function extended_editor_mce_buttons_2($mce_buttons_2) { $KWConfig = get_settings('king-wysiwyg'); $buttons2 = explode(',', $KWConfig['buttons_2']); return $buttons2; } function extended_editor_mce_buttons_3($mce_buttons_3) { $KWConfig = get_settings('king-wysiwyg'); $buttons3 = explode(',', $KWConfig['buttons_3']); return $buttons3; } //if in filemanager options if (strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'options-general.php') !== false) { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-content/plugins/king-includes/library/class-plugintoolkit.php'; plugintoolkit($plugin = 'wysiwyg', $array = array('plugins' => 'Plugins {textarea|5|45}## The functions on the first buttonrow. Available Plugins are.<br />table, searchreplace, advhr, advimage', 'buttons_1' => 'Buttons 1 {textarea|5|45}##The functions on the first buttonrow<br />Available Buttons are:<br/>undo, redo, separator, cut, copy, paste, bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, bullist, numlist, separator, indent, outdent,justifyleft, justifycenter, justifyright, justifyfull, sub, sup, charmap, hr, advhr, link, unlink, anchor,code, cleanup, separator, search, replace, wphelp, formatselect, fontselect, fontsizeselect, styleselect, forecolor, backcolor, removeformat,image, tablecontrols, fullscreen, wordpress', 'buttons_2' => 'Buttons 2 {textarea|5|45}##The functions on the second buttonrow', 'buttons_3' => 'Buttons 3 {textarea|5|45}##The functions on the third buttonrow', 'delete' => 'delete'), $file = 'king-wysiwyg.php', $menu = array('parent' => 'options-general.php', 'access_level' => 'activate_plugins')); } /** * @desc Version Check Heading */ function king_wysiwyg_version() { king_version_head('King_WYSIWYG', KINGWYSIWYGVERSION); } add_action('admin_head', 'king_wysiwyg_version'); ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 3.2//EN"> <html> <head>
<?php /* Plugin Name: Admin CSS Plugin URI: Description: Improvemts of the Adminarea. Choose different CSS Layouts Author: Georg Leciejewski Version: 0.2 Author URI: */ require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-content/plugins/king-includes/library/class-plugintoolkit.php'; plugintoolkit($plugin = 'admin_css', array('css' => 'Admin CSS{radio|bluebrown2.css|bluebrown2.css|bluewhite.css|bluewhite.css|bluegreen.css|bluegreen.css|blueblue.css|blueblue.css} ## ', 'delete' => 'delete'), $file = 'king-css.php', $menu = array('parent' => 'options-general.php', 'access_level' => 'activate_plugins'), $newFiles = ''); function king_admin_css() { global $admin_css; echo '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' . get_settings('siteurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/king-admin/plugins/admin-css/' . $admin_css->option['css'] . '" />'; } add_action('admin_head', 'king_admin_css');
/* Plugin Name: King Emails Version: 0.1 Plugin URI: Description: better formating and control of sent emails. overwrites pluggable Email functions Author: Georg Leciejewski Author URI: */ /* ToDo - add options for showing or not showing stuff - add options for texts */ require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-content/plugins/king-includes/library/class-plugintoolkit.php'; plugintoolkit($plugin = 'KingMails', $array = array('from_email' => 'From Email {textbox|50|150} ## Email Adress in the From field of the email.', 'delete' => 'delete'), $file = 'king-emails-admin.php', $menu = array('parent' => 'plugins.php', 'access_level' => 'activate_plugins'), $newFiles = ''); if (!function_exists('wp_mail')) { /** *@desc overwritten mail function *@author georg leciejewski * */ function wp_mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers = '') { $email_options = get_option('king-KingMails'); if ($headers == '') { $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" . "From:" . $email_options['from_email'] . "\n" . "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=" . get_settings('blog_charset') . "\n"; } return @mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); } }
<?php /* Plugin Name: King MetaTags Version: 1.2 Plugin URI: Description: Add MetaTags to you site Header Author: Georg Leciejewski Author URI: */ require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-content/plugins/king-includes/library/class-plugintoolkit.php'; plugintoolkit($plugin = 'metatags', $array = array('robots' => 'robots ## Tell search-engines to crawl the site. In most cases to - index,follow -Options: all / index / noindex/ follow / nofollow /index,follow / noindex,follow / noindex,nofollow / index,nofollow', 'revisit' => 'revisit ## How Often should Robots return. ex.:" 7 days "', 'author' => 'author ## Shows the Author of the site', 'publisher' => 'publisher ## This Tag shows the Publisher / ISP of the Website.', 'copyright' => 'copyright ## Shows the legal responsability.', 'allowsearch' => 'Allow Search ## Normally Yes.', 'pragma' => 'Pragma ## Normally Yes.', 'rating' => 'Rating ## Normally GENERAL .', 'distribution' => 'Distribution ## Normally GLOBAL .', 'classification' => 'Classification ## .', 'generator' => 'generator ## The software that generated this site. Could be Frontpage (puke) to trick the Visitors', 'language' => 'language ## What language are you writing in? Ex. "de" od most likely used "en"', 'ICBM' => 'ICBM ## Geo-Tags where are you located! Only Dezimal:" 50.9544, 6.9186 " More info on', 'def_keywords' => 'Default Keywords {textbox|100|200}## Keywords that describe your Content. Will be used if an article does not have specific keywords.If an Article has Keywords they will be appended to those!', 'def_description' => 'Default Description {textbox|100|200}## Description of your Content. Will be used if an article does not have a specific Description.', 'delete' => 'delete'), $file = 'king-meta.php', $menu = array('parent' => 'options-general.php', 'access_level' => 'activate_plugins'), $newFiles = ''); include ABSPATH . '/wp-includes/pluggable.php'; if (!is_user_logged_in()) { unset($GLOBALS['metatags']); } /** * get the Article Meta-Description and keywords * @Author: Dirk Zimmermann / * enhanced by Georg Leciejewski */ function meta_king_head_start() { global $single, $posts, $post_meta_cache, $xfish_ob_level, $keywords_out, $description_out; $meta_string = null; if (is_array($posts)) { foreach ($posts as $post) { if ($post) { $keywords_a = $keywords_i = null; $description_a = $description_i = null; $id = $post->ID;
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ define("KINGFILEMANAGERVERSION", "041"); require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-content/plugins/king-includes/library/king_widget_functions.php'; function add_filemanager_plugin($plugins) { array_push($plugins, "filemanager"); return $plugins; } function add_filemanager_button($mce_buttons) { array_push($mce_buttons, "filemanager"); return $mce_buttons; } add_filter('mce_plugins', 'add_filemanager_plugin'); add_filter('mce_buttons', 'add_filemanager_button'); //if in filemanager options if (strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 'options-general.php') !== false) { require_once ABSPATH . 'wp-content/plugins/king-includes/library/class-plugintoolkit.php'; plugintoolkit($plugin = 'filemanager', $array = array('download_url' => 'Download URL {textbox|80|}## This is where your download files are. Without trailing slash<br />', 'document_root' => 'Document Root Path {textbox|80|}## Path to your download files. Without trailing slash<br /> /wwwrun/../wp-content/uploads', 'allowed_ext' => 'Allow Files {textbox|80|}## File Extensions wich are allowed to upload. Seperated by comma. Ex.<br />html,doc,xls,txt,gif,jpeg,jpg,png,pdf,zip,swf,rar,tar,gz,mov,wmv,wav,rfp,psd,mp3,mp4,ogg,mmap,mmp,psd,odt,ods,odp', 'deny_ext' => 'Deny Files {textbox|80|}## File Extensions wich are not allowed to upload. Seperated by comma. Ex.<br />php,php3,php4,phtml,shtml,cgi,pl', 'dateformat' => 'Dateformat ## Datumsformat shown with the inserted file Ex." d.m.Y H:i"', 'language' => 'Language {textbox|5|}## Language of filemanager. Currently supported: de, fr, pt_br, en', 'max_file_size' => 'Max File Size ## Maximum allowed filesize in bytes. 2097152 = 2MB"', 'delete' => 'delete'), $file = 'filemanager.php', $menu = array('parent' => 'options-general.php', 'access_level' => 'activate_plugins')); } /** * @desc Version Check Heading */ function king_filemanager_version() { king_version_head('King_Filemanager', KINGFILEMANAGERVERSION); } add_action('admin_head', 'king_filemanager_version');