/** Creates the table with participation data with a specific counter column (no_shows, interruptions) */
 function create_participation_counter_table($participations, $title)
     if (empty($participations)) {
         return lang('no_results_found');
     $CI =& get_instance();
     $CI->table->set_heading(lang('participant'), lang('participations'), $title, lang('percentage'), lang('actions'));
     foreach ($participations as $pp) {
         $participant = $CI->participantModel->get_participant_by_id($pp->participant_id);
         $p_link = participant_get_link($participant);
         $act_link = participant_activate_link($participant);
         $CI->table->add_row($p_link, $pp->count, $pp->count_column, round($pp->count_column / $pp->count * 100, 2) . '%', $act_link);
     return $CI->table->generate();
 /** Creates the table with score data, but only totals (for root test categories) */
 function create_total_score_table($testcats, $testinvites)
     $CI =& get_instance();
     $CI->table->set_heading(lang('participant'), lang('score'), lang('date'), lang('age'), lang('percentile'), lang('language_age'), lang('actions'));
     foreach ($testcats as $tc) {
         foreach ($testinvites as $ti) {
             $score = $CI->testCatModel->total_score($tc->id, $ti->id);
             $t = $CI->testCatModel->get_test_by_testcat($tc);
             if ($score->score > 0) {
                 $p = $CI->testInviteModel->get_participant_by_testinvite($ti);
                 $score_age = age_in_months($p, $score->date);
                 $p_link = participant_get_link($p);
                 $percentile = $CI->percentileModel->find_percentile($tc->id, $p->gender, $score_age, $score->score);
                 $language_age = $CI->percentileModel->find_50percentile_age($tc->id, $p->gender, $score->score);
                 $edit_link = anchor('score/edit_all/' . $t->id . '/' . $p->id, img_edit());
                 $actions = implode(' ', array($edit_link));
                 $CI->table->add_row($p_link, $score->score, output_date($score->date), $score_age, $percentile, $language_age, $actions);
     return $CI->table->generate();

<!-- Participation info -->
	<table class="pure-table">
echo lang('participant');
echo is_leader() ? $participant->firstname : participant_get_link($participant);
echo lang('parent');
echo is_leader() ? $participant->parentfirstname : parent_name($participant);
 /** Returns the get link for a participant */
 function participant_get_link_by_id($participant_id)
     $CI =& get_instance();
     $participant = $CI->participantModel->get_participant_by_id($participant_id);
     return participant_get_link($participant);
Esempio n. 5
  * Generates HTML Output for the calender tooltip
  * @param Participation $participation ID
  * @param Participant $participant
  * @param Experiment $experiment
 private function generate_tooltip($participation, $participant, $experiment)
     $exp_link = lang('experiment') . ': ';
     $exp_link .= experiment_get_link($experiment);
     $exp_link .= br();
     $part_link = lang('participant') . ': ';
     $part_link .= participant_get_link($participant);
     $part_link .= br();
     $loc_link = lang('location') . ': ';
     $loc_link .= location_get_link_by_id($experiment->location_id);
     $loc_link .= br();
     $user_link = '';
     if ($participation->user_id_leader) {
         $user_link .= lang('leader') . ': ';
         $user_link .= user_get_link_by_id($participation->user_id_leader);
         $user_link .= br();
     $comment = '';
     if ($participation->calendar_comment) {
         $comment .= lang('comment') . ': ';
         $comment .= $participation->calendar_comment;
         $comment .= br();
     // Show actions only if user the leader of this participation (or if user is admin/caller)
     $current_user_is_leader = is_leader() && $participation->user_id_leader != current_user_id();
     $participation_actions = $current_user_is_leader ? '' : '<center>' . participation_actions($participation->id) . '</center>';
     return addslashes($exp_link . $part_link . $loc_link . $user_link . $comment . $participation_actions);