function view_raw($what, $clientid = 0, $target = '', $source = '', $withtext = 0, $context = 0, $richmedia = true) { global $phpAds_config; global $phpAds_followedChain; // If $clientid consists of alpha-numeric chars it is // not the clientid, but the target parameter. if (!preg_match('#^[0-9]+$#', $clientid)) { $target = $clientid; $clientid = 0; } $found = false; // Reset followed zone chain $phpAds_followedChain = array(); $first = true; while (($first || $what != '') && $found == false) { $first = false; if (substr($what, 0, 5) == 'zone:') { if (!defined('LIBVIEWZONE_INCLUDED')) { require phpAds_path . '/libraries/'; } $row = phpAds_fetchBannerZone($what, $clientid, $context, $source, $richmedia); } else { if (!defined('LIBVIEWDIRECT_INCLUDED')) { require phpAds_path . '/libraries/'; } $row = phpAds_fetchBannerDirect($what, $clientid, $context, $source, $richmedia); } if (is_array($row)) { $found = true; } else { $what = $row; } } if ($found) { // Prepare impression logging if ($phpAds_config['log_adviews'] && !$phpAds_config['log_beacon']) { phpAds_logImpression($row['bannerid'], $row['clientid'], $row['zoneid'], $source); } $row = array_merge($row, phpAds_getBannerDetails($row['bannerid'])); return phpAds_prepareOutput($row, $target, $source, $withtext); } else { // An error occured, or there are no banners to display at all // Use the default banner if defined if ($phpAds_config['default_banner_target'] != '' && $phpAds_config['default_banner_url'] != '') { // Determine target if ($target == '') { $target = '_blank'; } // default // Show default banner $outputbuffer = '<a href=\'' . $phpAds_config['default_banner_target'] . '\' target=\'' . $target . '\'><img src=\'' . $phpAds_config['default_banner_url'] . '\' border=\'0\' alt=\'\'></a>'; // Return banner return array('html' => $outputbuffer, 'bannerid' => ''); } return false; } }
$found = false; // Reset followed zone chain $phpAds_followedChain = array(); $first = true; while (($first || $what != '') && $found == false) { $first = false; if (substr($what, 0, 5) == 'zone:') { if (!defined('LIBVIEWZONE_INCLUDED')) { require phpAds_path . '/libraries/'; } $row = phpAds_fetchBannerZone($what, $clientid, $context, $source, true); } else { if (!defined('LIBVIEWDIRECT_INCLUDED')) { require phpAds_path . '/libraries/'; } $row = phpAds_fetchBannerDirect($what, $clientid, $context, $source, true); } if (is_array($row)) { $found = true; } else { $what = $row; } } // Do not pop a window if not banner was found.. if (!$found) { exit; } $contenturl = $phpAds_config['url_prefix'] . "/adcontent.php?bannerid=" . $row['bannerid']; $contenturl .= "&zoneid=" . $row['zoneid']; $contenturl .= "&source=" . urlencode($source) . "&timeout=" . $timeout; /*********************************************************/
$first = true; while (($first || $what != '') && $found == false) { $first = false; if (substr($what, 0, 5) == 'zone:') { if (!defined('LIBVIEWZONE_INCLUDED')) { require phpAds_path . '/libraries/'; } $row = phpAds_fetchBannerZone($what, $clientid, $campaignid, '', $source, false); } else { if (!defined('LIBVIEWQUERY_INCLUDED')) { require phpAds_path . '/libraries/'; } if (!defined('LIBVIEWDIRECT_INCLUDED')) { require phpAds_path . '/libraries/'; } $row = phpAds_fetchBannerDirect($what, $clientid, $campaignid, '', $source, false); } if (is_array($row)) { $found = true; } else { $what = $row; } } } else { $found = false; } if ($found) { // Log this impression if (!phpAds_isViewBlocked($row['bannerid'])) { if ($phpAds_config['log_adviews']) { phpAds_logImpression($userid, $row['bannerid'], $row['zoneid'], $source);
function view_raw($what, $clientid = 0, $campaignid = 0, $target = '', $source = '', $withtext = 0, $context = 0, $richmedia = true) { global $phpAds_config, $HTTP_SERVER_VARS; global $phpAds_followedChain; $userid = phpAds_getUniqueUserID(); phpAds_setCookie("phpAds_id", $userid, time() + 365 * 24 * 60 * 60); $outputbuffer = ''; // If $clientid consists of alpha-numeric chars it is // not the clientid, but the target parameter. if (!preg_match('#^[0-9]+$#', $clientid)) { $target = $clientid; $clientid = 0; } // Not sure what this does, but replicated to campaignid... // If $campaignid consists of alpha-numeric chars it is // not the campaignid, but the target parameter. if (!preg_match('#^[0-9]+$#', $campaignid)) { $target = $campaignid; $campaignid = 0; } $found = false; // Open database connection and get a banner if (phpAds_dbConnect()) { // Reset followed zone chain $phpAds_followedChain = array(); $first = true; while (($first || $what != '') && $found == false) { $first = false; if (substr($what, 0, 5) == 'zone:') { if (!defined('LIBVIEWZONE_INCLUDED')) { require phpAds_path . '/libraries/'; } $row = phpAds_fetchBannerZone($what, $clientid, $campaignid, $context, $source, $richmedia); } else { if (!defined('LIBVIEWQUERY_INCLUDED')) { require phpAds_path . '/libraries/'; } if (!defined('LIBVIEWDIRECT_INCLUDED')) { require phpAds_path . '/libraries/'; } $row = phpAds_fetchBannerDirect($what, $clientid, $campaignid, $context, $source, $richmedia); } if (is_array($row)) { $found = true; } else { $what = $row; } } } if ($found) { $outputbuffer = ''; // Prepend if (isset($row['prepend'])) { $outputbuffer .= $row['prepend']; } // Get HTML cache $outputbuffer .= $row['htmlcache']; // Append if (isset($row['append'])) { $outputbuffer .= $row['append']; } // Determine target if ($row['target'] == '') { if ($target == '') { $target = '_blank'; } // default } else { $target = $row['target']; } // Determine source $source = urlencode($source); // Set basic variables $outputbuffer = str_replace('{bannerid}', $row['bannerid'], $outputbuffer); $outputbuffer = str_replace('{zoneid}', $row['zoneid'], $outputbuffer); $outputbuffer = str_replace('{target}', $target, $outputbuffer); $outputbuffer = str_replace('{source}', $source, $outputbuffer); // Set path of phpAdsNew if ($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SERVER_PORT'] == 443) { $phpAds_config['url_prefix'] = $phpAds_config['ssl_url_prefix']; } if (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_HOST'])) { $phpAds_config['url_prefix'] = preg_replace('#//[^/]+/#', '//' . $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_HOST'] . '/', $phpAds_config['url_prefix']); } $outputbuffer = str_replace('{url_prefix}', $phpAds_config['url_prefix'], $outputbuffer); // Add text below banner if ($withtext) { $outputbuffer = str_replace('[bannertext]', '', $outputbuffer); $outputbuffer = str_replace('[/bannertext]', '', $outputbuffer); } else { $outputbuffer = preg_replace("#\\[bannertext\\](.*)\\[\\/bannertext\\]#", '', $outputbuffer); } // Web banner.. if ($row['storagetype'] == 'web') { if ($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['SERVER_PORT'] == 443) { $phpAds_config['type_web_url'] = $phpAds_config['type_web_ssl_url']; } $outputbuffer = str_replace('{image_url_prefix}', $phpAds_config['type_web_url'], $outputbuffer); } // HTML/URL banner options if ($row['storagetype'] == 'html' || $row['storagetype'] == 'url' || $row['storagetype'] == 'network') { // Replace timestamp $outputbuffer = str_replace('{timestamp}', time(), $outputbuffer); $outputbuffer = str_replace('%7Btimestamp%7D', time(), $outputbuffer); // Replace random while (preg_match('#(%7B|\\{)random((%3A|:)([0-9]+)){0,1}(%7D|})#i', $outputbuffer, $matches)) { if ($matches[4]) { $randomdigits = $matches[4]; } else { $randomdigits = 8; } if (isset($lastdigits) && $lastdigits == $randomdigits) { $randomnumber = $lastrandom; } else { $randomnumber = ''; for ($r = 0; $r < $randomdigits; $r = $r + 9) { $randomnumber .= (string) mt_rand(111111111, 999999999); } $randomnumber = substr($randomnumber, 0 - $randomdigits); } $outputbuffer = str_replace($matches[0], $randomnumber, $outputbuffer); $lastdigits = $randomdigits; $lastrandom = $randomnumber; } } // Parse PHP code inside HTML banners if ($row['storagetype'] == 'html') { if ($phpAds_config['type_html_php']) { if (preg_match("#(\\<\\?php(.*)\\?\\>)#i", $outputbuffer, $parser_regs)) { // Extract PHP script $parser_php = $parser_regs[2]; $parser_result = ''; // Replace output function $parser_php = preg_replace("#echo([^;]*);#i", '$parser_result .=\\1;', $parser_php); $parser_php = preg_replace("#print([^;]*);#i", '$parser_result .=\\1;', $parser_php); $parser_php = preg_replace("#printf([^;]*);#i", '$parser_result .= sprintf\\1;', $parser_php); // Split the PHP script into lines $parser_lines = explode(";", $parser_php); for ($parser_i = 0; $parser_i < sizeof($parser_lines); $parser_i++) { if (trim($parser_lines[$parser_i]) != '') { eval(trim($parser_lines[$parser_i]) . ';'); } } // Replace the script with the result $outputbuffer = str_replace($parser_regs[1], $parser_result, $outputbuffer); } } } // Add beacon image for logging if (isset($HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && preg_match("#Mozilla/(1|2|3|4)#", $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) && !preg_match("#compatible#", $HTTP_SERVER_VARS['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) { $outputbuffer .= '<layer id="beacon_' . $row['bannerid'] . '" width="0" height="0" border="0" visibility="hide">'; $outputbuffer .= '<img src=\'' . $phpAds_config['url_prefix'] . '/adlog.php?bannerid=' . $row['bannerid'] . '&clientid=' . $row['clientid'] . '&campaignid=' . $row['campaignid'] . '&zoneid=' . $row['zoneid'] . '&source=' . $source . '&block=' . $row['block'] . '&capping=' . $row['capping'] . '&session_capping=' . $row['session_capping'] . '&cb=' . md5(uniqid('', 1)) . '\' width=\'0\' height=\'0\' alt=\'\'>'; $outputbuffer .= '</layer>'; } else { //$outputbuffer .= '<div id="beacon_'.$row['bannerid'].'" style="width: 0px; height: 0px; overflow: hidden;">'; $outputbuffer .= '<img src=\'' . $phpAds_config['url_prefix'] . '/adlog.php?bannerid=' . $row['bannerid'] . '&clientid=' . $row['clientid'] . '&campaignid=' . $row['campaignid'] . '&zoneid=' . $row['zoneid'] . '&source=' . $source . '&block=' . $row['block'] . '&capping=' . $row['capping'] . '&session_capping=' . $row['session_capping'] . '&cb=' . md5(uniqid('', 1)) . '\' width=\'0\' height=\'0\' alt=\'\' style=\'width: 0px; height: 0px;\'>'; //$outputbuffer .= '</div>'; } // Prepare impression logging if ($phpAds_config['log_adviews'] && !$phpAds_config['log_beacon']) { phpAds_logImpression($userid, $row['bannerid'], $row['zoneid'], $source); } // Return banner return array('html' => $outputbuffer, 'bannerid' => $row['bannerid'], 'alt' => $row['alt'], 'width' => $row['width'], 'height' => $row['height'], 'url' => $row['url'], 'clientid' => $row['clientid'], 'campaignid' => $row['campaignid']); } else { // An error occured, or there are no banners to display at all // Use the default banner if defined if ($phpAds_config['default_banner_target'] != '' && $phpAds_config['default_banner_url'] != '') { // Determine target if ($target == '') { $target = '_blank'; } // default // Show default banner $outputbuffer = '<a href=\'' . $phpAds_config['default_banner_target'] . '\' target=\'' . $target . '\'><img src=\'' . $phpAds_config['default_banner_url'] . '\' border=\'0\' alt=\'\'></a>'; // Return banner return array('html' => $outputbuffer, 'bannerid' => ''); } } }