  *   Show miscellaneous information (payment mode, payment term, ...)
  *   @param		PDF			$pdf     		Object PDF
  *   @param		Object		$object			Object to show
  *   @param		int			$posy			Y
  *   @param		Translate	$outputlangs	Langs object
  *   @return	void
 function _tableau_info(&$pdf, $object, $posy, $outputlangs)
     global $conf;
     $default_font_size = pdf_getPDFFontSize($outputlangs);
     $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 1);
     // If France, show VAT mention if not applicable
     if ($this->emetteur->country_code == 'FR' && $this->franchise == 1) {
         $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', $default_font_size - 2);
         $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
         $pdf->MultiCell(100, 3, $outputlangs->transnoentities("VATIsNotUsedForInvoice"), 0, 'L', 0);
         $posy = $pdf->GetY() + 4;
     $posxval = 52;
     // Show payments conditions
     if ($object->type != 2 && ($object->cond_reglement_code || $object->cond_reglement)) {
         $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', $default_font_size - 2);
         $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
         $titre = $outputlangs->transnoentities("PaymentConditions") . ':';
         $pdf->MultiCell(80, 4, $titre, 0, 'L');
         $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 2);
         $pdf->SetXY($posxval, $posy);
         $lib_condition_paiement = $outputlangs->transnoentities("PaymentCondition" . $object->cond_reglement_code) != 'PaymentCondition' . $object->cond_reglement_code ? $outputlangs->transnoentities("PaymentCondition" . $object->cond_reglement_code) : $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($object->cond_reglement_doc);
         $lib_condition_paiement = str_replace('\\n', "\n", $lib_condition_paiement);
         $pdf->MultiCell(80, 4, $lib_condition_paiement, 0, 'L');
         $posy = $pdf->GetY() + 3;
     if ($object->type != 2) {
         // Check a payment mode is defined
         if (empty($object->mode_reglement_code) && empty($conf->global->FACTURE_CHQ_NUMBER) && empty($conf->global->FACTURE_RIB_NUMBER)) {
             $this->error = $outputlangs->transnoentities("ErrorNoPaiementModeConfigured");
         } elseif ($object->mode_reglement_code == 'CHQ' && empty($conf->global->FACTURE_CHQ_NUMBER) || $object->mode_reglement_code == 'VIR' && empty($conf->global->FACTURE_RIB_NUMBER)) {
             $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
             $pdf->SetTextColor(200, 0, 0);
             $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', $default_font_size - 2);
             $this->error = $outputlangs->transnoentities("ErrorPaymentModeDefinedToWithoutSetup", $object->mode_reglement_code);
             $pdf->MultiCell(80, 3, $this->error, 0, 'L', 0);
             $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
             $posy = $pdf->GetY() + 1;
         // Show payment mode
         if ($object->mode_reglement_code && $object->mode_reglement_code != 'CHQ' && $object->mode_reglement_code != 'VIR') {
             $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', $default_font_size - 2);
             $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
             $titre = $outputlangs->transnoentities("PaymentMode") . ':';
             $pdf->MultiCell(80, 5, $titre, 0, 'L');
             $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 2);
             $pdf->SetXY($posxval, $posy);
             $lib_mode_reg = $outputlangs->transnoentities("PaymentType" . $object->mode_reglement_code) != 'PaymentType' . $object->mode_reglement_code ? $outputlangs->transnoentities("PaymentType" . $object->mode_reglement_code) : $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($object->mode_reglement);
             $pdf->MultiCell(80, 5, $lib_mode_reg, 0, 'L');
             $posy = $pdf->GetY() + 2;
         // Show payment mode CHQ
         if (empty($object->mode_reglement_code) || $object->mode_reglement_code == 'CHQ') {
             // Si mode reglement non force ou si force a CHQ
             if (!empty($conf->global->FACTURE_CHQ_NUMBER)) {
                 $diffsizetitle = empty($conf->global->PDF_DIFFSIZE_TITLE) ? 3 : $conf->global->PDF_DIFFSIZE_TITLE;
                 if ($conf->global->FACTURE_CHQ_NUMBER > 0) {
                     $account = new Account($this->db);
                     $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
                     $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', $default_font_size - $diffsizetitle);
                     $pdf->MultiCell(100, 3, $outputlangs->transnoentities('PaymentByChequeOrderedTo', $account->proprio), 0, 'L', 0);
                     $posy = $pdf->GetY() + 1;
                     if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_PDF_HIDE_CHQ_ADDRESS)) {
                         $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
                         $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - $diffsizetitle);
                         $pdf->MultiCell(100, 3, $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($account->owner_address), 0, 'L', 0);
                         $posy = $pdf->GetY() + 2;
                 if ($conf->global->FACTURE_CHQ_NUMBER == -1) {
                     $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
                     $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', $default_font_size - $diffsizetitle);
                     $pdf->MultiCell(100, 3, $outputlangs->transnoentities('PaymentByChequeOrderedTo', $this->emetteur->name), 0, 'L', 0);
                     $posy = $pdf->GetY() + 1;
                     if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_PDF_HIDE_CHQ_ADDRESS)) {
                         $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
                         $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - $diffsizetitle);
                         $pdf->MultiCell(100, 3, $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($this->emetteur->getFullAddress()), 0, 'L', 0);
                         $posy = $pdf->GetY() + 2;
         // If payment mode not forced or forced to VIR, show payment with BAN
         if (empty($object->mode_reglement_code) || $object->mode_reglement_code == 'VIR') {
             if (!empty($object->fk_account) || !empty($object->fk_bank) || !empty($conf->global->FACTURE_RIB_NUMBER)) {
                 $bankid = empty($object->fk_account) ? $conf->global->FACTURE_RIB_NUMBER : $object->fk_account;
                 if (!empty($object->fk_bank)) {
                     $bankid = $object->fk_bank;
                 // For backward compatibility when object->fk_account is forced with object->fk_bank
                 $account = new Account($this->db);
                 $curx = $this->marge_gauche;
                 $cury = $posy;
                 $posy = pdf_bank($pdf, $outputlangs, $curx, $cury, $account, 0, $default_font_size);
                 $posy += 2;
     return $posy;
  *   Show miscellaneous information (payment mode, payment term, ...)
  *   @param		PDF			&$pdf     		Object PDF
  *   @param		Object		$object			Object to show
  *   @param		int			$posy			Y
  *   @param		Translate	$outputlangs	Langs object
  *   @return	void
 function _tableau_info(&$pdf, $object, $posy, $outputlangs)
     global $conf;
     $default_font_size = pdf_getPDFFontSize($outputlangs);
     $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 1);
     // If France, show VAT mention if not applicable
     if ($this->emetteur->pays_code == 'FR' && $this->franchise == 1) {
         $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', $default_font_size - 2);
         $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
         $pdf->MultiCell(100, 3, $outputlangs->transnoentities("VATIsNotUsedForInvoice"), 0, 'L', 0);
         $posy = $pdf->GetY() + 4;
     $posxval = 52;
     // Show payments conditions
     if ($object->type != 2 && ($object->cond_reglement_code || $object->cond_reglement)) {
         $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', $default_font_size - 2);
         $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
         $titre = $outputlangs->transnoentities("PaymentConditions") . ':';
         $pdf->MultiCell(80, 4, $titre, 0, 'L');
         $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 2);
         $pdf->SetXY($posxval - 6, $posy);
         $lib_condition_paiement = $outputlangs->transnoentities("PaymentCondition" . $object->cond_reglement_code) != 'PaymentCondition' . $object->cond_reglement_code ? $outputlangs->transnoentities("PaymentCondition" . $object->cond_reglement_code) : $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($object->cond_reglement_doc);
         $lib_condition_paiement = str_replace('\\n', "\n", $lib_condition_paiement);
         $pdf->MultiCell(65, 4, $lib_condition_paiement, 0, 'L');
         $posy = $pdf->GetY() + 3;
     if ($object->type != 2) {
         // Check a payment mode is defined
         if (empty($object->mode_reglement_code) && !$conf->global->FACTURE_CHQ_NUMBER && !$conf->global->FACTURE_RIB_NUMBER) {
             $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
             $pdf->SetTextColor(200, 0, 0);
             $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', $default_font_size - 2);
             $pdf->MultiCell(80, 3, $outputlangs->transnoentities("ErrorNoPaiementModeConfigured"), 0, 'L', 0);
             $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
             $posy = $pdf->GetY() + 1;
         // Show payment mode
         if ($object->mode_reglement_code && $object->mode_reglement_code != 'CHQ' && $object->mode_reglement_code != 'VIR') {
             $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', $default_font_size - 2);
             $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
             $titre = $outputlangs->transnoentities("PaymentMode") . ':';
             $pdf->MultiCell(80, 5, $titre, 0, 'L');
             $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 2);
             $pdf->SetXY($posxval, $posy);
             $lib_mode_reg = $outputlangs->transnoentities("PaymentType" . $object->mode_reglement_code) != 'PaymentType' . $object->mode_reglement_code ? $outputlangs->transnoentities("PaymentType" . $object->mode_reglement_code) : $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($object->mode_reglement);
             $pdf->MultiCell(80, 5, $lib_mode_reg, 0, 'L');
             $posy = $pdf->GetY() + 2;
         // Show payment mode CHQ
         if (empty($object->mode_reglement_code) || $object->mode_reglement_code == 'CHQ') {
             // Si mode reglement non force ou si force a CHQ
             if (!empty($conf->global->FACTURE_CHQ_NUMBER)) {
                 if ($conf->global->FACTURE_CHQ_NUMBER > 0) {
                     $account = new Account($this->db);
                     $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
                     $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', $default_font_size - 3);
                     $pdf->MultiCell(100, 3, $outputlangs->transnoentities('PaymentByChequeOrderedTo', $account->proprio), 0, 'L', 0);
                     $posy = $pdf->GetY() + 1;
                     if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_PDF_HIDE_CHQ_ADDRESS)) {
                         $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
                         $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 3);
                         $pdf->MultiCell(100, 3, $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($account->adresse_proprio), 0, 'L', 0);
                         $posy = $pdf->GetY() + 2;
                 if ($conf->global->FACTURE_CHQ_NUMBER == -1) {
                     $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
                     $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', $default_font_size - 3);
                     $pdf->MultiCell(100, 3, $outputlangs->transnoentities('PaymentByChequeOrderedTo', $this->emetteur->name), 0, 'L', 0);
                     $posy = $pdf->GetY() + 1;
                     if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_PDF_HIDE_CHQ_ADDRESS)) {
                         $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
                         $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 3);
                         $pdf->MultiCell(100, 3, $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($this->emetteur->getFullAddress()), 0, 'L', 0);
                         $posy = $pdf->GetY() + 2;
         // If payment mode not forced or forced to VIR, show payment with BAN
         if (empty($object->mode_reglement_code) || $object->mode_reglement_code == 'VIR') {
             if (!empty($object->fk_bank) || !empty($conf->global->FACTURE_RIB_NUMBER)) {
                 if (empty($object->fk_bank) || $object->fk_bank == '') {
                     $bankid = $conf->global->FACTURE_RIB_NUMBER;
                 } else {
                     $bankid = $object->fk_bank;
                 $account = new Account($this->db);
                 $curx = $this->marge_gauche;
                 $cury = $posy;
                 $posy = pdf_bank($pdf, $outputlangs, $curx, $cury, $account, 0, $default_font_size);
                 $posy += 2;
         // Mostrar aviso pago con pagaré
         //			$pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
         //			$pdf->SetFont('','B', $default_font_size - 2);
         //			$pdf->SetTextColor(0,0,60);
         //			$pdf->MultiCell(100, 3, "Aceptamos pago mediante Pagaré a la orden.", '', 'L');
         // Mostrar de nuevo la fecha de vencimiento
         $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
         $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', $default_font_size - 2);
         $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 60);
         $pdf->MultiCell(100, 3, $outputlangs->transnoentities("DateEcheance") . " : " . dol_print_date($object->date_lim_reglement, "day", false, $outputlangs, true), '', 'L');
     return $posy;
Esempio n. 3
  *	Generate Header
  *	@param  PDF			&$pdf        	Pdf object
  *	@param  int			$page        	Current page number
  *	@param  int			$pages       	Total number of pages
  *	@param	Translate	$outputlangs	Object language for output
  *	@return	void
 function Header(&$pdf, $page, $pages, $outputlangs)
     global $langs;
     $default_font_size = pdf_getPDFFontSize($outputlangs);
     $title = $outputlangs->transnoentities("CheckReceipt");
     $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', $default_font_size);
     $pdf->SetXY(10, 8);
     $pdf->MultiCell(0, 2, $title, 0, 'L');
     $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size);
     $pdf->SetXY(10, 15);
     $pdf->MultiCell(22, 2, $outputlangs->transnoentities("Ref"), 0, 'L');
     $pdf->SetXY(32, 15);
     $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size);
     $pdf->MultiCell(60, 2, $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($this->number), 0, 'L');
     $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size);
     $pdf->SetXY(10, 20);
     $pdf->MultiCell(22, 2, $outputlangs->transnoentities("Date"), 0, 'L');
     $pdf->SetXY(32, 20);
     $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size);
     $pdf->MultiCell(60, 2, dol_print_date($this->date, "day", false, $outputlangs));
     $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size);
     $pdf->SetXY(10, 26);
     $pdf->MultiCell(22, 2, $outputlangs->transnoentities("Owner"), 0, 'L');
     $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size);
     $pdf->SetXY(32, 26);
     $pdf->MultiCell(60, 2, $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($this->account->proprio), 0, 'L');
     $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size);
     $pdf->SetXY(10, 32);
     $pdf->MultiCell(0, 2, $outputlangs->transnoentities("Account"), 0, 'L');
     pdf_bank($pdf, $outputlangs, 32, 32, $this->account, 1);
     $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size);
     $pdf->SetXY(114, 15);
     $pdf->MultiCell(40, 2, $outputlangs->transnoentities("Signature"), 0, 'L');
     $pdf->Rect(9, 14, 192, 35);
     $pdf->line(9, 19, 112, 19);
     $pdf->line(9, 25, 112, 25);
     //$pdf->line(9, 31, 201, 31);
     $pdf->line(9, 31, 112, 31);
     $pdf->line(30, 14, 30, 49);
     $pdf->line(112, 14, 112, 49);
     // Number of cheques
     $posy = 51;
     $pdf->Rect(9, $posy, 192, 6);
     $pdf->line(55, $posy, 55, $posy + 6);
     $pdf->line(140, $posy, 140, $posy + 6);
     $pdf->line(170, $posy, 170, $posy + 6);
     $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size);
     $pdf->SetXY(10, $posy + 1);
     $pdf->MultiCell(40, 2, $outputlangs->transnoentities("NumberOfCheques"), 0, 'L');
     $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', $default_font_size);
     $pdf->SetXY(57, $posy + 1);
     $pdf->MultiCell(40, 2, $this->nbcheque, 0, 'L');
     $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size);
     $pdf->SetXY(148, $posy + 1);
     $pdf->MultiCell(40, 2, $langs->trans("Total"));
     $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', $default_font_size);
     $pdf->SetXY(170, $posy + 1);
     $pdf->MultiCell(31, 2, price($this->amount), 0, 'C', 0);
     // Tableau
     $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 2);
     $pdf->SetXY(11, $this->tab_top + 2);
     $pdf->MultiCell(40, 2, $outputlangs->transnoentities("Num"), 0, 'L');
     $pdf->line(40, $this->tab_top, 40, $this->tab_top + $this->tab_height + 10);
     $pdf->SetXY(41, $this->tab_top + 2);
     $pdf->MultiCell(40, 2, $outputlangs->transnoentities("Bank"), 0, 'L');
     $pdf->line(100, $this->tab_top, 100, $this->tab_top + $this->tab_height + 10);
     $pdf->SetXY(101, $this->tab_top + 2);
     $pdf->MultiCell(40, 2, $outputlangs->transnoentities("CheckTransmitter"), 0, 'L');
     $pdf->line(180, $this->tab_top, 180, $this->tab_top + $this->tab_height + 10);
     $pdf->SetXY(180, $this->tab_top + 2);
     $pdf->MultiCell(20, 2, $outputlangs->transnoentities("Amount"), 0, 'R');
     $pdf->line(9, $this->tab_top + 8, 201, $this->tab_top + 8);
     $pdf->Rect(9, $this->tab_top, 192, $this->tab_height + 10);
  *   Show miscellaneous information (payment mode, payment term, ...)
  *   @param		PDF			$pdf     		Object PDF
  *   @param		Object		$object			Object to show
  *   @param		int			$posy			Y
  *   @param		Translate	$outputlangs	Langs object
  *   @return	void
 function _tableau_info(&$pdf, $object, $posy, $outputlangs)
     global $conf;
     $default_font_size = pdf_getPDFFontSize($outputlangs);
     $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 1);
     // If France, show VAT mention if not applicable
     if ($this->emetteur->country_code == 'FR' && $this->franchise == 1) {
         $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', $default_font_size - 2);
         $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
         $pdf->MultiCell(100, 3, $outputlangs->transnoentities("VATIsNotUsedForInvoice"), 0, 'L', 0);
         $posy = $pdf->GetY() + 4;
     $posxval = 52;
     // Show payments conditions
     if ($object->cond_reglement_code || $object->cond_reglement) {
         $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', $default_font_size - 2);
         $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
         $titre = $outputlangs->transnoentities("PaymentConditions") . ':';
         $pdf->MultiCell(80, 4, $titre, 0, 'L');
         $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 2);
         $pdf->SetXY($posxval, $posy);
         $lib_condition_paiement = $outputlangs->transnoentities("PaymentCondition" . $object->cond_reglement_code) != 'PaymentCondition' . $object->cond_reglement_code ? $outputlangs->transnoentities("PaymentCondition" . $object->cond_reglement_code) : $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($object->cond_reglement_doc);
         $lib_condition_paiement = str_replace('\\n', "\n", $lib_condition_paiement);
         $pdf->MultiCell(80, 4, $lib_condition_paiement, 0, 'L');
         $posy = $pdf->GetY() + 3;
     // Check a payment mode is defined
     /* Not used with orders
     		if (empty($object->mode_reglement_code)
             	&& ! $conf->global->FACTURE_CHQ_NUMBER
             	&& ! $conf->global->FACTURE_RIB_NUMBER)
                 $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
                 $pdf->SetFont('','B', $default_font_size - 2);
                 $pdf->MultiCell(80, 3, $outputlangs->transnoentities("ErrorNoPaiementModeConfigured"),0,'L',0);
     /* TODO
     		else if (! empty($object->availability_code))
                 $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
                 $pdf->SetFont('','B', $default_font_size - 2);
                 $pdf->MultiCell(80, 3, $outputlangs->transnoentities("AvailabilityPeriod").': '.,0,'L',0);
     // Show planed date of delivery
     if (!empty($object->date_livraison)) {
         $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', $default_font_size - 2);
         $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
         $titre = $outputlangs->transnoentities("DateDeliveryPlanned") . ':';
         $pdf->MultiCell(80, 4, $titre, 0, 'L');
         $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 2);
         $pdf->SetXY($posxval, $posy);
         $dlp = dol_print_date($object->date_livraison, "daytext", false, $outputlangs, true);
         $pdf->MultiCell(80, 4, $dlp, 0, 'L');
         $posy = $pdf->GetY() + 1;
     } elseif ($object->availability_code || $object->availability) {
         $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', $default_font_size - 2);
         $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
         $titre = $outputlangs->transnoentities("AvailabilityPeriod") . ':';
         $pdf->MultiCell(80, 4, $titre, 0, 'L');
         $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
         $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 2);
         $pdf->SetXY($posxval, $posy);
         $lib_availability = $outputlangs->transnoentities("AvailabilityType" . $object->availability_code) != 'AvailabilityType' . $object->availability_code ? $outputlangs->transnoentities("AvailabilityType" . $object->availability_code) : $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset(isset($object->availability) ? $object->availability : '');
         $lib_availability = str_replace('\\n', "\n", $lib_availability);
         $pdf->MultiCell(80, 4, $lib_availability, 0, 'L');
         $posy = $pdf->GetY() + 1;
     // Show payment mode
     if ($object->mode_reglement_code && $object->mode_reglement_code != 'CHQ' && $object->mode_reglement_code != 'VIR') {
         $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', $default_font_size - 2);
         $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
         $titre = $outputlangs->transnoentities("PaymentMode") . ':';
         $pdf->MultiCell(80, 5, $titre, 0, 'L');
         $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 2);
         $pdf->SetXY($posxval, $posy);
         $lib_mode_reg = $outputlangs->transnoentities("PaymentType" . $object->mode_reglement_code) != 'PaymentType' . $object->mode_reglement_code ? $outputlangs->transnoentities("PaymentType" . $object->mode_reglement_code) : $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($object->mode_reglement);
         $pdf->MultiCell(80, 5, $lib_mode_reg, 0, 'L');
         $posy = $pdf->GetY() + 2;
     // Show payment mode CHQ
     if (empty($object->mode_reglement_code) || $object->mode_reglement_code == 'CHQ') {
         // Si mode reglement non force ou si force a CHQ
         if (!empty($conf->global->FACTURE_CHQ_NUMBER)) {
             if ($conf->global->FACTURE_CHQ_NUMBER > 0) {
                 $account = new Account($this->db);
                 $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
                 $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', $default_font_size - 3);
                 $pdf->MultiCell(100, 3, $outputlangs->transnoentities('PaymentByChequeOrderedTo', $account->proprio), 0, 'L', 0);
                 $posy = $pdf->GetY() + 1;
                 if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_PDF_HIDE_CHQ_ADDRESS)) {
                     $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
                     $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 3);
                     $pdf->MultiCell(100, 3, $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($account->owner_address), 0, 'L', 0);
                     $posy = $pdf->GetY() + 2;
             if ($conf->global->FACTURE_CHQ_NUMBER == -1) {
                 $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
                 $pdf->SetFont('', 'B', $default_font_size - 3);
                 $pdf->MultiCell(100, 3, $outputlangs->transnoentities('PaymentByChequeOrderedTo', $this->emetteur->name), 0, 'L', 0);
                 $posy = $pdf->GetY() + 1;
                 if (empty($conf->global->MAIN_PDF_HIDE_CHQ_ADDRESS)) {
                     $pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
                     $pdf->SetFont('', '', $default_font_size - 3);
                     $pdf->MultiCell(100, 3, $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($this->emetteur->getFullAddress()), 0, 'L', 0);
                     $posy = $pdf->GetY() + 2;
     // If payment mode not forced or forced to VIR, show payment with BAN
     if (empty($object->mode_reglement_code) || $object->mode_reglement_code == 'VIR') {
         if (!empty($conf->global->FACTURE_RIB_NUMBER)) {
             $account = new Account($this->db);
             $curx = $this->marge_gauche;
             $cury = $posy;
             $posy = pdf_bank($pdf, $outputlangs, $curx, $cury, $account, 0, $default_font_size);
             $posy += 2;
     return $posy;
	 *	\brief      Affiche infos divers
	 *	\param      pdf             Objet PDF
	 *	\param      object          Objet facture
	 *	\param		posy			Position depart
	 *	\param		outputlangs		Objet langs
	 *	\return     y               Position pour suite
	function _tableau_info(&$pdf, $object, $posy, $outputlangs)
		global $conf;
		$default_font_size = pdf_getPDFFontSize($outputlangs);

		$pdf->SetFont('','', $default_font_size - 1);

		// If France, show VAT mention if not applicable
		if ($this->emetteur->pays_code == 'FR' && $this->franchise == 1)
			$pdf->SetFont('','B', $default_font_size - 2);
			$pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
			$pdf->MultiCell(100, 3, $outputlangs->transnoentities("VATIsNotUsedForInvoice"), 0, 'L', 0);


		// Show availability conditions
		if ($object->type != 2 && ($object->availability_code || $object->availability))
			$pdf->SetFont('','B', $default_font_size - 2);
			$pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
			$titre = $outputlangs->transnoentities("AvailabilityPeriod").':';
			$pdf->MultiCell(80, 4, $titre, 0, 'L');
			$pdf->SetFont('','', $default_font_size - 2);
			$pdf->SetXY(82, $posy);
			$pdf->MultiCell(80, 4, $lib_availability,0,'L');


		// Show payments conditions
		if ($object->type != 2 && ($object->cond_reglement_code || $object->cond_reglement))
			$pdf->SetFont('','B', $default_font_size - 2);
			$pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
			$titre = $outputlangs->transnoentities("PaymentConditions").':';
			$pdf->MultiCell(80, 4, $titre, 0, 'L');

			$pdf->SetFont('','', $default_font_size - 2);
			$pdf->SetXY(52, $posy);
			$pdf->MultiCell(80, 4, $lib_condition_paiement,0,'L');


		if ($object->type != 2)
			// Check a payment mode is defined
			if (empty($object->mode_reglement_code)
			&& ! $conf->global->FACTURE_CHQ_NUMBER
			&& ! $conf->global->FACTURE_RIB_NUMBER)
				$pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
				$pdf->SetFont('','B', $default_font_size - 2);
				$pdf->MultiCell(90, 3, $outputlangs->transnoentities("ErrorNoPaiementModeConfigured"),0,'L',0);


			// Shown payment mode
			if ($object->mode_reglement_code
			&& $object->mode_reglement_code != 'CHQ'
			&& $object->mode_reglement_code != 'VIR')
				$pdf->SetFont('','B', $default_font_size - 2);
				$pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
				$titre = $outputlangs->transnoentities("PaymentMode").':';
				$pdf->MultiCell(80, 5, $titre, 0, 'L');
				$pdf->SetFont('','', $default_font_size - 2);
				$pdf->SetXY(50, $posy);
				$pdf->MultiCell(80, 5, $lib_mode_reg,0,'L');


			// Show payment mode CHQ
			if (empty($object->mode_reglement_code) || $object->mode_reglement_code == 'CHQ')
				// Si mode reglement non force ou si force a CHQ
				if ($conf->global->FACTURE_CHQ_NUMBER)
					if ($conf->global->FACTURE_CHQ_NUMBER > 0)
						$account = new Account($this->db);

						$pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
						$pdf->SetFont('','B', $default_font_size - 2);
						$pdf->MultiCell(90, 3, $outputlangs->transnoentities('PaymentByChequeOrderedTo',$account->proprio).':',0,'L',0);

						$pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
						$pdf->SetFont('','', $default_font_size - 2);
						$pdf->MultiCell(80, 3, $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($account->adresse_proprio), 0, 'L', 0);
					if ($conf->global->FACTURE_CHQ_NUMBER == -1)
						$pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
						$pdf->SetFont('','B', $default_font_size - 2);
						$pdf->MultiCell(90, 3, $outputlangs->transnoentities('PaymentByChequeOrderedToShort').' '.$outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($this->emetteur->name).' '.$outputlangs->transnoentities('SendTo').':',0,'L',0);

						$pdf->SetXY($this->marge_gauche, $posy);
						$pdf->SetFont('','', $default_font_size - 2);
						$pdf->MultiCell(80, 3, $outputlangs->convToOutputCharset($this->emetteur->getFullAddress()), 0, 'L', 0);

			// If payment mode not forced or forced to VIR, show payment with BAN
			if (empty($object->mode_reglement_code) || $object->mode_reglement_code == 'VIR')
				if (! empty($conf->global->FACTURE_RIB_NUMBER))
					$account = new Account($this->db);




		return $posy;