Esempio n. 1
/* ---------------------------------------------- */
/* - CPNT 262 Web Client and Server Programming - */
/* --------- Author: Stefan Richardson ---------- */
/* -------------December 7, 2015 ---------------- */
/* ---------- PHP MySQL Assignment -------------- */
/* ---------------------------------------------- */
// include important files
include "functions.php";
// check to see if the $_REQUEST is set...
if (isset($_REQUEST['countrycode'])) {
    // set a variable to hold your MySQL connection info
    $dbh = mysqli_connect("localhost", "travel", "password", "travelexperts");
    // if the connection fails...
    if (!$dbh) {
        // print to an external function that writes the errors n a text file.
        // exit function
    // write the SQL code need to select data from a db table where the country code is what the user selected
    $sql = "SELECT provstatecode, provstatename FROM provstate WHERE countrycode='" . $_REQUEST["countrycode"] . "'";
    // set a results variable to query the connection info and SQL code
    $result = mysqli_query($dbh, $sql);
    // set a variable to write the code needed for your select menu
    $select = "<select name='CustProv'><option>Select a province or state</option>";
    // as long as there are rows, concatinate each option tag to the $select variable
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_row($result)) {
        $select .= "<option value='{$row['0']}'>{$row['1']}</option>";
    // finish off the the select code
    $select .= "</select>";
Esempio n. 2
function customerUpdate($data, $custid)
    // set the connection information of the data to a variable
    // the '@' tells the server not to print out the errors that may occur
    $dbh = @mysqli_connect("localhost", "root", "", "custorders");
    // if there is an error...
    if (!$dbh) {
        // print the time and the error to an external log
        printErrorLog(time() . " : " . mysqli_connect_error());
        // end the function and print out the error
    // write the statement in SQL, that is needed to update the database
    $sql = "UPDATE customers SET fname=?, lname=?, address=?, city=?, prov=?, pcode=?, phone=? WHERE custid=?";
    // create a prepare statement with the connection information and SQL code
    $stmt = mysqli_prepare($dbh, $sql);
    // bind the parammeters of the statement, the type of information being sent, and the values for the types
    mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, "sssssssi", $data["fname"], $data["lname"], $data["address"], $data["city"], $data["prov"], $data["pcode"], $data["phone"], $data["custid"]);
    // create an array where the data that the user entered is the value and the field name is the key
    foreach ($data as $k => $v) {
        $setarray[] = "{$k}='{$v}'";
    // turn the array into a string and set it in the $setstring variable
    $setstring = implode(",", $setarray);
    // create another SQL code that updates the customers table where cust id equals a value
    $sql = "UPDATE customers SET {$setstring} WHERE custid=?";
    // prepare your sql statement
    $stmt = mysqli_prepare($dbh, $sql);
    // bind all your params
    mysqli_stmt_bind_param($stmt, "i", $custid);
    // if the statement is executed,
    if (mysqli_stmt_execute($stmt)) {
        // print out how many rows are affected
        print "Rows updated: " . mysqli_stmt_affected_rows($stmt);
    // if the database returns an error, store the results in a variable
    $error = mysqli_error($dbh);
    // make sure the database is closed
    // return the error variable
    return $error;