<?php include 'tiosafe_config.php'; $customers_id = ""; if (postNotEmpty('person_id')) { $customers_id = $_POST['person_id']; } $req_select = "SELECT address_book_id AS id, "; $req_select .= "entry_street_address AS street, "; $req_select .= "entry_postcode AS zip, "; $req_select .= "entry_city AS city, "; $req_select .= "cnt.countries_name AS country "; $req_select .= "FROM " . TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK . " adr "; $req_select .= "LEFT OUTER JOIN " . TABLE_COUNTRIES . " cnt "; $req_select .= "ON adr.entry_country_id = cnt.countries_id "; if (!empty($customers_id)) { $req_select .= "WHERE adr.customers_id = " . $customers_id . " "; } $req_select .= "ORDER BY address_book_id ASC"; //header('Content-type: text/xml'); //echo executeSQL($req_select, $db); $db->close(); ?>
<?php /** * Returns the ID of the last inserted element in a table * We don't use this WSR because the way the ID is retrieved is not efficient * and we manage to retrieve directly the after the insertion of the element * @see createPerson.php * @see createProduct.php */ include_once 'database.php'; include_once 'functions.php'; include_once '../includes/configure.php'; include_once '../includes/database_tables.php'; include_once '../includes/functions/database.php'; if (!postNotEmpty('type')) { die('Type not given'); } tep_db_connect() or die('Unable to connect to database'); $type = $_POST['type']; $query = ""; switch ($type) { case 'Person': $query = 'select max(customers_id) as id from ' . TABLE_CUSTOMERS; break; case 'Product': $query = 'select max(products_id) as id from ' . TABLE_PRODUCTS; break; default: die('Unknown type'); } $xml = executeSQL($query);
<?php include 'tiosafe_config.php'; if (postNotEmpty('address_id')) { $address_id = zen_db_prepare_input($_POST['address_id']); $query = 'DELETE FROM ' . TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK . ' WHERE address_book_id = ' . $address_id; echo executeSQL($query, $db); } else { echo '\\nInvalid query: the parameter address_id is required!'; } $db->close();
<?php include 'tiosafe_config.php'; if (postNotEmpty('product_id')) { $products_id = $_POST['product_id']; //$products_id = 181; /* $query = 'DELETE FROM ' . TABLE_PRODUCTS . ' WHERE products_id = ' . $products_id; zen_db_query($query); $query = 'DELETE FROM ' . TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION . ' WHERE products_id = ' . $products_id; zen_db_query($query); */ zen_remove_product($products_id); } else { echo '\\nInvalid query: The parameter product_id is required!'; } $db->close();
<?php include 'tiosafe_config.php'; $order_id = ""; if (postNotEmpty('person_id')) { $order_id = $_POST['person_id']; } elseif (postNotEmpty('personnode_id')) { $order_id = $_POST['personnode_id']; } $req_select = "SELECT ordr.orders_id AS id, "; $req_select .= "delivery_name AS title, "; $req_select .= "entry_firstname AS firstname, "; $req_select .= "entry_lastname AS lastname, "; $req_select .= "cst.customers_email_address AS email, "; $req_select .= "delivery_company AS company, "; $req_select .= "delivery_street_address AS street, "; $req_select .= "delivery_postcode AS zip, "; $req_select .= "delivery_city AS city, "; $req_select .= "delivery_country AS country, "; $req_select .= "'type/person' AS category "; $req_select .= "FROM " . TABLE_ORDERS . " ordr "; $req_select .= "RIGHT OUTER JOIN " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " cst ON ordr.customers_id=cst.customers_id "; $req_select .= "LEFT OUTER JOIN " . TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK . " adr ON \n (ordr.customers_id=adr.customers_id \n AND CONCAT(adr.entry_firstname, ' ', adr.entry_lastname)=delivery_name\n AND adr.entry_street_address=delivery_street_address) "; //cst.customers_default_address_id=adr.address_book_id $req_select .= "LEFT OUTER JOIN " . TABLE_ORDERS_STATUS_HISTORY . " stat ON ordr.orders_id=stat.orders_id "; $req_select .= "WHERE orders_status_id = '1' "; if ($order_id != "") { $req_select .= "AND ordr.orders_id = '" . $order_id . "' "; } $req_select .= "ORDER BY ordr.orders_id ASC"; header('Content-type: text/xml');
<?php include 'tiosafe_config.php'; $customer_id = ""; if (postNotEmpty('person_id')) { $customer_id = $_POST['person_id']; //Prepare update list $update_list = array('firstname', 'lastname', 'email'); $db_list = array('customers_firstname', 'customers_lastname', 'customers_email_address'); $set_update = create_update_list($update_list, $db_list); if (postNotEmpty('birthday')) { //$dob = tep_date_raw($_POST['birthday']); $dob = $_POST['birthday']; if (empty($set_update)) { $set_update .= 'customers_dob = "' . $dob . '"'; } else { $set_update .= ', customers_dob = "' . $dob . '"'; } } if (!empty($set_update)) { $query = "UPDATE " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " SET {$set_update} WHERE customers_id = " . (int) $customer_id; echo executeSQL($query, $db); } } else { echo '\\nInvalid query: The parameter person_id is required!'; } $db->close();
<?php include 'tiosafe_config.php'; if (postNotEmpty('title')) { $products_name = $_POST['title']; $products_sale_price = 0; $language_id = getDefaultLanguageID($db); $products_date_added = date('Y/m/d h:i:s'); // Setting the products_status as '1' ie available $sql_array = array('products_price' => $products_sale_price, 'products_status' => '1', 'products_date_added' => $products_date_added); zen_db_perform(TABLE_PRODUCTS, $sql_array); $products_id = zen_db_insert_id(); $sql_array = array('products_id' => $products_id, 'language_id' => $language_id, 'products_name' => zen_sanitize_string($products_name)); zen_db_perform(TABLE_PRODUCTS_DESCRIPTION, $sql_array); } else { echo '\\nInvalid query: The parameter title is required!'; } $db->close();
<?php include 'tiosafe_config.php'; if (postNotEmpty('address_id')) { $address_id = $_POST['address_id']; $post_update_list = array('street', 'zip', 'city'); $db_update_list = array('entry_street_address', 'entry_postcode', 'entry_city'); $set_update = create_update_list($post_update_list, $db_update_list); //If the country is posted, get the id if (postNotEmpty('country')) { $countries_id = getCountryId($_POST['country'], $db); if (empty($set_update)) { $set_update = 'entry_country_id = ' . $countries_id; } else { $set_update .= ', entry_country_id = ' . $countries_id; } } if (!empty($set_update) && !empty($address_id)) { $query = "UPDATE " . TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK . " SET {$set_update} WHERE address_book_id = " . $address_id; echo executeSQL($query, $db); } } else { echo '\\nInvalid query: the parameter address_id is required!'; } $db->close();
<?php include_once 'functions.php'; include_once '../includes/configure.php'; include_once '../includes/database_tables.php'; include_once '../includes/functions/database.php'; if (!postNotEmpty('id')) { die('Product Id not given'); } $products_id = $_POST['id']; if (postOK('category')) { $category = explode('/', $_POST['category']); $option = $category[0]; $value = $category[1]; $optionId = optionExists($option); $valueId = valueExists($value); if (!$optionId) { $optionId = createOption($option); } if (!$valueId) { $valueId = createValue($value); } if (!isOptionLinkedToValue($optionId, $valueId)) { createLink($optionId, $valueId); } if (!isProductLinked($optionId, $valueId, $products_id)) { createLinkToProduct($optionId, $valueId, $products_id); } die; } tep_db_connect() or die('Unable to connect to database');
<?php include 'tiosafe_config.php'; $language_id = getDefaultLanguageID($db); if (postNotEmpty('product_id') && postNotEmpty('base_category') && postNotEmpty('variation')) { $products_id = $_POST['product_id']; $product_base_category = $_POST['base_category']; $product_variation = $_POST['variation']; $products_options_id = $products_options_values_id = ""; //Get the option ID $query1 = 'SELECT po.products_options_id, po.products_options_name FROM ' . TABLE_PRODUCTS_OPTIONS . ' AS po WHERE po.language_id = "' . $language_id . '" AND po.products_options_name = "' . $product_base_category . '"'; $result1 = $db->Execute($query1); if (!$result1->EOF) { $products_options_id = $result1->fields['products_options_id']; } //Get the option value id $query2 = 'SELECT pov.products_options_values_id, pov.products_options_values_name FROM ' . TABLE_PRODUCTS_OPTIONS_VALUES . ' AS pov WHERE pov.language_id = ' . $language_id . ' AND pov.products_options_values_name = "' . zen_sanitize_string($product_variation) . '"'; //echo $query2; $result2 = $db->Execute($query2); if (!$result2->EOF) { $products_options_values_id = $result2->fields['products_options_values_id']; } //delete the attribute
<?php include 'tiosafe_config.php'; $order_id = ""; if (postNotEmpty('sale_order_id')) { $order_id = $_POST['sale_order_id']; } $req_select = "SELECT ordr.orders_id AS id, "; $req_select .= "delivery_company AS title, "; $req_select .= "delivery_street_address AS street, "; $req_select .= "delivery_postcode AS zip, "; $req_select .= "delivery_city AS city, "; $req_select .= "delivery_country AS country, "; $req_select .= "customers_telephone AS phone, "; $req_select .= "customers_email_address AS email, "; $req_select .= "'type/organisation' AS category "; $req_select .= "FROM " . TABLE_ORDERS . " ordr "; $req_select .= "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_ORDERS_STATUS_HISTORY . " stat ON ordr.orders_id=stat.orders_id "; $req_select .= "WHERE orders_status_id = '1' AND delivery_company is not NULL and delivery_company != ''"; //AND (customers_company != billing_company AND customers_street_address != billing_street_address ) if ($order_id != "") { $req_select .= "AND ordr.orders_id = '" . $order_id . "' "; } $req_select .= "ORDER BY ordr.orders_id ASC"; header('Content-type: text/xml'); echo executeSQL($req_select, $db); $db->close(); ?>
<?php include 'tiosafe_config.php'; $organisation_id = $title = $email = ""; if (postNotEmpty('organisation_id')) { $organisation_id = $_POST['organisation_id']; } if (postNotEmpty('title')) { $title = $_POST['title']; } if (postNotEmpty('email')) { $email = $_POST['email']; } $req_select = "SELECT address_book_id AS id, "; $req_select .= "entry_company AS title, "; //$req_select .= "entry_firstname AS firstname, "; //$req_select .= "entry_lastname AS lastname, "; $req_select .= "entry_street_address AS street, "; $req_select .= "entry_postcode AS zip, "; $req_select .= "entry_city AS city, "; $req_select .= "countries_name AS country, "; $req_select .= "customers_email_address AS email, "; $req_select .= "'type/organisation' AS category "; $req_select .= "FROM " . TABLE_ADDRESS_BOOK . " adr "; $req_select .= "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_COUNTRIES . " cnt "; $req_select .= "ON adr.entry_country_id = cnt.countries_id "; $req_select .= "LEFT JOIN " . TABLE_CUSTOMERS . " cst "; $req_select .= "ON (adr.address_book_id = cst.customers_default_address_id OR \n adr.customers_id=cst.customers_id ) "; $req_select .= "WHERE entry_company is not NULL and entry_company != '' "; if (!empty($organisation_id)) { $req_select .= "AND address_book_id='" . $organisation_id . "' ";
<?php include 'functions.php'; include '../includes/configure.php'; include '../includes/functions/database.php'; include '../includes/database_tables.php'; include '../includes/functions/general.php'; tep_db_connect() or die('Unable to connect to database'); $post_update_list = array('customers_id', 'start_date', 'stop_date', 'currency'); $db_update_list = array('customers_id', 'date_purchased', 'orders_date_finished', 'currency'); $set_update_list = create_update_list($post_update_list, $db_update_list); if (!empty($set_update_list)) { $orders_id = $_POST['id']; $query = "update " . TABLE_ORDERS . " set {$set_update_list} where orders_id = " . $orders_id; tep_db_query($query); // Updating the currency value if (postNotEmpty('currency')) { $currency_value = getCurrencyValue($_POST['currency']); $query = 'update ' . TABLE_ORDERS . ' set currency_value = "' . $currency_value . '"'; tep_db_query($query); } }