Esempio n. 1
 public function save_custom_fields($relation_id, $field_type, $customfield_data)
     // Update custom fields for the object.
     if (isset($customfield_data)) {
         // Insert new custom profile fields.
         foreach ($customfield_data as $name => $val) {
             require_once PHORUM_PATH . '/include/api/custom_field.php';
             $custom = phorum_api_custom_field_byname($name, $field_type);
             // Arrays and NULL values are left untouched.
             // Other values are truncated to their configured field length.
             if ($val !== NULL && !is_array($val)) {
                 $val = substr($val, 0, $custom['length']);
             if ($custom !== null) {
                 $key = $custom['id'];
                 // Arrays need to be serialized. The serialized data is prefixed
                 // with "P_SER:" as a marker for serialization.
                 if (is_array($val)) {
                     $val = 'P_SER:' . serialize($val);
                 $val = $this->interact(DB_RETURN_QUOTED, $val);
                 // Try to insert a new record.
                 $res = $this->interact(DB_RETURN_RES, "INSERT INTO {$this->custom_fields_table}\n                                (relation_id, field_type, type, data)\n                         VALUES ({$relation_id}, {$field_type} , {$key}, '{$val}')", NULL, DB_DUPKEYOK | DB_MASTERQUERY);
                 // If no result was returned, then the query failed. This probably
                 // means that we already have a record in the database.
                 // So instead of inserting a record, we need to update one here.
                 if (!$res) {
                     $this->interact(DB_RETURN_RES, "UPDATE {$this->custom_fields_table}\n                           SET    data = '{$val}'\n                           WHERE  relation_id = {$relation_id} AND\n                                  field_type = {$field_type} AND\n                                  type = {$key}", NULL, DB_MASTERQUERY);
Esempio n. 2
 * Create or update the configuration for a custom field.
 * @param array $field
 *     This parameter holds the field configuration to save. This array
 *     must contain the following fields:
 *     - id: If a new field has to be created, then use NULL for this field.
 *           If a custom field has to be updated, then use the existing
 *           custom field's id.
 *     - name: The name that has to be assigned to the custom field.
 *           This name can only contain letters, numbers and underscores
 *           (_) and it has to start with a letter.
 *     The following fields are optional. If they are missing, then a default
 *     value will be used for them.
 *     - length: The maximum length for the field data. This will make sure
 *           that the data that is stored in the custom field will
 *           be truncated in case its length surpasses the configured
 *           custom field length. If this field is missing or set to NULL,
 *           then the default length 255 will be used.
 *     - html_disabled: If this field is set to a true value, then
 *           special HTML characters are not usable in this field. When
 *           displaying the custom field's data, Phorum will automatically
 *           escape these characters. Only use a false value for this
 *           field if the data that will be saved in the field is really safe
 *           for direct use in a web page (to learn about the security risks
 *           involved, search for "XSS" and "cross site scripting" on
 *           the internet) or if it is used to store serialized data.
 *           If this field is missing or set to NULL, then the default
 *           setting TRUE will be used.
 *     - type: This field specifies the type of a custom field.
 *           This can be one of
 *           {@link PHORUM_CUSTOM_FIELD_USER},
 *           {@link PHORUM_CUSTOM_FIELD_FORUM} or
 *           {@link PHORUM_CUSTOM_FIELD_MESSAGE}.
 *     - show_in_admin: If this field is set to a true value, then the field
 *           will be displayed on the details page e.g. for a user in the
 *           admin "Edit Users" section. If this field is missing or set
 *           to NULL, then the default setting FALSE will be used.
 * @return array
 *     This function returns the custom field data in an array, containing
 *     the same fields as the {@link $field} function parameter. If a new
 *     field was created, then the "file_id" field will be set to the new
 *     custom field id. The fields "length" and "html_disabled" will also
 *     be updated to their defaults if they were set to NULL in
 *     the $field argument.
function phorum_api_custom_field_configure($field)
    global $PHORUM;
    // The available fields and their defaults. NULL indicates a mandatory
    // field. The field "id" can be NULL though, when creating a new
    // custom field.
    $fields = array('id' => NULL, 'name' => NULL, 'field_type' => NULL, 'length' => 255, 'html_disabled' => TRUE, 'show_in_admin' => FALSE);
    // Check if all required fields are in the $field argument.
    // Assign default values for missing or NULL fields or trigger
    // or an error if the field is mandatory.
    foreach ($fields as $f => $default) {
        if (!array_key_exists($f, $field)) {
            if ($default === NULL) {
                trigger_error('phorum_api_custom_field_configure(): Missing field ' . "in \$field parameter: {$f}", E_USER_ERROR);
            $field[$f] = $default;
        } elseif ($f != 'id' && $field[$f] === NULL) {
            trigger_error("phorum_api_custom_field_configure(): Field {$f} in " . '$field parameter cannot be NULL', E_USER_ERROR);
    $field['id'] = $field['id'] === NULL ? NULL : (int) $field['id'];
    $field['name'] = trim($field['name']);
    settype($field['field_type'], 'int');
    settype($field['length'], 'int');
    settype($field['html_disabled'], 'bool');
    settype($field['show_in_admin'], 'bool');
    if ($field['field_type'] !== PHORUM_CUSTOM_FIELD_USER && $field['field_type'] !== PHORUM_CUSTOM_FIELD_FORUM && $field['field_type'] !== PHORUM_CUSTOM_FIELD_MESSAGE) {
        trigger_error('phorum_api_custom_field_configure(): Illegal custom field type: ' . $field['field_type'], E_USER_ERROR);
    // Check the custom field name.
    if (!preg_match('/^[a-z][\\w_]*$/i', $field['name'])) {
        return phorum_api_error(PHORUM_ERRNO_INVALIDINPUT, 'Field names can only contain letters, numbers and ' . 'underscores (_) and they must start with a letter.');
    // Check if the custom field name isn't an internally used name.
    // This is either one of the reserved names or a field that is
    // already used as a user data field.
    if (in_array($field['name'], $PHORUM['API']['cpf_reserved']) || isset($GLOBALS['PHORUM']['API']['user_fields'][$field['name']])) {
        return phorum_api_error(PHORUM_ERRNO_INVALIDINPUT, "The name \"{$field['name']}\" is reserved for internal use " . 'by Phorum. Please choose a different name for your custom field.');
    // Check the bounds for the field length.
    if ($field['length'] > PHORUM_MAX_CUSTOM_FIELD_LENGTH) {
        return phorum_api_error(PHORUM_ERRNO_INVALIDINPUT, "The length \"{$field['length']}\" for the custom " . 'field is too large. The maximum length that can be used ' . 'is ' . PHORUM_MAX_CUSTOM_FIELD_LENGTH . '.');
    if ($field['length'] <= 0) {
        return phorum_api_error(PHORUM_ERRNO_INVALIDINPUT, "The length for the custom field must be above zero.");
    // For new fields, check if the name isn't already in use.
    if ($field['id'] === NULL && phorum_api_custom_field_byname($field['name'], $field['field_type'])) {
        return phorum_api_error(PHORUM_ERRNO_INVALIDINPUT, "A custom field with the name \"{$field['name']}\" " . 'already exists. Please choose a different name for your ' . 'custom field.');
    // Setup the field configuration in the database.
    $field['id'] = $PHORUM['DB']->custom_field_config_set($field);
    return $field;
Esempio n. 3
 * @deprecated Replaced by {@link phorum_api_custom_field_byname()}.
function phorum_api_custom_profile_field_byname($name)
    require_once PHORUM_PATH . '/include/api/custom_field.php';
    return phorum_api_custom_field_byname($name, PHORUM_CUSTOM_FIELD_USER);
Esempio n. 4
require_once PHORUM_PATH . '/include/api/custom_field.php';
// Create or update a custom profile field.
if (count($_POST) && $_POST['name'] != '') {
    $_POST['curr'] = $_POST['curr'] == 'NEW' ? 'NEW' : (int) $_POST['curr'];
    $_POST['field_type'] = (int) $_POST['field_type'];
    $_POST['name'] = trim($_POST['name']);
    $_POST['length'] = (int) $_POST['length'];
    $_POST['html_disabled'] = !empty($_POST['html_disabled']) ? 1 : 0;
    $_POST['show_in_admin'] = !empty($_POST['show_in_admin']) ? 1 : 0;
    // Check if there is a deleted field with the same name.
    // If this is the case, then we want to give the admin a chance
    // to restore the deleted field.
    $check = phorum_api_custom_field_byname($_POST['name'], $_POST['field_type']);
    if ($check !== FALSE && !empty($check["deleted"])) {
        // Handle restoring a deleted field.
        if (isset($_POST["restore"])) {
            if (phorum_api_custom_field_restore($check["id"]) === FALSE) {
            } else {
                phorum_admin_okmsg("The custom field " . "\"{$check["name"]}\" has been restored.");
            // Empty the POST array, so the code below won't try to
            // create or update a field.
            $_POST = array();
        } elseif (isset($_POST["create"])) {
            phorum_api_custom_field_delete($check["id"], TRUE);
        } else {