function index() { global $smarty, $viewhelper, $tpl_dir; $this->loadModel("userpage"); $smarty->setTemplateDir(PHPB2B_ROOT . $tpl_dir . DS, 'pages'); $conditions = array(); $tpl_file = "pages/default"; !empty($_GET) && ($_GET = clear_html($_GET)); if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $conditions[] = "id=" . $id; } elseif (!empty($_GET['name'])) { $conditions[] = "name='" . trim($_GET['name']) . "' OR title='" . trim($_GET['name']) . "'"; } elseif (!empty($_GET['title'])) { $conditions[] = "title='" . trim($_GET['title']) . "' OR name='" . trim($_GET['title']) . "'"; } $this->userpage->setCondition($conditions); $result = $this->userpage->dbstuff->GetRow("SELECT * FROM {$this->userpage->table_prefix}userpages " . $this->userpage->getCondition()); if (!empty($result)) { $title = $result['title']; $viewhelper->setTitle($title); $viewhelper->setPosition($title); if (!empty($result['templet_name'])) { $tpl_file = "pages/" . $result['templet_name']; } elseif ($viewhelper->tpl_exists($smarty->template_dir . "pages/" . $result['name'] . $smarty->tpl_ext)) { $tpl_file = "pages/" . $result['name']; } setvar("item", pb_lang_split_recursive($result)); } else { setvar("item", array()); } $smarty->assign('position', $viewhelper->getPosition()); $smarty->assign('page_title', $viewhelper->getTitle()); $smarty->display($tpl_file . $smarty->tpl_ext); }
function index() { global $viewhelper, $pos; $conditions = array(); $viewhelper->setPosition(L("dictionary", "tpl"), "index.php?do=dict"); $viewhelper->setTitle(L("dictionary", "tpl")); if (isset($_GET['action'])) { $action = trim($_GET['action']); if ($action == "search") { if (!empty($_GET['q'])) { $conditions[] = "word like '%" . $_GET['q'] . "%'"; } if (isset($_GET['typeid'])) { $type_id = intval($_GET['typeid']); $conditions[] = "dicttype_id='" . $type_id . "'"; } $amount = $this->dict->findCount(null, $conditions); $result = $this->dict->findAll("Dict.*, AS typename", array("LEFT JOIN {$this->dict->table_prefix}dicttypes dp ON"), $conditions, " DESC", $pos, $this->displaypg); if (!empty($result)) { setvar("items", $result); setvar("paging", array('total' => $amount)); } render("dict/list", true); } } //get dictionary types. $dict_types = $this->dicttype->getAllTypes(); $dict_types = pb_lang_split_recursive($dict_types); setvar("Dictypes", $dict_types); render("dict/index", true); }
function lists() { global $viewhelper; $conditions = array(); $tpl_file = "help/index"; $viewhelper->setPosition(L("help_center", "tpl"), "index.php?do=help"); $viewhelper->setTitle(L("help_center", "tpl")); if (isset($_GET['typeid'])) { $type_id = intval($_GET['typeid']); $conditions[] = "helptype_id=" . $type_id; $type_name = $this->help->dbstuff->GetOne("SELECT title FROM {$this->help->table_prefix}helptypes WHERE id='" . $type_id . "'"); $viewhelper->setTitle($type_name); $viewhelper->setPosition($type_name, "index.php?do=help&action=lists&typeid=" . $type_id); } if (!empty($_GET['q'])) { $conditions[] = "title like '%" . trim($_GET['q']) . "%'"; } $result = $this->help->findAll("id,title", null, $conditions, "id DESC"); setvar("Items", pb_lang_split_recursive($result)); render($tpl_file); }
function post() { global $G, $viewhelper; require CLASS_PATH . "validation.class.php"; $validate = new Validation(); if (session_id() == '') { require_once LIB_PATH . "session_php.class.php"; $session = new PbSessions(); } uses("trade", "member", "tradefield", "tag"); $tag = new Tags(); $offer = new Tradefields(); $member = new Members(); $trade = new Trades(); $expires = cache_read("typeoption", "offer_expire"); setvar("Genders", cache_read("typeoption", "gender", 1, array("0", "-1"))); setvar("PhoneTypes", cache_read("typeoption", "phone_type")); setvar("ImTypes", cache_read("typeoption", "im_type")); $if_visit_post = $G['setting']['vis_post']; if (!$if_visit_post) { $this->view->flash('visitor_forbid', URL, 0); } //for temp upgrade. if (!file_exists(CACHE_LANG_PATH . "locale.js")) { require LIB_PATH . "cache.class.php"; $cache = new Caches(); $cache->updateLanguages(); $cache->writeCache("javascript", "javascript"); } $trade_types = $trade->GetArray("SELECT * FROM " . $trade->table_prefix . "tradetypes"); foreach ($trade_types as $key => $val) { if ($val['parent_id'] == 0) { $set_types[$val['id']] = pb_lang_split_recursive($val); foreach ($trade_types as $key1 => $val1) { if ($val1['parent_id'] == $val['id']) { $set_types[$val['id']]['child'][$val1['id']] = pb_lang_split_recursive($val1); } } } } if (isset($_GET['typeid'])) { setvar("type_id", intval($_GET['typeid'])); } if (isset($_GET['industryid'])) { setvar("industry_id", intval($_GET['industryid'])); } if (isset($_GET['areaid'])) { setvar("area_id", intval($_GET['areaid'])); } setvar("select_tradetypes", $set_types); $viewhelper->setPosition(L("free_release_offer", "tpl")); setvar("OfferExpires", $expires); setvar("sid", md5(uniqid($offer->timestamp))); capt_check("capt_post_free"); render("offer/post"); }
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function detail() { global $viewhelper; require CACHE_COMMON_PATH . "cache_type.php"; $tpl_file = "detail.default"; $viewhelper->setTitle(L("standards", "tpl")); $viewhelper->setPosition(L("standards", "tpl"), "index.php?do=standard"); if (isset($_GET['title'])) { $title = trim($_GET['title']); $res = $this->standard->findByTitle($title); $id = $res['id']; } if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); } if (!empty($id)) { $info = $this->standard->read("*", $id); if (empty($info) or !$info) { flash("data_not_exists", '', 0); } $info['pubdate'] = df($info['created']); $info['typename'] = $_PB_CACHE['standardtype'][$info['type_id']]; $viewhelper->setTitle($info['typename']); $viewhelper->setPosition($info['typename'], "index.php?do=standard&action=lists&typeid=" . $info['type_id']); $viewhelper->setTitle($info['title']); $viewhelper->setPosition($info['title']); if (!empty($info['attachment_id'])) { $info['attach_hashid'] = $info['attachment_id']; } $info['download_article'] = 1; //neighbour $neighbour_info = $this->standard->getNeighbour($id, "id,title"); if (!empty($neighbour_info['prev'])) { $title = pb_lang_split($neighbour_info['prev']['title']); $info['prev_link'] = "<a href='" . $this->url(array("module" => "standard", "id" => $neighbour_info['prev']['id'])) . "'>" . $title . "</a>"; $info['prev_title'] = $title; } else { $info['prev_link'] = L("nothing", "tpl"); } if (!empty($neighbour_info['next'])) { $title = pb_lang_split($neighbour_info['next']['title']); $info['next_link'] = "<a href='" . $this->url(array("module" => "standard", "id" => $neighbour_info['next']['id'])) . "'>" . $title . "</a>"; $info['next_title'] = $title; } else { $info['next_link'] = L("nothing", "tpl"); } $info = pb_lang_split_recursive($info); setvar("item", $info); $this->standard->clicked($id); render($tpl_file, true); } }
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"/"); $this->view->assign('ThemeName', $theme_name); $cache_data = $push_data = array(); if (!empty($this->userid)) { $userid = $this->userid; $member->setInfoBySpaceName($this->userid); if (!empty($member->info['id'])) { $this->member_id = $member->info['id']; $company->setInfoByMemberId($member->info['id']); } else { $company->setInfoBySpaceName($this->userid); } $push_data['company'] = $company->info; $this->company_id = $company->info['id']; $push_data['member'] = $member->info; } elseif (!empty($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); $company->id = $this->company_id = $id; $company->setInfoById($id); if (!empty($company->info['member_id'])) { $member->id = $this->member_id = $company->info['member_id']; } $push_data['company'] = $company->info; $push_data['member'] = $member->info; } if (isset($company->info['status']) && $company->info['status'] === 0) { header_sent(L('company_checking')); exit; } elseif (empty($company->info) || !$company->info) { header_sent(L('data_not_exists')); exit; } $cache_data = $pdb->GetRow("SELECT data2 AS style FROM {$tb_prefix}spacecaches WHERE company_id='" . $company->info['id'] . "'"); if (isset($cache_data['style'])) { $skin_extra_style = $cache_data['style']; } if (!empty($company->info['created'])) { $time_tmp = $time_stamp - $company->info['created']; $company->info['year_sep'] = $time_tmp = ceil($time_tmp / (3600 * 24 * 365)); } if (empty($company->info['email'])) { $company->info['email'] = $G['setting']['service_email']; } if (empty($company->info['picture'])) { $company->info['logo'] = $absolute_uri . pb_get_attachmenturl('', '', 'big'); } else { $company->info['logo'] = $absolute_uri . $attachment_url . $company->info['picture']; } $company->info = pb_lang_split_recursive($company->info); $company->info['description'] = nl2br(strip_tags($company->info['description'])); $is_set_default_skins = false; $member_templet_id = $member->info['templet_id']; if (isset($_GET['force_templet_id'])) { $member_templet_id = intval($_GET['force_templet_id']); } if (!empty($member_templet_id)) { $skin_path_info = $pdb->GetRow("SELECT name,directory FROM {$tb_prefix}templets WHERE type='user' AND status='1' AND id='" . $member_templet_id . "'"); } if (empty($skin_path_info)) { $skin_path_info = $pdb->GetRow("SELECT name,directory FROM {$tb_prefix}templets WHERE type='user' AND is_default='1'"); if (empty($skin_path_info)) { $is_set_default_skins = true; } } elseif (!is_dir(PHPB2B_ROOT . $skin_path_info)) { $is_set_default_skins = true; } if ($is_set_default_skins) { $skin_path_info = array(); $skin_path_info[] = "default"; $skin_path_info[] = "templates/skins/default/"; } list($skin_path, $skin_dir) = $skin_path_info; if (strpos($skin_dir, "templates") === false) { $skin_dir = "templates/" . $skin_dir; //for 4.3 upgrade from 4.3 below,begin 2012.10 } $this->skin_path = $skin_path; $this->skin_dir = $skin_dir; uaAssign(array("SkinName" => $skin_path, "ThemeName" => $skin_path, "SkinPath" => $skin_dir, "COMPANY" => $company->info, "MEMBER" => $member->info)); $this->view->setTemplateDir(PHPB2B_ROOT . "templates" . DS . "skins" . DS); $this->view->setCompileDir(DATA_PATH . "templates_c" . DS . $this->lang . DS . "skin" . DS . $skin_path . DS); if (isset($member->info['id'])) { $this->setLinks($member->info['id']); } $this->setMenu($company->info['cache_spacename'], $this->spaceModules); $product_types = $pdb->GetArray("SELECT *,id as typeid,name as typename FROM {$tb_prefix}producttypes WHERE company_id=" . $company->info['id']); //set and get db cache setvar("ProductTypes", $product_types); $group_info = array(); $group_info['year'] = $time_tmp; if (!empty($member->info['membergroup_id']['name'])) { $group_info['name'] = $G['membergroup'][$member->info['membergroup_id']]['name']; } else { $group_info['name'] = L("undefined_image", "tpl"); } if (!empty($member->info['membergroup_id']['avatar'])) { $group_info['image'] = $absolute_uri . STATICURL . "images/group/" . $G['membergroup'][$member->info['membergroup_id']]['avatar']; } else { $group_info['image'] = $absolute_uri . STATICURL . "images/group/formal.gif"; } setvar("GROUP", $group_info); //for old version if (isset($member->info['membergroup_id']['name'])) { setvar("GroupName", $G['membergroup'][$member->info['membergroup_id']]['name']); } if (isset($member->info['membergroup_id']['avatar'])) { setvar("GroupImage", $absolute_uri . STATICURL . "images/group/" . $G['membergroup'][$member->info['membergroup_id']]['avatar']); } setvar("Menus", $this->getMenu()); setvar("Links", $this->getLinks()); $space_url = $this->rewrite($company->info['cache_spacename'], $company->info['id']); setvar("space_url", $space_url); setvar("SpaceUrl", $absolute_uri . $skin_dir); $space_extra_style = ''; setvar("SpaceExtraStyle", $space_extra_style); if (!empty($skin_extra_style)) { $space_extra_style = $absolute_uri . $skin_dir . "styles/" . $skin_extra_style . "/"; setvar("SpaceExtraStyle", $space_extra_style); } setvar("BASEMAP", $absolute_uri . $skin_dir); $pdb->Execute("UPDATE {$tb_prefix}companies SET clicked=clicked+1 WHERE id='" . $company->info['id'] . "'"); if (!empty($arrTemplate)) { $this->view->assign($arrTemplate); } if (!empty($_GET['module'])) { $this->module = trim($_GET['module']); } $this->view->assign("cur", "space_" . $this->module); }
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<?php /** * [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved. * The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * @version $Revision: 2075 $ */ define('CURSCRIPT', 'index'); require "libraries/"; require ""; uses("membertype"); $membertype = new Membertypes(); setvar("MemberTypes", pb_lang_split_recursive($membertype->getTypes())); setvar("SiteDescription", pb_lang_split($G['setting']['site_description'])); render("member");
function chart() { global $viewhelper; $this->loadModel("quote"); if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); } if (empty($id)) { flash("pls_input_product_name", "index.php?do=market&action=quote"); } $info = $this->quote->dbstuff->GetRow("SELECT * FROM " . $this->quote->table_prefix . "quotes WHERE id=" . $id); $this->quote->dbstuff->Execute("UPDATE " . $this->quote->table_prefix . "quotes SET hits=hits+1 WHERE id=" . $id); $info['pubdate'] = df($info['created']); $info['clicked'] = $info['hits']; $neighbour_info = $this->quote->getNeighbour($id, "id,title"); if (!empty($neighbour_info['prev'])) { $title = $neighbour_info['prev']['title']; $info['prev_link'] = "<a href='index.php?do=market&action=chart&id=" . $neighbour_info['prev']['id'] . "'>" . $title . "</a>"; $info['prev_title'] = $title; } else { $info['prev_link'] = L("nothing", "tpl"); } if (!empty($neighbour_info['next'])) { $title = $neighbour_info['next']['title']; $info['next_link'] = "<a href='index.php?do=market&action=chart&id=" . $neighbour_info['next']['id'] . "'>" . $title . "</a>"; $info['next_title'] = $title; } else { $info['next_link'] = L("nothing", "tpl"); } $viewhelper->setTitle($info['title']); $viewhelper->setPosition($info['title']); setvar("item", pb_lang_split_recursive($info)); $tpl_file = "detail.default"; render($tpl_file, true); }
function getCacheArray($cachename = '', $script = '') { $conditions = $curdata = ''; $data = array(); if (empty($cachename) && !empty($this->cache_name)) { $cachename = $this->cache_name; } switch ($cachename) { case 'nav': $this->lang_dirname = ''; $navs = $this->dbstuff->GetArray("SELECT id,name,description,url,target,display_order,highlight FROM {$this->table_prefix}navs WHERE status=1 ORDER BY display_order ASC"); $navmns = $_nlink = array(); if (!empty($navs)) { foreach ($navs as $nav => $nav_val) { $lang_title = $nav_val['name']; $_tmp = pb_lang_split($lang_title, true); foreach ($_tmp as $_nk => $_nv) { $_nlink[$_nk] = '<a href="' . $nav_val['url'] . '" title="' . $_nv . '" ' . parse_highlight($nav_val['highlight']) . '><span>' . $_nv . '</span></a>'; } $navmns[$nav_val['id']]['link'] = pb_lang_merge($_nlink); $navmns[$nav_val['id']]['id'] = $nav_val['id']; $navmns[$nav_val['id']]['name'] = $lang_title; $navmns[$nav_val['id']]['url'] = $nav_val['url']; $navmns[$nav_val['id']]['level'] = $nav_val['display_order']; } $data['navs'] = $navmns; } $curdata = "\$_PB_CACHE['{$cachename}'] = " . $this->evalArray($data) . ";\n\n"; break; case 'trusttype': $this->lang_dirname = ''; $this->dbstuff->setFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC); $conditions = ""; $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$this->table_prefix}trusttypes ORDER BY display_order ASC,id DESC"; $result = $this->dbstuff->GetArray($sql); foreach ($result as $key => $val) { $result[$key]['avatar'] = $val['image']; unset($result[$key]['description'], $result[$key]['display_order'], $result[$key]['status'], $result[$key]['image']); $data[$val['id']] = $result[$key]; } $curdata = "\$_PB_CACHE['{$cachename}'] = " . $this->evalArray($data) . ";\n\n"; break; case 'country': $this->lang_dirname = ''; $this->dbstuff->setFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC); $conditions = ""; $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$this->table_prefix}countries ORDER BY display_order ASC,id ASC"; $result = $this->dbstuff->GetArray($sql); foreach ($result as $key => $val) { $result[$key]['image'] = $val['picture']; unset($result[$key]['display_order']); $data[$val['id']] = $result[$key]; } $curdata = "\$_PB_CACHE['{$cachename}'] = " . $this->evalArray(pb_lang_split_recursive($data)) . ";\n\n"; break; case 'setting': $this->lang_dirname = ''; $tmp_mail = array(); $table = 'setting'; $conditions = ""; $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$this->table_prefix}settings WHERE type_id IN (0,1)"; $setting = $this->dbstuff->GetArray($sql); foreach ($setting as $key => $val) { //For multi $s_title = $val['valued']; $data[$val['variable']] = $s_title; } //set sendmail $tmp_mail['send_mail'] = $data['send_mail']; $tmp_mail['auth_protocol'] = $data['auth_protocol']; $tmp_mail['smtp_server'] = $data['smtp_server']; $tmp_mail['smtp_port'] = $data['smtp_port']; $tmp_mail['smtp_auth'] = $data['smtp_auth']; $tmp_mail['mail_from'] = $data['mail_from']; $tmp_mail['mail_fromwho'] = $data['mail_fromwho']; $tmp_mail['auth_username'] = $data['auth_username']; $tmp_mail['auth_password'] = $data['auth_password']; $tmp_mail['mail_delimiter'] = $data['mail_delimiter']; $tmp_mail['sendmail_silent'] = $data['sendmail_silent']; $data['mail'] = serialize($tmp_mail); unset($tmp_mail, $data['send_mail'], $data['smtp_server'], $data['smtp_port'], $data['smtp_auth'], $data['mail_from'], $data['mail_fromwho'], $data['auth_username'], $data['auth_password'], $data['mail_delimiter'], $data['sendmail_silent']); $data['capt_auth'] = bindec($data['capt_logging'] . $data['capt_register'] . $data['capt_post_free'] . $data['capt_add_market'] . $data['capt_login_admin'] . $data['capt_apply_friendlink'] . $data['capt_service']); unset($data['capt_logging'], $data['capt_register'], $data['capt_post_free'], $data['capt_add_market'], $data['capt_login_admin'], $data['capt_apply_friendlink'], $data['capt_service']); $curdata = "\$_PB_CACHE['{$cachename}'] = " . $this->evalArray($data) . ";\n\n"; break; case 'area': $this->lang_dirname = ''; $sql = "select * from {$this->table_prefix}areas a where a.parent_id=0 ORDER by display_order asc"; $top_areas = $sec_areas = $third_areas = $areas = $total_areas = array(); $area1 = $this->dbstuff->GetArray($sql); $op = "<!--// Created " . date("M j, Y, G:i") . " -->\n"; $op .= "var data_area = { \n"; foreach ($area1 as $key => $val) { //For multi $i_title = $val['name']; // $tmp = unserialize($val['description']); // if(!empty($tmp[$this->lang_dirname])) $i_title = $tmp[$this->lang_dirname]; $top_areas[$val['id']] = $total_areas[1][$val['id']] = $i_title; $sql = "select * from {$this->table_prefix}areas a where level=2 AND parent_id=" . $val['id'] . " ORDER by display_order asc"; $sec_areas = $this->dbstuff->GetArray($sql); foreach ($sec_areas as $key2 => $val2) { //For multi $i_title = $val2['name']; // $tmp = unserialize($val2['description']); // if(!empty($tmp[$this->lang_dirname])) $i_title = $tmp[$this->lang_dirname]; $third_areas = $this->dbstuff->GetArray("select id,name,parent_id,top_parentid from {$this->table_prefix}areas a where level=3 AND parent_id=" . $val2['id'] . " ORDER by display_order asc"); $areas[$val['id']]['sub'][$val2['id']] = $i_title; $total_areas[2][$val2['id']] = $i_title; foreach ($third_areas as $key3 => $val3) { //For multi $i_title = $val3['name']; // $tmp = unserialize($val3['description']); // if(!empty($tmp[$this->lang_dirname])) $i_title = $tmp[$this->lang_dirname]; $areas[$val2['id']]['sub'][$val3['id']] = $total_areas[3][$val3['id']] = $i_title; } } } $top_areas = pb_lang_split_recursive($this->convert2utf8($top_areas)); $areas = pb_lang_split_recursive($this->convert2utf8($areas)); $op .= "'0':" . json_encode($top_areas); $tmp_op = array(); foreach ($top_areas as $js_key => $js_val) { if (isset($areas[$js_key])) { foreach ($areas[$js_key] as $js_key1 => $js_val1) { $tmp_op[] = "'0,{$js_key}':" . json_encode($areas[$js_key]['sub']); foreach ($areas[$js_key]['sub'] as $js_key2 => $js_val2) { if (!empty($areas[$js_key2]['sub'])) { $tmp_op[] = "'0,{$js_key},{$js_key2}':" . json_encode($areas[$js_key2]['sub']); } } } } } if (!empty($tmp_op)) { $op .= ",\n"; $tmp_op = implode(",\n", $tmp_op); $op .= $tmp_op . "\n}"; } else { $op .= "\n}"; } $fp = file_put_contents($this->cache_path . "area.js", $op); ksort($total_areas); $curdata = "\$_PB_CACHE['{$cachename}'] = " . $this->evalArray($total_areas) . ";\n\n"; //db cache. $data = array(); $op = "<?php\n"; $op .= "return "; $tmp_level_top = $this->dbstuff->GetArray("SELECT id,name,parent_id,level,url FROM " . $this->table_prefix . "areas WHERE available=1 ORDER BY display_order ASC"); $data = pb_format_tree($tmp_level_top, 0); $op .= $this->evalArray($data); unset($data); $op .= "\n"; $op .= "?>"; $fp = file_put_contents(CACHE_COMMON_PATH . "area.php", $op); break; case 'industry': $this->lang_dirname = ''; if (!function_exists("smarty_function_the_url")) { require SLUGIN_PATH . "function.the_url.php"; } $sql = "SELECT name,id,name AS title,description FROM {$this->table_prefix}industries i WHERE i.parent_id=0 and available=1 ORDER BY display_order ASC"; $top_levels = $sec_levels = $third_levels = $datas = $total_datas = array(); $level1 = $this->dbstuff->GetArray($sql); $op = "<!--// Created " . date("M j, Y, G:i") . " -->\n"; $op .= "var data_industry = { \n"; foreach ($level1 as $key => $val) { //For multi $i_title = $val['name']; // $tmp = unserialize($val['description']); // if(!empty($tmp[$this->lang_dirname])) $i_title = $tmp[$this->lang_dirname]; $top_levels[$val['id']] = $total_datas[1][$val['id']] = $i_title; $sql = "SELECT id,name,parent_id,top_parentid,name AS title,description FROM {$this->table_prefix}industries t WHERE available=1 AND level=2 AND parent_id=" . $val['id'] . " ORDER BY display_order ASC"; $sec_levels = $this->dbstuff->GetArray($sql); foreach ($sec_levels as $key2 => $val2) { //For multi $i_title = $val2['name']; // $tmp = unserialize($val2['description']); // if(!empty($tmp[$this->lang_dirname])) $i_title = $tmp[$this->lang_dirname]; $third_levels = $this->dbstuff->GetArray("SELECT id,name,parent_id,top_parentid,name AS title,description FROM {$this->table_prefix}industries t WHERE available=1 AND level=3 AND parent_id=" . $val2['id'] . " ORDER BY display_order ASC"); $datas[$val['id']]['sub'][$val2['id']] = $i_title; $total_datas[2][$val2['id']] = $i_title; foreach ($third_levels as $key3 => $val3) { //For multi $i_title = $val3['name']; // $tmp = unserialize($val3['description']); // if(!empty($tmp[$this->lang_dirname])) $i_title = $tmp[$this->lang_dirname]; $datas[$val2['id']]['sub'][$val3['id']] = $total_datas[3][$val3['id']] = $i_title; } } } $top_levels = pb_lang_split_recursive($this->convert2utf8($top_levels)); $datas = pb_lang_split_recursive($this->convert2utf8($datas)); $op .= "'0':" . json_encode($top_levels); $tmp_op = array(); foreach ($top_levels as $js_key => $js_val) { if (isset($datas[$js_key])) { foreach ($datas[$js_key] as $js_key1 => $js_val1) { $tmp_op[] = "'0,{$js_key}':" . json_encode($datas[$js_key]['sub']); foreach ($datas[$js_key]['sub'] as $js_key2 => $js_val2) { if (!empty($datas[$js_key2]['sub'])) { $tmp_op[] = "'0,{$js_key},{$js_key2}':" . json_encode($datas[$js_key2]['sub']); } } } } } if (!empty($tmp_op)) { $op .= ",\n"; $tmp_op = implode(",\n", $tmp_op); $op .= $tmp_op . "\n}"; } else { $op .= "\n}"; } $fp = file_put_contents($this->cache_path . "industry.js", $op); unset($op); ksort($total_datas); $curdata = "\$_PB_CACHE['{$cachename}'] = " . $this->evalArray($total_datas) . ";\n\n"; unset($top_levels, $sec_levels, $third_levels, $datas, $total_datas, $op); //db cache. $data = array(); $op = "<?php\n"; $op .= "return "; $tmp_level_top = $this->dbstuff->GetArray("SELECT id,name,parent_id,level,url FROM " . $this->table_prefix . "industries WHERE available=1 ORDER BY display_order ASC"); $data = pb_format_tree($tmp_level_top, 0); $op .= $this->evalArray($data); unset($data); $op .= "\n"; $op .= "?>"; $fp = file_put_contents(CACHE_COMMON_PATH . "industry.php", $op); break; case 'userpage': $this->lang_dirname = ''; $sql = "SELECT id,name,title,url,digest FROM {$this->table_prefix}userpages ORDER BY display_order ASC,id ASC"; $result = $this->dbstuff->GetArray($sql); if (!empty($result)) { $i = 0; foreach ($result as $key => $val) { $data[$i]['id'] = $val['id']; $data[$i]['title'] = $val['title']; $data[$i]['name'] = $val['name']; $data[$i]['digest'] = $val['digest']; if (!empty($val['url'])) { $data[$i]['url'] = $val['url']; } else { $data[$i]['url'] = ""; } $i++; } } $curdata = "\$_PB_CACHE['{$cachename}'] = " . $this->evalArray($data) . ";\n\n"; break; case 'form': $this->lang_dirname = ''; $form_result = $this->dbstuff->GetArray("SELECT * FROM {$this->table_prefix}forms ORDER BY id ASC"); if (!empty($form_result)) { foreach ($form_result as $val) { $item_result = $this->dbstuff->GetArray("SELECT * FROM {$this->table_prefix}formitems WHERE id IN (" . $val['items'] . ") ORDER BY id ASC"); if (!empty($item_result)) { foreach ($item_result as $val1) { $data[$val['id']][$val1['id']]['id'] = $val1['identifier']; $data[$val['id']][$val1['id']]['label'] = $val1['title']; } } } $curdata = "\$_PB_CACHE['{$cachename}'] = " . $this->evalArray($data) . ";\n\n"; } break; case 'membergroup': $this->lang_dirname = ''; $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$this->table_prefix}membergroups mg ORDER BY DESC"; $membergroup_result = $this->dbstuff->GetArray($sql); if (!empty($membergroup_result)) { foreach ($membergroup_result as $key => $val) { $data[$val['id']]['name'] = $val['name']; $data[$val['id']]['max_offer'] = $val['max_offer']; $data[$val['id']]['type_id'] = $val['membertype_id']; $data[$val['id']]['max_product'] = $val['max_product']; $data[$val['id']]['max_job'] = $val['max_job']; $data[$val['id']]['max_companynews'] = $val['max_companynews']; $data[$val['id']]['max_market'] = $val['max_companynews']; $data[$val['id']]['max_album'] = $val['max_companynews']; $data[$val['id']]['max_producttype'] = $val['max_producttype']; $data[$val['id']]['max_attach_size'] = $val['max_attach_size']; $data[$val['id']]['max_size_perday'] = $val['max_size_perday']; $data[$val['id']]['max_favorite'] = $val['max_favorite']; $data[$val['id']]['type'] = $val['type']; $data[$val['id']]['avatar'] = $val['picture']; $data[$val['id']]['allow_space'] = $val['allow_space']; $tmp_allow = sprintf("%02b", $val['allow_offer']); $data[$val['id']]['offer_allow'] = intval($tmp_allow[0]); $data[$val['id']]['offer_check'] = intval($tmp_allow[1]); $tmp_allow = sprintf("%02b", $val['allow_market']); $data[$val['id']]['market_allow'] = intval($tmp_allow[0]); $data[$val['id']]['market_check'] = intval($tmp_allow[1]); $tmp_allow = sprintf("%02b", $val['allow_company']); $data[$val['id']]['company_allow'] = intval($tmp_allow[0]); $data[$val['id']]['company_check'] = intval($tmp_allow[1]); $tmp_allow = sprintf("%02b", $val['allow_product']); $data[$val['id']]['product_allow'] = intval($tmp_allow[0]); $data[$val['id']]['product_check'] = intval($tmp_allow[1]); $tmp_allow = sprintf("%02b", $val['allow_job']); $data[$val['id']]['job_allow'] = intval($tmp_allow[0]); $data[$val['id']]['job_check'] = intval($tmp_allow[1]); $tmp_allow = sprintf("%02b", $val['allow_companynews']); $data[$val['id']]['companynews_allow'] = intval($tmp_allow[0]); $data[$val['id']]['companynews_check'] = intval($tmp_allow[1]); $tmp_allow = sprintf("%02b", $val['allow_album']); $data[$val['id']]['album_allow'] = intval($tmp_allow[0]); $data[$val['id']]['album_check'] = intval($tmp_allow[1]); $data[$val['id']]['auth_level'] = intval($val['exempt']); } } $curdata = "\$_PB_CACHE['{$cachename}'] = " . $this->evalArray($data) . ";\n\n"; break; case "javascript": $this->view->clearConfig(); $this->view->configLoad("default.conf", "javascript"); $js_vars = $this->view->getConfigVars(); //arrTemplate is the language pack $op = "<!--// Created " . date("M j, Y, G:i") . " -->\n"; $op .= "var pb_lang = { \n"; if (!empty($js_vars)) { foreach ($js_vars as $key => $val) { $val = str_replace("\"", "", $val); $op .= "\t" . strtoupper(trim($key, '_')) . ' : "' . $val . '",'; $op .= "\n"; } } $op .= "\tEND : ''\n};"; $fp = file_put_contents($this->cache_path . "locale.js", $op); unset($op); break; default: break; } return $curdata; }
function load_file($file_name, $prepend_path = true) { global $G; if (function_exists("pb_lang_split")) { $_tmp = pb_lang_split_recursive($G['setting']); } else { $_tmp = $G['setting']; } if ($prepend_path && $this->_config_path != "") { $config_file = $this->_config_path . $file_name; } else { $config_file = $file_name; } ini_set('track_errors', true); $fp = @fopen($config_file, "r"); if (!is_resource($fp)) { $this->_trigger_error_msg("Could not open config file '{$config_file}'"); return false; } $contents = ($size = filesize($config_file)) ? fread($fp, $size) : ''; fclose($fp); $search = array('%site_name%', '%site_url%', '%company_name%', '%service_email%'); $replace = array($_tmp['site_name'], $_tmp['site_url'], $_tmp['company_name'], $_tmp['service_email']); $contents = str_replace($search, $replace, $contents); $this->_config_data[$config_file] = $this->parse_contents($contents); return true; }
if ($pb_userinfo) { $pb_user = $pb_userinfo; $pb_user = pb_addslashes($pb_user); uaAssign($pb_userinfo); } $js_language = $app_lang; if ($show_ajax) { $show_ajax = 1; } $_G = array('SiteUrl' => URL, 'show_ajax' => $show_ajax, 'charset' => $charset, 'AppLanguage' => $app_lang, 'WebRootUrl' => $absolute_uri, 'TemplateDir' => 'templates', 'JsLanguage' => $js_language, 'cookiepre' => $cookiepre, 'cookiedomain' => $cookiedomain, 'cookiepath' => $cookiepath); uaAssign($_G); if (!empty($_PB_CACHE['setting']['site_theme_styles'])) { $_PB_CACHE['setting']['site_theme_styles'] = unserialize($_PB_CACHE['setting']['site_theme_styles']); } //at c, use $G;v, $_G. $G['setting'] = pb_lang_split_recursive($_PB_CACHE['setting']); $G['setting']['nav_id'] = ''; //Todo: setvar("_G", $G['setting']); uaAssign($G['setting']); if (!MAGIC_QUOTES_GPC) { $_GET = pb_addslashes($_GET); $_POST = pb_addslashes($_POST); $_COOKIE = pb_addslashes($_COOKIE); $_SERVER = pb_addslashes($_SERVER); } $G = am($G, $_GET, $_POST); $viewhelper = new PbView(); $pre_refer = empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? '' : $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']; if ($gzipcompress && function_exists('ob_gzhandler')) { ob_start('ob_gzhandler');
function inquery() { global $viewhelper, $pb_userinfo; using("member", "message", "typeoption"); $typeoption = new Typeoptions(); $member = new Members(); $pms = new Messages(); if (isset($_POST['id']) && !empty($_POST['do']) && !empty($_POST['title'])) { pb_submit_check('inquery'); $vals['type'] = 'inquery'; $vals['title'] = $_POST['title']; $vals['content'] = implode("<br />", $_POST['inquery']); $result = $pms->SendToUser($pb_userinfo['pb_username'], $this->product->dbstuff->GetOne("SELECT username FROM {$this->product->table_prefix}members WHERE id=" . intval($_POST['to_member_id'])), $vals); if (!$result) { flash("failed", '', 0); } else { flash("success", '', 0); } } $pid = intval($_GET['id']); $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$this->product->table_prefix}products WHERE id=" . $pid; $res = $this->product->dbstuff->GetRow($sql); if (empty($res) || !$res) { flash('data_not_exists', 'product/', 0); } else { if (!empty($res['picture'])) { $res['imgsmall'] = "attachment/" . $res['picture'] . ".small.jpg"; $res['imgbig'] = "attachment/" . $res['picture']; $res['image'] = "attachment/" . $res['picture'] . ".small.jpg"; } else { $res['image'] = pb_get_attachmenturl('', '', 'small'); } setvar("ImTypes", cache_read("typeoption", "im_type")); setvar("TelTypes", cache_read("typeoption", "phone_type")); setvar("item", pb_lang_split_recursive($res)); } $viewhelper->setTitle($res['name']); $member_info = $this->product->dbstuff->GetRow("SELECT mf.first_name,mf.last_name, as MemberEmail FROM {$this->product->table_prefix}members m LEFT JOIN {$this->product->table_prefix}memberfields mf ON WHERE" . $res['member_id']); setvar("CompanyUser", $member_info['first_name'] . $member_info['last_name']); render("product/inquery"); }
/** * [PHPB2B] Copyright (C) 2007-2099, Ualink Inc. All Rights Reserved. * The contents of this file are subject to the License; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * * @version $Revision: 2075 $ */ function smarty_function_category($params, &$smarty) { $conditions[] = 'available=1'; $result = array(); if (class_exists("Productcategories")) { $cat = new Productcategories(); $cat_controller = new Productcategory(); } else { uses("productcategory"); $cat = new Productcategories(); $cat_controller = new Productcategory(); } $limit = $offset = 0; if (isset($params['row'])) { $limit = $params['row']; } if (isset($params['start'])) { $offset = $params['start']; } $cat->setCondition($conditions); $table_name = $cat->table_prefix . $cat_controller->pluralize($params['name']); $cat->dbstuff->setFetchMode(ADODB_FETCH_ASSOC); if (isset($params['depth'])) { //depth if ($params['depth'] == -1) { $result = $cat->dbstuff->GetArray("SELECT * FROM " . $table_name . $cat->getCondition()); return $result; } } $level = intval($params['depth']); $return = array(); switch ($level) { case 1: $conditions[] = "level IN (" . $level . ")"; $cat->setCondition($conditions); $return = $cat->dbstuff->GetArray("SELECT * FROM " . $table_name . $cat->getCondition() . " ORDER BY display_order ASC"); break; case 2: $conditions[] = "level IN (1,2)"; $cat->setCondition($conditions); $result = $cat->dbstuff->GetArray("SELECT * FROM " . $table_name . $cat->getCondition() . " ORDER BY display_order ASC"); foreach ($result as $val) { if ($val['level'] == 1) { $result_1[$val['id']] = $val; } elseif ($val['level'] == 2) { $result_2[] = $val; } } unset($result); foreach ($result_2 as $val2) { if ($val2['parent_id'] == $result_1[$val2['parent_id']]['id']) { $result_1[$val2['parent_id']]['child'][] = $val2; } } $return = $result_1; unset($result, $result_1, $result_2); break; case 3: $conditions[] = "level IN (1,2,3)"; $cat->setCondition($conditions); $result = $cat->dbstuff->GetArray("SELECT * FROM " . $table_name . $cat->getCondition() . " ORDER BY display_order ASC"); foreach ($result as $val) { if ($val['level'] == 1) { $return[$val['id']] = $val; } elseif ($val['level'] == 2) { $return[$val['parent_id']]['child'][$val['id']] = $val; } elseif ($val['level'] == 3) { $return[$val['top_parentid']]['child'][$val['parent_id']]['child'][] = $val; } } unset($result); break; default: break; } //$cat->setLimitOffset($offset, $limit); if (isset($params['output'])) { return $return; } else { if (empty($params['var'])) { $params['var'] = "category"; } $smarty->assign($params['var'], pb_lang_split_recursive($return)); unset($return); } }
function detail() { require CACHE_COMMON_PATH . "cache_type.php"; $_PB_CACHE['area'] = cache_read("area"); $_PB_CACHE['industry'] = cache_read("industry"); if (isset($_GET['title'])) { $title = trim($_GET['title']); $res = $this->expo->findByName($title); $id = $res['id']; } if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); } if (!$this->expo->checkExist($id, true)) { flash("data_not_exists"); } $info = $this->expo->info; $this->view_helper->setPosition(L("fair", "tpl")); if (!empty($info)) { $info['typename'] = $_PB_CACHE['expotype'][$info['expotype_id']]; $this->view_helper->setTitle($info['typename']); $this->view_helper->setPosition($info['typename'], 'index.php?do=fair&action=lists&typeid=' . $info['expotype_id']); $this->view_helper->setTitle($info['name']); $this->view_helper->setPosition($info['name']); $result = $this->expo->dbstuff->GetArray("SELECT,,c.cache_spacename AS userid FROM {$this->expo->table_prefix}expomembers em LEFT JOIN {$this->expo->table_prefix}companies c ON WHERE c.status=1"); $result = pb_lang_split_recursive($result); $info = pb_lang_split_recursive($info); if (!empty($result)) { setvar("Items", $result); } setvar("item", $info); } render("fair/detail"); }
function detail() { global $viewhelper; using("tag", "meta"); $tag = new Tags(); $meta = new Metas(); $conditions = array(); $viewhelper->setTitle(L("info", "tpl")); $viewhelper->setPosition(L("info", "tpl"), "index.php?do=news"); if (isset($_GET['title'])) { $title = trim($_GET['title']); $res = $this->news->findByTitle($title); $id = $res['id']; } if (isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = intval($_GET['id']); } if (!empty($id)) { $_PB_CACHE['newstype'] = cache_read("type", "newstype"); $this->news->clicked($id); $info = $this->news->read("*", $id); if (empty($info) or !$info) { flash("data_not_exists", '', 0); } if (!empty($info['tag_ids'])) { $the_tags = $tag->getTagsByIds($info['tag_ids'], true); $tmp = null; $info['tag'] = $tag->tag; foreach ($the_tags as $key => $val) { $tmp .= "<a href='" . $this->url(array("module" => "search", "do" => "news", "q" => urlencode($val))) . "'>" . $val . "</a> "; } $info['tag_link'] = $tmp; } if (!empty($info['picture'])) { $info['image'] = pb_get_attachmenturl($info['picture'], '', 'small'); } $info['pubdate'] = df($info['created']); $info['typename'] = $_PB_CACHE['newstype'][$info['type_id']]; $viewhelper->setTitle($info['typename']); $viewhelper->setPosition($info['typename'], $this->url(array("module" => "search", "do" => "news", "typeid" => $info['type_id']))); //seo info $meta_info = $meta->getSEOById($id, 'news', false); empty($meta_info['title']) ? $viewhelper->setTitle($info['title']) : $viewhelper->setTitle($meta_info['title']); empty($meta_info['description']) ? $viewhelper->setMetaDescription($info['content']) : $viewhelper->setMetaDescription($meta_info['description']); if (isset($meta_info['keyword'])) { $viewhelper->setMetaKeyword($meta_info['keyword']); } $viewhelper->setPosition($info['title']); if (!empty($info['require_membertype'])) { $require_ids = explode(",", $info['require_membertype']); if (!empty($pb_userinfo['pb_userid'])) { $membertype_id = $this->news->dbstuff->GetOne("SELECT membertype_id FROM {$tb_prefix}members WHERE id='" . $pb_user['pb_userid'] . "'"); if (!in_array($membertype_id, $require_ids)) { $info['content'] = L("news_membertype_not_allowed", "tpl"); } } else { $info['content'] = L("news_membertype_not_allowed", "tpl"); } } if ($info['type'] == 1) { $info['source'] = L("company_news", "tpl"); $info['content'] = "<a href='" . $info['content'] . "'>" . $info['content'] . "</a>"; } if (!empty($info['picture'])) { $info['image_url'] = pb_get_attachmenturl($info['picture']); } $neighbour_info = $this->news->getNeighbour($id, "id,title"); if (!empty($neighbour_info['prev'])) { $title = pb_lang_split($neighbour_info['prev']['title']); $info['prev_link'] = "<a href='" . $this->url(array("module" => "news", "id" => $neighbour_info['prev']['id'])) . "'>" . $title . "</a>"; $info['prev_title'] = $title; } else { $info['prev_link'] = L("nothing", "tpl"); } if (!empty($neighbour_info['next'])) { $title = pb_lang_split($neighbour_info['next']['title']); $info['next_link'] = "<a href='" . $this->url(array("module" => "news", "id" => $neighbour_info['next']['id'])) . "'>" . $title . "</a>"; $info['next_title'] = $title; } else { $info['next_link'] = L("nothing", "tpl"); } setvar("item", pb_lang_split_recursive($info)); } else { flash(); } setvar("Newstypes", $_PB_CACHE['newstype']); render("detail.default"); }
$attach_filename = $pdb->GetOne($sql); $news->del($id); $attachment->deleteBySource($attach_filename); } if ($do == "edit") { $news_info = null; $_PB_CACHE['area'] = cache_read("area"); $_PB_CACHE['industry'] = cache_read("industry"); setvar("CacheAreas", $_PB_CACHE['area']); setvar("CacheIndustries", $_PB_CACHE['industry']); $result = $membertype->findAll("id,name", null, $conditions, " id desc"); $user_types = array(); foreach ($result as $key => $val) { $user_types[$val['id']] = $val['name']; } setvar("Membertypes", pb_lang_split_recursive($user_types)); $_newstypes = $newstype->getTypeOptions(); setvar("NewstypeOptions", $_newstypes); if (!empty($id)) { $item_info = $news->read("*", $id); if ($item_info['picture']) { $item_info['image'] = pb_get_attachmenturl($item_info['picture'], "../", 'small'); } $tag->getTagsByIds($item_info['tag_ids'], true); $item_info['tag'] = $tag->tag; } if ($action == "convert") { if (!empty($_GET['companynewsid'])) { $item_info['title'] = $pdb->GetOne("SELECT title FROM {$tb_prefix}companynewses WHERE id=" . intval($_GET['companynewsid'])); } }