Esempio n. 1
function showlistrowalbum($value)
    global $_G, $BASESCRIPT;
    $mlist = '';
    $value['url'] = $_GET['optpass'] == 1 || $_GET['updatepass'] == 1 ? $BASESCRIPT . '?action=edit&m=album&itemid=' . $value['itemid'] . '&op=adminview&' . ($_GET['updatepass'] == 1 ? 'updatepass' : 'optpass') . '=1' : $BASESCRIPT . '?action=list&m=photo&shopid=' . $value['shopid'] . '&albumid=' . $value['itemid'] . '&filtersubmit=GO';
    $albumcats = getmodelcategory('album');
    $imgurl = getattachurl($value['subjectimage'], 1);
    $value['subject'] = cutstr($value['subject'], 15);
    // 上傳的鏈接
    if ($value['itemid'] > 0) {
        if ($value['frombbs']) {
            if (pkperm('isadmin')) {
                $addlink = '<a style="color:#900;" href="admin.php?action=import&fromalbum=1&albumid=' . $value['itemid'] . '">' . lang('import_albumchoose') . '</a>';
        } else {
            $addlink = '<a style="color:#900;" href="' . $BASESCRIPT . '?action=add&m=photo&albumid=' . $value['itemid'] . '">' . lang('album_addphoto') . '</a>';
    } else {
        $addlink = '';
    $mlist = "\n\t<li>\t\t   \n\t\t<div class=\"b\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<p><a href=\"{$value['url']}\" rel=\"internal\" title=\"{$value['subject']}\">\n\t\t\t<img class=\"fit129\" src=\"{$imgurl}\" rel=\"\" height=\"128\" width=\"128\" /></a>\n\t\t\t</p>\n\t\t</div>\n\t\n\t\t<div class=\"w\" style=\"margin-top:5px; \">\n\t\t\t<div id=\"flExpand\" style=\"height:75; line-height:20px;\">\n\t\t\t\t<div id=\"div_subject_{$value['itemid']}\" style=\"position:absolute; display:none;\">\n\t\t\t\t\t<input id=\"input_subject_{$value['itemid']}\" style=\"height:20px; border:#ccc 1px solid; padding:1px;\" name=\"subject['{$value['itemid']}']\" onblur=\"edit_album_subject({$value['itemid']}, this.value);\" value=\"{$value['subject']}\" />\n\t\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t\t<a id=\"label_subject_{$value['itemid']}\" href=\"javascript:;\" onclick=\"start_edit_album_subject('{$value['itemid']}');\" style=\"display:block; height:30px; line-height:30px; text-decoration:none;\" rel=\"internal\" title=\"{$value['subject']}\">{$value['subject']} &nbsp;<img src=\"static/image/ico_edit.png\" /></a>\n\t\t\t\t" . $addlink . "<br />\n\t\t\t\t" . (IN_ADMIN === true ? ($value['title'] === NULL ? lang('album_default') : $value['title']) . "<br/>" : "") . "\n\t\t\t\t" . lang('album_catid') . ': ' . $albumcats[$value['catid']]['name'] . "<br />\n\t\t\t\t" . lang('display_order') . ":&nbsp;<input class=\"txt\" style=\"heigth:30px; width:30px; border:#ccc 1px solid; font-size:9px;\" type=\"text\" name=\"display[{$value['itemid']}]\" value=\"" . (IN_ADMIN === true ? $value['displayorder'] : $value['displayorder_s']) . "\" checked />\n\t\t\t\t<input class=\"checkbox\" style=\"\" type=\"checkbox\" name=\"item[]\" value=\"" . $value['itemid'] . "\" checked />\n\t\t\t\t<span></span>\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t</div>\n\t</li>\n\n\t";
    return $mlist;
Esempio n. 2
 * 創建相冊
 * @param
 * @return 相冊id
function createalbum($shopid = 0, $catid = 0, $uid = 0, $username = '', $subject = '', $description = '')
    global $_G, $_SGLOBAL;
    $arr_data = array();
    foreach (array('shopid', 'catid', 'uid') as $value) {
        ${$value} = intval(${$value});
    foreach (array('subject', 'description') as $value) {
        ${$value} = trim(strip_tags(${$value}));
    foreach (array('shopid', 'catid', 'uid', 'username', 'subject') as $value) {
        if (empty(${$value})) {
            cpmsg($value . '_not_selected', '', '', '', true, true);
        $arr_data[$value] = ${$value};
    $arr_data['description'] = $description;
    if ($_SGLOBAL['panelinfo']['group']['verifyalbum'] && !pkperm('isadmin')) {
        $arr_data['grade'] = 0;
    } else {
        $arr_data['grade'] = 3;
    $arr_data['dateline'] = $_G['timestamp'];
    $albumid = inserttable('albumitems', $arr_data, 1);
    if (!$albumid) {
        cpmsg('album_creat_error', '', '', '', true, true);
    if (!empty($_POST['attr_ids'])) {
        require_once B_ROOT . "./batch.attribute.php";
        setattributesettings($catid, $albumid, $_POST['attr_ids']);
    return $albumid;
Esempio n. 3
    $themeid = intval(substr($_GET['theme'], 1));
    $query = DB::query("UPDATE " . tname("shopitems") . " SET themeid = '{$themeid}' WHERE {$wheresql} LIMIT 1");
    if (DB::affected_rows($query)) {
        cpmsg('update_success', $BASESCRIPT . '?action=theme&m=shop&itemid=' . $_GET['itemid']);
} else {
    $query = DB::query('SELECT itemid, subject, themeid FROM ' . tname('shopitems') . ' WHERE ' . $wheresql . ' ORDER BY itemid DESC LIMIT 1');
    $editvalue = DB::fetch($query);
    if (empty($editvalue)) {
        cpmsg('no_item', $BASESCRIPT . '?action=list&m=' . $mname);
    $subjectnav = $BASESCRIPT == 'admin.php' ? $editvalue['subject'] : '';
    shownav($mname, $mname . '_' . $_GET['action'], $subjectnav);
    if (pkperm('isadmin')) {
        $shopmenu = array(array('shop_edit', 'edit&m=shop&itemid=' . $_GET['itemid']), array('menu_shop_theme', 'theme&m=shop&itemid=' . $_GET['itemid'], 1), array('menu_modifypasswd', 'modifypasswd&m=shop&itemid=' . $_GET['itemid'], 0));
        if ($_G['setting']['enablemap'] == 1) {
            array_push($shopmenu, array('menu_shop_map', 'map&m=shop&itemid=' . $_GET['itemid']));
        showsubmenu('menu_shop_theme', $shopmenu);
    } else {
        showsubmenu($mname . '_' . $_GET['action']);
    echo '<div id="theme_list">';
    $tpl = dir(B_ROOT . './templates/store/');
    while ($entry = $tpl->read()) {
Esempio n. 4
function pklabel($showarr, $isall = 1)
    global $_G, $_SGLOBAL, $alang, $lang, $mname;
    $thetext = $htmltext = $thelang = '';
    if (!empty($showarr['alang'])) {
        if (isset($alang[$showarr['alang']])) {
            $thelang = $alang[$showarr['alang']];
        } else {
            $thelang = $showarr['alang'];
    } elseif (!empty($showarr['lang'])) {
        if (isset($lang[$showarr['lang']])) {
            $thelang = $lang[$showarr['lang']];
        } else {
            $thelang = $showarr['lang'];
    if (!isset($showarr['name'])) {
        $showarr['name'] = '';
    if (!isset($showarr['size'])) {
        $showarr['size'] = 30;
    if (!isset($showarr['maxlength'])) {
        $showarr['maxlength'] = '';
    if (!isset($showarr['value'])) {
        $showarr['value'] = '';
    if (!isset($showarr['values'])) {
        $showarr['values'] = array();
    if (!isset($showarr['options'])) {
        $showarr['options'] = array();
    if (!isset($showarr['other'])) {
        $showarr['other'] = '';
    if (!isset($showarr['display'])) {
        $showarr['display'] = '';
    if (!isset($showarr['hots'])) {
        $showarr['hots'] = array();
    if (!isset($showarr['lasts'])) {
        $showarr['lasts'] = array();
    if (!isset($showarr['btnname'])) {
        $showarr['btnname'] = '';
    if (!isset($showarr['title'])) {
        $showarr['title'] = '';
    if (!isset($showarr['mode'])) {
        $showarr['mode'] = '0';
    if (!isset($showarr['cols'])) {
        $showarr['cols'] = '';
    if (!isset($showarr['fileurl'])) {
        $showarr['fileurl'] = '';
    switch ($showarr['type']) {
        case 'input':
            showsetting($showarr['alang'], $showarr['name'], $showarr['value'], 'text', '', '', '', $showarr['other'], $showarr['required']);
        case 'file':
            showsetting($showarr['alang'], $showarr['name'], $showarr['value'], 'file', '', '', '', $showarr['other'], $showarr['required']);
            if (!empty($showarr['value'])) {
                echo "\n" . '<tr class="noborder"><td class="vtop rowform">
<a href="' . $showarr['fileurl'] . '" target="_blank">' . $showarr['value'] . '</a></td><td class="vtop tips2"><a href="javascript:;" title="Delete" onclick="document.getElementById(\'' . $showarr['name'] . '_value\').value=\'\'; this.parentNode.parentNode.parentNode.removeChild(this.parentNode.parentNode);">' . lang('delete') . '</a></td></tr>';
        case 'edit':
            if (pkperm('isadmin')) {
                $enablealbum = 1;
            } else {
                if ($_SGLOBAL['panelinfo']['enablealbum']) {
                    $enablealbum = 1;
                } else {
                    $enablealbum = 0;
            echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">var enablealbum={$enablealbum};</script>";
            echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\" charset=\"utf-8\" src=\"static/js/editor/xheditor-zh-cn.js\"></script>\n\t\t\t\t<tr><td class=\"td27\" colspan=\"2\">" . lang($showarr['alang']) . "{$showarr[required]}</td></tr>\n\t\t\t\t<tr class=\"noborder\"><td class=\"vtop rowform\" colspan=\"2\">\n\t\t\t\t<textarea cols=\"100\" id=\"{$showarr[name]}\" name=\"{$showarr[name]}\" rows=\"20\" style=\"width:600px;\" class=\"xheditor {tools:'Bold,Italic,Underline,Strikethrough,FontSize,FontColor,BackColor,Separator,Align,List,Separator,Link,Img,About',skin:'default'}\">{$showarr[value]}</textarea>\n\t\t\t\t</td></tr>";
        case 'textarea':
            showsetting($showarr['alang'], $showarr['name'], $showarr['value'], 'textarea', '', '', '', $showarr['other'], $showarr['required']);
        case 'select':
            $optionarr = array();
            foreach ($showarr['options'] as $key => $value) {
                $optionarr[$key][0] = $key;
                $optionarr[$key][1] = $value['pre'] . $value['name'];
            showsetting($showarr['alang'], array($showarr['name'], $optionarr), $showarr['value'], 'select', '', '', '', $showarr['other'], $showarr['required']);
        case 'radio':
            showsetting($showarr['alang'], $showarr['name'], $showarr['value'], 'radio', '', '', '', $showarr['other'], $showarr['required']);
        case 'radio_a':
            showsetting($showarr['alang'], $showarr['name'], $showarr['value'], 'radio_a', '', '', '', $showarr['other'], $showarr['required']);
        case 'checkbox':
            $thetext = '';
            $i = 0;
            $thetext = '<table class="freetable"><tr>';
            foreach ($showarr['options'] as $tmpkey => $tmpvalue) {
                $thetext .= '<td><input name="' . $showarr['name'] . '[]" type="checkbox" value="' . $tmpkey . '"' . $showarr['other'] . ' />' . $tmpvalue . '</td>';
                if ($i % 5 == 4) {
                    $thetext .= '</tr><tr>';
            $thetext .= '</tr></table>';
            if (!empty($showarr['value'])) {
                if (is_array($showarr['value'])) {
                    $showvaluearr = $showarr['value'];
                } else {
                    $showvaluearr = explode(',', $showarr['value']);
                foreach ($showvaluearr as $showvalue) {
                    $showvalue = trim($showvalue);
                    $thetext = str_replace('value="' . $showvalue . '"', 'value="' . $showvalue . '" checked', $thetext);
        case 'date':
            $datearr = array('0' => $alang['space_date_null'], '86400' => $alang['space_date_day_1'], '172800' => $alang['space_date_day_2'], '604800' => $alang['space_date_week_1'], '1209600' => $alang['space_date_week_2'], '2592000' => $alang['space_date_month_1'], '7948800' => $alang['space_date_month_3'], '15897600' => $alang['space_date_month_6'], '31536000' => $alang['space_date_year_1']);
            $thetext = getselectstr($showarr['name'], $datearr, $showarr['value']);
        case 'time':
            $thetext = '<input name="' . $showarr['name'] . '" readonly type="text" id="' . $showarr['name'] . '" value="' . $showarr['value'] . '"/><img src="static/image/admin/time.gif" onClick="getDatePicker(\'' . $showarr['name'] . '\',event,21)"/>';
        case 'hidden':
            $htmltext = '<tr><td colspan="2" style="display:none"><input name="' . $showarr['name'] . '" type="hidden" value="' . $showarr['value'] . '"' . $showarr['other'] . ' /></td></tr>';
            $thetext = '';
    if (!$isall) {
        return $thetext;
    return $htmltext . "\n";
Esempio n. 5
 $value['formtype'] = $value['formtype'] == 'linkage' ? 'select' : $value['formtype'];
 if ($value['formtype'] == 'checkbox') {
     $editvalue[$value['fieldname']] = explode("\n", $editvalue[$value['fieldname']]);
 $fileurl = A_URL . '/' . $editvalue[$value['fieldname']];
 if (preg_match("/^(img|flash|file)\$/i", $value['formtype'])) {
     $value['formtype'] = 'file';
 if ($value['fieldname'] == 's_enablealbum' || $value['fieldname'] == 'intro' || $value['fieldname'] == 's_enableconsume' || $value['fieldname'] == 's_enablenotice' || $value['fieldname'] == 's_enablegood' || $value['fieldname'] == 'isdiscount' || $value['fieldname'] == 'mapapimark' || (!$_G['setting']['enablecard'] || !$editvalue['isdiscount']) && $value['fieldname'] == 'discount') {
 if ($value['fieldname'] == "styletitle" || $value['fieldname'] == "groupid" || $value['fieldname'] == "region") {
 if ($value['fieldname'] == "forum") {
     if (!pkperm('isadmin')) {
 if (empty($value)) {
 if ($value['formtype'] != 'timestamp') {
     // 如果是自定字
     if (strpos($value['fieldname'], 'ext_') === 0) {
         $title = $value['fieldtitle'];
     } else {
         $title = $mname . '_' . $value['fieldname'];
     pklabel(array('type' => $value['formtype'], 'alang' => $title, 'name' => $value['fieldname'], 'options' => $temparr2, 'rows' => 10, 'width' => '30%', 'size' => '60', 'value' => $editvalue[$value['fieldname']], 'other' => $other, 'fileurl' => $fileurl, 'required' => $value['required']));
Esempio n. 6
echo <<<EOT
\t\t\t\t\t<div class="navbd"></div>
\t\t\t\t\t<div class="sitemapbtn"></div>
\t\t<td valign="top" width="160" class="menutd">
\t\t\t<div id="leftmenu" class="menu">

require_once B_ROOT . './source/admininc/';
$uc_api_url = UC_API;
$ucadd = pkperm('isadmin') ? ", 'uc'" : '';
$release = B_RELEASE;
$bver = B_VER;
echo <<<EOT

\t\t<td valign="top" width="100%" class="mask" id="mainframes">
if (IN_STORE === true) {
    echo "<div style=\"border-bottom:1px solid #B5CFD9; padding:0 0 5px 10px;\"><p id=\"admincpnav\"></p></div>";
echo <<<EOT
\t\t\t<iframe src="{$BASESCRIPT}?{$extra}" id="main" name="main" onload="mainFrame(0)" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" scrolling="yes" style="overflow: visible;display:"></iframe>
Esempio n. 7
function showlistmod($mname)
    global $_G, $catstr, $opcheckstr, $gradestr, $_SGLOBAL, $_SC;
    $opcheckstr = "";
    foreach ($_SGLOBAL['shopgrade'] as $key => $value) {
        if ($_G['myshopstatus'] == 'verified' && ($key == 0 || $key == 5 || !pkperm('isadmin') && $key == 1)) {
        } else {
            $opcheckstr .= '&nbsp; <input class="radio" type="radio" name="opcheck" value="' . $key . '"' . (pkperm('isadmin') ? ' onClick="showchecktxt(' . $key . ');"' : '') . '> ' . $value . ' &nbsp;';
            $gradestr .= '<option value="' . $key . '" ' . ($_GET['grade'] == $key ? 'selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . $value . '</option>';
    $opt_master_pass = $_GET['optpass'] == 1 ? true : false;
    $update_master_pass = $_GET['updatepass'] == 1 ? true : false;
    showtableheader(lang('operation_form'), 'nobottom');
    if (!$opt_master_pass && !$update_master_pass) {
        showsubtitle(array('', 'operation', 'option'));
    $checktextjavascript = '
		<script type="text/javascript" charset="' . $_G['charset'] . '">
		function showchecktxt(cktxtid) {
			if($("#newgroupid").length>0) {
			if(cktxtid==1) {
				$("#check_trid").css("display",""); $("#check_txtid").text("' . lang('mod_checktxt_fail') . '");
			} else if(cktxtid==2) {
				$("#check_trid").css("display",""); $("#check_txtid").text("' . lang('mod_checktxt_close') . '");
			} else if(cktxtid==3) {
				if($("#newgroupid").length>0) {
				} else {
					var newgroupid = $("#groupid").clone();
					newgroupid[0].id= "newgroupid";
					newgroupid[0].name= "newgroupid";
				$("#check_trid").css("display",""); $("#check_txtid").text("' . lang('mod_checktxt_pass') . '");
			} else if(cktxtid==4) {
				$("#check_trid").css("display",""); $("#check_txtid").text("' . lang('mod_checktxt_recommend') . '");
			} else {
				$("#check_trid").css("display","none"); $("#check_txtid").text("");
			$(function() {
				$("#submit_listsubmit").click(function() {
					var operations = $(":radio[name=\'operation\']");
					if(operations.length>0) {
						for(var i = 0; i < operations.length; i++) {
							if(operations[i].checked) {
								return true;
					alert("' . lang("operation_mustselected") . '");
					return false;
    // 如果進入的是待審核快速操作選項
    if ($opt_master_pass) {
        if ($mname == 'shop') {
            showtablerow('', array('style="display:none;"', 'class="rowform" style="width:auto;"'), array('<input class="radio" type="radio" checked name="operation" value="check">', '&nbsp; <input type="radio" onclick="showchecktxt(3);" value="3" name="opcheck" class="radio">' . lang('pass_update') . '&nbsp;&nbsp; <input type="radio" onclick="showchecktxt(1);" value="1" name="opcheck" class="radio">' . lang('del_update')));
            showtablerow('id="check_trid" style="display:none;"', array('class="rowform" style="width:auto;"'), array('&nbsp;<textarea rows="6" name="check_txt" id="check_txtid" cols="50" class="tarea"></textarea> <span class="vtop tips2">' . lang('mod_check_textarea_comment') . '</span>'));
            $catstr = '<select name="newgroupid" id="newgroupid">';
            $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . tname("shopgroup") . " ORDER BY id ASC;");
            while ($result = DB::fetch($query)) {
                $catstr .= '<option value="' . $result['id'] . '">' . $result['title'] . '</option>';
            showtablerow('id="newgroupfield" style="display:none;"', array('class="rowform" style="width:auto;"'), array($catstr . '</select> <span id="newgroupselect" class="vtop tips2">' . lang('mod_check_newgroupid_comment') . '</span>'));
            echo $checktextjavascript;
        } else {
            showtablerow('', array('style="display:none;"', 'class="rowform" style="width:auto;"'), array('<input class="radio" type="radio" checked="checked" name="operation" value="passcheck">', '&nbsp; <input type="radio" onclick="showchecktxt(3);" checked="checked" value="3" name="opcheck" class="radio">' . lang('pass_update') . ' &nbsp; <input type="radio" onclick="showchecktxt(1);" value="1" name="opcheck" class="radio">' . lang('del_update')));
            showtablerow('id="check_trid" style="display:;"', array('class="rowform" style="width:auto;"'), array('&nbsp;<textarea rows="6" name="check_txt" id="check_txtid" cols="50" class="tarea">' . lang('mod_update_pass_' . $mname) . '</textarea> <span class="vtop tips2">' . lang('mod_check_textarea_comment_' . $mname) . '</span>'));
            echo $checktextjavascript_ = '<script type="text/javascript" charset="' . $_G['charset'] . '">function showchecktxt(cktxtid) {
				if(cktxtid==1) {
					$("#check_trid").css("display",""); $("#check_txtid").text("' . lang('mod_checktxt_refuse_' . $mname) . '");
				} else if(cktxtid==3) {
					$("#check_trid").css("display",""); $("#check_txtid").text("' . lang('mod_checktxt_pass_' . $mname) . '");
    } elseif ($update_master_pass) {
        if ($mname == 'shop') {
            showtablerow('', array('style="display:none;"', 'class="rowform" style="width:auto;"'), array('<input class="radio" type="radio" checked name="operation" value="passupdate">', '&nbsp; <input class="radio" type="radio" checked="checked" name="update" value="1" />' . lang('pass_update') . ' &nbsp; <input class="radio" type="radio" name="update" value="0" />' . lang('del_update')));
            showtablerow('id="check_trid" style="display:;"', array('class="rowform" style="width:auto;"'), array('&nbsp;<textarea rows="6" name="check_txt" id="check_txtid" cols="50" class="tarea">' . lang('mod_update_pass_' . $mname) . '</textarea> <span class="vtop tips2">' . lang('mod_check_textarea_comment') . '</span>'));
        } else {
            showtablerow('', array('style="display:none;"', 'class="rowform" style="width:auto;"'), array('<input class="radio" type="radio" checked name="operation" value="passupdate">', '&nbsp; <input class="radio" type="radio" checked="checked" name="update" value="1" />' . lang('pass_update') . ' &nbsp; <input class="radio" type="radio" name="update" value="0" />' . lang('del_update')));
            showtablerow('id="check_trid" style="display:;"', array('class="rowform" style="width:auto;"'), array('&nbsp;<textarea rows="6" name="check_txt" id="check_txtid" cols="50" class="tarea">' . lang('mod_update_pass_' . $mname) . '</textarea> <span class="vtop tips2">' . lang('mod_check_textarea_comment_' . $mname) . '</span>'));
        echo '<script type="text/javascript" charset="' . $_G['charset'] . '">
						var update =;
						if(update == 0) {
							$("#check_txtid").text("' . lang('mod_update_refuse_' . $mname) . '");
						} else {
							$("#check_txtid").text("' . lang('mod_update_pass_' . $mname) . '");
    } else {
        // 調整顯示順序,除了圖片外都有顯示順序
        if ($mname != 'photo') {
            showtablerow('', array('class="td25"', 'class="td24"', 'class="rowform" style="width:auto;"'), array('<input class="radio" type="radio" name="operation" value="display">', lang('mod_displayorder'), ''));
        if ($mname == 'album') {
            $mycats = array();
            if (pkperm('isadmin')) {
                $mycats = getmodelcategory('album');
            } else {
                $mycats = mymodelcategory('album');
            $please_select = '<select name="catid" id="album_catid" style="width:140px;"><option value="0" selected="selected">' . lang('please_select') . '</option>';
            foreach ($mycats as $value) {
                $please_select .= '<option value="' . $value['catid'] . '" >' . $value['name'] . '</option>';
            $please_select .= '</select>';
            showtablerow('', array('class="td25"', 'class="td24"', 'class="rowform" style="width:auto;"'), array('<input class="radio" type="radio" name="operation" value="album_movecat" >', lang('mod_album_movecat'), InteractionCategoryMenu(getmodelcategory('album'), 'catid', null, 1)));
        if (pkperm('isadmin') && $mname == 'shop') {
            echo '<tr class="hover">
					<td class="td25"><input type="radio" value="changecat" name="operation" class="radio"></td>
					<td class="td24">' . lang("modallshopcat") . '</td>
					<td style="width: auto;" class="rowform">
					<div id="catdiv" style="width: 700px;">
            $catelist = getmodelcategory('shop');
            echo '<div id="' . shopcat . 'div" colspan="2">';
            echo InteractionCategoryMenu(getmodelcategory('shop'), 'shopcat', null, null);
            echo '</div></div></td></tr>';
            $catstr = '<select name="groupid" id="groupid">';
            $query = DB::query("SELECT * FROM " . tname("shopgroup") . " ORDER BY id ASC;");
            while ($result = DB::fetch($query)) {
                $catstr .= '<option value="' . $result['id'] . '">' . $result['title'] . '</option>';
            showtablerow('', array('class="td25"', 'class="td24"', 'class="rowform" style="width:auto;"'), array('<input class="radio" type="radio" name="operation" value="movecat">', lang('mod_shop_changegroup'), $catstr . '</select>'));
        if (pkperm('isadmin') && $mname != 'shop' && $mname != 'photo') {
            showtablerow('', array('class="td25"', 'class="td24"', 'class="rowform" style="width:auto;"'), array('<input class="radio" type="radio" name="operation" value="moveshop">', lang('mod_' . $mname . '_moveshop'), '<input class="number" type="number" name="opshopid">' . lang('mod_moveshop_id')));
        showtablerow('', array('class="td25"', 'class="td24"', 'class="rowform" style="width:auto;"'), array('<input class="radio" type="radio" name="operation" value="check">', lang('mod_check'), $opcheckstr));
        if ($mname == 'shop') {
            showtablerow('id="check_trid" style="display:none;"', array('class="td25"', 'class="td24"', 'class="rowform" style="width:auto;"'), array('', lang('mod_check_textarea'), '&nbsp;<textarea rows="6" name="check_txt" id="check_txtid" cols="50" class="tarea"></textarea> <span class="vtop tips2">' . lang('mod_check_textarea_comment') . '</span>'));
            showtablerow('id="newgroupfield" style="display:none;"', array('class="td25"', 'class="td24"', 'class="rowform" style="width:auto;"'), array('', '<font color="red">' . lang('shop_newgroupid') . '</font>', ' <span id="newgroupselect" class="vtop tips2">' . lang('mod_check_newgroupid_comment') . '</span>'));
            echo $checktextjavascript;
            showtablerow('', array('class="td25"', 'class="td24"', 'class="rowform" style="width:auto;"'), array('<input class="radio" type="radio" name="operation" value="recommend">', lang('mod_recommend'), '&nbsp; <input class="radio" type="radio" name="opallowreply" value="1"> ' . lang('yes') . ' &nbsp; &nbsp; <input class="radio" type="radio" name="opallowreply" value="0"> ' . lang('no')));
            showtablerow('', array('class="td25"', 'class="td24"', 'class="rowform" style="width:auto;"'), array('<input class="radio" type="radio" name="operation" value="discount">', lang('mod_discount'), '&nbsp; <input class="radio" type="radio" name="opdiscount" value="1"> ' . lang('mod_discount_yes') . ' &nbsp; &nbsp; <input class="radio" type="radio" name="opdiscount" value="0"> ' . lang('mod_discount_no')));
            showtablerow('', array('class="td25"', 'class="td24"', 'class="rowform" style="width:auto;"'), array('<input class="radio" type="radio" name="operation" value="owner">', lang('mod_owner'), '<input class="number" type="number" name="opowner" value="" /> <span style="color:#999;">&nbsp;' . lang('mod_owner_inputuid') . '</span>'));
        if ($mname != 'photo' && $mname != 'album') {
            showtablerow('', array('class="td25"', 'class="td24"', 'class="rowform" style="width:auto;"'), array('<input class="radio" type="radio" name="operation" value="allowreply">', lang('mod_allowreply'), '&nbsp; <input class="radio" type="radio" name="opallowreply" value="1"> ' . lang('mod_allowreply_yes') . ' &nbsp; &nbsp; <input class="radio" type="radio" name="opallowreply" value="0"> ' . lang('mod_allowreply_no')));
        showtablerow('', array('class="td25"', 'class="td24"', 'class="rowform" style="width:auto;"'), array('<input class="radio" type="radio" name="operation" value="delete">', lang('mod_delete'), $mname == 'shop' ? '<input class="checkbox" type="checkbox" name="opdelete" id="opdelete" value="1" checked="checked" /><label for="opdelete"> ' . lang('mod_delete_all') . '</label>' : ''));
    showsubmit('listsubmit', 'submit', '');
Esempio n. 8
 function auth()
     global $_G;
     $cookie = $_G['cookie']['auth'];
     if ($cookie) {
         @(list($password, $uid) = explode("\t", authcode($cookie, 'DECODE')));
         $uid = intval($uid);
         $password = addslashes($password);
         $member = DB::fetch_first('SELECT * FROM ' . tname('members') . ' WHERE uid=\'' . $uid . '\' AND password=\'' . $password . '\'');
         if ($member) {
             $_G['uid'] = $uid;
             $_G['username'] = addslashes($member['username']);
             $_G['email'] = addslashes($member['email']);
             $_G['myshopid'] = intval($member['myshopid']);
             $_G['member']['shopcount'] = 0;
             $_G['member'] = $member;
             if ($_G['myshopid'] > 0) {
                 require_once B_ROOT . "./source/class/shop.class.php";
                 $_G['myshopsarr'] = shop::ls_myshops();
                 $_G['member']['shopcount'] = count($_G['myshops']);
     //if(!$_G['uid']) { sclearcookie(); return ;}
     if (IN_STORE === true) {
         if (pkperm('isadmin')) {
             showmessage('admin_no_perm_to_panel', 'index.php');
         } elseif ($_G['myshopid'] < 0) {
             showmessage('no_perm', 'index.php');
         } else {
             $shop_grade = $_G['myshopsarr'][$_G['myshopid']]['grade'];
             if ($shop_grade <= 1) {
                 $_G['myshopstatus'] = 'unverified';
             } elseif ($shop_grade > 1) {
                 $_G['myshopstatus'] = 'verified';
Esempio n. 9
                     $query = DB::query('SELECT * FROM ' . tname('albumitems') . " WHERE itemid='{$albumid}' LIMIT 1");
                     $update = DB::fetch($query);
                     $update = serialize($update);
                     DB::query("REPLACE INTO " . tname("itemupdates") . " (`itemid`, `type`, `updatestatus`, `update`) VALUES ('{$albumid}', 'album', '1', '{$update}');");
                     DB::query("UPDATE " . tname("albumitems") . " SET updateverify = 1 WHERE itemid = '{$albumid}' ;");
                 } elseif ($albumgrade == 1) {
                     DB::query("UPDATE " . tname("albumitems") . " SET grade = 0 WHERE itemid = '{$albumid}' ;");
 $attach = loadClass('attach')->attach_upload('Filedata');
 if (is_array($attach) && $shopid) {
     $attach['name'] = substr($attach['name'], 0, -4);
     if ($_SGLOBAL['panelinfo']['group']['verifyalbum'] && !pkperm('isadmin')) {
         $grade = 0;
     } else {
         $grade = 3;
     $photoid = DB::insert('photoitems', array('shopid' => $shopid, 'albumid' => $albumid, 'uid' => $_G['uid'], 'username' => $_G['username'], 'subject' => $attach['title'], 'subjectimage' => $attach['attachment'], 'dateline' => $_G['timestamp'], 'lastpost' => $_G['timestamp'], 'allowreply' => '1', 'grade' => $grade), 1);
 if (empty($photoid) || $photoid < 0) {
     @unlink(A_DIR . '/' . $attach['attachment']);
 $updatesql = array();
 if ($photoid) {
     $updatesql[] = " `picnum`=`picnum`+1 ";
 if (empty($albumimg) && $photoid) {
Esempio n. 10
function geteditcont($cont = 'www', $string = 0)
    global $_G, $_SGLOBAL, $wheresql, $lang, $_SC;
    if (pkperm('isadmin')) {
        $shopid = intval($_G['cookie']['shopid']);
        if ($shopid < 1) {
            exit('<div>cookie error</div>');
        $wheresql = " WHERE shopid='{$shopid}'";
    } elseif ($_G['myshopstatus'] == 'verified') {
        $wheresql = " WHERE shopid='{$_G['myshopid']}'";
    switch ($cont) {
        case 'www':
            $str = <<<EOF
\t\t\t<div id="e_www" unselectable="on" class="p_opt popupfix" style="">
\t\t\t\t<table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<th width="74%">{$lang['editor_imgsrc']}<span class="xi1" id="e_image_status"></span></th>
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<th width="13%">{$lang['editor_imgwidth']}</th>
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<th width="13%">{$lang['editor_imgheight']}</th>
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><input type="text" autocomplete="off" class="px" value="" style="width: 95%;" id="e_image_param_1"></td>
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><input autocomplete="off" class="px p_fre" value="" size="1" id="e_image_param_2"></td>
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td><input autocomplete="off" class="px p_fre" value="" size="1" id="e_image_param_3"></td>
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<td align="center" class="pns" colspan="3">
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<button id="e_image_submit" class="pn pnc" type="button"><span>{$lang['settingsubmit']}</span></button>
\t\t\t<script type="text/javascript">
\t\t\t\tfunction() {
\t\t\t\t\tvar msgeditor;
\t\t\t\t\tvar edtimgextra = '';
\t\t\t\t\tif(\$("#e_image_param_2").val()>0) {
\t\t\t\t\t\tedtimgextra += ' width="'+\$("#e_image_param_2").val()+'"';
\t\t\t\t\tif(\$("#e_image_param_3").val()>0) {
\t\t\t\t\t\tedtimgextra += ' height="'+\$("#e_image_param_3").val()+'"';

\t\t\t\t\tmsgeditor.pasteHTML('<img src="'+\$("#e_image_param_1").val()+'" '+edtimgextra+' />');
\t\t\t\t\treturn false;
        case 'albumlist':
            $str = '
			<div style="" id="e_albumlist" unselectable="on" class="p_opt">
				<div class="upfilelist">
					' . lang('editor_albumchoose') . '
					<select id="choosealbum">
						<option value="0">' . lang('all') . '</option>
						<option value="-1">' . lang('album_default') . '</option>';
            $query = DB::query('SELECT itemid, subject FROM ' . tname('albumitems') . $wheresql . ' ORDER BY itemid DESC');
            while ($albumarr = DB::fetch($query)) {
                $str .= "<option value=\"{$albumarr['itemid']}\">{$albumarr['subject']}</option>";
            $str .= '
					<p id="albumphoto"></p>
			<script type="text/javascript">
				$("#choosealbum").change(function() { $("#albumphoto").load(\'' . $BASESCRIPT . '?action=ajax_editor&cont=imgattachlist&albumid=\'+$("#choosealbum").val());});
        case 'imgattachlist':
            $str = '
			<div id="e_imgattachlist" unselectable="on" class="p_opt">
				<div class="upfilelist">
					<div id="imgattachlist" style="">
					' . showattachshtml() . '
					<div id="unusedimgattachlist"></div>
				<p style="" id="imgattach_notice" class="notice">' . lang('editor_clickphoto') . '</p>
        case 'multi':
            $configxml = rawurlencode('misc.php?ac=swfupload&op=config&ineditor=1');
            $str = <<<EOF
\t\t\t<div id="e_multi" class="swfup" style="float:left;">
\t\t\t\t\t\t<div id="swfup">
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<h1>Alternative content</h1>
\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<p><a href=""><img src="" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" /></a></p>
\t\t\t<script charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript" src="static/image/admin/swfobject.js"></script>
\t\t\t<script type="text/javascript">
\t\t\t\tswfobject.embedSWF("static/image/admin/upload.swf?config={$configxml}", "swfup", "100%", "400", "9.0.0", "static/image/admin/expressInstall.swf");

\t\t\t\tfunction swfHandler(albumid, albumurl) {
\t\t\t\t\t\$("#e_image_ctrl a").removeClass('current');
\t\t\t\t\t\$("#e_cont").load(albumurl + albumid);
    if ($string) {
        return $str;
    } else {
        echo $str;
Esempio n. 11
function setalbumimg()
    global $_G, $_SGLOBAL;
    $albumid = intval($_REQUEST['albumid']);
    $photoid = intval($_REQUEST['photoid']);
    if (pkperm('isadmin')) {
        $pwheresql = " itemid='{$photoid}'";
        $awheresql = " itemid='{$albumid}'";
    } else {
        $pwheresql = " itemid='{$photoid}' AND shopid='{$_G['myshopid']}'";
        $awheresql = " itemid='{$albumid}' AND shopid='{$_G['myshopid']}'";
    $imgurl = DB::result_first('SELECT subjectimage FROM ' . tname('photoitems') . ' WHERE ' . $pwheresql);
    if ($imgurl) {
        if (strpos($imgurl, 'http://') === 0) {
            $oldalbumimg = DB::result_first('SELECT subjectimage FROM ' . tname('albumitems') . " WHERE {$awheresql} AND frombbs='1'");
            if (!empty($oldalbumimg)) {
                @unlink(A_DIR . '/' . $oldalbumimg);
                @unlink(A_DIR . '/' . substr($oldalbumimg, 0, -4) . '.thumb.jpg');
            $remoteattach = loadClass('attach')->saveremotefile($imgurl, array(320, 240));
            $imgurl = $remoteattach['file'];
        $query = DB::query('UPDATE ' . tname('albumitems') . " SET subjectimage='{$imgurl}' WHERE {$awheresql}");
        $num = DB::affected_rows($query);
    if ($num > 0) {
        cpmsg('message_success', '', 'success', '', true, true);
    } else {
        cpmsg('message_fail', '', 'error', '', true, true);
Esempio n. 12

 *      [品牌空間] (C)2001-2010 Comsenz Inc.
 *      This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license terms
 *      $Id: batch.attribute.php 4413 2010-09-13 09:10:48Z xuhui $
if (!empty($_REQUEST['ajax'])) {
    require_once './common.php';
    $_POST['valueid'] = intval($_POST['valueid']);
    $_GET['typeid'] = intval($_GET['typeid']);
    $_GET['itemid'] = intval($_GET['itemid']);
    if ($_POST['op'] == 'delete' && pkperm('isadmin')) {
        DB::query("DELETE FROM " . tname('attrvalue') . " WHERE `attr_valueid` = '{$_POST['valueid']}'");
        echo $_POST['valueid'];
    $categorylist = getmodelcategory('good');
    empty($_GET['typeid']) ? exit('') : '';
    $_GET['itemid'] = !empty($_GET['itemid']) ? $_GET['itemid'] : 0;
    echo $attrsettings = getattributesettings($_GET['typeid'], $_GET['itemid']);
 * 讀取篩選器
 * @param $var - 變量名   (最好標注下類型)
 * @param $type_id - 商品分類id
 * @param $life - 生命期
 * @param $prefix - 前綴
 * @return
function getattribute($type_id)