function readsourcecode($file, &$strings)
    global $CFG;
    $lines = file($file);
    foreach ($lines as $line) {
        parseline($strings, $line, $file);
    return $strings;
function ExplodeFile($filepath)
    $unix = new unix();
    $LastScannLine = 0;
    $GLOBALS["MYSQL_CATZ"] = new mysql_catz();
    $GLOBALS["SQUID_FAMILY_CLASS"] = new squid_familysite();
    if (!isset($GLOBALS["MYHOSTNAME"])) {
        $unix = new unix();
        $GLOBALS["MYHOSTNAME"] = $unix->hostname_g();
    $GLOBALS["SEQUENCE"] = md5_file($filepath);
    $handle = @fopen($filepath, "r");
    if (!$handle) {
        echo "Fopen failed on {$filepath}\n";
        return false;
    $countlines = 0;
    $c = 0;
    $d = 0;
    $e = 0;
    $prc = 0;
    $prc_text = 0;
    $mysql_first_time = 0;
    while (!feof($handle)) {
        if ($countlines > 0) {
            $prc = $c / $countlines;
            $prc = round($prc * 100);
            if (!isset($GLOBALS["LAST_PRC"])) {
                if ($GLOBALS["PROGRESS"]) {
                    echo "{$prc}%\n";
                $GLOBALS["LAST_PRC"] = $prc;
            } else {
                if ($GLOBALS["LAST_PRC"] != $prc) {
                    if ($GLOBALS["PROGRESS"]) {
                        echo "{$prc}%\n";
                    $GLOBALS["LAST_PRC"] = $prc;
            if ($prc > 10) {
                if ($prc < 99) {
                    if ($prc > $prc_text) {
                        $array_load = sys_getloadavg();
                        $internal_load = $array_load[0];
                        $mem = round(memory_get_usage() / 1024 / 1000, 2);
                        $prc_design = FormatNumber($c) . "/" . FormatNumber($countlines);
                        $prc_text = $prc;
        if ($d > 50) {
            $iSeek = ftell($handle);
            @file_put_contents("{$filepath}.last", $iSeek);
            if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
                $prc_design = FormatNumber($c) . "/" . FormatNumber($countlines);
                echo "{$prc}% {$prc_design}\n";
            $d = 0;
        if ($e > 500) {
            $mem = round(memory_get_usage() / 1024 / 1000, 2);
            $prc_design = FormatNumber($c) . "/" . FormatNumber($countlines);
            $e = 0;
        $buffer = trim(fgets($handle));
        if ($buffer == null) {
        $array = parseline($buffer);
        if (count($array) == 0) {
        if ($mysql_first_time == 0) {
            if (date("Y", $array["TIME"]) > 2001) {
                $mysql_first_time = $array["TIME"];
        if ($array["CATEGORY"] == null) {
            //echo date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$array["TIME"]);
            //echo "{$array["SITENAME"]} {$array["SIZE"]} {$array["UID"]} {$array["IPADDR"]} {$array["CATEGORY"]} {$array["FAMILYSITE"]}\n";
    while (list($sitename, $SUBARRAY) = each($MAIN)) {
        echo "{$sitename} {$SUBARRAY["COUNT"]}\n";
function send_notification($fromaddress, $toaddress, $subject, $messagetext)
    echo "Sending notification to {$toaddress}.\n";
    $smtpsession = "mail from: <{$fromaddress}>\n" . "rcpt to: <{$toaddress}>\n" . "data\n" . "Subject: {$subject}\n" . "{$messagetext}\n" . ".\n" . "quit\n";
    $pipe = popen('telnet 25', 'w');
    if ($pipe == false) {
        echo "Error occurred opening pipe connection to smtp server.\n";
    } else {
        $bytes = fwrite($pipe, $smtpsession);
        if ($bytes = false) {
            echo "Error writing to smtp server.\n";
    echo "Mail sent.\n";
while ($line = fgets(STDIN)) {
if (isset($argv[1]) && $argv[1] == '-n') {
    foreach ($coursesbyemail as $email => $courses) {
        $messagebody = generate_messagebody($firstnamebyemail[$email], $lastnamebyemail[$email], $coursesbyemail[$email]);
        print_notification('*****@*****.**', $email, 'eClass course archiving', $messagebody);
} else {
    foreach ($coursesbyemail as $email => $courses) {
        $messagebody = generate_messagebody($firstnamebyemail[$email], $lastnamebyemail[$email], $coursesbyemail[$email]);
        send_notification('*****@*****.**', $email, 'eClass course archiving', $messagebody);
function _analyze_file($filepath, $zmd5)
    if (!is_file($filepath)) {
        events("{$filepath} no such file");
        return false;
    $sock = new sockets();
    $unix = new unix();
    $EnableImportWithSarg = $sock->GET_INFO("EnableImportWithSarg");
    if (!is_numeric($EnableImportWithSarg)) {
        $EnableImportWithSarg = 1;
    $SargOutputDir = $sock->GET_INFO("SargOutputDir");
    if ($SargOutputDir == null) {
        $SargOutputDir = "/var/www/html/squid-reports";
    $basename = basename($filepath);
    $timeStart = time();
    $unix = new unix();
    $sock = new sockets();
    $q = new mysql_squid_builder();
    $TimeOfFile = strtotime(GetDateOfFile($filepath));
    $ContainerDir = "/var/log/artica-postfix/squid/queues/" . date("Y-m-d-h", $TimeOfFile);
    @mkdir($ContainerDir, 0755, true);
    $handle = @fopen($filepath, "r");
    if (!$handle) {
        events("Failed to open file {$filepath}");
        echo "Failed to open file\n";
    $c = 0;
    $max = $unix->COUNT_LINES_OF_FILE($filepath);
    events("{$filepath} {$max} lines");
    $ligne = mysql_fetch_array($q->QUERY_SQL("SELECT * FROM accesslogs_import WHERE zmd5='{$zmd5}'"));
    $FileStatus = $ligne["status"];
    if (!$GLOBALS["SIMULATE"]) {
        if ($ligne["filename"] == null) {
            echo "{$filepath}: {$zmd5} did not match expected md5\n";
    if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
        echo "Container: {$ContainerDir}\n";
        echo "Status...: {$FileStatus}\n";
        echo "Lines....: {$max}\n";
    if (!$GLOBALS["FORCE"]) {
        if ($FileStatus == 3) {
            events("{$filepath} already analyzed, skip it...");
            return true;
    if ($EnableImportWithSarg == 1) {
        $u = null;
        $nice = EXEC_NICE();
        $sarg = $unix->find_program("sarg");
        $php = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN();
        $squid = new squidbee();
        if ($squid->LDAP_AUTH == 1) {
            $usersauth = true;
        if ($squid->LDAP_EXTERNAL_AUTH == 1) {
            $usersauth = true;
        if ($usersauth) {
            echo "Starting......: " . date("H:i:s") . " Sarg, user authentification enabled\n";
            $u = " -i ";
        if (is_file($sarg)) {
            shell_exec("{$php} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.sarg.php --conf >/dev/null 2>&1");
            exec("{$nice}{$sarg} {$u}-f /etc/squid3/sarg.conf -l {$filepath} -o \"{$SargOutputDir}\" 2>&1", $sargR);
            while (list($index, $line) = each($sargR)) {
                events("Sarg: {$line}\n");
    $percent_ret = 0;
    while (!feof($handle)) {
        $buffer = trim(fgets($handle));
        if ($buffer == null) {
        $array = parseline($buffer);
        if (count($array) == 0) {
        $ip = null;
        $user = null;
        $xtime = $array["TIME"];
        $ip = $array["IPADDR"];
        $user = $array["UID"];
        $code_error = $array["ERRCODE"];
        $size = $array["SIZE"];
        $uri = $array["URI"];
        $cached = $array["CACHED"];
        // $q->QUERY_SQL("INSERT INTO accesslogs_import (zmd5,filename,zDate,size,status,percent) VALUES ('$md5','$filename','$date','$size',0,0)");
        $HOSTNAME = $array["HOSTNAME"];
        if (is_numeric($user)) {
            echo "\n\n\n****************\n\nNumeric user:{$user}\n{$buffer}\n\n";
        if ($ip == null) {
            if ($HOSTNAME != null) {
                $ip = $HOSTNAME;
        $GLOBALS["BUFFER_ANALYZED"] = $buffer;
        $GLOBALS["squidtail"]->Builsql($ip, $user, $uri, $code_error, $size, $xtime, $cached, null, $xtime);
        if ($GLOBALS["SIMULATE"]) {
        $percent = $c / $max * 100;
        $percent = round($percent);
        if ($percent != $percent_ret) {
            if ($GLOBALS["VERBOSE"]) {
                echo "****************** {$percent}% ********************\n";
            $percent_ret = $percent;
            events("{$percent_ret}% " . count($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_QUEUE) . " in memory - {$filepath}");
            $q->QUERY_SQL("UPDATE accesslogs_import SET percent='{$percent}',status=1 WHERE zmd5='{$zmd5}'");
        if (count($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_QUEUE) > 2000) {
            events("analyze_file()::{$basename}::{$percent}% GLOBAL_RTTSIZE......: " . count($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_RTTSIZE) . " items...", __LINE__);
            events("analyze_file()::{$basename}::{$percent}% GLOBAL_PAGEKEEPER...: " . count($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_PAGEKEEPER) . " items...", __LINE__);
            events("analyze_file()::{$basename}::{$percent}% GLOBAL_YOUTUBE......: " . count($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_YOUTUBE) . " items...", __LINE__);
            events("analyze_file()::{$basename}::{$percent}% GLOBAL_SQUIDUSERS...: " . count($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_SQUIDUSERS) . " items...", __LINE__);
            events("analyze_file()::{$basename}::{$percent}% GLOBAL_SEARCHWORDS..: " . count($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_SEARCHWORDS) . " items...", __LINE__);
            $GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_QUEUE = array();
            if (count($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_RTTSIZE) > 500) {
                @mkdir("{$ContainerDir}/RTTSize", 0755, true);
                @file_put_contents("{$ContainerDir}/RTTSize/" . md5(serialize($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_RTTSIZE)), serialize($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_RTTSIZE));
                $GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_RTTSIZE = array();
                $RTTSIZE = true;
            if (count($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_PAGEKEEPER) > 500) {
                @mkdir("{$ContainerDir}/PageKeeper", 0755, true);
                @file_put_contents("{$ContainerDir}/PageKeeper/" . md5(serialize($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_PAGEKEEPER)), serialize($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_PAGEKEEPER));
                $GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_PAGEKEEPER = array();
                $PAGEKEEP = true;
            if (count($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_YOUTUBE) > 500) {
                @mkdir("{$ContainerDir}/Youtube", 0755, true);
                $md5 = md5(serialize($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_YOUTUBE));
                youtube_events("Saving queue:(2000) {$ContainerDir}/Youtube/" . $md5, __LINE__);
                @file_put_contents("{$ContainerDir}/Youtube/" . $md5, serialize($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_YOUTUBE));
                $GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_YOUTUBE = array();
                $YOUTUBE = true;
            if (count($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_SQUIDUSERS) > 500) {
                @mkdir("{$ContainerDir}/Members", 0755, true);
                @file_put_contents("{$ContainerDir}/Members/" . md5(serialize($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_SQUIDUSERS)), serialize($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_SQUIDUSERS));
                $GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_SQUIDUSERS = array();
            if (count($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_SEARCHWORDS) > 500) {
                @mkdir("{$ContainerDir}/SearchWords", 0755, true);
                @file_put_contents("{$ContainerDir}/SearchWords/" . md5(serialize($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_SEARCHWORDS)), serialize($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_SEARCHWORDS));
                $GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_SEARCHWORDS = array();
        // PURGE OVER 2000
    events("analyze_file()::{$basename}::  Container.........: `{$ContainerDir}` ", __LINE__);
    events("analyze_file()::{$basename}::  GLOBAL_RTTSIZE....: " . count($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_RTTSIZE) . " items...", __LINE__);
    events("analyze_file()::{$basename}::  GLOBAL_PAGEKEEPER.: " . count($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_PAGEKEEPER) . " items...", __LINE__);
    events("analyze_file()::{$basename}::  GLOBAL_YOUTUBE....: " . count($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_YOUTUBE) . " items...", __LINE__);
    events("analyze_file()::{$basename}::  GLOBAL_SQUIDUSERS.: " . count($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_SQUIDUSERS) . " items...", __LINE__);
    events("analyze_file()::{$basename}::  GLOBAL_SEARCHWORDS: " . count($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_SEARCHWORDS) . " items...", __LINE__);
    $q->QUERY_SQL("UPDATE accesslogs_import SET percent='100',status='3' WHERE zmd5='{$zmd5}'");
    if (count($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_RTTSIZE) > 0) {
        @mkdir("{$ContainerDir}/RTTSize", 0755, true);
        @file_put_contents("{$ContainerDir}/RTTSize/" . md5(serialize($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_RTTSIZE)), serialize($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_RTTSIZE));
        $RTTSIZE = true;
    if (count($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_PAGEKEEPER) > 0) {
        @mkdir("{$ContainerDir}/PageKeeper", 0755, true);
        @file_put_contents("{$ContainerDir}/PageKeeper/" . md5(serialize($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_PAGEKEEPER)), serialize($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_PAGEKEEPER));
        $PAGEKEEP = true;
    if (count($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_YOUTUBE) > 0) {
        @mkdir("{$ContainerDir}/Youtube", 0755, true);
        $md5 = md5(serialize($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_YOUTUBE));
        youtube_events("Saving queue: {$ContainerDir}/Youtube/" . $md5, __LINE__);
        @file_put_contents("{$ContainerDir}/Youtube/" . $md5, serialize($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_YOUTUBE));
        $YOUTUBE = true;
    if (count($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_SQUIDUSERS) > 0) {
        @mkdir("{$ContainerDir}/Members", 0755, true);
        @file_put_contents("{$ContainerDir}/Members/" . md5(serialize($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_SQUIDUSERS)), serialize($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_SQUIDUSERS));
    if (count($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_SEARCHWORDS) > 0) {
        @mkdir("{$ContainerDir}/SearchWords", 0755, true);
        @file_put_contents("{$ContainerDir}/SearchWords/" . md5(serialize($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_SEARCHWORDS)), serialize($GLOBALS["squidtail"]->GLOBAL_SEARCHWORDS));
    $size = round($size / 1024, 2);
    events("analyze_file()::{$basename}:: {$max}: lines parsed in " . $unix->distanceOfTimeInWords($timeStart, time()) . __LINE__);
    if (system_is_overloaded(basename(__FILE__))) {
    $php5 = $unix->LOCATE_PHP5_BIN();
    $nice = EXEC_NICE();
    $nohup = $unix->find_program("nohup");
    $cmd = "{$nohup} {$php5} " . __FILE__ . " --squid >/dev/null 2>&1 &";
    if ($PAGEKEEP) {
        $cmd = "{$nohup} {$php5} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.squid.stats.php --thumbs-parse >/dev/null 2>&1 &";
        events(__FUNCTION__ . ":: {$cmd}", __LINE__);
    if ($YOUTUBE) {
        $cmd = "{$nohup} {$php5} " . __FILE__ . " --youtube >/dev/null 2>&1 &";
        events(__FUNCTION__ . ":: {$cmd}", __LINE__);
    if ($RTTSIZE) {
        $cmd = "{$nohup} {$php5} /usr/share/artica-postfix/exec.squid-users-rttsize.php --now >/dev/null 2>&1 &";
        events(__FUNCTION__ . ":: {$cmd}", __LINE__);
Esempio n. 5
} else {
    // if there are commands in the client's
    // content data, then let's process them.
    if (strlen($content) > 0) {
        do {
            // TODO: This seems like a really odd-construct to me - looping
            // until we receive an positive from the parseline routine. shouldn't
            // we instead loop through all the "lines" in the content, ending
            // the loop naturally when we've exceeded all of them?
            $i = strpos($content, "\r\n");
            if ($i == 0) {
            $bm_row = substr($content, 0, $i);
            // get the current bookmark and send it to be parsed.
            if (parseline($bm_row, $ID)) {
                end_script("'parseline' returned a positive value.");
            // this bookmark is finished, so pop it off our list.
            $content = substr($content, strlen($content) - (strlen($content) - $i - 1));
        } while (true);
        // with our updates finished, we update the token and move on.
        my_mysql_query("update syncit_person set token = token+1, lastchanged = now() where personid='{$ID}'");
        $res = my_mysql_query("select token from syncit_person where personid='{$ID}'");
        // get the new server token for client updating.
        $data = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
        $stoken = $data["token"];
        // return new server token.
        my_echo("*T," . $stoken);