function graph_workorder_num($width, $height, $type = "owner", $where_clause = "WHERE 1=1", $max = 5, $ttl = 1) { global $config; $data = array(); if ($type == "submitter") { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(id), created_by_user FROM ttodo {$where_clause} GROUP BY created_by_user ORDER BY 1 DESC, 2"; } else { $sql = "SELECT COUNT(id), assigned_user FROM ttodo {$where_clause} GROUP BY assigned_user ORDER BY 1 DESC, 2"; } $wos = get_db_all_rows_sql($sql); $data = NULL; $count = 0; if ($wos !== false) { foreach ($wos as $wo) { if ($type == "submitter") { if ($count < $max) { $data[$wo['created_by_user']] = $wo['COUNT(id)']; } else { $data[__('Others')] += $wo['COUNT(id)']; } } else { if ($count < $max) { $data[$wo['assigned_user']] = $wo['COUNT(id)']; } else { $data[__('Others')] += $wo['COUNT(id)']; } } $count++; } } if ($data == NULL) { return __("There is no data to show"); } else { return pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, $width, $height, __('others'), "", "", $config['font'], $config['fontsize'], $ttl); } }
} if ($companies_activity != false) { $companies_activity_content = '<br>' . print_table(crm_print_most_activity_companies($companies_activity), true); } else { $companies_activity_content = '<br><div>' . __('No data to show') . '</div>'; } $table->data[2][0] = print_container('top_10_activity', __('Top 10 activity'), $companies_activity_content, 'no', true, '10px'); //MANAGERS INVOICING VOLUME if ($read && $enterprise) { $managers_invoicing = crm_get_invoicing_managers_acl($config['id_user'], $where_clause); } else { $managers_invoicing = crm_get_managers_invoicing($where_clause); } $managers_invoicing = crm_get_managers_invoicing_graph($managers_invoicing); if ($managers_invoicing != false) { $managers_invoicing_volume = pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $managers_invoicing, 300, 150, __('others'), "", "", $config['font'], $config['fontsize'] - 1, $ttl); } else { $managers_invoicing_volume = __('No data to show'); } $managers_invoicing_volume = '<br><div class="pie_frame">' . $managers_invoicing_volume . '</div>'; $table->data[2][1] = print_container('managers_invoicing_volume', __('Managers invoicing volume'), $managers_invoicing_volume, 'no', true, '10px'); //TOP 10 INVOICING $companies_invoincing = crm_get_total_invoiced($where_clause); if ($read && $enterprise) { $companies_invoincing = crm_get_user_companies($config['id_user'], $companies_invoincing); } if ($companies_invoincing != false) { $companies_invoincing_content = '<br>' . print_table(crm_print_most_invoicing_companies($companies_invoincing), true); } else { $companies_invoincing_content = '<br><div>' . __('No data to show') . '</div>'; }
if ($leads_country != false) { $leads_country_content = pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $leads_country, 300, 150, __('others'), $config["base_url"], "", $config['font'], $config['fontsize'] - 1, $ttl); } else { $leads_country_content = __('No data to show'); } $leads_country_content = '<br><div class="pie_frame">' . $leads_country_content . '</div>'; echo "<div style='clear:both'></div>"; echo print_container('leads_per_country', __('Leads per country'), $leads_country_content, 'no', true, true, "container_simple_title", "container_simple_div"); //USERS $leads_user = crm_get_total_leads_user($where_clause); if ($read && $enterprise) { $leads_user = crm_get_user_leads($config['id_user'], $leads_user); } $leads_user = crm_get_data_lead_user_graph($leads_user); if ($leads_user !== false) { $leads_user_content = pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $leads_user, 300, 150, __('others'), $config["base_url"], "", $config['font'], $config['fontsize'] - 1, $ttl); } else { $leads_user_content = __('No data to show'); } $leads_user_content = '<br><div class="pie_frame">' . $leads_user_content . '</div>'; echo print_container('users_per_lead', __('Users per lead'), $leads_user_content, 'no', true, true, "container_simple_title", "container_simple_div"); //TOP 10 ESTIMATED SALES $where_clause_top10 = $where_clause . " AND progress < 100"; $leads_sales = crm_get_total_sales_lead($where_clause_top10); if ($read && $enterprise) { $leads_sales = crm_get_user_leads($config['id_user'], $leads_sales); } if ($leads_sales != false) { $leads_sales_content = print_table(crm_print_estimated_sales_leads($leads_sales), true); } else { $leads_sales_content = '<br><div class="pie_frame">' . __('No data to show') . '</div>';
/** * Print a table with statistics of a list of incidents. * * @param array List of incidents to get stats. * @param bool Whether to return an output string or echo now (optional, echo by default). * * @return Incidents stats if return parameter is true. Nothing otherwise */ function print_incidents_stats_simply($incidents, $return = false, $simple_mode = false) { global $config; require_once $config["homedir"] . "/include/functions_graph.php"; $pdf_output = (int) get_parameter('pdf_output', 0); $ttl = $pdf_output + 1; // Max graph legend string length (without the '...') $max_legend_strlen = 17; // Necessary for flash graphs include_flash_chart_script(); // TODO: Move this function to function_graphs to encapsulate flash // chart script inclusion or make calls to functions_graph when want // print a flash chart $output = ''; $total = sizeof($incidents); $opened = 0; $total_hours = 0; $total_workunits = 0; $total_lifetime = 0; $max_lifetime = 0; $oldest_incident = false; $scoring_sum = 0; $scoring_valid = 0; if ($incidents === false) { $incidents = array(); } $assigned_users = array(); $creator_users = array(); $submitter_label = ""; $user_assigned_label = ""; $incident_id_array = array(); //Initialize incident status array $incident_status = array(); $incident_status[STATUS_NEW] = 0; $incident_status[STATUS_UNCONFIRMED] = 0; $incident_status[STATUS_ASSIGNED] = 0; $incident_status[STATUS_REOPENED] = 0; $incident_status[STATUS_VERIFIED] = 0; $incident_status[STATUS_RESOLVED] = 0; $incident_status[STATUS_PENDING_THIRD_PERSON] = 0; $incident_status[STATUS_CLOSED] = 0; //Initialize priority array $incident_priority = array(); $incident_priority[PRIORITY_INFORMATIVE] = 0; $incident_priority[PRIORITY_LOW] = 0; $incident_priority[PRIORITY_MEDIUM] = 0; $incident_priority[PRIORITY_SERIOUS] = 0; $incident_priority[PRIORITY_VERY_SERIOUS] = 0; $incident_priority[PRIORITY_MAINTENANCE] = 0; //Initialize status timing array $incident_status_timing = array(); $incident_status_timing[STATUS_NEW] = 0; $incident_status_timing[STATUS_UNCONFIRMED] = 0; $incident_status_timing[STATUS_ASSIGNED] = 0; $incident_status_timing[STATUS_REOPENED] = 0; $incident_status_timing[STATUS_VERIFIED] = 0; $incident_status_timing[STATUS_RESOLVED] = 0; $incident_status_timing[STATUS_PENDING_THIRD_PERSON] = 0; $incident_status_timing[STATUS_CLOSED] = 0; //Initialize users time array $users_time = array(); //Initialize groups time array $groups_time = array(); foreach ($incidents as $incident) { $inc_stats = incidents_get_incident_stats($incident["id_incidencia"]); if ($incident['actualizacion'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') { $lifetime = $inc_stats[INCIDENT_METRIC_TOTAL_TIME]; if ($lifetime > $max_lifetime) { $oldest_incident = $incident; $max_lifetime = $lifetime; } $total_lifetime += $lifetime; } //Complete incident status timing array foreach ($inc_stats[INCIDENT_METRIC_STATUS] as $key => $value) { $incident_status_timing[$key] += $value; } //fill users time array foreach ($inc_stats[INCIDENT_METRIC_USER] as $user => $time) { if (!isset($users_time[$user])) { $users_time[$user] = $time; } else { $users_time[$user] += $time; } } //Inidents by group time foreach ($inc_stats[INCIDENT_METRIC_GROUP] as $key => $time) { if (!isset($groups_time[$key])) { $groups_time[$key] = $time; } else { $groups_time[$key] += $time; } } //Get only id from incident filter array //used for filter in some functions array_push($incident_id_array, $incident['id_incidencia']); // Take count of assigned / creator users if (isset($assigned_users[$incident["id_usuario"]])) { $assigned_users[$incident["id_usuario"]]++; } else { $assigned_users[$incident["id_usuario"]] = 1; } if (isset($creator_users[$incident["id_creator"]])) { $creator_users[$incident["id_creator"]]++; } else { $creator_users[$incident["id_creator"]] = 1; } // Scoring avg. if ($incident["score"] > 0) { $scoring_valid++; $scoring_sum = $scoring_sum + $incident["score"]; } $hours = get_incident_workunit_hours($incident['id_incidencia']); $workunits = get_incident_workunits($incident['id_incidencia']); $total_hours += $hours; $total_workunits = $total_workunits + sizeof($workunits); //Open incidents if ($incident["estado"] != 7) { $opened++; } //Incidents by status $incident_status[$incident["estado"]]++; //Incidents by priority $incident_priority[$incident["prioridad"]]++; } $closed = $total - $opened; $opened_pct = 0; $mean_work = 0; $mean_lifetime = 0; if ($total != 0) { $opened_pct = format_numeric($opened / $total * 100); $mean_work = format_numeric($total_hours / $total, 2); } $mean_lifetime = $total_lifetime / $total; // Get avg. scoring if ($scoring_valid > 0) { $scoring_avg = format_numeric($scoring_sum / $scoring_valid); } else { $scoring_avg = "N/A"; } // Get incident SLA compliance $sla_compliance = get_sla_compliance($incidents); //Create second table // Find the 5 most active users (more hours worked) $most_active_users = array(); if ($incident_id_array) { $most_active_users = get_most_active_users(8, $incident_id_array); } $users_label = ''; $users_data = array(); foreach ($most_active_users as $user) { $users_data[$user['id_user']] = $user['worked_hours']; } // Remove the items with no value foreach ($users_data as $key => $value) { if (!$value || $value <= 0) { unset($users_data[$key]); } } if (empty($most_active_users) || empty($users_data)) { $users_label = "<div class='container_adaptor_na_graphic2'>"; $users_label .= graphic_error(false); $users_label .= __("N/A"); $users_label .= "</div>"; } else { arsort($users_data); $users_label .= pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $users_data, 300, 150, __('others'), $config["base_url"], "", $config['font'], $config['fontsize'], $ttl); } // Find the 5 most active incidents (more worked hours) $most_active_incidents = get_most_active_incidents(5, $incident_id_array); $incidents_label = ''; foreach ($most_active_incidents as $incident) { $incidents_data[$incident['id_incidencia']] = $incident['worked_hours']; } // Remove the items with no value foreach ($incidents_data as $key => $value) { if (!$value || $value <= 0) { unset($incidents_data[$key]); } } if (empty($most_active_incidents) || empty($incidents_data)) { $incidents_label .= graphic_error(false); $incidents_label .= __("N/A"); $incidents_label = "<div class='container_adaptor_na_graphic'>" . $incidents_label . "</div>"; } else { arsort($incidents_data); $incidents_label .= pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $incidents_data, 300, 150, __('others'), $config["base_url"], "", $config['font'], $config['fontsize'], $ttl); } // TOP X creator users $creator_assigned_data = array(); foreach ($creator_users as $clave => $valor) { $creator_assigned_data["{$clave} ({$valor})"] = $valor; } if (empty($creator_assigned_data)) { $submitter_label = "<div style='width:300px; height:150px;'>"; $submitter_label .= graphic_error(false); $submitter_label .= __("N/A"); $submitter_label .= "</div>"; } else { arsort($creator_assigned_data); $submitter_label .= "<br/>" . pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $creator_assigned_data, 300, 150, __('others'), $config["base_url"], "", $config['font'], $config['fontsize'], $ttl); } // TOP X scoring users $scoring_label = ""; $top5_scoring = get_best_incident_scoring(5, $incident_id_array); foreach ($top5_scoring as $submitter) { $scoring_data[$submitter["id_usuario"]] = $submitter["total"]; } if (empty($top5_scoring)) { $scoring_label .= graphic_error(false); $scoring_label .= __("N/A"); $scoring_label = "<div class='container_adaptor_na_graphic2'>" . $scoring_label . "</div>"; } else { arsort($scoring_data); $scoring_label .= "<br/>" . pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $scoring_data, 300, 150, __('others'), $config["base_url"], "", $config['font'], $config['fontsize'], $ttl); } // TOP X assigned users $user_assigned_data = array(); foreach ($assigned_users as $clave => $valor) { $user_assigned_data["{$clave} ({$valor})"] = $valor; } if (empty($user_assigned_data)) { $user_assigned_label = "<div style='width:300px; height:150px;'>"; $user_assigned_label .= graphic_error(false); $user_assigned_label .= __("N/A"); $user_assigned_label .= "</div>"; } else { arsort($user_assigned_data); $user_assigned_label .= "<br/>" . pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $user_assigned_data, 300, 150, __('others'), $config["base_url"], "", $config['font'], $config['fontsize'], $ttl); } // Show graph with incidents by group foreach ($incidents as $incident) { $grupo = safe_output(dame_grupo($incident["id_grupo"])); if (strlen($grupo) > $max_legend_strlen) { $grupo = substr($grupo, 0, $max_legend_strlen) . "..."; } if (!isset($incident_group_data[$grupo])) { $incident_group_data[$grupo] = 0; } $incident_group_data[$grupo] = $incident_group_data[$grupo] + 1; } arsort($incident_group_data); // Show graph with incidents by source group foreach ($incidents as $incident) { $grupo_src = safe_output(dame_grupo($incident["id_group_creator"])); if (strlen($grupo_src) > $max_legend_strlen) { $grupo_src = substr($grupo_src, 0, $max_legend_strlen) . "..."; } if (!isset($incident_group_data2[$grupo_src])) { $incident_group_data2[$grupo_src] = 0; } $incident_group_data2[$grupo_src] = $incident_group_data2[$grupo_src] + 1; } arsort($incident_group_data2); // Show graph with tickets open/close histogram $ticket_oc_graph = '<div class="pie_frame">' . graph_ticket_oc_histogram($incidents, 650, 250, $ttl) . "</div>"; $container_title = __("Ticket Open/Close histogram"); $container_ticket_oc = print_container('container_ticket_oc', $container_title, $ticket_oc_graph, 'open', true, true, "container_simple_title", "container_simple_div"); // Show graph with tickets open/close histogram $ticket_activity_graph = '<div class="pie_frame">' . graph_ticket_activity_calendar($incidents) . "</div>"; $container_title = __("Ticket activity"); $container_ticket_activity = print_container('container_ticket_activity', $container_title, $ticket_activity_graph, 'open', true, true, "container_simple_title", "container_simple_div"); //Print first table $output .= "<table class='listing' width=190px border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0 >"; $output .= "<tr>"; $output .= "<th>" . __("Metric") . "</th>"; $output .= "<th>" . __("Value") . "</th>"; $output .= "</tr>"; $output .= "<tr>"; $output .= "<td align=center><strong>" . __('Total tickets') . "</strong></td>"; $output .= "<td valign=top align=center>"; $output .= $total; $output .= "</td>"; $output .= "</tr>"; $output .= "<tr>"; $output .= "<td align=center><strong>" . __('Avg. life time') . "</strong></td>"; $output .= "<td valign=top align=center>"; $output .= format_numeric($mean_lifetime / 86400, 2) . " " . __("Days"); $output .= "</td>"; $output .= "</tr>"; $output .= "<tr>"; $output .= "<td align=center><strong>"; $output .= __('Avg. work time'); $output .= "</strong></td>"; $output .= "<td align=center>" . $mean_work . ' ' . __('Hours') . "</td>"; $output .= "</tr>"; $output .= "<tr>"; $output .= "<td align=center><strong>"; $output .= __('Avg. Scoring'); $output .= "</strong></td>"; $output .= "<td align=center>" . $scoring_avg . "</td>"; $output .= "<tr>"; $output .= "<td align=center><strong>"; $output .= __('Total work time'); $output .= "</strong></td>"; $output .= "<td align=center>" . $total_hours . " " . __("Hours") . "</td>"; $output .= "</tr>"; $output .= "<tr>"; $output .= "<td align=center><strong>"; $output .= __('Total work units'); $output .= "</strong></td>"; $output .= "<td align=center>" . $total_workunits . "</td>"; $output .= "</tr></table>"; $container_title = __("Tickets statistics"); $container_incident_statistics = print_container('container_incident_statistics', $container_title, $output, 'no', true, true, "container_simple_title", "container_simple_div"); $output = "<div class='pie_frame'>" . $incidents_label . "</div>"; $container_title = __("Top 5 active tickets"); $container_top5_incidents = print_container('container_top5_incidents', $container_title, $output, 'no', true, true, "container_simple_title", "container_simple_div"); if ($incidents) { $output = graph_incident_statistics_sla_compliance($incidents, 300, 150, $ttl); } else { $output = "<div style='width:300px; height:150px;'>"; $output .= graphic_error(false); $output .= __("N/A"); $output .= "</div>"; } $output = "<div class='container_adaptor_graphic'>" . $output . "</div>"; $output = "<div class='pie_frame'>" . $output . "</div>"; $container_title = __("SLA compliance"); $container_sla_compliance = print_container('container_sla_compliance', $container_title, $output, 'no', true, true, "container_simple_title", "container_simple_div"); $status_aux .= "<table class='listing' style='width: 420px; margin: 10px auto;' cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>"; $status_aux .= "<tr>"; $status_aux .= "<th style='text-align:center;'><strong>" . __("Status") . "</strong></th>"; $status_aux .= "<th style='text-align:center;'><strong>" . __("Number") . "</strong></th>"; $status_aux .= "<th style='text-align:center;'><strong>" . __("Total time") . "</strong></th>"; $status_aux .= "</tr>"; foreach ($incident_status as $key => $value) { $name = get_db_value('name', 'tincident_status', 'id', $key); $status_aux .= "<tr>"; $status_aux .= "<td>" . $name . "</td>"; $status_aux .= "<td style='text-align:center;'>" . $value . "</td>"; $time = $incident_status_timing[$key]; $status_aux .= "<td style='text-align:center;'>" . give_human_time($time, true, true, true) . "</td>"; $status_aux .= "</tr>"; } $status_aux .= "</table>"; $container_title = __("Ticket by status"); $container_status_incidents = print_container('container_status_incidents', $container_title, $status_aux, 'no', true, true, "container_simple_title", "container_simple_div"); $priority_aux .= "<table class='listing table_priority_report' style='width: 420px;' cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 border=0>"; $priority_aux .= "<tr>"; $priority_aux .= "<th style='text-align:center;'><strong>" . __("Priority") . "</strong></th>"; $priority_aux .= "<th style='text-align:center;'><strong>" . __("Number") . "</strong></th>"; $priority_aux .= "</tr>"; foreach ($incident_priority as $key => $value) { $priority_aux .= "<tr>"; $priority_aux .= "<td>" . get_priority_name($key) . "</td>"; $priority_aux .= "<td style='text-align:center;'>" . $value . "</td>"; $priority_aux .= "</tr>"; } $priority_aux .= "</table>"; $priority_aux = $priority_aux; $container_title = __("Tickets by priority"); $container_priority_incidents = print_container('container_priority_incidents', $container_title, $priority_aux, 'no', true, true, "container_simple_title", "container_simple_div"); if ($oldest_incident) { $oldest_incident_time = get_incident_workunit_hours($oldest_incident["id_incidencia"]); $output = "<table class='listing'>"; $output .= "<th>"; $output .= __("Metric"); $output .= "</th>"; $output .= "<th>"; $output .= __("Value"); $output .= "</th>"; $output .= "</tr>"; $output .= "<tr>"; $output .= "<td>"; $output .= "<strong>" . __("Ticket Id") . "</strong>"; $output .= "</td>"; $output .= "<td>"; $output .= '<a href="index.php?sec=incidents&sec2=operation/incidents/incident_dashboard_detail&id=' . $oldest_incident['id_incidencia'] . '">#' . $oldest_incident['id_incidencia'] . "</strong></a>"; $output .= "</td>"; $output .= "</tr>"; $output .= "<tr>"; $output .= "<td>"; $output .= "<strong>" . __("Ticket title") . "</strong>"; $output .= "</td>"; $output .= "<td>"; $output .= '<a href="index.php?sec=incidents&sec2=operation/incidents/incident_dashboard_detail&id=' . $oldest_incident['id_incidencia'] . '">' . $oldest_incident['titulo'] . "</strong></a>"; $output .= "</td>"; $output .= "</tr>"; $output .= "<tr>"; $output .= "<td>"; $output .= "<strong>" . __("Worktime hours") . "</strong>"; $output .= "</td>"; $output .= "<td>"; $output .= $oldest_incident_time . " " . __("Hours"); $output .= "</td>"; $output .= "</tr>"; $output .= "<tr>"; $output .= "<td>"; $output .= "<strong>" . __("Lifetime") . "</strong>"; $output .= "</td>"; $output .= "<td>"; $output .= format_numeric($max_lifetime / 86400) . " " . __("Days"); $output .= "</td>"; $output .= "</tr>"; $output .= "</table>"; } else { $output = graphic_error(false); $output .= __("N/A"); } $output_aux = "<div style='width:100%; height:170px;'>"; $output_aux .= $output; $output_aux .= "</div>"; $container_title = __("Longest closed ticket"); $container_longest_closed = print_container('container_longest_closed', $container_title, $output_aux, 'no', true, true, "container_simple_title", "container_simple_div"); $data = array(__('Open') => $opened, __('Closed') => $total - $opened); $data = array(__('Close') => $total - $opened, __('Open') => $opened); $output = pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $data, 300, 150, __('others'), $config["base_url"], "", $config['font'], $config['fontsize'], $ttl); $output = "<div class='pie_frame'>" . $output . "</div>"; $container_title = __("Open / Close ticket"); $container_openclose_incidents = print_container('container_openclose_incidents', $container_title, $output, 'no', true, true, "container_simple_title", "container_simple_div"); $clean_output = get_parameter("clean_output"); $container_title = __("Top active users"); $output = "<div class='pie_frame'>" . $users_label . "</div>"; $container_topactive_users = print_container('container_topactive_users', $container_title, $output, 'no', true, true, "container_simple_title", "container_simple_div"); $container_title = __("Top ticket submitters"); $output = "<div class='pie_frame'>" . $submitter_label . "</div>"; $container_topincident_submitter = print_container('container_topincident_submitter', $container_title, $output, 'no', true, true, "container_simple_title", "container_simple_div"); $container_title = __("Top assigned users"); $output = "<div class='pie_frame'>" . $user_assigned_label . "</div>"; $container_user_assigned = print_container('container_user_assigned', $container_title, $output, 'no', true, true, "container_simple_title", "container_simple_div"); $container_title = __("Tickets by group"); $output = "<br/>" . pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $incident_group_data, 300, 150, __('others'), $config["base_url"], "", $config['font'], $config['fontsize'] - 1, $ttl); $output = "<div class='pie_frame'>" . $output . "</div>"; $container_incidents_group = print_container('container_incidents_group', $container_title, $output, 'no', true, true, "container_simple_title", "container_simple_div"); $container_title = __("Tickets by creator group"); $output = "<br/>" . pie3d_graph($config['flash_charts'], $incident_group_data2, 300, 150, __('others'), $config["base_url"], "", $config['font'], $config['fontsize'] - 1, $ttl); $output = "<div class='pie_frame'>" . $output . "</div>"; $container_incident_creator_group = print_container('container_incident_creator_group', $container_title, $output, 'no', true, true, "container_simple_title", "container_simple_div"); $container_title = __("Top 5 average scoring by user"); $output = "<div class='pie_frame'>" . $scoring_label . "</div>"; $container_top5_scoring = print_container('container_top5_scoring', $container_title, $output, 'no', true, true, "container_simple_title", "container_simple_div"); //Print second table $output = "<table class='listing' style='width: 320px; margin: 10px auto'>"; $output .= "<tr>"; $output .= "<th style='text-align:center;'><strong>" . __("Group") . "</strong></th>"; $output .= "<th style='text-align:center;'><strong>" . __("Time") . "</strong></th>"; $output .= "</tr>"; $count = 1; arsort($groups_time); foreach ($groups_time as $key => $value) { //Only show first 5 if ($count == 5) { break; } $output .= "<tr>"; $group_name = get_db_value('nombre', 'tgrupo', 'id_grupo', $key); $output .= "<td>" . $group_name . "</td>"; $output .= "<td style='text-align: center'>" . give_human_time($value, true, true, true) . "</td>"; $output .= "</tr>"; $count++; } $output .= "</table>"; $output .= '<br>'; $output .= '<br>'; $container_title = __("Top 5 group by time"); $container_top5_group_time = print_container('container_top5_group_time', $container_title, $output, 'no', true, true, "container_simple_title", "container_simple_div"); $output = "<table class='listing' style='width: 420px; margin: 10px'>"; $output .= "<tr>"; $output .= "<th style='text-align:center;'><strong>" . __("User") . "</strong></th>"; $output .= "<th style='text-align:center;'><strong>" . __("Time") . "</strong></th>"; $output .= "</tr>"; $count = 1; arsort($users_time); foreach ($users_time as $key => $value) { //Only show first 5 if ($count == 5) { break; } $output .= "<tr>"; $user_real = get_db_value('nombre_real', 'tusuario', 'id_usuario', $key); $output .= "<td>" . $user_real . "</td>"; $output .= "<td style='text-align: center'>" . give_human_time($value, true, true, true) . "</td>"; $output .= "</tr>"; $count++; } $output .= "</table>"; $output .= "</table>"; $container_title = __("Top 5 users by time"); $container_top5_user_time = print_container('container_top5_user_time', $container_title, $output, 'no', true, true, "container_simple_title", "container_simple_div"); if ($simple_mode) { // First row echo $container_incidents_group; echo $container_topincident_submitter; echo $container_user_assigned; // Second row echo $container_incident_statistics; echo $container_top5_group_time; echo $container_sla_compliance; } else { // First row echo $container_incidents_group; echo $container_topincident_submitter; echo $container_user_assigned; // Second row echo $container_incident_statistics; echo $container_top5_group_time; echo $container_sla_compliance; echo '<br><br>'; // Third row echo $container_status_incidents; echo $container_priority_incidents; //Fourth row echo $container_topactive_users; echo $container_top5_incidents; echo $container_openclose_incidents; echo '<br><br><br>'; //~ // Fifth row echo $container_ticket_oc; echo '<br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>'; //~ // Sixth row echo $container_ticket_activity; } }
$val_aux = sprintf("%.2f k ", $val_aux); $comp_name = $comp_name . " (" . $val_aux . ")"; $comp_invoiced_data[$comp_name] = $val; } switch ($search_invoice_type) { case 'Submitted': $container_title = __("Submitted billing per company"); break; case 'Received': $container_title = __("Received billing per company"); break; default: $container_title = "Submitted billing per company"; break; } $companies_invoiced_graph = pie3d_graph($config["flash_charts"], $comp_invoiced_data, 400, 150, __('others'), $config["base_url"], "", $config['font'], $config['fontsize'], $graph_ttl); $companies_invoiced_graph = '<div class="pie_frame">' . $companies_invoiced_graph . "</div>"; echo print_container('companies_invoiced', $container_title, $companies_invoiced_graph, 'no', true, true, "container_simple_title", "container_simple_div"); switch ($search_invoice_type) { case 'Submitted': $container_title = __("Submitted billing per currency"); break; case 'Received': $container_title = __("Received billing per currency"); break; default: $container_title = __("Submitted billing per currency"); break; } echo print_container('currency_invoiced', $container_title, $currency_table, 'no', true, true, "container_simple_title", "container_simple_div"); ?>
echo pie3d_graph ($config['flash_charts'], $incident_graph, 500, 250, __('others'), "", "", $config['font'], $config['fontsize'], $ttl); echo "</div>"; echo "<div style='width:40%; float:left;'>"; echo "<h3>" . __("Ticket by group") . "</h3>"; echo pie3d_graph ($config['flash_charts'], $incident_group_data, 500, 250, __('others'), "", "", $config['font'], $config['fontsize']-1, $ttl); echo "</div>"; echo "<div style='width:100%; float:left;'>"; echo "<h3>" . __("Ticket by creator group") . "</h3>"; echo pie3d_graph ($config['flash_charts'], $incident_group_data2, 500, 250, __('others'), "", "", $config['font'], $config['fontsize']-1, $ttl); echo "</div>"; } } } } ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="include/languages/date_<?php echo $config['language_code']; ?>.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="include/js/integria_date.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="include/js/jquery.ui.autocomplete.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript">