} else { //show blog posts //if page num was changed at the url and exceeds pages number show the first page if ($page > ceil($num_posts / $posts_per_page) - 1) { $page = 0; } //retrieve blog posts $posts = $blog->getBlogPostsDB($page, $posts_per_page); /***blog posts area***/ $tool_content .= "<div class='row'>"; $tool_content .= "<div class='col-sm-9'>"; foreach ($posts as $post) { $sharing_content = ''; $rating_content = ''; if ($sharing_allowed) { $sharing_content = $sharing_enabled ? print_sharing_links($urlServer . "modules/blog/index.php?course={$course_code}&action=showPost&pId=" . $post->getId(), $post->getTitle()) : ''; } if ($ratings_enabled) { $rating = new Rating('up_down', 'blogpost', $post->getId()); $rating_content = $rating->put($is_editor, $uid, $course_id); } if ($comments_enabled) { $comm = new Commenting('blogpost', $post->getId()); $comment_content = "<a class='btn btn-primary btn-xs pull-right' href='{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&action=showPost&pId=" . $post->getId() . "#comments_title'>{$langComments} (" . $comm->getCommentsNum() . ")</a>"; } else { $comment_content = "<div class=\"blog_post_empty_space\"></div>"; } $tool_content .= "<div class='panel panel-action-btn-default'>\r\n <div class='panel-heading'>\r\n <div class='pull-right'>\r\n " . action_button(array(array('title' => $langModify, 'url' => "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&action=editPost&pId=" . $post->getId(), 'icon' => 'fa-edit', 'show' => $post->permEdit($is_editor, $stud_allow_create, $uid)), array('title' => $langDelete, 'url' => "{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&action=delPost&pId=" . $post->getId(), 'icon' => 'fa-times', 'class' => 'delete', 'confirm' => $langSureToDelBlogPost, 'show' => $post->permEdit($is_editor, $stud_allow_create, $uid)))) . "\r\n </div>\r\n <h3 class='panel-title'>\r\n <a href='{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&action=showPost&pId=" . $post->getId() . "'>" . q($post->getTitle()) . "</a>\r\n </h3> \r\n </div>\r\n <div class='panel-body'>\r\n <div class='label label-success'>" . nice_format($post->getTime(), true) . "</div><small>" . $langBlogPostUser . display_user($post->getAuthor(), false, false) . "</small><br><br>" . standard_text_escape(ellipsize_html($post->getContent(), $num_chars_teaser_break, "<strong> ...<a href='{$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']}?course={$course_code}&action=showPost&pId=" . $post->getId() . "'> <span class='smaller'>[{$langMore}]</span></a></strong>")) . "\r\n {$comment_content}\r\n </div>\r\n <div class='panel-footer'>\r\n <div class='row'>\r\n <div class='col-sm-6'>{$rating_content}</div>\r\n <div class='col-sm-6 text-right'>{$sharing_content}</div>\r\n </div> \r\n </div>\r\n </div>"; } //display navigation links $tool_content .= $blog->navLinksHTML($page, $posts_per_page);
//retrieve blog posts $posts = $blog->getBlogPostsDB($page, $posts_per_page); /***blog posts area***/ $tool_content .= "<div class='row'>"; $tool_content .= "<div class='col-sm-9'>"; foreach ($posts as $post) { if ($blog_type == 'course_blog') { $allow_to_edit = $post->permEdit($is_editor, $stud_allow_create, $uid); } elseif ($blog_type == 'perso_blog') { $allow_to_edit = $is_blog_editor; } $sharing_content = ''; $rating_content = ''; if ($sharing_allowed) { $sharing_content = ($sharing_enabled) ? print_sharing_links($urlServer."modules/blog/index.php?$url_params&action=showPost&pId=".$post->getId(), $post->getTitle()) : ''; } if ($ratings_enabled) { $rating = new Rating('up_down', 'blogpost', $post->getId()); if ($blog_type == 'course_blog') { $rating_content = $rating->put($is_editor, $uid, $course_id); } elseif ($blog_type == 'perso_blog') { //in this case send user_id as third argument instead of course_id which is 0 //since we only need this info for identifying user's blog $rating_content = $rating->put(NULL, $uid, $user_id); } } if ($comments_enabled && ($post->getCommenting() == 1)) { $comm = new Commenting('blogpost', $post->getId()); $comment_content = "<a class='btn btn-primary btn-xs pull-right' href='$_SERVER[SCRIPT_NAME]?$url_params&action=showPost&pId=".$post->getId()."#comments_title'>$langComments (".$comm->getCommentsNum().")</a>"; } else {
if (!empty($addon)) { $main_content .= "<div class='course_info'><h1>$langCourseAddon</h1><p>$addon</p></div>"; } if (setting_get(SETTING_COURSE_COMMENT_ENABLE, $course_id) == 1) { commenting_add_js(); $comm = new Commenting('course', $course_id); $main_content .= $comm->put($course_code, $is_editor, $uid); } if (setting_get(SETTING_COURSE_RATING_ENABLE, $course_id) == 1) { $rating = new Rating('fivestar', 'course', $course_id); $rating_content = $rating->put($is_editor, $uid, $course_id); } if (is_sharing_allowed($course_id)) { if (setting_get(SETTING_COURSE_SHARING_ENABLE, $course_id) == 1) { $social_content = print_sharing_links($urlServer."courses/$course_code", $currentCourseName); } } $panel_footer = ""; if(isset($rating_content) || isset($social_content)) { $panel_footer .= " <div class='panel-footer'> <div class='row'>"; if(isset($rating_content)){ $panel_footer .= "<div class='col-sm-6'> $rating_content </div>"; } if(isset($social_content)){ $panel_footer .=