Esempio n. 1
 * load a module
 * @author Jim McDonald <*****@*****.**>
 * @link
 * @param 'name' the name of the module
 * @param 'type' the type of functions to load
 * @param 'force' determines to load Module even if module isn't active
 * @return string name of module loaded, or false on failure
function pnModLoad($modname, $type = 'user', $force = false)
    // define input, all numbers and booleans to strings
    $modname = isset($modname) ? (string) $modname : '';
    // validate
    if (!pnVarValidate($modname, 'mod')) {
        return false;
    if (strtolower(substr($type, -3)) == 'api') {
        return false;
    static $loaded = array();
    if (!empty($loaded[strtolower("{$modname}{$type}")])) {
        // Already loaded from somewhere else
        return $modname;
    // get the module info
    $modinfo = pnModGetInfo(pnModGetIDFromName($modname));
    // check the modules state
    if (!$force && !pnModAvailable($modname) && pnModGetName() != 'Modules') {
        return false;
    // Load the module and module language files
    list($osdirectory, $ostype) = pnVarPrepForOS($modinfo['directory'], $type);
    $mosfile = "modules/{$osdirectory}/pn{$ostype}.php";
    $mosdir = "modules/{$osdirectory}/pn{$ostype}";
    if (file_exists($mosfile)) {
        // Load the file from modules
        include $mosfile;
    } elseif (is_dir($mosdir)) {
    } else {
        // File does not exist
        return false;
    $loaded[strtolower("{$modname}{$type}")] = 1;
    // load the module language file
    pnModLangLoad($modname, $type);
    // Load datbase info
    pnModDBInfoLoad($modname, $modinfo['directory']);
    // Return the module name
    return $modname;
Esempio n. 2
  * "Blank", sample plugin
  * @param array $args['item'] menu node to be replaced
  * @param string $args['lang'] current menu language
  * @param string $args['extrainfo'] additional params - if 'flat' then return links ungrouped
  * @return mixed array of links if successful, false otherwise
 public function blank($args)
      * args may look like this:
      * Array
      * (
      *     [item] => Array
      *         (
      *             [id] => 999
      *             [name] => Name given in menutree form
      *             [href] => {ext:blank:foo=1&bar=2}
      *             [title] => Some title
      *             [className] => important
      *             [state] => 1
      *             [lang] => eng
      *             [lineno] => 99
      *             [parent] => 0
      *         )
      *     [lang] => pol
      *     [bid] => 999
      *     [extrainfo] => foo=1&bar=2
      * )
     $dom = ZLanguage::getModuleDomain('menutree');
     $item = isset($args['item']) && !empty($args['item']) ? $args['item'] : null;
     $lang = isset($args['lang']) && !empty($args['lang']) ? $args['lang'] : null;
     $bid = isset($args['bid']) && !empty($args['bid']) ? $args['bid'] : null;
     $extrainfo = isset($args['extrainfo']) && !empty($args['extrainfo']) ? $args['extrainfo'] : null;
     // $item ang lang params are required
     if (!$item || !$lang) {
         return false;
     // is there is extrainfo - convert it into array, parse_str is quite handy
     if ($extrainfo) {
         parse_str($extrainfo, $extrainfo);
     // get id for first element, use api func to aviod id conflicts inside menu
     $idoffset = Blocks_MenutreeUtil::getIdOffset($item['id']);
     // load plugin language file
     pnModLangLoad('menutree', 'externalapi_blank');
     $links = array();
     // build some link
     // you may use associative array keys
     $links['first'] = array($lang => array('id' => $idoffset++, 'name' => $item['name'], 'href' => ModUtil::url('News'), 'title' => $item['title'], 'className' => $item['className'], 'state' => $item['state'], 'lang' => $lang, 'lineno' => $item['lineno'], 'parent' => $item['parent']));
     // build second link - this one will be child of the first element
     $secondLink = isset($extrainfo['foo']) ? ModUtil::url('News', 'user', 'display', array('sid' => $extrainfo['foo'])) : ModUtil::url('News');
     $links['second'] = array($lang => array('id' => $idoffset++, 'name' => 'Second blank link', 'href' => $secondLink, 'title' => __('Title', $dom), 'className' => '', 'state' => 1, 'lang' => $lang, 'lineno' => 0, 'parent' => $links['first'][$lang]['id']));
     // build third link - this one will be on the same level as first link
     $thirdLink = isset($extrainfo['bar']) ? ModUtil::url('News', 'user', 'display', array('sid' => $extrainfo['bar'])) : ModUtil::url('News');
     $links['third'] = array($lang => array('id' => $idoffset++, 'name' => 'Third blank link', 'href' => $thirdLink, 'title' => '', 'className' => '', 'state' => $item['state'], 'lang' => $lang, 'lineno' => $item['lineno'] + 1, 'parent' => $item['parent']));
     return $links;