Esempio n. 1
function pb_db($sql, $callback = '', $callbackNoResults = '', $return = 'array')
    $conn = pb_sql_connect();
    $query = pb_sql_query($conn, $sql);
    if ($callback == '') {
        return $query;
    } else {
        if ($callback === true) {
            return pb_switch($query->fetch_assoc());
        } else {
            if ($query->num_rows > 0) {
                if (pb_sql_is_callback($callback) == true) {
                    return $callback;
                } else {
                    while ($row = $query->fetch_assoc()) {
                        if ($return == 'array') {
                        } else {
            } else {
                if (pb_sql_is_callback($callbackNoResults) == true) {
                    return $callbackNoResults;
                } else {
Esempio n. 2
function pb_time($action = '', $options = array(), $callback = null)
    $options = pb_switch(array_merge(array("format" => "F j, Y, g:i:s a T", "start" => date("F j, Y, g:i:s a T"), "end" => date("F j, Y, g:i:s a T"), "expire" => 0, "key" => null, "token" => null), $options));
    $output = false;
    if (empty($action)) {
        $output = date($options->format);
    } elseif ($action == 'diff') {
        if (!ctype_digit($options->start)) {
            $options->start = strtotime($options->start);
        if (!ctype_digit($options->end)) {
            $options->end = strtotime($options->end);
        $output = $options->end - $options->start;
    } elseif (strpos($action, 'token') !== false) {
        $token_parts = explode(':', $action);
        if (!empty($token_parts[1]) && $token_parts[1] == 'new') {
            $date = new DateTime($options->start);
            $end_date = $date->format($options->format);
            $data = array("start" => $options->start, "end" => $end_date, "expire" => $options->expire);
            $output = pb_encrypt_decrypt('encrypt', json_encode($data), $options->key);
            $output = str_replace('=', '', $output);
        } elseif (!empty($token_parts[1]) && $token_parts[1] == 'check') {
            $decrypt = json_decode(pb_encrypt_decrypt('decrypt', $options->token . '==', $options->key));
            if (strtotime(date($options->format)) < strtotime(date($options->format, strtotime($decrypt->end)))) {
                $output = true;
        } else {
            $json = json_decode(pb_encrypt_decrypt('decrypt', $options->token . '==', $options->key));
            $s_date = $json->start;
            $e_date = $json->end;
            $life = $json->expire;
            $die = dateDiff(date($options->format), $e_date);
            if (empty($die)) {
                $die = '0';
            } else {
                $die = "in about " . $die;
            $output = json_encode(array("start" => $json->start, "end" => $json->end, "life" => $json->expire, "die" => $die));
    return $output;
Esempio n. 3
function pb_ad($defaults, $loop = 1, $location = '')
    $defaults = pb_switch($defaults);
    $location = clean($location);
    $ad_id = pb_obj($defaults, 'id');
    $width = pb_obj($defaults, 'style');
    $keywords = pb_obj($defaults, 'tags');
    $caption = pb_obj($defaults, 'caption', true);
    $type = pb_obj($defaults, 'type', 'long');
    $_SESSION['pb_ad_style'] = $width;
    $_SESSION['pb_ad_cap'] = $caption;
    $code_previx = "pb_ad" . $location;
    $adCount = 1;
    while ($adCount <= $loop) {
        if (empty($ad_id) || $ad_id == 'paid') {
            $result = pb_db("SELECT * FROM pb_doubleclick WHERE status=1 order by RAND() LIMIT 1");
            if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
                $ad_id = $result->fetch_assoc();
                $ad_id = $ad_id['id'];
        if ($ad_id == 'free') {
            $ran = pb_db("SELECT product_id, user_id, product_info FROM pb_post WHERE type='product' AND status='open' order by RAND() LIMIT 1", true);
            $data = json_decode($ran->product_info);
            $data = $data[0];
            $img_id = explode(',', $data->images);
            $img_id = $img_id[0];
            $img_cta = $data->title;
            $img_user = $ran->user_id;
            $pid = $ran->product_id;
            $pb_safe_image = pb_db("SELECT string FROM pb_safe_image WHERE uid='{$img_id}'", true);
            if (!in_array('free_ads_' . $pid, pb_page_code($code_previx, true))) {
                if (isset($pb_safe_image->string)) {
                    $img_url = $pb_safe_image->string;
                    array_push($_SESSION[$code_previx . PAGE_LOAD_CODE], 'free_ads_' . $pid);
                    print '<a class="pb_ad transition-300" href="/pb_doubleclick?path=/item?id=' . $pid . '&marketplace=free_user_ads&pg=' . PAGE_LOAD_CODE . '&source=' . $location . '&session=' . $code_previx . '&user_id=' . $img_user . '"';
                    print 'style="background:no-repeat center url(' . pb_safe_image_structure($img_url) . ');background-size:cover;' . $_SESSION['pb_ad_style'] . '">';
                    if (!empty($img_cta) && e($_SESSION['pb_ad_cap'])) {
                        print '<div class="transition-300">' . $img_cta . '</div>';
                    print '</a>';
        } else {
            $ad = pb_db("SELECT * FROM pb_doubleclick WHERE id='{$ad_id}' AND status=1 LIMIT 1", true);
            if ($type == 'long') {
                $img = $ad->cover;
            if ($type == 'square') {
                $img = $ad->cover_square;
            if (empty($img)) {
                $img = $ad->cover;
            if (!in_str('/', $img)) {
                $img = pb_db("SELECT string FROM pb_safe_image WHERE uid='{$img}'", true)->string;
            if (!in_array($ad->id, pb_page_code($code_previx, true))) {
                array_push($_SESSION[$code_previx . PAGE_LOAD_CODE], $ad->id);
                print '<a class="pb_ad transition-300" href="/pb_doubleclick?path=' . $ad->link . '&pg=' . PAGE_LOAD_CODE . '&source=' . $location . '&session=' . $code_previx . '&marketplace=user_ad&id=' . $ad->id . '"';
                print 'style="background:no-repeat center url(' . $img . ');background-size:cover;' . $_SESSION['pb_ad_style'] . '">';
                if (!empty($ad->cta) && e($_SESSION['pb_ad_cap'])) {
                    print '<div class="transition-300">' . $ad->cta . '</div>';
                print '</a>';
Esempio n. 4
<!-- 		<span style="font-size: 14px;" class="pb-theme-black"><?php 
print $pb_user['registered'];
</span> -->
print '<strong><i class="zmdi zmdi-home"></i> ' . $home . '</strong><br />' . pb_user()->phone . '<br />' . pb_user()->email . '';
	<hr />

<div class="pb-sidebar-overflow" style="padding-bottom: 20px;">
$user_feed = pb_switch(json_decode(pb_og('feed', pb_user()->user_id)));
if (!is_array($user_feed)) {
    foreach ($user_feed as $post) {
        if ($post->status == 'open' || $post->status == 1) {
            if ($post->type == 'product') {
					<a href="/item?id=<?php 
                print $post->id;
					<div class="col-md-12 pb-post pb-rule-below-thick">
						<div class="pb-post-block">
							<div class="pb-post-content">
                if (!empty($post->images->featured) && pb_is_image($post->images->featured)) {
                    print '<img src="' . $post->images->featured . '" class="pb-post-product lazy">';