Esempio n. 1
 * reverser polish notation
 * Input:
 * 3
 * (a+(b*c))
 * ((a+b)*(z+x))
 * ((a+t)*((b+(a+c))^(c+d)))
 * a-b+c-d
 * Output:
 * abc*+
 * ab+zx+*
 * at+bac++cd+^*
 * ab-cd-+
 * Author : Shikhar Subedi
 * Problem code :ONP
 * */
function spojONP()
    $stringArray = takeInput();
    foreach ($stringArray as $string) {
        $outputStack = reversePolish($string);
Esempio n. 2
        <link type='text/css' rel='stylesheet' href='css/styles.css' />
include 'global/navigation.html';
        <div class="container-fluid" id="wrapper">
                    1. Create a function with no arguments/parameters and no 
                    return values that prints a message to the output.
                <hr />
echo "\n";
                    2. Create a function that accepts multiple parameters and 
                    uses them to print a message to the screen.
                <hr />
multiParameters("Rawr", "Meow", "Purr....");
echo "\n";
Esempio n. 3
         showApiError(300, 'No such item (the guid you provided has no release in our database)');
     // Get individual NZB details.
 // Get individual NZB details.
 case 'd':
     if (!isset($_GET['id'])) {
         showApiError(200, 'Missing parameter (id is required for downloading an NZB)');
     $page->users->addApiRequest($uid, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
     $data = $releases->getByGuid($_GET['id']);
     $relData = [];
     if ($data) {
         $relData[] = $data;
     printOutput($relData, $outputXML, $page, offset());
     // Capabilities request.
 // Capabilities request.
 case 'c':
     //get categories
     $category = new Category(['Settings' => $page->settings]);
     $cats = $category->getForMenu();
     //insert cats into template variable
     $page->smarty->assign('parentcatlist', $cats);
     if ($outputXML) {
         //use apicaps.tpl if xml is requested
         $response = $page->smarty->fetch('apicaps.tpl');
         header('Content-type: text/xml');
         header('Content-Length: ' . strlen($response));
         echo $response;
Esempio n. 4
 function OnePhaseDisambiguate($timeLimit = 0)
     $startTime = time();
     $phrases = $this->termArray->getAllPhrases();
     if (count($phrases) == 0) {
         echo "Error: no terms available ";
         return false;
     if (count($phrases) == 1) {
         // choose the first result, since there's no disambiguation
         // we can do anyways
         $this->ChooseResult($phrases[0], 0);
         return $this->termArray;
     if (printOutput()) {
         echo "<br>Weights:<br>";
         echo "<br>Alternate weights:<br>";
         echo "<br>";
     while (!$this->doneDisambiguation() or !$this->donePhase1()) {
         if ($timeLimit > 0 and time() - $startTime > $timeLimit) {
             return false;
         if (printOutput()) {
             echo "<br>Running the only phase of the 1 phase disambiguator<br>";
         $scoresToUse = [];
         foreach ($this->termArray->getAllTerms() as $term) {
             if (count($this->termArray->results[$term->phrase]) > 1 or $this->weights[$term->phrase][$term->position] != 1.0) {
                 foreach ($this->termArray->results[$term->phrase] as $resultIndex => $result) {
                     $scoresToUse[$term->phrase][$term->position][$resultIndex] = $this->scores[$term->phrase][$term->position][$resultIndex];
         $r = $this->FindBestPhrase($scoresToUse);
         if (printOutput()) {
             echo "The result with the best score is result {$r[2]} for phrase {$r[0]} at postition {$r[1]}<br><br>";
         $this->ChoosePhrase($r[0], $r[1]);
         $this->ChooseResult($r[0], $r[2]);
     if (printOutput()) {
         echo "<br>Final score table:<br>";
     return $this->termArray;
Esempio n. 5
 function run($text, $boundingBox = [])
     $overallStartTime = microtime(true);
     $startTime = microtime(true);
     $this->parser = new TextParser();
     $this->times["Create TextParser"] = microtime(true) - $startTime;
     $startTime = microtime(true);
     try {
         $full_results = $this->QueryNominatim($text, [], "10", $boundingBox);
         if (printOutput()) {
             echo "Query results for sending the entire text to Nominatim:<br>";
             if ($full_results) {
                 foreach ($full_results as $full_result) {
                     echo $this->NominatimResultToString($full_result, "&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp");
             } else {
                 echo "&nbsp&nbsp&nbsp&nbspNo results found.<br>";
             echo "<br>";
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         echo "Error: unable to get results from Nominatim for the entire text.";
     $this->times["Try sending full text to Nominatim"] = microtime(true) - $startTime;
     $startTime = microtime(true);
     $this->termArray = $this->parser->run($text);
     $this->times["Run text through TextParser"] = microtime(true) - $startTime;
     foreach ($this->parser->times as $parserDescription => $parserTime) {
         $this->times["TextParser: " . $parserDescription] = $parserTime;
     $startTime = microtime(true);
     $this->SearchAll([], "10", $boundingBox);
     $this->times["Send all terms to Nominatim"] = microtime(true) - $startTime;
     $startTime = microtime(true);
     $this->times["Discard terms that don't have search results"] = microtime(true) - $startTime;
     $startTime = microtime(true);
     $this->disambiguator = new WeightedInverseFrequency1PhaseDisambiguator($this->termArray);
     $this->times["Create disambiguator"] = microtime(true) - $startTime;
     $startTime = microtime(true);
     $disambiguatedTermArray = $this->disambiguator->Disambiguate();
     $this->times["Run disambiguator"] = microtime(true) - $startTime;
     if (printOutput()) {
         echo "<br>";
     $this->times["TOTAL"] = microtime(true) - $overallStartTime;
     return $disambiguatedTermArray;
Esempio n. 6
while ($cart = mysql_fetch_array($rv, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
    $output = array($cart['cartID'], -1, $cart['type'], $cart['type'], $cart['type'], $cart['title'], $cart['issuer'], $cart['type'], $cart['filename']);
    $final_output[] = $output;
// PHASE ONE :: Search by track name
$qy = sprintf("SELECT * FROM `libtrack` \n\t\tWHERE airabilityID <= 1 \n\t\tAND file_name != '' \n\t\tAND %s", allWordsIn($input, "track_name"));
//echo $qy;
$rw = mysql_query($qy) or die("Line " . __LINE__ . ": " . mysql_error());
while ($track = mysql_fetch_array($rw, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
    $cdid = $track['albumID'];
    $qz = sprintf("SELECT * FROM `libartist`, `libalbum`, `liblabel`, `def_rotations` \n\t\t\tWHERE libalbum.albumID = '%s' \n\t\t\tAND libalbum.artistID = libartist.artistID \n\t\t\tAND libalbum.labelID = liblabel.labelID \n\t\t\tAND def_rotations.rotationID = libalbum.rotationID\n\t\t\tLIMIT 1", $cdid);
    $rx = mysql_query($qz) or die("Line " . __LINE__ . ": " . mysql_error());
    $album = mysql_fetch_array($rx, MYSQL_ASSOC);
    $output = array($album['album_code'], $track['track_num'], $album['genre'], substr($album['rotation_bin'], 0, 1), $album['artist_name'], $track['track_name'], $album['album_name'], $album['label'], $track['file_name']);
    $final_output[] = $output;
// PHASE TWO :: Search by album name and artist name and albumNo
$qw = sprintf("SELECT * FROM `libartist`, `libalbum`, `liblabel`, `def_rotations` \n\t\tWHERE libalbum.artistID = libartist.artistID \n\t\tAND libalbum.labelID = liblabel.labelID \n\t\tAND def_rotations.rotationID = libalbum.rotationID\n\t\tAND %s", allWordsIn($input, array("libalbum.album_name", "libartist.artist_name", "libalbum.album_code")));
//echo $qw."\n";
$ru = mysql_query($qw) or die("Line " . __LINE__ . ": " . mysql_error());
while ($album = mysql_fetch_array($ru, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
    $cdid = $album['albumID'];
    $qx = sprintf("SELECT track_name, track_num, file_name \n\t\t\tFROM `libtrack` \n\t\t\tWHERE airabilityID <= 1 \n\t\t\tAND file_name != '' \n\t\t\tAND albumID='%s'", $cdid);
    $rv = mysql_query($qx) or die(mysql_error());
    while ($track = mysql_fetch_array($rv, MYSQL_ASSOC)) {
        $output = array($album['album_code'], $track['track_num'], $album['genre'], substr($album['rotation_bin'], 0, 1), $album['artist_name'], $track['track_name'], $album['album_name'], $album['label'], $track['file_name']);
        $final_output[] = $output;
            $cdcodes[] = $cdcode;
            $output = array();
            $output[] = $cdcode;
            $output[] = $trnum;
            $output[] = $cd['genre'];
            $output[] = substr($cd['rotation_bin'], 0, 1);
            $output[] = $cd['artist_name'];
            $output[] = $track['track_name'];
            $output[] = $cd['album_name'];
            $output[] = $cd['label'];
            $output[] = $track['file_name'];
            $final_output[] = $output;
    return $final_output;
/* require the plist to have 10 valid tracks - otherwise it's too short for cohesion */
$list = genBestOfPlaylist($showid);
while (count($list) < $min_tracks) {
    $list = genBestOfPlaylist($showid);
    $showid = nextShowID($showid);
    if ($showid == -1) {
        $showid = getNewShowID(-1);
    $list = genBestOfPlaylist($showid);
echo "SHOWID " . $showid . "\n";
Esempio n. 8
$compiler = new htmlCompiler();
$compiler->source = $page->source;
if ($GLOBALS['pie']['page_header'] || $GLOBALS['pie']['page_footer']) {
    // Header and footer require meta data.
    $compiler->meta = $page->meta;
if (!$compiler->compile()) {
    if (count($compiler->error) && empty($compiler->output)) {
// Update cache, if necessary.
if ($GLOBALS['pie']['page_caching']) {
    if (!($f = fopen($cache->file($cid), 'w'))) {
    if (!fwrite($f, $compiler->output)) {
// Display result:
if (@$_REQUEST['referer']) {
    if (substr($compiler->output, 0, 3) == "<h1") {
        list($header, $compiler->output) = explode("\n", $compiler->output, 2);
        print "{$header}\n";
Esempio n. 9
 function run($text)
     // The following appear in some Wikipedia texts and mess up the parsing:
     $textsToRemove = ["<br>", "</table>", "</dl>", "</ref>", "<ns>", "</ns>", "<id>", "</id>", "<small>", "<revision>", "<comment>", "</comment>", "<model>", "</model>", "<parentid>", "</parentid>"];
     $text = str_replace($textsToRemove, "", $text);
     $currentDir = getcwd();
     // needed for absolute paths to Stanford models
     $termArray = new TermArray();
     $startTime = microtime(true);
     if (!function_exists("splitIntoWords")) {
         // The POS and NER taggers need an array of arrays, where each sentence is
         // it's own array.
         function splitIntoWords($sentence)
             return explode(' ', $sentence);
     $text_arrays = array_map("splitIntoWords", explode('.', $text));
     // Send the text to the POS tagger:
     $pos = new \StanfordNLP\POSTagger($currentDir . '/stanford-postagger-2015-04-20/models/english-left3words-distsim.tagger', $currentDir . '/stanford-postagger-2015-04-20/stanford-postagger.jar');
     $startTime = microtime(true);
     $resultPOS = $pos->batchTag($text_arrays)[0];
     $this->times["Run the POS tagger"] = microtime(true) - $startTime;
     if (printOutput()) {
         echo "<br>POS results:<br>";
         echo "<br>";
     if (!$resultPOS) {
         echo "<br>ERROR: POS tagging failed<br>";
         return false;
     // Send the text to the NER:
     $ner = new \StanfordNLP\NERTagger($currentDir . '/stanford-ner-2015-04-20/classifiers/english.all.3class.distsim.crf.ser.gz', $currentDir . '/stanford-ner-2015-04-20/stanford-ner.jar');
     $startTime = microtime(true);
     $resultNER = $ner->batchTag($text_arrays)[0];
     $this->times["Run the NER tagger"] = microtime(true) - $startTime;
     if (printOutput()) {
         echo "<br>NER results:<br>";
         echo "<br><br>";
     if (!$resultNER) {
         echo "<br>ERROR: NER tagging failed<br>";
         return false;
     // Later code assumes that $resultPOS and $resultNER are indexed identically.
     // I have only seen these errors returned when the text contains something like
     // "<br>" which is handled differently by each tagger
     if (count($resultPOS) != count($resultNER)) {
         echo "<br>ERROR: POS and NER tagging are not indexed the same!<br>";
         return false;
     $words = [];
     for ($i = 0, $size = count($resultNER); $i < $size; $i++) {
         if ($resultPOS[$i][0] != $resultNER[$i][0]) {
             echo "<br>ERROR: POS and NER tagging are not indexed the same!<br>";
             return false;
         $words[$i] = $resultNER[$i][0];
     // The next bunch of code loops through the text to find all terms
     $startTime = microtime(true);
     $currentStreak = 0;
     $streakContainsLocation = false;
     $streakContainsNoun = false;
     $isAfterPreposition = false;
     $isAfterConjunction = false;
     for ($i = 0, $size = count($resultPOS); $i < $size; $i++) {
         $isNoun = strncmp($resultPOS[$i][1], "NN", 2) == 0;
         $isAdjectiveOrNumber = (strcmp($resultPOS[$i][1], "CD") == 0 or strcmp($resultPOS[$i][1], "JJ") == 0);
         // adjective (so "first avenue" would catch the first)
         $isLocation = strcmp($resultNER[$i][1], "LOCATION") == 0;
         if ($isNoun or $isAdjectiveOrNumber or $isLocation) {
             if ($isLocation) {
                 $streakContainsLocation = true;
             if ($isNoun) {
                 $streakContainsNoun = true;
         } else {
             $streakContainsLocation = false;
             $streakContainsNoun = false;
             $currentStreak = 0;
             $isAfterConjunction = strcmp($resultPOS[$i][1], "CC") == 0;
             if (!$isAfterConjunction) {
                 // reset $isAfterPreposition only if this is not after a conjuction
                 // that way a text like "near Waterloo and Guelph" will tag both Waterloo
                 // and Guelph as after a preposition
                 $isAfterPreposition = (strcmp($resultPOS[$i][1], "IN") == 0 or strcmp($resultPOS[$i][1], "TO") == 0);
                 if (strcmp($resultPOS[$i][0], "for") == 0) {
                     // TODO: make this case insensitive?
                     $isAfterPreposition = false;
         if ($streakContainsLocation or $streakContainsNoun) {
             $phrase = $resultPOS[$i][0];
             $subStreakContainsNoun = $isNoun;
             $subStreakContainsLocation = $isLocation;
             if ($isNoun or $isLocation) {
                 $newTerm = $termArray->addTerm($phrase, $i);
                 $newTerm->isNoun = $isNoun;
                 $newTerm->isLocation = $isLocation;
                 $newTerm->isAfterPreposition = $isAfterPreposition;
             for ($j = 1; $j < $currentStreak; $j++) {
                 $phrase = $resultPOS[$i - $j][0] . ' ' . $phrase;
                 $subStreakContainsNoun = ($subStreakContainsNoun or strncmp($resultPOS[$i - $j][1], "NN", 2) == 0);
                 $subStreakContainsLocation = ($subStreakContainsLocation or strcmp($resultNER[$i - $j][1], "LOCATION") == 0);
                 if ($subStreakContainsLocation or $subStreakContainsNoun) {
                     $newTerm = $termArray->addTerm($phrase, $i - $j);
                     $newTerm->isNoun = $subStreakContainsNoun;
                     $newTerm->isLocation = $subStreakContainsLocation;
                     $newTerm->isAfterPreposition = $isAfterPreposition;
     $this->times["Loop through text to find locations"] = microtime(true) - $startTime;
     // Now we remove some terms from the array:
     $startTime = microtime(true);
     if ($termArray->terms) {
         if ($termArray->countLocations() > 0) {
             if (printOutput()) {
                 echo "<br>This text contains words tagged as locations, so we will only consider those words.<br>";
             $this->termTypeUsed = "Locations";
         } else {
             if (printOutput()) {
                 echo "<br>This text does not contain words tagged as locations, so we must only use nouns.<br>";
             if ($termArray->countNounsAfterPrepositions() > 0) {
                 if (printOutput()) {
                     echo "Some nouns occured after prepositions, so we will only use those.<br>";
                 $this->termTypeUsed = "NounsAfterPrep";
             } else {
                 $this->termTypeUsed = "Nouns";
     } else {
         echo "Warning: no nouns or locations found in text.";
         $this->termTypeUsed = "None";
     $this->times["Filter terms that are found"] = microtime(true) - $startTime;
     // the rest of this code deals with postal codes
     $startTime = microtime(true);
     $CanadaPostCodes = [];
     $USZipCodes = [];
     $DutchPostCodes = [];
     preg_match_all('/\\b[a-zA-Z][0-9][a-zA-Z][\\s]?[0-9][a-zA-Z][0-9]\\b/', $text, $CanadaPostCodes);
     preg_match_all('/\\b[0-9]{5}([\\s\\-][0-9]{4})?\\b/', $text, $USZipCodes);
     preg_match_all('/\\b[0-9]{4}[\\s]?[a-zA-Z]{2}\\b/', $text, $DutchPostCodes);
     $this->times["Find postal codes in the text"] = microtime(true) - $startTime;
     $startTime = microtime(true);
     foreach ($CanadaPostCodes[0] as $postcode) {
         if (isset($termArray->terms[$postcode])) {
             // if the postcode already got in another way, we don't add it again
             foreach ($termArray->terms[$postcode] as $term) {
                 $term->isPostcode = true;
                 $term->postcodeCountry = "ca";
         } else {
             $positions = [-10];
             $postcodeWords = explode(" ", $postcode);
             // all post codes have 1 or 2 words
             $firstWordPositions = array_keys($words, $postcodeWords[0]);
             if (count($postcodeWords) == 1) {
                 $positions = $firstWordPositions;
             } else {
                 foreach ($firstWordPositions as $firstWordPosition) {
                     if ($words[$firstWordPosition + 1] == $postcodeWords[1]) {
                         if ($positions == [-10]) {
                             $positions = [$firstWordPosition];
                         } else {
                             $postions[] = $firstWordPosition;
             foreach ($positions as $postcodePosition) {
                 $newTerm = $termArray->addTerm($postcode, $postcodePosition);
                 $newTerm->isPostcode = true;
                 $newTerm->postcodeCountry = "ca";
     foreach ($USZipCodes[0] as $postcode) {
         if (isset($termArray->terms[$postcode])) {
             // if the postcode already got in another way, we don't add it again
             foreach ($termArray->terms[$postcode] as $term) {
                 $term->isPostcode = true;
                 $term->postcodeCountry = "us";
         } else {
             $positions = [-10];
             $postcodeWords = explode(" ", $postcode);
             // all post codes have 1 or 2 words
             $firstWordPositions = array_keys($words, $postcodeWords[0]);
             if (count($postcodeWords) == 1) {
                 $positions = $firstWordPositions;
             } else {
                 foreach ($firstWordPositions as $firstWordPosition) {
                     if ($words[$firstWordPosition + 1] == $postcodeWords[1]) {
                         if ($positions == [-10]) {
                             $positions = [$firstWordPosition];
                         } else {
                             $postions[] = $firstWordPosition;
             foreach ($positions as $postcodePosition) {
                 $newTerm = $termArray->addTerm($postcode, $postcodePosition);
                 $newTerm->isPostcode = true;
                 $newTerm->postcodeCountry = "us";
     foreach ($DutchPostCodes[0] as $postcode) {
         if (isset($termArray->terms[$postcode])) {
             // if the postcode already got in another way, we don't add it again
             foreach ($termArray->terms[$postcode] as $term) {
                 $term->isPostcode = true;
                 $term->postcodeCountry = "nl";
         } else {
             $positions = [-10];
             $postcodeWords = explode(" ", $postcode);
             // all post codes have 1 or 2 words
             $firstWordPositions = array_keys($words, $postcodeWords[0]);
             if (count($postcodeWords) == 1) {
                 $positions = $firstWordPositions;
             } else {
                 foreach ($firstWordPositions as $firstWordPosition) {
                     if ($words[$firstWordPosition + 1] == $postcodeWords[1]) {
                         if ($positions == [-10]) {
                             $positions = [$firstWordPosition];
                         } else {
                             $postions[] = $firstWordPosition;
             foreach ($positions as $postcodePosition) {
                 $newTerm = $termArray->addTerm($postcode, $postcodePosition);
                 $newTerm->isPostcode = true;
                 $newTerm->postcodeCountry = "nl";
     $this->times["Update metadata for post codes"] = microtime(true) - $startTime;
     return $termArray;
Esempio n. 10
$compiler->source = $page->source;
if ($GLOBALS['pie']['page_header'] || $GLOBALS['pie']['page_footer']) {
    // Header and footer require meta data.
    $compiler->meta = $page->meta;
if (!$compiler->compile()) {
    if (count($compiler->error) && empty($compiler->output)) {
// Update cache, if necessary.
if ($GLOBALS['pie']['page_caching']) {
    if (!($f = fopen($cache->file($cid), 'w'))) {
    if (!fwrite($f, $compiler->output)) {
// Display result:
$output = $compiler->output;
if ($_REQUEST['referer']) {
    $_REQUEST['page'] = $string;
    if (substr($output, 0, 3) == "<h1") {
        list($header, $output) = explode("\n", $output, 2);
    $output = "{$header}\n" . getReferer() . $output;