Esempio n. 1
 public function putArgument($key, $value)
     putMultiMap($this->arguments, $key, $value);
  * Searches and returns all wiki templates in the given text
  * This function returns:
  * Map<String (name), List<TemplateObject>>
  * So templates are already grouped by name
 public static function match($text)
     $result = array();
     // Remove Prettytables
     $text = preg_replace('~{\\|.*\\|}~s', '', $text);
     // Find all tempaltes (note: this is a recursive regex)
     // FIXME: broken - curly braces are allowed in template values. Example:
     // {{Foobox|motto = I am { curly } }} is rendered with the string value 'I am { curly }'
     preg_match_all('/\\{{2}((?>[^\\{\\}]+)|(?R))*\\}{2}/x', $text, $templates);
     // Process all found templates
     foreach ($templates[0] as $item) {
         $current = new TemplateInvocation();
         // Template arguments without a key
         $numAnonymousKeys = 0;
         // Remove preceeding {{ and trailing }}
         $item = substr($item, 2, -2);
         // Remove tags (Fixme: this should not be done in this function?)
         $item = preg_replace('/<\\!--[^>]*->/mU', '', $item);
         // Extract the name
         $itemName = trim(substr($item, 0, strpos($item, '|')));
         // TODO: add early out on certain names?
         // Repair missing </sup>
         $item = preg_replace('~</sup[^>]~', '</sup>', $item);
         // Remove <ref></ref> tags including content
         $item = preg_replace('/(<ref>.+?<\\/ref>)/s', '', $item);
         // Removes forbidden tags (i guess)
         // Known Issue: Might merge words - a<br />b becomes ab
         $item = strip_tags($item, $GLOBALS['W2RCFG']['allowedtags']);
         // Replace "|" inside subtemplates with "\\\\" to avoid false splits
         $item = preg_replace_callback("/(\\{{2})([^\\}\\|]+)(\\|)([^\\}]+)(\\}{2})/", 'replaceBarInSubtemplate', $item);
         // Gruppe=[[Gruppe-3-Element|3]]  ersetzt durch Gruppe=[[Gruppe-3-Element***3]]
         do {
             $item = preg_replace('/\\[\\[([^\\]]+)\\|([^\\]]*)\\]\\]/', '[[\\1***\\2]]', $item, -1, $count);
         } while ($count);
         $arguments = explode('|', $item);
         // Remove the first entry which is the template name
         foreach ($arguments as $argument) {
             // Undo recently made replacements
             $argument = str_replace("####", "|", $argument);
             $argument = str_replace("***", "|", $argument);
             $keyValue = explode("=", $argument, 2);
             // Decide depending on wheter there was a =
             switch (count($keyValue)) {
                 case 1:
                     // Generate a new anonymous key
                     $key = (string) ++$numAnonymousKeys;
                     $value = $keyValue[0];
                 case 2:
                     // key and value are given
                     $key = trim($keyValue[0]);
                     $value = $keyValue[1];
             $current->putArgument($key, $value);
         putMultiMap($result, $current->getName(), $current);
     return $result;