function printQueue($queue, $path) { if (sizeof($queue) > 0) { foreach ($queue as $file) { printFile($file, $path); } } }
// Outside, an unhandled error can cause faculty with > $countIncrement pubs // to spin into an infinite loop requesting more and more if ($totalResults - $countTotal > 0) { $offset += $countIncrement; } else { $loopThrough = 0; } } } // End CURLRESPONSE structure } // End LOOPTHROUGH control structure curl_close($openCurl); } // End data_try while loop } // End SCOPUSID loop printFile($outputFile, "\tADDED " . $addedPubCount . " faculty publication record(s)\n"); } // end if(count(scopusId)>0) printStatus($thisCount, $facultyCount); } // End FACULTYIDS loop // Record end of process $eventEnd = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $endProcess = "UPDATE events_master SET eventFinish = '{$eventEnd}' WHERE eventID = {$processNumber}"; runQuery($con, $endProcess); closeDB($con); printFile($outputFile, "All processes complete.\n"); printFile($outputFile, "Process end: " . $eventEnd . "\n");
$content = "<pre>{$content}</pre>"; } echo '<div style="font-size:small;">'; echo $content; echo '</div>'; print '<ul><li><a href=?file=' . $_GET['file'] . '&more=' . (int) ($more + 1) . '> 次の100件 (' . $more * 100 . '~' . ($more + 1) * 100 . ')</a></li><li><a href=?full=1&file=' . $_GET['file'] . '>全て表示</li></li><li><a href=?full>戻る</li></ul>'; } else { print "<pre>{$content}</pre>"; print '<ul><li><a href="?">戻る</li></ul>'; } } /** * Log Print Mode */ if (isset($_GET['file'])) { printFile($file[$_GET['file']]); exit; } if (function_exists('memcache_get_version')) { $memcache = new Memcache(); $memcache->addServer('localhost', 11211); } ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html> <head> <style type="text/css"> body { background-color: #ffffff; color: #000000; }
function listPosts($request, $filter) { $match; $offset; $postNumber; //Navigating back and forth. if (preg_match("/.+offset\\/(\\d+)(\\/display\\/\\d+)?[\\/]?\$/", $request, $match)) { $offset = $match[1]; } if (preg_match("/(.+offset\\/\\d+)?\\/display\\/(\\d+)[\\/]?\$/", $request, $match)) { $postNumber = $match[2]; } $dir = BASE_PATH . BLOG_DIR; $allFiles = getFileList(BASE_PATH . BLOG_DIR, $filter); rsort($allFiles); if (!isset($offset)) { $offset = 0; } if (!isset($postNumber)) { $postNumber = BLOG_POST_NUMBER; } $printCount = 0; $itemCount = 0; $usedToMatch = false; //$html= printBlogNav($offset,$offset+$postNumber,count($allFiles),"left"); $html .= "<br/>"; foreach ($allFiles as $file) { if ($itemCount >= $offset && $printCount < $postNumber) { $html .= printFile($dir, $file, $uri); $printCount++; $usedToMatch = true; } else { if ($usedToMatch == true) { break; } } $itemCount++; } $html .= "<br/></div>"; #end id=blog div $html .= printBlogNav($offset, $offset + $postNumber, count($allFiles), "right"); return $html; }
header('Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); } if (!isCli()) { $l_PassOK = false; if (strlen(PASS) > 8) { $l_PassOK = true; } if ($l_PassOK && preg_match('|[0-9]|', PASS, $l_Found) && preg_match('|[A-Z]|', PASS, $l_Found) && preg_match('|[a-z]|', PASS, $l_Found)) { $l_PassOK = true; } if (!$l_PassOK) { echo sprintf(AI_STR_009, generatePassword()); exit; } if (isset($_GET['fn']) && $_GET['ph'] == crc32(PASS)) { printFile(); exit; } if ($_GET['p'] != PASS) { $generated_pass = generatePassword(); echo sprintf(AI_STR_010, $generated_pass, $generated_pass); exit; } } if (!is_readable(ROOT_PATH)) { echo AI_STR_011; exit; } if (isCli()) { if (defined('REPORT_PATH') and REPORT_PATH) { if (!is_writable(REPORT_PATH)) {
// Calculate total publications for current year cumulatively through current quarter $currentYearStart = $currentYear . "-01-01"; $totalPubs_cumulative = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT publication_data.mpid) AS quarterCumulativeTotal FROM faculty_publications INNER JOIN publication_data ON faculty_publications.mpid = publication_data.mpid WHERE faculty_publications.record_valid = 1 AND faculty_publications.internetID IN ({$facultyIdList}) AND publication_data.pubDate >= '{$currentYearStart}' AND publication_data.pubDate <= '{$endDate}'"; print $totalPubs_cumulative . "\n"; $result = runQuery($con, $totalPubs_cumulative); $obj = mysqli_fetch_object($result); $affils[$ind]["cumulativeQuarter"]["totalPublications"] = $obj->quarterCumulativeTotal; mysqli_free_result($result); // Calculate first/last author publications for current year cumulatively through current quarter $flPubs_cumulative = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT publication_data.mpid) AS quarterCumulativeFlTotal FROM faculty_publications INNER JOIN publication_data ON faculty_publications.mpid = publication_data.mpid WHERE faculty_publications.record_valid = 1 AND faculty_publications.internetID IN ({$facultyIdList}) AND publication_data.pubDate >= '{$currentYearStart}' AND publication_data.pubDate <= '{$endDate}' AND (faculty_publications.authorPosition = faculty_publications.authorCount OR faculty_publications.authorPosition = 1)"; print $flPubs_cumulative . "\n"; $result = runQuery($con, $flPubs_cumulative); $obj = mysqli_fetch_object($result); $affils[$ind]["cumulativeQuarter"]["flPublications"] = $obj->quarterCumulativeFlTotal; mysqli_free_result($result); } } file_put_contents("../reports/deptReports/" . $outputFileName, json_encode($affils, true)); printFile($logFile, "Data recorded; stored in reports/deptReports/" . $outputFileName . "\n"); // Update data source in table $update_data_source_sql = "UPDATE reports SET report_dataURL = '{$outputFileName}' WHERE reportID = 'R0001'"; runQuery($con, $update_data_source_sql); // Record end of process $eventEnd = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); printFile($logFile, "Process end: " . $eventEnd . "\n"); $endProcess = "UPDATE events_master SET eventFinish = '{$eventEnd}' WHERE eventID = {$processNumber}"; runQuery($con, $endProcess); closeDB($con); printFile($logFile, "Data update for quarterly department reports complete.\n"); printFile($logFile, "Process end: " . $eventEnd . "\n");
foreach ($facultyArray as $internetId => $data) { $hIndex = $data['hIndex']; if ($hIndex > 0) { $getCitationCount = "SELECT SUM(subtable.citedByCount) as hCitations FROM (SELECT publication_data.citedByCount FROM publication_data INNER JOIN faculty_publications ON faculty_publications.mpid = publication_data.mpid WHERE faculty_publications.record_valid = 1 AND faculty_publications.internetID = '{$internetId}' ORDER BY publication_data.citedByCount DESC LIMIT {$hIndex}) AS subtable"; if (!mysqli_query($con, $getCitationCount)) { die(mysqli_error($con)); } else { $result = mysqli_query($con, $getCitationCount); $obj = mysqli_fetch_object($result); $hCitations = $obj->hCitations; if (is_null($hCitations)) { $hCitations = 0; } $facultyArray[$internetId]['totalCount'] = $obj->hCitations; } } $hCitationCount = $facultyArray[$internetId]['totalCount']; $output = $internetId . "\t" . $hIndex . "\t" . $hCitationCount . "\t" . $data["pubCount"] . "\t" . $data["firstName"] . "\t" . $data["lastName"] . "\t" . $data["dept"] . "\n"; printFile($outputFile, $output); } // Now update data source in visualizations table $update_vis_data_sql = "UPDATE visualizations SET vis_dataURL = '{$outputFileName}' WHERE visID = 'V0005'"; runQuery($con, $update_vis_data_sql); // Record end of process $eventEnd = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); printFile($logFile, "Process end: " . $eventEnd . "\n"); $endProcess = "UPDATE events_master SET eventFinish = '{$eventEnd}' WHERE eventID = {$processNumber}"; runQuery($con, $endProcess); closeDB($con); printFile($logFile, "H-matrix data update complete. Data stored in {$outputFileName}.\n");
function printQueue($queue, $path, $chatType) { foreach ($queue as $file) { printFile($file, $path, $chatType); } }
function printInputTable($contest, $input_table) { $this->load->helper('file'); $this->load->helper(array('phpprintipp', 'file')); $filepath = './output/' . $contest['contest_id'] . '/input_tables/' . $input_table; $printing = printFile($filepath, false); return $printing; }
function composeMessage() { if ($this->session->userdata('loggedInUser')) { $this->form_validation->set_rules('user', 'user', 'required|trim'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('subject', 'subject', 'required|trim'); $this->form_validation->set_rules('message', 'message', 'required|trim'); $this->form_validation->set_message('user', $this->lang->line('select_user')); $this->form_validation->set_message('subject', $this->lang->line('subject')); $this->form_validation->set_message('message', $this->lang->line('message')); if (isset($_GET['fileid']) && $_GET['fileid'] != '') { $client = $this->google_client; $client->setAccessToken($this->session->userdata('accessToken')); $service = new Google_DriveService($client); /* Show all files with folder */ //$folderid =$_GET['fldrid']; $fileid = $_GET['fileid']; $user_file_list = printFile($service, $fileid); $data['file_detail']['title'] = $user_file_list->title; $data['file_detail']['fileId'] = $user_file_list->id; //pre($user_file_list); } if ($this->form_validation->run() == false) { //page title $data['title'] = $this->lang->line('add_message'); $data['submenu'] = '9c'; /* Get all client's user list of the login user client */ $data['users'] = $this->usermodel->getAllUsers_byClientID($this->session->userdata('clientId'), $this->session->userdata('userId')); // print_r($clientusers);die; //$admin = $this->usermodel->getAdminDetail(); //$data['users'] = array_merge($admin, $clientusers); $this->load->view('users/add_message', $data); } else { // check for upload file---------------------------upload attached file in folder if any $uploaded_data['upload_data']['file_name'] = ''; if ($_FILES['attach']['name'] != '') { $uploaded_data = $this->do_file_upload('attachment/', 'attach'); } $notification_flag = 0; $receiver = $this->input->post('user'); if ($this->input->post('gmailFile') != '') { $uploadfilename = $this->input->post('gmailFile'); } else { $uploadfilename = $uploaded_data['upload_data']['file_name']; } /*Get reciever Email Id */ $recieverDetail = ''; $toEmail = ''; $toUser = ''; $recieverId = $this->input->post('user'); if ($recieverId == '0') { $recieverId = 1; } $recieverDetail = $this->usermodel->getUserDetails($recieverId); //pr($recieverDetail); if ($recieverDetail) { $toEmail = $recieverDetail->userEmail; $toUser = $recieverDetail->userName; } $insert_msg = array('user_id' => $this->session->userdata('userId'), 'subject' => $this->input->post('subject'), 'message' => $this->input->post('message'), 'attachment' => $uploadfilename, 'message_type' => 'inbox', 'show_in_inbox' => 'y', 'created_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'notification_flag' => $notification_flag, 'receiver' => $receiver); $insertID = $this->usermodel->addMessage($insert_msg); if ($insertID) { //$to = '*****@*****.**'; $subject = $this->input->post('subject'); $data = 'You have one new message in your numera account.<br/><br/> Please <a href="' . base_url() . '">click here </a> to view you message.<br/><br/><b>From : ' . $this->session->userdata('userName') . '</b> '; $dataArray = array('ToEmail' => $toEmail, 'subject' => $subject, 'userName' => $toUser, 'message' => $data); $this->Send_emai_notification($dataArray); $this->session->set_flashdata('message', '<div class="alert-success" style="margin-left:5px;margin-right: 5px;" >' . $this->lang->line('msg_send_success') . '</div>'); } else { $this->session->set_flashdata('message', '<div class="alert-error" style="margin-left:5px;margin-right: 5px;">' . $this->lang->line('msg_send_fail') . '</div>'); } redirect('users/messagebox'); } } else { redirect('/users/login'); } }