<?php # # (c) C4G, Santosh Vempala, Ruban Monu and Amol Shintre # Main page for starting patient lookup # 1st step of specimen registration # include "redirect.php"; include "includes/header.php"; LangUtil::setPageId("doctor_register"); putUILog('doctor_register', 'X', basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".php"), 'X', 'X', 'X'); $script_elems->enableDatePicker(); $script_elems->enableJQueryForm(); $lab_config = get_lab_config_by_id($_SESSION['lab_config_id']); ?> <script type='text/javascript'> $(document).ready(function() { $('#psearch_progress_spinner').hide(); $('#add_anyway_link').attr("href", "new_patient.php"); $('#pq').focus(); $('#p_attrib').change(function() { $('#pq').focus(); }); }); function restrictCharacters(e) { var alphabets = /[A-Za-z]/g; var numbers = /[0-9]/g; var specialCharacter = /[_&.]/g; if(!e) var e = window.event;
<?php # # Main page for showing specimen info # include "redirect.php"; include "includes/header.php"; LangUtil::setPageId("specimen_info"); $script_elems->enableJQueryForm(); $script_elems->enableJQueryValidate(); $script_elems->enableTableSorter(); $script_elems->enableLatencyRecord(); $script_elems->enableTokenInput(); putUILog('specimen_info', 'X', basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".php"), 'X', 'X', 'X'); $sid = $_REQUEST['sid']; $isTestDel = $_REQUEST['del']; ?> <script type='text/javascript'> function submit_forms(specimen_id) { var form_id_csv = $('#form_id_list').attr("value"); var form_id_list = form_id_csv.split(","); //result_cancel_link').hide(); $('.result_progress_spinner').show(); //var target_div_id = "fetched_specimen"; var target_div_id = "result_form_pane_"+specimen_id; for(var i = 0; i < form_id_list.length; i++) { if($('#'+form_id_list[i]+'_skip').is(':checked'))
<?php include "redirect.php"; include "../includes/db_lib.php"; putUILog('update_reagent', 'X', basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".php"), 'X', 'X', 'X'); $lid = $_REQUEST['lid']; $r_id = $_REQUEST['r_id']; $reagent = $_REQUEST['reagent']; $unit = $_REQUEST['unit']; $remarks = $_REQUEST['remarks']; Inventory::updateReagent($lid, $r_id, $reagent, $unit, $remarks); header('Location: ../view_stock.php');
<?php include "redirect.php"; include "../includes/db_lib.php"; putUILog('backup_data', 'X', basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".php"), 'X', 'X', 'X'); if ($SERVER == $ON_ARC) { # System on arc2 server: Do not allow backup option echo "Sorry, data backup option is not available in online version."; } $lab_config_id = $_REQUEST['labConfigId']; $backupType = $_REQUEST['backupTypeSelect']; $keyLocation = "../tmpPublicKey.pem"; if ($_REQUEST['keyType'] == "uploaded") { if (move_uploaded_file($_FILES["publicKey"]["tmp_name"], $keyLocation)) { echo "succeeded!"; } else { echo "fail"; } $publicKey = file_get_contents($keyLocation); } else { $publicKey = file_get_contents("public.pem"); } $file_list1 = array(); $file_list2 = array(); $file_list3 = array(); $file_list4 = array(); $currentDir = getcwd(); $mainBlisDir = substr($currentDir, $length, strpos($currentDir, "htdocs")); $mysqldumpPath = "\"" . $mainBlisDir . "server\\mysql\\bin\\mysqldump.exe\""; $dbname = "blis_" . $lab_config_id; $backupLabDbFileName = "blis_" . $lab_config_id . "_backup.sql";
<?php # # Adds a new test type to catalog in DB # include "redirect.php"; include "includes/header.php"; include "includes/stats_lib.php"; include "lang/lang_xml2php.php"; LangUtil::setPageId("stocks"); $script_elems->enableFlotBasic(); $script_elems->enableFlipV(); $script_elems->enableTableSorter(); putUILog('stock_list', 'X', basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".php"), 'X', 'X', 'X'); ?> <script type='text/javascript'> $(document).ready(function(){ $('#current_inventory').tablesorter(); }); </script> <a href='lab_config_home.php?id=<?php echo $lab_config_id; ?> '>« <?php echo LangUtil::$generalTerms['CMD_BACK']; ?> </a> | <b> <?php echo LangUtil::$pageTerms['Current_Inventory'];
url = url + '&rem=' + rem; var div_name = 'resultset'+sno; var html_content = "<div id='"+div_name+"'</div>"; //$('#data_table').html(html_content); $('#data_table').load(url); } </script> <?php /* $q = addslashes($name); $q = mysql_escape_string($name); $q = str_ireplace("<script>", "<script>", $name); $q = strip_tags($q); */ $uiinfo = "op=" . $_REQUEST['a'] . "&qr=" . $_REQUEST['q']; putUILog('search_p', $uiinfo, basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".php"), 'X', 'X', 'X'); ?> <div id="rcap" style="display: none;"><?php echo $rcap; ?> </div> <div id="page" style="display: none;">1</div> <div id="mpage" style="display: none;">1</div> <div id="rem" style="display: none;"></div> <div id="tot" style="display: none;"></div> <font color="grey"><small><div id="result_counts" style="float: right; padding-right: 16px">0 results</div></small></font> <font color="grey"><small><div id="page_counts" style="float: right; padding-right: 16px">1/1 Page</div></small></font> <br>
# # Returns list of patients matched with list of pending specimens # Called via Ajax form result_entry.php # include "../includes/db_lib.php"; include "../includes/user_lib.php"; LangUtil::setPageId("results_entry"); $attrib_value = $_REQUEST['labSectionId']; $dynamic = 1; $search_settings = get_lab_config_settings_search(); $rcap = $search_settings['results_per_page']; //echo "Max results per page : ".$rcap; $lab_config = LabConfig::getById($_SESSION['lab_config_id']); $uiinfo = "labSectionId=" . $_REQUEST['labSectionId']; putUILog('result_entry_patient_lab_section', $uiinfo, basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".php"), 'X', 'X', 'X'); ?> <style type="text/css"> .prev_link{ position: relative; float: left; } .next_link{ position: relative; float: right; } .customers { font-family:"Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; width:100%; border-collapse:collapse;
$addl_id = $_REQUEST['addl_id']; $name = ucwords(strtolower($_REQUEST['name'])); $age = $_REQUEST['age']; $age_param = $_REQUEST['agep']; $receipt_yyyy = $_REQUEST['receipt_yyyy']; $receipt_mm = $_REQUEST['receipt_mm']; $receipt_dd = $_REQUEST['receipt_dd']; $date_receipt = trim($_REQUEST['receipt_yyyy']) . "-" . trim($_REQUEST['receipt_mm']) . "-" . trim($_REQUEST['receipt_dd']) . " 00:00:00"; //mktime(0, 0, 0, $receipt_mm, $receipt_dd, $receipt_yyyy); $pid = $_REQUEST['pid']; # Surrogate key # Check partial DOB flags $dob = ""; $partial_dob = ""; $uiinfo = "agep=" . $age_param; putUILog('patient_add', $uiinfo, basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".php"), 'X', 'X', 'X'); if (trim($_REQUEST['yyyy']) == "" && trim($_REQUEST['mm']) == "" && trim($_REQUEST['dd']) == "") { # Only age specified # Set year in partial_dob field to auto-update age value in the future $today = date("Y-m-d"); $today_parts = explode("-", $today); # Find year of birth based on supplied age value if ($age_param == 2) { # Age was specified in months $timestamp = mktime(0, 0, 0, $today_parts[1] - $age, $today_parts[2], $today_parts[0]); $year = date("Y", $timestamp); $month = date("m", $timestamp); $day = date("d", $timestamp); $dob = ""; $partial_dob = $year . "-" . $month . "-" . $day; } else {
<?php # # Creates printable report for specimen log # Showing all operations on that specimen # include "redirect.php"; include "includes/db_lib.php"; LangUtil::setPageId("reports"); $lab_config_id = $_REQUEST['location']; DbUtil::switchToLabConfig($lab_config_id); $lab_config = get_lab_config_by_id($lab_config_id); $specimen_id = $_REQUEST['specimen_id']; $specimen = get_specimen_by_id($specimen_id); putUILog('reports_specimenlog', 'X', basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".php"), 'X', 'X', 'X'); ?> <script type='text/javascript'> function print_content(div_id) { var DocumentContainer = document.getElementById(div_id); var WindowObject = window.open("", "PrintWindow", "toolbars=no,scrollbars=yes,status=no,resizable=yes"); WindowObject.document.writeln(DocumentContainer.innerHTML); WindowObject.document.close(); WindowObject.focus(); WindowObject.print(); WindowObject.close(); //javascript:window.print(); } </script> <input type='hidden' name='data' value='' id='word_data' /> <input type='button' onclick="javascript:print_content('report_content');" value='<?php
<?php include "redirect.php"; include "includes/header.php"; include "barcode_lib.php"; $barcodeSettings = get_lab_config_settings_barcode(); // print_r($barcodeSettings); $code_type = $barcodeSettings['type']; //"code39"; $bar_width = $barcodeSettings['width']; //2; $bar_height = $barcodeSettings['height']; //40; $font_size = $barcodeSettings['textsize']; //11; putUILog('generate_barcode', '-', basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".php"), 'X', 'X', 'X'); ?> <style> .remove { position: relative; float: left; } .barcodes { } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ });
# include "redirect.php"; include "includes/db_lib.php"; include "includes/user_lib.php"; include "includes/page_elems.php"; include "includes/script_elems.php"; include "includes/stats_lib.php"; include "lang/lang_xml2php.php"; include "users/accesslist.php"; LangUtil::setPageId("stocks"); $script_elems = new ScriptElems(); $page_elems = new PageElems(); $view_update = 1; $view_add = 1; $view_edit = 0; putUILog('view_stocks', 'X', basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".php"), 'X', 'X', 'X'); if (is_admin(get_user_by_id($_SESSION['user_id']))) { $view_edit = 1; //header( 'Location: home.php' ); } $script_elems->enableFlotBasic(); $script_elems->enableFlipV(); $script_elems->enableTableSorter(); $lid = $_SESSION['$lab_config_id']; ?> <script type='text/javascript'> $(document).ready(function(){ $('#current_inventory').tablesorter(); });
include "includes/db_lib.php"; include "includes/script_elems.php"; include "includes/page_elems.php"; include "includes/user_lib.php"; LangUtil::setPageId("reports"); $page_elems = new PageElems(); $script_elems = new ScriptElems(); $script_elems->enableJquery(); $script_elems->enableTableSorter(); $script_elems->enableDragTable(); $date_from = $_REQUEST['yf'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['mf'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['df']; $date_to = $_REQUEST['yt'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['mt'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['dt']; $lab_config_id = $_REQUEST['l']; $lab_section = $_REQUEST['labsec']; $uiinfo = "from=" . $date_from . "&to=" . $date_to; putUILog('daily_log_patients', $uiinfo, basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".php"), 'X', 'X', 'X'); $lab_config = get_lab_config_by_id($lab_config_id); $saved_db = DbUtil::switchToLabConfig($lab_config_id); //$patient_list = Patient::getByAddDate($date_from); //$patient_list = Patient::getByAddDateRange($date_from, $date_to); $patient_list = Patient::getReportedByRegDateRange($date_from, $date_to, $lab_section); $patient_list_U = Patient::getUnReportedByRegDateRange($date_from, $date_to, $lab_section); $lab_section_name = getTestCatName_by_cat_id($lab_config_id, $lab_section); //$patient_list = Patient::getByRegDateRange($date_from, $date_to); DbUtil::switchRestore($saved_db); $report_id = $REPORT_ID_ARRAY['reports_dailypatients.php']; $report_config = $lab_config->getReportConfig($report_id); $margin_list = $report_config->margins; $user = get_user_by_id($_SESSION['user_id']); for ($i = 0; $i < count($margin_list); $i++) { $margin_list[$i] = $SCREEN_WIDTH * $margin_list[$i] / 100;
<?php # # Main page for showing patient profile, test history, # and options like updating profile, registering new specimen # include "redirect.php"; include "includes/header.php"; include "barcode/barcode_lib.php"; LangUtil::setPageId("patient_profile"); putUILog('patient_profile', 'X', basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".php"), 'X', 'X', 'X'); $pid = $_REQUEST['pid']; $isSpecDel = $_REQUEST['del']; $isUpdate = $_REQUEST['update']; $script_elems->enableJQueryForm(); $script_elems->enableDatePicker(); $script_elems->enableTableSorter(); $script_elems->enableLatencyRecord(); $barcodeSettings = get_lab_config_settings_barcode(); // print_r($barcodeSettings); $code_type = $barcodeSettings['type']; //"code39"; $bar_width = $barcodeSettings['width']; //2; $bar_height = $barcodeSettings['height']; //40; $font_size = $barcodeSettings['textsize']; //11; ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="facebox/facebox.js"></script> <script type='text/javascript'>
| <a href="javascript:toggle_stat_table();" id='showtablelink'><?php echo LangUtil::$pageTerms['MSG_SHOWGRAPH']; ?> </a> | <a href='reports.php?show_p'>« <?php echo LangUtil::$pageTerms['MSG_BACKTOREPORTS']; ?> </a> <br><br> <?php $lab_config_id = array($_REQUEST['location']); $summary_type = $_REQUEST['summary_type']; $date_from = $_REQUEST['yyyy_from'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['mm_from'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['dd_from']; $date_to = $_REQUEST['yyyy_to'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['mm_to'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['dd_to']; $uiinfo = "from=" . $date_from . "&to=" . $date_to; putUILog('reports_infection', $uiinfo, basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".php"), 'X', 'X', 'X'); $test_type_id = 0; $lab_config = get_lab_config_by_id($lab_config_id[0]); if ($lab_config == null) { ?> <div class='sidetip_nopos'> <?php echo LangUtil::$generalTerms['MSG_NOTFOUND']; ?> </div> <?php return; } DbUtil::switchToLabConfig($lab_config_id); # Cumulative summary $stat_list = array();
<?php # # Adds a new test type to catalog in DB # include "redirect.php"; include "includes/db_lib.php"; include "lang/lang_xml2php.php"; putUILog('test_type_add', 'X', basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".php"), 'X', 'X', 'X'); $test_name = $_REQUEST['test_name']; $cat_code = $_REQUEST['cat_code']; $hide_patient_name = $_REQUEST['hidePatientName']; $prevalenceThreshold = $_REQUEST['prevalenceThreshold']; $targetTat = $_REQUEST['targetTat']; if (is_billing_enabled($_SESSION['lab_config_id'])) { $cost_cents_initial = $_REQUEST['cost_to_patient_cents']; $cost_cents = $cost_cents_initial / pow(10, strlen($cost_cents_initial)); $newCostToPatient = $_REQUEST['cost_to_patient_dollars'] + $cost_cents; } if ($cat_code == -1) { # Add new test category to catalog $new_cat_name = $_REQUEST['new_category']; $new_cat_id = add_test_category($new_cat_name); $cat_code = $new_cat_id; } $test_descr = $_REQUEST['test_descr']; $test_clinical_data = $_REQUEST['clinical_data']; # Check test type (panel or normal) $reference_ranges_list = array(); $added_measures_list = array(); $added_submeasures_list = array();
<?php include "redirect.php"; include "includes/db_lib.php"; include "includes/script_elems.php"; include "includes/page_elems.php"; include "includes/header.php"; LangUtil::setPageId("reports"); $script_elems->enableFlotBasic(); $script_elems->enableFlipV(); $script_elems->enableTableSorter(); $lab_config_id = $_SESSION['lab_config_id']; $pid = $_REQUEST['pid']; $cn = 1; $remarks_var = "remarks"; putUILog('retrieve_specimens', 'X', basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".php"), 'X', 'X', 'X'); //$specimen_del= array(); //$specimen_del = explode(",",$_REQUEST['specimen_array']); $specimen_list = get_specimens_by_patient_id($pid); $rem_recs = get_removed_specimens($_SESSION['lab_config_id'], "specimen"); $rem_specs = array(); $rem_remarks = array(); foreach ($rem_recs as $rem_rec) { $rem_specs[] = $rem_rec['r_id']; $rem_remarks[] = $rem_rec['remarks']; } ?> <a href='select_test_profile.php?pid=<?php echo $pid; ?>
<?php include "redirect.php"; include "includes/header.php"; LangUtil::setPageId("reports"); putUILog('reports', 'X', basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".php"), 'X', 'X', 'X'); $script_elems->enableDatePicker(); $script_elems->enableJQueryForm(); $script_elems->enableTableSorter(); db_get_current(); ?> <div class='reports_subdiv_help' id='reports_div_help' style='display:none'> <?php $tips_string = ""; $page_elems->getSideTip(LangUtil::$generalTerms['TIPS'], $tips_string); ?> </div> <div class='reports_subdiv_help' id='summary_div_help' style='display:none'> <?php //Prevelance Rate $tips_string = "Select the date range to view the infection graph and prevalence rates."; $page_elems->getSideTip(LangUtil::$generalTerms['TIPS'], $tips_string); ?> </div> <div class='reports_subdiv_help' id='session_report_div_help2' style='display:none'> <?php $tips_string = LangUtil::$pageTerms['TIPS_SPECIMEN']; $page_elems->getSideTip(LangUtil::$generalTerms['TIPS'], $tips_string); ?> </div>
# Admin Stock Management Page to add new stock # Sneds POST request to stock_details.php # include "../users/accesslist.php"; /*if( !(isAdmin(get_user_by_id($_SESSION['user_id'])) && in_array(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), $adminPageList)) && !(isCountryDir(get_user_by_id($_SESSION['user_id'])) && in_array(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), $countryDirPageList)) && !(isSuperAdmin(get_user_by_id($_SESSION['user_id'])) && in_array(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']), $superAdminPageList)) ) { header( 'Location: home.php' ); }*/ include "redirect.php"; include "includes/header.php"; include "includes/stats_lib.php"; LangUtil::setPageId("stocks"); $script_elems->enableTableSorter(); $script_elems->enableDatePicker(); putUILog('inv_new_reagent', 'X', basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".php"), 'X', 'X', 'X'); ?> <script type='text/javascript'> $(document).ready(function(){ $('#reagent').keydown(function() { prefetch_pname(); }); $('#reagent_error').hide(); $('#reagent_u_error').hide(); }); function add_specimenbox(){
<br> <b> Doctor Statistics</b> <?php /*| <a href="javascript:toggle_stat_table();" id='showtablelink'> # echo LangUtil::$pageTerms['MSG_SHOWGRAPH']; </a> */ ?> | <a href='reports.php'>« <?php echo LangUtil::$pageTerms['MSG_BACKTOREPORTS']; ?> </a> <br><br> <?php $lab_config_id = $_REQUEST['location']; $date_from = $_REQUEST['yyyy_from'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['mm_from'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['dd_from']; $date_to = $_REQUEST['yyyy_to'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['mm_to'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['dd_to']; $uiinfo = "from=" . $date_from . "&to=" . $date_to; putUILog('doctor_stats', $uiinfo, basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".php"), 'X', 'X', 'X'); DbUtil::switchToLabConfig($lab_config_id); $lab_config = get_lab_config_by_id($lab_config_id); if ($lab_config == null) { ?> <div class='sidetip_nopos'> <?php echo LangUtil::$generalTerms['MSG_NOTFOUND']; ?> <a href='javascript:history.go(-1);'>« <?php echo LangUtil::$generalTerms['CMD_BACK']; ?> </a> </div> <?php return;
<?php # # Main page for creating a new lab configuration # include "redirect.php"; include "includes/header.php"; LangUtil::setPageId("lab_configs"); //$script_elems->enableJWizard(); $script_elems->enableDatePicker(); putUILog('lab_config_new', 'X', basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".php"), 'X', 'X', 'X'); global $labIdArray; ?> <link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='css/wizard_styles.css' /> <script type="text/javascript"> <?php //$page_elems->getCompatibilityJsArray("st_map"); ?> $(document).ready(function(){ $('#tech_entries').show(); $('.2').hide(); $('.3').hide(); $('.4').hide(); $('.5').hide(); $('.stype_entry').change(function() { //check_compatible(); });
$defaultFlag = 0; if (!is_null($defaultCurrency)) { $exchange_rate = currencyConfig::getExchangeRateValue($lab_config_id, $defaultCurrency->getCurrencyTo(), $currencyTo); } else { $exchange_rate = 1; $defaultFlag = 1; } if (isset($_REQUEST['yf'])) { $date_from = $_REQUEST['yf'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['mf'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['df']; $date_to = $_REQUEST['yt'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['mt'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['dt']; } else { $date_from = date("Y-m-d"); $date_to = $date_from; } $uiinfo = "from=" . $date_from . "&to=" . $date_to . "&ip=" . $_REQUEST['ip'] . "&viz=" . $_REQUEST['viz']; putUILog('reports_testhistory', $uiinfo, basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".php"), 'X', 'X', 'X'); // function to draw vis function draw_visualization($cleaned_result, $cleaned_range) { global $chart_column_width; // start drawing the svgs $visual_content = ""; $visual_content .= "<div><svg width=\"360\" height=\"20\">"; $marker_width = 5; // use two or three part visualization format if (strpos($cleaned_range, "<") === 0) { // draw two part result range $visual_content .= "<rect width=\"180\" height=\"20\" fill=\"#000000\" style=\"opacity: 0.3; \"></rect>"; $visual_content .= "<rect x=\"180\" width=\"180\" height=\"20\" fill=\"#000000\" style=\"opacity: 0.15; \"></rect>"; // marker for result $marker_location = parse_result_x($cleaned_result, $cleaned_range);
<?php # # (c) C4G, Santosh Vempala, Ruban Monu and Amol Shintre # Main page for starting patient lookup # 1st step of specimen registration # include "redirect.php"; include "includes/header.php"; LangUtil::setPageId("find_patient"); putUILog('find_patient', 'X', basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".php"), 'X', 'X', 'X'); $script_elems->enableDatePicker(); $script_elems->enableJQueryForm(); $lab_config = get_lab_config_by_id($_SESSION['lab_config_id']); ?> <script type='text/javascript'> $(document).ready(function() { $('#psearch_progress_spinner').hide(); $('#add_anyway_link').attr("href", "new_patient.php"); $('#pq').focus(); $('#p_attrib').change(function() { $('#pq').focus(); }); }); function restrictCharacters(e) { var alphabets = /[A-Za-z]/g; var numbers = /[0-9]/g; var specialCharacter = /[_&.]/g; if(!e) var e = window.event;
} if (isset($_REQUEST['session_num'])) { $session_num = $_REQUEST['session_num']; } else { $session_num = get_session_number(); } /* check discrepancy between dnum and session number and correct if ( substr($session_num,strpos($session_num, "-")+1 ) ) $session_num = substr($session_num,0,strpos($session_num, "-"))."-".$dnum; */ $doc_array = getDoctorList(); $ref_array = getRefToList(); $php_array = addslashes(implode("%", $doc_array)); $refTo_array = addslashes(implode("%", $ref_array)); $uiinfo = "pid=" . $_REQUEST['pid'] . "&dnum=" . $_REQUEST['dnum']; putUILog('new_specimen', $uiinfo, basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".php"), 'X', 'X', 'X'); ?> <script> $(document).ready(function(){ var data_string="<?php echo $php_array; ?> "; var data=data_string.split("%"); $("#doc_row_1_input").autocomplete(data); //$(".doctors_auto").autocomplete(data);
} DbUtil::switchRestore($saved_db); return $retval; } $page_elems = new PageElems(); $script_elems = new ScriptElems(); $script_elems->enableJQuery(); $script_elems->enableTableSorter(); $script_elems->enableDragTable(); $date_from = $_REQUEST['yf'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['mf'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['df']; $date_to = $_REQUEST['yt'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['mt'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['dt']; $lab_config_id = $_REQUEST['l']; $cat_code = $_REQUEST['c']; $ttype = $_REQUEST['t']; $uiinfo = "from=" . $date_from . "&to=" . $date_to . "&ct=" . $cat_code . "&tt=" . $ttype; putUILog('daily_log_specimens', $uiinfo, basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".php"), 'X', 'X', 'X'); $lab_config = get_lab_config_by_id($lab_config_id); $test_types = get_lab_config_test_types($lab_config_id); $report_id = $REPORT_ID_ARRAY['reports_dailyspecimens.php']; $report_config = $lab_config->getReportConfig($report_id); $margin_list = $report_config->margins; for ($i = 0; $i < count($margin_list); $i++) { $margin_list[$i] = $SCREEN_WIDTH * $margin_list[$i] / 100; } if ($ttype != 0) { # Single test type selected $test_types = array(); $test_types[] = $ttype; } else { if ($cat_code != 0) { # Fetch all tests belonging to this category (aka lab section)
?> </b> <?php /*| <a href="javascript:toggle_stat_table();" id='showtablelink'># echo LangUtil::$pageTerms['MSG_SHOWGRAPH']; </a> */ ?> | <a href='reports.php'>« <?php echo LangUtil::$pageTerms['MSG_BACKTOREPORTS']; ?> </a> <br><br> <?php $lab_config_id = $_REQUEST['location']; $date_from = $_REQUEST['yyyy_from'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['mm_from'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['dd_from']; $date_to = $_REQUEST['yyyy_to'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['mm_to'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['dd_to']; $uiinfo = "from=" . $date_from . "&to=" . $date_to; putUILog('reports_specimen_count_ungrouped', $uiinfo, basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".php"), 'X', 'X', 'X'); $lab_config = get_lab_config_by_id($lab_config_id); if ($lab_config == null) { ?> <div class='sidetip_nopos'> <?php echo LangUtil::$generalTerms['MSG_NOTFOUND']; ?> <a href='javascript:history.go(-1);'>« <?php echo LangUtil::$generalTerms['CMD_BACK']; ?> </a> </div> <?php return; }
<?php $lab_config_id = $_REQUEST['location']; $lab_config = LabConfig::getById($lab_config_id); if ($lab_config == null) { echo LangUtil::$generalTerms['MSG_NOTFOUND']; return; } $date_from = $_REQUEST['yyyy_from'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['mm_from'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['dd_from']; $date_to = $_REQUEST['yyyy_to'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['mm_to'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['dd_to']; $ust = new UserStats(); //echo "<pre>"; //echo "</pre>"; $log_type = $_REQUEST['log_type']; $user_id = $_REQUEST['user_id']; $uiinfo = "from=" . $date_from . "&to=" . $date_to . "&ud=" . $user_id . "&ld=" . $log_type; putUILog('reports_user_stats_individual', $uiinfo, basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".php"), 'X', 'X', 'X'); $user_obj = get_user_by_id($user_id); ?> <script type='text/javascript'> $(document).ready(function(){ $('#testsdone_table').tablesorter(); }); </script> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td><?php echo LangUtil::$generalTerms['FACILITY']; ?> :</td> <td><?php
<?php include "redirect.php"; include "../includes/db_lib.php"; putUILog('add_new_stock', 'X', basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".php"), 'X', 'X', 'X'); $reagent_id = $_REQUEST['reagent']; //$unit = $_REQUEST['unit']; $remarks = $_REQUEST['remarks']; $lot = $_REQUEST['lot']; $e_date = $_REQUEST['yyyy_e'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['mm_e'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['dd_e']; $manu = $_REQUEST['manu']; $sup = $_REQUEST['sup']; $quant = $_REQUEST['quant']; $cost = $_REQUEST['cost']; $r_date = $_REQUEST['yyyy_r'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['mm_r'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['dd_r']; Inventory::addStock($reagent_id, $lot, $e_date, $manu, $sup, $quant, $cost, $r_date, $remarks); header('Location: ../view_stock.php');
<?php include "redirect.php"; include "../includes/db_lib.php"; putUILog('update_stock', 'X', basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".php"), 'X', 'X', 'X'); $lid = $_REQUEST['lid']; $r_id = $_REQUEST['r_id']; $remarks = $_REQUEST['remarks']; $lot = $_REQUEST['lot']; $n_lot = $_REQUEST['n_lot']; $e_date = $_REQUEST['yyyy_e'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['mm_e'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['dd_e']; $manu = $_REQUEST['manu']; $sup = $_REQUEST['sup']; $cost = $_REQUEST['cost']; $r_date = $_REQUEST['yyyy_r'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['mm_r'] . "-" . $_REQUEST['dd_r']; Inventory::updateStock($lid, $r_id, $lot, $n_lot, $e_date, $manu, $sup, $cost, $r_date, $remarks); //$lid, $r_id, $lot, $n_lot, $e_date, $manu, $sup, $cost, $r_date, $remarks $url = "Location: ../stock_lots.php?id=" . $r_id; header($url);
<?php # # Exports the given HTML content as word document # include "../includes/db_lib.php"; putUILog('export_word', 'X', basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".php"), 'X', 'X', 'X'); $date = date("Ymdhi"); $file_name = "blisreport_" . $date . ".doc"; header("Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-word"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename={$file_name}"); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=Windows-1252" /> <title>Saves as a Word Doc</title> </head> <body> <?php $id = $_REQUEST['lab_id']; $var = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . "\\logos\\logo_" . $id . ".jpg"; $html_content = "<img src='" . $var . "'" . " height='140' width='140' />" . $_REQUEST['data']; print $html_content; ?> </body> </html>
<?php # # Lists a bill in a printable format by referencing a specific bill id. # include "redirect.php"; include "includes/db_lib.php"; include "includes/script_elems.php"; include "includes/page_elems.php"; LangUtil::setPageId("reports"); include "../users/accesslist.php"; if (!isLoggedIn(get_user_by_id($_SESSION['user_id']))) { header('Location: home.php'); } $hidePatientName = 0; putUILog('reports_billing_specific', $uiinfo, basename($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], ".php"), 'X', 'X', 'X'); $lab_config_id = $_SESSION['lab_config_id']; $lab_config = get_lab_config_by_id($lab_config_id); $bill_id = $_REQUEST['bill_id']; $bill = Bill::loadFromId($bill_id, $lab_config_id); $associations = $bill->getAllAssociationsForBill($lab_config_id); $patient_id = $bill->getPatientId(); DbUtil::switchToLabConfig($lab_config_id); $report_id = $REPORT_ID_ARRAY['reports_billing_specific.php']; $report_config = $lab_config->getReportConfig($report_id); $margin_list = $report_config->margins; for ($i = 0; $i < count($margin_list); $i++) { $margin_list[$i] = $SCREEN_WIDTH * $margin_list[$i] / 100; } ?>