Esempio n. 1
 * Prepare data to dispaly invitation
 * @param Thread $thread Thread object related with invitation
 * @return array Array of invitation data
function setup_invitation_view(Thread $thread)
    $data = prepare_chat_app_data();
    // Set refresh frequency
    $data['frequency'] = Settings::get('updatefrequency_chat');
    // Create some empty arrays
    $data['invitation'] = array();
    $data['invitation']['thread'] = array('id' => $thread->id, 'token' => $thread->lastToken, 'agentId' => $thread->agentId, 'userId' => $thread->userId);
    $data['invitation']['user'] = array('name' => htmlspecialchars($thread->userName), 'canChangeName' => false, 'isAgent' => false);
    $data['startFrom'] = 'invitation';
    return $data;
Esempio n. 2
 * Prepare some data for chat for both user and operator
 * @param Thread $thread thread object
 * @return array Array of chat view data
function setup_chatview(Thread $thread)
    $data = prepare_chat_app_data();
    // Get group info
    if (!empty($thread->groupId)) {
        $group = group_by_id($thread->groupId);
        $group = get_top_level_group($group);
    } else {
        $group = array();
    // Create some empty arrays
    $data['chat'] = array('messageForm' => array(), 'links' => array(), 'windowsParams' => array());
    // Set thread params
    $data['chat']['thread'] = array('id' => $thread->id, 'token' => $thread->lastToken, 'agentId' => $thread->agentId, 'userId' => $thread->userId);
    $data['page.title'] = empty($group['vcchattitle']) ? Settings::get('chattitle') : $group['vcchattitle'];
    $data['chat']['page'] = array('title' => $data['page.title']);
    // Setup logo
    $data = array_merge_recursive($data, setup_logo($group));
    // Set enter key shortcut
    if (Settings::get('sendmessagekey') == 'enter') {
        $data['chat']['messageForm']['ignoreCtrl'] = true;
    } else {
        $data['chat']['messageForm']['ignoreCtrl'] = false;
    // Load dialogs style options
    $chat_style = new ChatStyle(ChatStyle::getCurrentStyle());
    $style_config = $chat_style->getConfigurations();
    $data['chat']['windowsParams']['mail'] = $style_config['mail']['window'];
    // Load core style options
    $page_style = new PageStyle(PageStyle::getCurrentStyle());
    $style_config = $page_style->getConfigurations();
    $data['chat']['windowsParams']['history'] = $style_config['history']['window'];
    $data['startFrom'] = 'chat';
    return $data;