getDatabaseLink($link); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM stories WHERE id={$storyId}") or die("ERROR: Query failed"); if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM old_stories WHERE id={$storyId}") or die("ERROR: Query failed"); $comment_table = "old_comments"; } else { $comment_table = "comments"; } if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { die("<h3>ERROR: Sorry, but this story does not exist.</h3><br>\n"); } $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $username = getUserName($row["writer"], $link); // Display the story printHTMLheader("RUBBoS: Viewing story " . $row["title"]); printHTMLHighlighted($row["title"]); print "Posted by " . $username . " on " . $row["date"] . "<br>\n"; print $row["body"] . "<br>\n"; print "<p><center><a href=\"PostComment.php?comment_table={$comment_table}&storyId={$storyId}&parent=0\">Post a comment on this story</a></center><p>"; // Display filter chooser header print "<br><hr><br>"; print "<center><form action=\"ViewComment.php\" method=POST>\n" . "<input type=hidden name=commentId value=0>\n" . "<input type=hidden name=storyId value={$storyId}>\n" . "<input type=hidden name=comment_table value={$comment_table}>\n" . "<B>Filter :</B>  <SELECT name=filter>\n"; $count_result = mysql_query("SELECT rating, COUNT(rating) AS count FROM {$comment_table} WHERE story_id={$storyId} GROUP BY rating ORDER BY rating", $link) or die("ERROR: Query failed"); $i = -1; while ($count_row = mysql_fetch_array($count_result)) { while ($i < 6 && $count_row["rating"] != $i) { if ($i == $filter) { print "<OPTION selected value=\"{$i}\">{$i}: 0 comment</OPTION>\n"; } else { print "<OPTION value=\"{$i}\">{$i}: 0 comment</OPTION>\n"; }
} $sellerNameRow = mysql_fetch_array($sellerNameResult); $sellerName = $sellerNameRow["nickname"]; mysql_free_result($sellerNameResult); commit($link); printHTMLheader("RUBiS: Buy Now"); printHTMLHighlighted("You are ready to buy this item: " . $row["name"]); print "<TABLE>\n"; print "<TR><TD>Quantity<TD><b><BIG>" . $row["quantity"] . "</BIG></b>\n"; print "<TR><TD>Seller<TD><a href=\"ViewUserInfo.php?userId=" . $row["seller"] . "\">{$sellerName}</a> (<a href=\"PutCommentAuth.php?to=" . $row["seller"] . "&itemId=" . $row["id"] . "\">Leave a comment on this user</a>)\n"; print "<TR><TD>Started<TD>" . $row["start_date"] . "\n"; print "<TR><TD>Ends<TD>" . $row["end_date"] . "\n"; print "</TABLE>\n"; printHTMLHighlighted("Item description"); print $row["description"]; print "<br><p>\n"; printHTMLHighlighted("Buy Now"); print "<form action=\"StoreBuyNow.php\" method=POST>\n" . "<input type=hidden name=userId value={$userId}>\n" . "<input type=hidden name=itemId value=" . $row["id"] . ">\n" . "<input type=hidden name=maxQty value=" . $row["quantity"] . ">\n"; if ($row["quantity"] > 1) { print "<center><table><tr><td>Quantity:</td><td><input type=text size=5 name=qty></td></tr></table></center>\n"; } else { print "<input type=hidden name=qty value=1>\n"; } print "</table><p><center><input type=submit value=\"Buy now!\"></center><p>\n"; mysql_free_result($result); mysql_close($link); printHTMLfooter($scriptName, $startTime); ?> </body> </html>
mysql_free_result($sellerNameResult); print "<TR><TD>Quantity<TD><b><BIG>" . $row["quantity"] . "</BIG></b>\n"; print "<TR><TD>First bid<TD><b><BIG>{$firstBid}</BIG></b>\n"; print "<TR><TD># of bids<TD><b><BIG>{$nbOfBids}</BIG></b> (<a href=\"ViewBidHistory.php?itemId=" . $row["id"] . "\">bid history</a>)\n"; print "<TR><TD>Seller<TD><a href=\"ViewUserInfo.php?userId=" . $row["seller"] . "\">{$sellerName}</a> (<a href=\"PutCommentAuth.php?to=" . $row["seller"] . "&itemId=" . $row["id"] . "\">Leave a comment on this user</a>)\n"; print "<TR><TD>Started<TD>" . $row["start_date"] . "\n"; print "<TR><TD>Ends<TD>" . $row["end_date"] . "\n"; print "</TABLE>\n"; // Can the user by this item now ? if ($buyNow > 0) { print "<p><a href=\"BuyNowAuth.php?itemId=" . $row["id"] . "\">" . "<IMG SRC=\"buy_it_now.jpg\" height=22 width=150></a>" . " <BIG><b>You can buy this item right now for only \${$buyNow}</b></BIG><br><p>\n"; } printHTMLHighlighted("Item description"); print $row["description"]; print "<br><p>\n"; printHTMLHighlighted("Bidding"); $minBid = $maxBid + 1; print "<form action=\"StoreBid.php\" method=POST>\n" . "<input type=hidden name=minBid value={$minBid}>\n" . "<input type=hidden name=userId value={$userId}>\n" . "<input type=hidden name=itemId value=" . $row["id"] . ">\n" . "<input type=hidden name=maxQty value=" . $row["quantity"] . ">\n" . "<center><table>\n" . "<tr><td>Your bid (minimum bid is {$minBid}):</td>\n" . "<td><input type=text size=10 name=bid></td></tr>\n" . "<tr><td>Your maximum bid:</td>\n" . "<td><input type=text size=10 name=maxBid></td></tr>\n"; if ($row["quantity"] > 1) { print "<tr><td>Quantity:</td><td><input type=text size=5 name=qty></td></tr>\n"; } else { print "<input type=hidden name=qty value=1>\n"; } print "</table><p><input type=submit value=\"Bid now!\"></center><p>\n"; commit($link); mysql_free_result($maxBidResult); mysql_free_result($result); mysql_close($link); printHTMLfooter($scriptName, $startTime); ?> </body>
print "<TR><TD><a href=\"/PHP/ViewItem.php?itemId=" . $itemId . "\">" . $itemName . "<TD>" . $itemInitialPrice . "<TD>" . $currentPrice . "<TD>" . $quantity . "<TD>" . $itemReservePrice . "<TD>" . $buyNow . "<TD>" . $startDate . "<TD>" . $endDate . "\n"; //mysql_free_result($currentPriceResult); } print "</TABLE><p>\n"; } // Get the comments about the user $commentsResult = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM comments WHERE comments.to_user_id={$userId}", $link); if (!$commentsResult) { error_log("[" . __FILE__ . "] Query 'SELECT * FROM comments WHERE comments.to_user_id={$userId}' failed for the list of comments: " . mysql_error($link)); die("ERROR: Query failed for the list of comments: " . mysql_error($link)); } if (mysql_num_rows($commentsResult) == 0) { printHTMLHighlighted("<h2>There is no comment for this user.</h2>\n"); } else { print "<p><DL>\n"; printHTMLHighlighted("<h3>Comments about you.</h3>\n"); while ($commentsRow = mysql_fetch_array($commentsResult)) { $authorId = $commentsRow["from_user_id"]; $authorResult = mysql_query("SELECT nickname FROM users WHERE{$authorId}", $link); if (!$authorResult) { error_log("[" . __FILE__ . "] Query 'SELECT nickname FROM users WHERE{$authorId}' failed for the comment author: " . mysql_error($link)); die("ERROR: Query failed for the comment author '{$authorId}': " . mysql_error($link)); } if (mysql_num_rows($authorResult) == 0) { rollback($link); die("ERROR: This author '{$authorId}' does not exist.<br>\n"); } else { $authorRow = mysql_fetch_array($authorResult); $authorName = $authorRow["nickname"]; } $date = $commentsRow["date"];
<body> <?php $scriptName = "StoriesOfTheDay.php"; include "PHPprinter.php"; $startTime = getMicroTime(); getDatabaseLink($link); printHTMLheader("RUBBoS stories of the day"); $bodySizeLimit = 512; $now = date("Y:m:d H:i:s"); $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM stories ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 10", $link) or die("ERROR: Query failed"); if (mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) { print "<h2>Sorry, but there is no story available at this time.</h2><br>\n"; } while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { print "<br><hr>\n"; printHTMLHighlighted("<a href=\"/PHP/ViewStory.php?storyId=" . $row["id"] . "\">" . $row["title"] . "</a>"); $username = getUserName($row["writer"], $link); print "<B>Posted by " . $username . " on " . $row["date"] . "</B><br>\n"; if (strlen($row["body"]) > $bodySizeLimit) { print substr($row["body"], 1, $bodySizeLimit); print "<br><B>...</B>"; } else { print $row["body"]; } print "<br>\n"; } mysql_free_result($result); mysql_close($link); printHTMLfooter($scriptName, $startTime); ?> </body>
if (!$sellerNameResult) { error_log("[" . __FILE__ . "] Query 'SELECT users.nickname FROM users WHERE id=" . $row["seller"] . "' failed: " . mysql_error($link)); die("ERROR: Seller name query failed for user '" . $row["seller"] . "': " . mysql_error($link)); } $sellerNameRow = mysql_fetch_array($sellerNameResult); $sellerName = $sellerNameRow["nickname"]; mysql_free_result($sellerNameResult); print "<TR><TD>Quantity<TD><b><BIG>" . $row["quantity"] . "</BIG></b>\n"; print "<TR><TD>First bid<TD><b><BIG>{$firstBid}</BIG></b>\n"; print "<TR><TD># of bids<TD><b><BIG>{$nbOfBids}</BIG></b> (<a href=\"ViewBidHistory.php?itemId=" . $row["id"] . "\">bid history</a>)\n"; print "<TR><TD>Seller<TD><a href=\"ViewUserInfo.php?userId=" . $row["seller"] . "\">{$sellerName}</a> (<a href=\"PutCommentAuth.php?to=" . $row["seller"] . "&itemId=" . $row["id"] . "\">Leave a comment on this user</a>)\n"; print "<TR><TD>Started<TD>" . $row["start_date"] . "\n"; print "<TR><TD>Ends<TD>" . $row["end_date"] . "\n"; print "</TABLE>\n"; // Can the user by this item now ? if ($buyNow > 0) { print "<p><a href=\"BuyNowAuth.php?itemId=" . $row["id"] . "\">" . "<IMG SRC=\"buy_it_now.jpg\" height=22 width=150></a>" . " <BIG><b>You can buy this item right now for only \${$buyNow}</b></BIG><br><p>\n"; } print "<a href=\"PutBidAuth.php?itemId=" . $row["id"] . "\"><IMG SRC=\"bid_now.jpg\" height=22 width=90> on this item</a>\n"; printHTMLHighlighted("Item description"); print $row["description"]; print "<br><p>\n"; commit($link); mysql_free_result($maxBidResult); mysql_free_result($result); mysql_close($link); printHTMLfooter($scriptName, $startTime); ?> </body> </html>