function get_file_curl($url, $fullpath, $to_variable = false, $iteration = false)
     if (!preg_match('%^(http|ftp)s?://%i', $url)) {
     $response = wp_remote_get($url);
     if (!is_wp_error($response) and (!isset($response['response']['code']) or isset($response['response']['code']) and !in_array($response['response']['code'], array(401, 403, 404)))) {
         $rawdata = wp_remote_retrieve_body($response);
         if (empty($rawdata)) {
             $result = pmxi_curl_download($url, $fullpath, $to_variable);
             if (!$result and $iteration === false) {
                 $new_url = wp_all_import_translate_uri($url);
                 return $new_url !== $url ? get_file_curl($new_url, $fullpath, $to_variable, true) : $result;
             return $result;
         if (!@file_put_contents($fullpath, $rawdata)) {
             $fp = fopen($fullpath, 'w');
             fwrite($fp, $rawdata);
         if (preg_match('%\\W(svg)$%i', basename($fullpath)) or preg_match('%\\W(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)$%i', basename($fullpath)) and (!($image_info = apply_filters('pmxi_getimagesize', @getimagesize($fullpath), $fullpath)) or !in_array($image_info[2], array(IMAGETYPE_GIF, IMAGETYPE_JPEG, IMAGETYPE_PNG)))) {
             $result = pmxi_curl_download($url, $fullpath, $to_variable);
             if (!$result and $iteration === false) {
                 $new_url = wp_all_import_translate_uri($url);
                 return $new_url !== $url ? get_file_curl($new_url, $fullpath, $to_variable, true) : $result;
             return $result;
         return $to_variable ? $rawdata : true;
     } else {
         $curl = pmxi_curl_download($url, $fullpath, $to_variable);
         if ($curl === false and $iteration === false) {
             $new_url = wp_all_import_translate_uri($url);
             return $new_url !== $url ? get_file_curl($new_url, $fullpath, $to_variable, true) : (is_wp_error($response) ? $response : false);
         return $curl === false ? is_wp_error($response) ? $response : false : $curl;
Esempio n. 2
 function get_file_curl($url, $fullpath, $to_variable = false, $iteration = 0)
     if (!preg_match('%^(http|ftp)s?://%i', $url)) {
     $request = wp_remote_get($url);
     if (!is_wp_error($request)) {
         $rawdata = wp_remote_retrieve_body($request);
         if (empty($rawdata)) {
             $result = pmxi_curl_download($url, $fullpath, $to_variable);
             if (!$result and !$iteration) {
                 $url = wp_all_import_translate_uri($url);
                 return get_file_curl($url, $fullpath, $to_variable, 1);
             return $result;
         if (!@file_put_contents($fullpath, $rawdata)) {
             $fp = fopen($fullpath, 'w');
             fwrite($fp, $rawdata);
         if (preg_match('%\\W(jpg|jpeg|gif|png)$%i', basename($fullpath)) and (!($image_info = @getimagesize($fullpath)) or !in_array($image_info[2], array(IMAGETYPE_GIF, IMAGETYPE_JPEG, IMAGETYPE_PNG)))) {
             $result = pmxi_curl_download($url, $fullpath, $to_variable);
             if (!$result and !$iteration) {
                 $url = wp_all_import_translate_uri($url);
                 return get_file_curl($url, $fullpath, $to_variable, 1);
             return $result;
         return $to_variable ? $rawdata : true;
     } else {
         $curl = pmxi_curl_download($url, $fullpath, $to_variable);
         if ($curl === false and !$iteration) {
             $url = wp_all_import_translate_uri($url);
             return get_file_curl($url, $fullpath, $to_variable, 1);
         return $curl === false ? $request : $curl;