Esempio n. 1
function isSelected($name, $option, $default = false, $return = false)
    if (postVar($name, true) == $option || getVar($name, true) == $option) {
        /* make sure == not used (for string to int comparison) */
        if ($return) {
            return 'selected';
        echo 'selected';
    } else {
        if (!postVar($name, true) && !getVar($name, true) && $default) {
            if ($return) {
                return 'selected';
            echo 'selected';
Esempio n. 2
// some functions
function SE_unlockLogin($login)
    sql_query("DELETE FROM " . sql_table('plug_securityenforcer') . " WHERE login='******'");
// checks
// create the admin area page
$oPluginAdmin = new PluginAdmin('SecurityEnforcer');
// add styles to the <HEAD>
// if form to unlock is posted
if (postVar('action') == 'unlock') {
    if (!$manager->checkTicket()) {
        doError('Invalid Ticket');
    $logins = postVar('unlock');
    $message = '';
    if (is_array($logins)) {
        foreach ($logins as $entity) {
            $message .= '<br />' . $entity . _SECURITYENFORCER_ADMIN_UNLOCKED;
$plug =& $oPluginAdmin->plugin;
// page title
echo '<h2>' . _SECURITYENFORCER_ADMIN_TITLE . '</h2>';
// error output
if ($message) {
    echo "<p><strong>";
    echo $message;
Esempio n. 3
function doInstall()
    global $mysql_usePrefix, $mysql_prefix, $weblog_ping;
    // 0. put all POST-vars into vars
    $mysql_host = postVar('mySQL_host');
    $mysql_user = postVar('mySQL_user');
    $mysql_password = postVar('mySQL_password');
    $mysql_database = postVar('mySQL_database');
    $mysql_create = postVar('mySQL_create');
    $mysql_usePrefix = postVar('mySQL_usePrefix');
    $mysql_prefix = postVar('mySQL_tablePrefix');
    $config_indexurl = postVar('IndexURL');
    $config_adminurl = postVar('AdminURL');
    $config_adminpath = postVar('AdminPath');
    $config_mediaurl = postVar('MediaURL');
    $config_skinsurl = postVar('SkinsURL');
    $config_pluginurl = postVar('PluginURL');
    $config_actionurl = postVar('ActionURL');
    $config_mediapath = postVar('MediaPath');
    $config_skinspath = postVar('SkinsPath');
    $user_name = postVar('User_name');
    $user_realname = postVar('User_realname');
    $user_password = postVar('User_password');
    $user_password2 = postVar('User_password2');
    $user_email = postVar('User_email');
    $blog_name = postVar('Blog_name');
    $blog_shortname = postVar('Blog_shortname');
    $charset = postVar('charset');
    $config_adminemail = $user_email;
    $config_sitename = $blog_name;
    $weblog_ping = postVar('Weblog_ping');
    $_POST = array();
    $config_indexurl = replaceDoubleBackslash($config_indexurl);
    $config_adminurl = replaceDoubleBackslash($config_adminurl);
    $config_mediaurl = replaceDoubleBackslash($config_mediaurl);
    $config_skinsurl = replaceDoubleBackslash($config_skinsurl);
    $config_pluginurl = replaceDoubleBackslash($config_pluginurl);
    $config_actionurl = replaceDoubleBackslash($config_actionurl);
    $config_adminpath = replaceDoubleBackslash($config_adminpath);
    $config_skinspath = replaceDoubleBackslash($config_skinspath);
    $config_mediapath = replaceDoubleBackslash($config_mediapath);
     * Include and initialize multibyte functions as a replacement for mbstring extension
     *  if mbstring extension is not loaded.
     * Jan.28, 2011. Japanese Package Release Team
    if (!function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')) {
        global $mbemu_internals;
        include_once $config_adminpath . 'libs/mb_emulator/mb-emulator.php';
    if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) {
        @date_default_timezone_set(function_exists('date_default_timezone_get') ? @date_default_timezone_get() : 'UTC');
    if ($charset == 'ujis') {
        define('_CHARSET', 'EUC-JP');
        $config_sitename = mb_convert_encoding($config_sitename, _CHARSET, 'UTF-8');
        $user_realname = mb_convert_encoding($user_realname, _CHARSET, 'UTF-8');
        $blog_name = mb_convert_encoding($blog_name, _CHARSET, 'UTF-8');
    } else {
        define('_CHARSET', 'UTF-8');
    // 1. check all the data
    $errors = array();
    if (!$mysql_database) {
        array_push($errors, _ERROR2);
    if ($mysql_usePrefix == 1 && strlen($mysql_prefix) == 0) {
        array_push($errors, _ERROR3);
    if ($mysql_usePrefix == 1 && !preg_match('#^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+$#', $mysql_prefix)) {
        array_push($errors, _ERROR4);
    // TODO: add action.php check
    if (!endsWithSlash($config_indexurl) || !endsWithSlash($config_adminurl) || !endsWithSlash($config_mediaurl) || !endsWithSlash($config_pluginurl) || !endsWithSlash($config_skinsurl)) {
        array_push($errors, _ERROR5);
    if (!endsWithSlash($config_adminpath)) {
        array_push($errors, _ERROR6);
    if (!endsWithSlash($config_mediapath)) {
        array_push($errors, _ERROR7);
    if (!endsWithSlash($config_skinspath)) {
        array_push($errors, _ERROR8);
    if (!is_dir($config_adminpath)) {
        array_push($errors, _ERROR9);
    if (!_isValidMailAddress($user_email)) {
        array_push($errors, _ERROR10);
    if (!_isValidDisplayName($user_name)) {
        array_push($errors, _ERROR11);
    if (!$user_password || !$user_password2) {
        array_push($errors, _ERROR12);
    if ($user_password != $user_password2) {
        array_push($errors, _ERROR13);
    if (!_isValidShortName($blog_shortname)) {
        array_push($errors, _ERROR14);
    if (sizeof($errors) > 0) {
    // 2. try to log in to mySQL
    global $MYSQL_CONN;
    // this will need to be changed if we ever allow
    $MYSQL_CONN = @sql_connect_args($mysql_host, $mysql_user, $mysql_password);
    if ($MYSQL_CONN == false) {
        _doError(_ERROR15 . ': ' . sql_error());
    // 3. try to create database (if needed)
    $mySqlVer = implode('.', array_map('intval', explode('.', sql_get_server_info())));
    $collation = $charset == 'utf8' ? 'utf8_general_ci' : 'ujis_japanese_ci';
    if ($mysql_create == 1) {
        $sql = 'CREATE DATABASE ' . $mysql_database;
        // <add for garble measure>
        if (version_compare($mySqlVer, '4.1.0', '>=')) {
            $sql .= ' DEFAULT CHARACTER SET ' . $charset . ' COLLATE ' . $collation;
        // </add for garble measure>*/
        sql_query($sql, $MYSQL_CONN) or _doError(_ERROR16 . ': ' . sql_error($MYSQL_CONN));
    // 4. try to select database
    sql_select_db($mysql_database, $MYSQL_CONN) or _doError(_ERROR17);
     * 4.5. set character set to this database in MySQL server
     * This processing is added by Nucleus CMS Japanese Package Release Team as of Mar.30, 2011
    // 5. execute queries
    $filename = 'install.sql';
    $fd = fopen($filename, 'r');
    $queries = fread($fd, filesize($filename));
    $queries = split("(;\n|;\r)", $queries);
    $aTableNames = array('nucleus_actionlog', 'nucleus_ban', 'nucleus_blog', 'nucleus_category', 'nucleus_comment', 'nucleus_config', 'nucleus_item', 'nucleus_karma', 'nucleus_member', 'nucleus_plugin', 'nucleus_skin', 'nucleus_template', 'nucleus_team', 'nucleus_activation', 'nucleus_tickets');
    // these are unneeded (one of the replacements above takes care of them)
    //			'nucleus_plugin_event',
    //			'nucleus_plugin_option',
    //			'nucleus_plugin_option_desc',
    //			'nucleus_skin_desc',
    //			'nucleus_template_desc',
    $aTableNamesPrefixed = array($mysql_prefix . 'nucleus_actionlog', $mysql_prefix . 'nucleus_ban', $mysql_prefix . 'nucleus_blog', $mysql_prefix . 'nucleus_category', $mysql_prefix . 'nucleus_comment', $mysql_prefix . 'nucleus_config', $mysql_prefix . 'nucleus_item', $mysql_prefix . 'nucleus_karma', $mysql_prefix . 'nucleus_member', $mysql_prefix . 'nucleus_plugin', $mysql_prefix . 'nucleus_skin', $mysql_prefix . 'nucleus_template', $mysql_prefix . 'nucleus_team', $mysql_prefix . 'nucleus_activation', $mysql_prefix . 'nucleus_tickets');
    // these are unneeded (one of the replacements above takes care of them)
    //			$mysql_prefix . 'nucleus_plugin_event',
    //			$mysql_prefix . 'nucleus_plugin_option',
    //			$mysql_prefix . 'nucleus_plugin_option_desc',
    //			$mysql_prefix . 'nucleus_skin_desc',
    //			$mysql_prefix . 'nucleus_template_desc',
    $count = count($queries);
    for ($idx = 0; $idx < $count; $idx++) {
        $query = trim($queries[$idx]);
        // echo "QUERY = " . htmlspecialchars($query) . "<p>";
        if ($query) {
            if ($mysql_usePrefix == 1) {
                $query = str_replace($aTableNames, $aTableNamesPrefixed, $query);
            // <add for garble measure>
            if ($mysql_create != 1 && strpos($query, 'CREATE TABLE') === 0 && version_compare($mySqlVer, '4.1.0', '>=')) {
                $query .= ' DEFAULT CHARACTER SET ' . $charset . ' COLLATE ' . $collation;
            // </add for garble measure>*/
            sql_query($query, $MYSQL_CONN) or _doError(_ERROR30 . ' (' . htmlspecialchars($query) . '): ' . sql_error($MYSQL_CONN));
    // 5a make first post
    if (strtoupper(_CHARSET) != 'UTF-8') {
        $itm_title = mb_convert_encoding(_1ST_POST_TITLE, _CHARSET, 'UTF-8');
        $itm_body = mb_convert_encoding(_1ST_POST, _CHARSET, 'UTF-8');
        $itm_more = mb_convert_encoding(_1ST_POST2, _CHARSET, 'UTF-8');
    } else {
        $itm_title = _1ST_POST_TITLE;
        $itm_body = _1ST_POST;
        $itm_more = _1ST_POST2;
    $newpost = "INSERT INTO " . tableName('nucleus_item') . " VALUES (" . "1, " . "'" . $itm_title . "'," . " '" . $itm_body . "'," . " '" . $itm_more . "'," . " 1, 1, '2005-08-15 11:04:26', 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1);";
    sql_query($newpost, $MYSQL_CONN) or _doError(_ERROR18 . ' (' . htmlspecialchars($newpost) . '): ' . sql_error($MYSQL_CONN));
    // 6. update global settings
    updateConfig('IndexURL', $config_indexurl);
    updateConfig('AdminURL', $config_adminurl);
    updateConfig('MediaURL', $config_mediaurl);
    updateConfig('SkinsURL', $config_skinsurl);
    updateConfig('PluginURL', $config_pluginurl);
    updateConfig('ActionURL', $config_actionurl);
    updateConfig('AdminEmail', $config_adminemail);
    updateConfig('SiteName', $config_sitename);
    if ($charset == 'ujis') {
        updateConfig('Language', 'japanese-euc');
    // 7. update GOD member
    $query = 'UPDATE ' . tableName('nucleus_member') . " SET mname\t = '" . addslashes($user_name) . "'," . " mrealname\t = '" . addslashes($user_realname) . "'," . " mpassword\t = '" . md5(addslashes($user_password)) . "'," . " murl\t\t  = '" . addslashes($config_indexurl) . "'," . " memail\t\t= '" . addslashes($user_email) . "'," . " madmin\t\t= 1," . " mcanlogin\t = 1" . " WHERE" . " mnumber\t   = 1";
    sql_query($query, $MYSQL_CONN) or _doError(_ERROR19 . ': ' . sql_error($MYSQL_CONN));
    // 8. update weblog settings
    $query = 'UPDATE ' . tableName('nucleus_blog') . " SET bname  = '" . addslashes($blog_name) . "'," . " bshortname = '" . addslashes($blog_shortname) . "'," . " burl\t   = '" . addslashes($config_indexurl) . "'" . " WHERE" . " bnumber\t= 1";
    sql_query($query, $MYSQL_CONN) or _doError(_ERROR20 . ': ' . sql_error($MYSQL_CONN));
    // 8-2. update category settings
    if (strtoupper(_CHARSET) != 'UTF-8') {
        $cat_name = mb_convert_encoding(_GENERALCAT_NAME, _CHARSET, 'UTF-8');
        $cat_desc = mb_convert_encoding(_GENERALCAT_DESC, _CHARSET, 'UTF-8');
    } else {
        $cat_name = _GENERALCAT_NAME;
        $cat_desc = _GENERALCAT_DESC;
    $query = 'UPDATE ' . tableName('nucleus_category') . " SET cname  = '" . $cat_name . "'," . " cdesc\t  = '" . $cat_desc . "'" . " WHERE" . " catid\t  = 1";
    sql_query($query, $MYSQL_CONN) or _doError(_ERROR20 . ': ' . sql_error($MYSQL_CONN));
    // 9. update item date
    $query = 'UPDATE ' . tableName('nucleus_item') . " SET   itime   = '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()) . "'" . " WHERE inumber = 1";
    sql_query($query, $MYSQL_CONN) or _doError(_ERROR21 . ': ' . sql_error($MYSQL_CONN));
    global $aConfPlugsToInstall, $aConfSkinsToImport;
    $aSkinErrors = array();
    $aPlugErrors = array();
    if (count($aConfPlugsToInstall) > 0 || count($aConfSkinsToImport) > 0) {
        // 10. set global variables
        $MYSQL_HOST = $mysql_host;
        $MYSQL_USER = $mysql_user;
        $MYSQL_PASSWORD = $mysql_password;
        $MYSQL_DATABASE = $mysql_database;
        $MYSQL_PREFIX = $mysql_usePrefix == 1 ? $mysql_prefix : '';
        $DIR_NUCLEUS = $config_adminpath;
        $DIR_MEDIA = $config_mediapath;
        $DIR_SKINS = $config_skinspath;
        $DIR_PLUGINS = $DIR_NUCLEUS . 'plugins/';
        $DIR_LANG = $DIR_NUCLEUS . 'language/';
        $DIR_LIBS = $DIR_NUCLEUS . 'libs/';
        // close database connection (needs to be closed if we want to include globalfunctions.php)
        $manager = '';
        include_once $DIR_LIBS . 'globalfunctions.php';
        // 11. install custom skins
        $aSkinErrors = installCustomSkins($manager);
        $defskinQue = 'SELECT `sdnumber` as result FROM ' . sql_table('skin_desc') . ' WHERE `sdname` = "default"';
        $defSkinID = quickQuery($defskinQue);
        $updateQuery = 'UPDATE ' . sql_table('blog') . ' SET `bdefskin` = ' . intval($defSkinID) . ' WHERE `bnumber` = 1';
        $updateQuery = 'UPDATE ' . sql_table('config') . ' SET `value` = ' . intval($defSkinID) . ' WHERE `name` = "BaseSkin"';
        // 12. install NP_Ping, if decided
        if ($weblog_ping == 1) {
            global $aConfPlugsToInstall;
            array_push($aConfPlugsToInstall, "NP_Ping");
        // 13. install custom plugins
        $aPlugErrors = installCustomPlugs($manager);
    // 14. Write config file ourselves (if possible)
    $bConfigWritten = 0;
    if (@file_exists('../config.php') && is_writable('../config.php') && ($fp = @fopen('../config.php', 'w'))) {
        $config_data = '<' . '?php' . "\n\n";
        //$config_data .= "\n"; (extraneous, just added extra \n to previous line
        $config_data .= "   // mySQL connection information\n";
        $config_data .= "   \$MYSQL_HOST\t = '" . $mysql_host . "';\n";
        $config_data .= "   \$MYSQL_USER\t = '" . $mysql_user . "';\n";
        $config_data .= "   \$MYSQL_PASSWORD = '******';\n";
        $config_data .= "   \$MYSQL_DATABASE = '" . $mysql_database . "';\n";
        $config_data .= "   \$MYSQL_PREFIX   = '" . ($mysql_usePrefix == 1 ? $mysql_prefix : '') . "';\n";
        $config_data .= "   // new in 3.50. first element is db handler, the second is the db driver used by the handler\n";
        $config_data .= "   // default is \$MYSQL_HANDLER = array('mysql','');\n";
        $config_data .= "   //\$MYSQL_HANDLER = array('mysql','mysql');\n";
        $config_data .= "   //\$MYSQL_HANDLER = array('pdo','mysql');\n";
        $config_data .= "   \$MYSQL_HANDLER = array('" . $MYSQL_HANDLER[0] . "','" . $MYSQL_HANDLER[1] . "');\n";
        $config_data .= "\n";
        $config_data .= "   // main nucleus directory\n";
        $config_data .= "   \$DIR_NUCLEUS = '" . $config_adminpath . "';\n";
        $config_data .= "\n";
        $config_data .= "   // path to media dir\n";
        $config_data .= "   \$DIR_MEDIA   = '" . $config_mediapath . "';\n";
        $config_data .= "\n";
        $config_data .= "   // extra skin files for imported skins\n";
        $config_data .= "   \$DIR_SKINS   = '" . $config_skinspath . "';\n";
        $config_data .= "\n";
        $config_data .= "   // these dirs are normally sub dirs of the nucleus dir, but \n";
        $config_data .= "   // you can redefine them if you wish\n";
        $config_data .= "   \$DIR_PLUGINS = \$DIR_NUCLEUS . 'plugins/';\n";
        $config_data .= "   \$DIR_LANG\t= \$DIR_NUCLEUS . 'language/';\n";
        $config_data .= "   \$DIR_LIBS\t= \$DIR_NUCLEUS . 'libs/';\n";
        $config_data .= "\n";
        $config_data .= "   // include libs\n";
        $config_data .= "   include(\$DIR_LIBS . 'globalfunctions.php');\n";
        $config_data .= "?" . ">";
        $result = @fputs($fp, $config_data, strlen($config_data));
        if ($result) {
            $bConfigWritten = 1;
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    echo _TITLE;
	<style>@import url('../nucleus/styles/manual.css');</style>
	<div style="text-align:center"><img src="../nucleus/styles/logo.gif" alt="<?php 
" /></div> <!-- Nucleus logo -->

    $aAllErrors = array_merge($aSkinErrors, $aPlugErrors);
    if (count($aAllErrors) > 0) {
        echo '<h1>' . _TITLE2 . '</h1>';
        echo '<ul><li>' . implode('</li><li>', $aAllErrors) . '</li></ul>';
    if (!$bConfigWritten) {
        echo _TITLE3;

        echo _TEXT10;

	// mySQL connection information
	$MYSQL_HOST	 = '<b><?php 
        echo $mysql_host;
	$MYSQL_USER	 = '******';
	$MYSQL_PASSWORD = '******';
	$MYSQL_DATABASE = '<b><?php 
        echo $mysql_database;
	$MYSQL_PREFIX   = '<b><?php 
        echo $mysql_usePrefix == 1 ? $mysql_prefix : '';

	// new in 3.50. first element is db handler, the second is the db driver used by the handler
	// default is $MYSQL_HANDLER = array('mysql','');
	$MYSQL_HANDLER = array('<?php 
        echo $MYSQL_HANDLER[0];
        echo $MYSQL_HANDLER[1];

	// main nucleus directory
	$DIR_NUCLEUS = '<b><?php 
        echo $config_adminpath;

	// path to media dir
	$DIR_MEDIA   = '<b><?php 
        echo $config_mediapath;

	// extra skin files for imported skins
	$DIR_SKINS   = '<b><?php 
        echo $config_skinspath;

	// these dirs are normally sub dirs of the nucleus dir, but
	// you can redefine them if you wish
	$DIR_PLUGINS = $DIR_NUCLEUS . 'plugins/';
	$DIR_LANG	= $DIR_NUCLEUS . 'language/';
	$DIR_LIBS	= $DIR_NUCLEUS . 'libs/';

	// include libs
	include($DIR_LIBS . 'globalfunctions.php');

        echo _TEXT11;

	<div class="note">
        echo _TEXT12;

    } else {

        echo _TITLE4;

        echo _TEXT13;


    echo _TITLE5;
    echo _TEXT14;

    echo _TEXT14_L1;
    echo _TEXT14_L2;

    echo _HEADER10;

    echo _TEXT15;

    echo _TEXT15_L1;
    echo _TEXT15_L2;
    echo _TEXT15_L3;

    echo _TEXT16;

    echo _HEADER11;

    echo _TEXT16_H;
			<li><a href="<?php 
    echo $config_adminurl;
    echo _TEXT16_L1;
			<li><a href="<?php 
    echo $config_indexurl;
    echo _TEXT16_L2;


Esempio n. 4
function requestVar($name)
    return postVar($name) ? postVar($name) : getVar($name);

include 'default.php';
$name = postVar('name');
$price = postVar('price');
if (is_null($name) || is_null($price)) {
    echo jsonErr('One of the required fields was not sent successfully.');
$to = '*****@*****.**';
$subject = 'Item Price Change Ticket';
$message = "An item price change ticket has been submitted.\nName: {$name}\nPrice: {$price}";
mail($to, $subject, $message);
echo jsonSuccess(array('message' => 'Your ticket has successfully been submitted. Thank you!'));
Esempio n. 6
function bm_doEditItem()
    global $member, $manager, $CONF;
    $itemid = intRequestVar('itemid');
    $catid = postVar('catid');
    // only allow if user is allowed to alter item
    if (!$member->canUpdateItem($itemid, $catid)) {
    $body = postVar('body');
    $title = postVar('title');
    $more = postVar('more');
    $closed = intPostVar('closed');
    $actiontype = postVar('actiontype');
    $draftid = intPostVar('draftid');
    // redirect to admin area on delete (has delete confirmation)
    if ($actiontype == 'delete') {
        redirect('index.php?action=itemdelete&itemid=' . $itemid);
    // create new category if needed (only on edit/changedate)
    if (strstr($catid, 'newcat')) {
        // get blogid
        list($blogid) = sscanf($catid, "newcat-%d");
        // create
        $blog =& $manager->getBlog($blogid);
        $catid = $blog->createNewCategory();
        // show error when sth goes wrong
        if (!$catid) {
    // only edit action is allowed for bookmarklet edit
    switch ($actiontype) {
        case 'changedate':
            $publish = 1;
            $wasdraft = 0;
            $timestamp = mktime(intPostVar('hour'), intPostVar('minutes'), 0, intPostVar('month'), intPostVar('day'), intPostVar('year'));
        case 'edit':
            $publish = 1;
            $wasdraft = 0;
            $timestamp = 0;
        case 'backtodrafts':
            $publish = 0;
            $wasdraft = 0;
            $timestamp = 0;
    // update item for real
    ITEM::update($itemid, $catid, $title, $body, $more, $closed, $wasdraft, $publish, $timestamp);
    if ($draftid > 0) {
    // show success message
    if ($catid != intPostVar('catid')) {
        $href = 'index.php?action=categoryedit&amp;blogid=' . $blog->getID() . '&amp;catid=' . $catid;
        $onclick = 'if (event &amp;&amp; event.preventDefault) event.preventDefault();; return false;';
        $title = _BOOKMARKLET_NEW_WINDOW;
        $aTag = ' <a href="' . $href . '" onclick="' . $onclick . '" title="' . $title . '">';
    } else {
        bm_message(_ITEM_UPDATED, _ITEM_UPDATED, _ITEM_UPDATED, '');
Esempio n. 7
function intPostVar($name)
    return intval(postVar($name));
Esempio n. 8
  * @todo document this
 function action_pluginadd()
     global $member, $manager, $DIR_PLUGINS;
     // check if allowed
     $member->isAdmin() or $this->disallow();
     $name = postVar('filename');
     if ($manager->pluginInstalled($name)) {
     if (!checkPlugin($name)) {
         $this->error(_ERROR_PLUGFILEERROR . ' (' . htmlspecialchars($name) . ')');
     // get number of currently installed plugins
     $res = sql_query('SELECT * FROM ' . sql_table('plugin'));
     $numCurrent = sql_num_rows($res);
     // plugin will be added as last one in the list
     $newOrder = $numCurrent + 1;
     $manager->notify('PreAddPlugin', array('file' => &$name));
     // do this before calling getPlugin (in case the plugin id is used there)
     $query = 'INSERT INTO ' . sql_table('plugin') . ' (porder, pfile) VALUES (' . $newOrder . ',"' . sql_real_escape_string($name) . '")';
     $iPid = sql_insert_id();
     // Load the plugin for condition checking and instalation
     $plugin =& $manager->getPlugin($name);
     // check if it got loaded (could have failed)
     if (!$plugin) {
         sql_query('DELETE FROM ' . sql_table('plugin') . ' WHERE pid=' . intval($iPid));
     // check if plugin needs a newer Nucleus version
     if (getNucleusVersion() < $plugin->getMinNucleusVersion()) {
         // uninstall plugin again...
         // ...and show error
         $this->error(_ERROR_NUCLEUSVERSIONREQ . htmlspecialchars($plugin->getMinNucleusVersion()));
     // check if plugin needs a newer Nucleus version
     if (getNucleusVersion() == $plugin->getMinNucleusVersion() && getNucleusPatchLevel() < $plugin->getMinNucleusPatchLevel()) {
         // uninstall plugin again...
         // ...and show error
         $this->error(_ERROR_NUCLEUSVERSIONREQ . htmlspecialchars($plugin->getMinNucleusVersion() . ' patch ' . $plugin->getMinNucleusPatchLevel()));
     $pluginList = $plugin->getPluginDep();
     foreach ($pluginList as $pluginName) {
         $res = sql_query('SELECT * FROM ' . sql_table('plugin') . ' WHERE pfile="' . $pluginName . '"');
         if (sql_num_rows($res) == 0) {
             // uninstall plugin again...
             $this->error(sprintf(_ERROR_INSREQPLUGIN, htmlspecialchars($pluginName, ENT_QUOTES)));
     // call the install method of the plugin
     $manager->notify('PostAddPlugin', array('plugin' => &$plugin));
     // update all events
Esempio n. 9
  * Parse skinvar membermailform
 function parse_membermailform($rows = 10, $cols = 40, $desturl = '')
     global $member, $CONF, $memberid;
     if ($desturl == '') {
         if ($CONF['URLMode'] == 'pathinfo') {
             $desturl = createMemberLink($memberid);
         } else {
             $desturl = $CONF['IndexURL'] . createMemberLink($memberid);
     $message = postVar('message');
     $frommail = postVar('frommail');
     $this->formdata = array('url' => htmlspecialchars($desturl), 'actionurl' => htmlspecialchars($CONF['ActionURL'], ENT_QUOTES), 'memberid' => $memberid, 'rows' => $rows, 'cols' => $cols, 'message' => htmlspecialchars($message, ENT_QUOTES), 'frommail' => htmlspecialchars($frommail, ENT_QUOTES));
     if ($member->isLoggedIn()) {
     } else {
         if ($CONF['NonmemberMail']) {
         } else {
Esempio n. 10
  * Called when a comment or member mail message is validated. We'll check if the 
  * provided captcha solution is correct here. If not, we'll return an error.
 function event_ValidateForm(&$data)
     switch ($data['type']) {
         case 'comment':
         case 'membermail':
         case 'activation':
     // initialize on first call
     if (!$this->inited) {
     // don't do anything when no GD libraries are available
     if (!$this->isAvailable()) {
     global $member;
     // captchas are not used for registered members
     if ($member->isLoggedIn()) {
     // get key and attempted solution from request
     $ver_key = postVar('ver_key');
     $ver_sol = postVar('ver_sol');
     // check if the solution matches what is in the database
     if (!$this->check($ver_key, $ver_sol)) {
         $data['error'] = $this->getOption('FailedMsg');
Esempio n. 11
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the 
 * Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
 * option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
 * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
require_once '../config.php';
$logfile = LACE_LOGDIR . postVar('log') . '.dat';
if (!file_exists($logfile)) {
    $logfile = LACE_LOGFILE;

<div id="subnav">

<h4 id="windowTitle"><?php 
Esempio n. 12
function _skinfiles_editfile_process()
    global $manager;
    $skinfiles = $manager->getPlugin('NP_SkinFiles');
    $file = _skinfiles_basename(trim(requestVar('file')));
    $directory = dirname(trim(requestVar('file')));
    $directory = sfExpandDirectory($directory);
    if (requestVar('sure') == 'yes') {
        if (sfValidPath($directory) && file_exists($directory . $file) && is_file($directory . $file) && is_writable($directory . $file) && sfAllowEditing($file)) {
            if ($skinfiles->getOption('generate_backup') == 'yes') {
                copy($directory . $file, $directory . $skinfiles->getOption('backup_prefix') . $file);
            $content = postVar('content');
            $success = false;
            if ($fh = @fopen($directory . $file, 'wb')) {
                if (@fwrite($fh, $content) !== false) {
                    $success = true;
            if ($success) {
                echo "<p class='message'>" . _SKINFILES_ERR_EDIT_FILE4 . "&laquo;" . htmlspecialchars($file) . "&raquo; " . _SKINFILES_ERR_EDIT_FILE5 . "</p>";
            } else {
                echo "<p class='error'>" . _SKINFILES_ERR_EDIT_FILE6 . "&laquo;" . htmlspecialchars($file) . "&raquo; " . _SKINFILES_ERR_EDIT_FILE7 . "</p>";
            /* begin modification by katsumi */
            if ($success && strlen($content) == 0) {
                _skinfiles_delbutton('file', trim(requestVar('file')));
            /* end modification */
        } else {
            echo "<p class='error'>" . _SKINFILES_ERR_EDIT_FILE1 . "&laquo;" . htmlspecialchars($file) . "&raquo; " . _SKINFILES_ERR_EDIT_FILE2;
            echo _SKINFILES_ERR_EDIT_FILE3 . "</p>";
    } else {
        // User cancelled
Esempio n. 13
  *  Sends a new password
 function forgotPassword()
     $membername = trim(postVar('name'));
     if (!MEMBER::exists($membername)) {
     $mem = MEMBER::createFromName($membername);
     /* below keeps regular users from resetting passwords using forgot password feature
     		 Removing for now until clear why it is required.*/
     /*if (!$mem->canLogin())
     // check if e-mail address is correct
     if (!($mem->getEmail() == postVar('email'))) {
     // send activation link
     if (postVar('url')) {
     } else {
         //			header ("Content-Type: text/html; charset="._CHARSET);
         sendContentType('text/html', '', _CHARSET);
         echo _MSG_ACTIVATION_SENT;
         echo '<br /><br />Return to <a href="' . $CONF['IndexURL'] . '" title="' . $CONF['SiteName'] . '">' . $CONF['SiteName'] . '</a>';
Esempio n. 14

include 'default.php';
$db = getDB();
$name = postVar('name');
$email = postVar('email');
$steamProfileLink = postVar('steamProfileLink');
$desc = postVar('desc');
if (is_null($name) || is_null($email) || is_null($steamProfileLink) || is_null($desc)) {
    echo jsonErr('One of the required fields was left blank or not sent correctly.');
# Check steam profile link to make sure it is valid
if (!filter_var($steamProfileLink, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL)) {
    echo jsonErr('Your steam profile link was not a valid url.');
# Add to support database table
$stmt = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO support (name, email, steamProfileLink, desc, date, time) VALUES (:name, :email, :steamProfileLink, :desc, CURDATE(), CURTIME())');
$stmt->bindValue(':name', $name);
$stmt->bindValue(':email', $email);
$stmt->bindValue(':steamProfileLink', $steamProfileLink);
$stmt->bindValue(':desc', $desc);
# Send email to our email
$to = '*****@*****.**';
$subject = 'Support Ticket Submitted';
$message = "A support ticket has been sent.\n\nName: {$name}\nEmail: {$email}\nProfile link: {$steamProfileLink}\nDescription: {$desc}";
mail($to, $subject, $message);
# Send email to user confirming their support ticket
$subject = 'Support ticket received';
Esempio n. 15
  * Tries to create an draft from the data in the current request (comes from
  * bookmarklet or admin area
  * Returns an array with status info:
  * status = 'added', 'error', 'newcategory'
  * @static
  * Used by xmlHTTPRequest AutoDraft
 function createDraftFromRequest()
     global $member, $manager;
     $i_author = $member->getID();
     $i_body = postVar('body');
     $i_title = postVar('title');
     $i_more = postVar('more');
     if (strtoupper(_CHARSET) != 'UTF-8') {
         $i_body = mb_convert_encoding($i_body, _CHARSET, "UTF-8");
         $i_title = mb_convert_encoding($i_title, _CHARSET, "UTF-8");
         $i_more = mb_convert_encoding($i_more, _CHARSET, "UTF-8");
     //$i_actiontype = postVar('actiontype');
     $i_closed = intPostVar('closed');
     //$i_hour = intPostVar('hour');
     //$i_minutes = intPostVar('minutes');
     //$i_month = intPostVar('month');
     //$i_day = intPostVar('day');
     //$i_year = intPostVar('year');
     $i_catid = postVar('catid');
     $i_draft = 1;
     $type = postVar('type');
     if ($type == 'edit') {
         $i_blogid = getBlogIDFromItemID(intPostVar('itemid'));
     } else {
         $i_blogid = intPostVar('blogid');
     $i_draftid = intPostVar('draftid');
     if (!$member->canAddItem($i_catid)) {
         return array('status' => 'error', 'message' => _ERROR_DISALLOWED);
     if (!trim($i_body)) {
         return array('status' => 'error', 'message' => _ERROR_NOEMPTYITEMS);
     // create new category if needed
     if (strstr($i_catid, 'newcat')) {
         // Set in default category
         $blog =& $manager->getBlog($i_blogid);
         $i_catid = $blog->getDefaultCategory();
     } else {
         // force blogid (must be same as category id)
         $i_blogid = getBlogIDFromCatID($i_catid);
         $blog =& $manager->getBlog($i_blogid);
     $posttime = 0;
     if ($i_draftid > 0) {
         ITEM::update($i_draftid, $i_catid, $i_title, $i_body, $i_more, $i_closed, 1, 0, 0);
         $itemid = $i_draftid;
     } else {
         $itemid = $blog->additem($i_catid, $i_title, $i_body, $i_more, $i_blogid, $i_author, $posttime, $i_closed, $i_draft);
     // No plugin support in AutoSaveDraft yet
     //Setting the itemOptions
     //$aOptions = requestArray('plugoption');
     //NucleusPlugin::_applyPluginOptions($aOptions, $itemid);
     //$manager->notify('PostPluginOptionsUpdate',array('context' => 'item', 'itemid' => $itemid, 'item' => array('title' => $i_title, 'body' => $i_body, 'more' => $i_more, 'closed' => $i_closed, 'catid' => $i_catid)));
     // success
     return array('status' => 'added', 'draftid' => $itemid);
Esempio n. 16
require HTMLView::pathForTemplate('layout.head');

	<div class="container">
		<form method="post" style="text-align: center;">
if (isset($alert)) {
			<p><input type="text" name="email" placeholder="Email Address" value="<?php 
			<p><input type="password" name="password" placeholder="Password"></p>
			<p><button type="submit">Submit</button></p>
		<p><a href="<?php 
echo RouteController::fqURL('user.login');

Esempio n. 17
 * laceListener()
 * Checks POST variables for incoming messages or
 * update requests.
function laceListener($fromListener = true)
    $cookie_name = cookieVar(LACE_NAME_COOKIE, false);
    $post_name = postVar('name', false);
    // name
    $post_text = postVar('text', false);
    // text
    if ($post_name !== false && $post_text !== false) {
        if (validateSession() === false) {
            return '"chat":{"nodata":"1"}';
        if (isFlooding() === true) {
            return '"chat":{"nodata":"1"}';
        $message = prepareMessage($post_name, $post_text);
        if ($message !== false) {
            if ($cookie_name && $cookie_name != $post_name) {
                addNameChange($cookie_name, $post_name);
            } else {
                global $A;
                // Activity object
            // Reset $name just in case it has been changed
            global $name;
            $name = $post_name;
            setcookie(LACE_NAME_COOKIE, $post_name, time() + 259200, LACE_URL_REL);
    if ($fromListener) {
        $chatHash = postVar('chatHash', false);
        if ($chatHash) {
            $hash = getMessageHash();
            if (validateSession() === false || $chatHash == $hash) {
                return '"chat":{"nodata":""}';
            $json = '"chat":{"hash":"' . $hash . '","data":"';
            $json .= addslashes(str_replace("\n", "", printFileContentsHTML())) . '"}';
            return $json;
        return '"chat":{"nodata":""}';
    return '"chat":{"nodata":""}';
Esempio n. 18
 public function event_PostRegister(&$data)
     if ($this->enable_security == 'yes') {
         $password = postVar('password');
         if (postVar('action') == 'memberadd') {
             $message = $this->_validate_and_messsage($password, $this->pwd_min_length, $this->pwd_complexity);
             if ($message) {
                 $errormessage = _SECURITYENFORCER_ACCOUNT_CREATED . $message . "<br /><br />\n";
                 global $admin;
Esempio n. 19

include 'default.php';
$name = postVar('name');
$price = postVar('price');
$link = postVar('link');
if (is_null($name) || is_null($price) || is_null($link)) {
    echo jsonErr('One of the required fields was not send correctly.');
$to = '*****@*****.**';
$subject = 'New Item Ticket';
$message = "A new item ticket has been submitted.\nName: {$name}\nPrice: {$price}\nLink: {$link}\n";
mail($to, $subject, $message);
echo jsonSuccess(array('message' => 'Your ticket has successfully been submitted. Thank you!'));
Esempio n. 20
function _linklist_delete()
    $type = postVar('type');
    $msg = _linklist_doDelete($type);
Esempio n. 21
 * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
// Initialize the form's name value to
// be overridden during session init.
global $name;
$name = '';
require_once 'common.php';
if ($name == '') {
    $name = getName();
// This is only ever used if XMLHttpRequest is
// not accessible (JavaScript disabled, etc.)
// Otherwise, Lace just passes through it unaffected.
// Front Controller dirty work
$op = postVar('op', false);
switch ($op) {
    case 'log':
        $id = 'log';
        $include = '';
        $title = LACE_SITE_NAME . ' Logs';
    case 'help':
        $id = 'help';
        $include = '';
        $title = LACE_SITE_NAME . ' Tips';
        if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] != LACE_URL_REL && $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] != LACE_URL_REL . basename(__FILE__)) {
            // Redirect invalid URLs to the main page
            header('Location: ' . LACE_URL_ABS);