); list($isU, $privacy) = pwUserPrivacy($u, $userdb); if ($groupid == 3 || $isU == 2 || $isU != 2 && $privacy['index']) { $SpaceShow = 1; } if (!$SpaceShow) { Showmsg('mode_o_index_right'); } } include_once D_P . 'data/bbscache/forum_cache.php'; $fids = trim(getSpecialFid() . ",'0'", ','); $shortcutforum = pwGetShortcut(); $force = $where = ''; $article = array(); $ordertype = 'postdate'; if ($a == 'friend') { $thisbase = $basename . 'a=friend&'; if ($friends = getFriends($winduid)) { $uids = array_keys($friends); !empty($fids) && ($where .= "fid NOT IN({$fids}) AND "); $where .= "authorid IN(" . pwImplode($uids) . ") AND ifcheck=1 AND ifhide=0 AND anonymous=0"; $where .= " AND postdate>" . pwEscape($timglimit); } else { //require_once(M_P.'require/header.php'); //require_once PrintEot('m_article'); //footer(); list($isheader, $isfooter, $tplname, $isleft) = array(true, true, "m_article", true);