public function getLZLReplyList($to_f_reply_id, $order, $page = 1, $limit = 3)
     $list = M('GroupLzlReply')->where('status=1 and to_f_reply_id=' . $to_f_reply_id)->order($order)->select();
     foreach ($list as $k => &$v) {
         $v['userInfo'] = query_user(array('avatar128', 'nickname', 'uid', 'space_url'), $v['uid']);
         $v['content'] = parse_weibo_mobile_content($v['content']);
     $list = getPage($list, $limit, $page);
     return $list;
 public function getLZLReplyList($to_f_reply_id, $order, $page = 1, $limit = 3)
     $list = S('post_replylzllist_' . $to_f_reply_id);
     if ($list == null) {
         $list = D('forum_lzl_reply')->where('is_del=0 and to_f_reply_id=' . $to_f_reply_id)->order($order)->select();
         foreach ($list as $k => &$v) {
             $v['userInfo'] = query_user(array('avatar128', 'nickname', 'uid', 'space_url'), $v['uid']);
             $v['content'] = parse_weibo_mobile_content($v['content']);
         S('post_replylzllist_' . $to_f_reply_id, $list, 60);
     $list = getPage($list, $limit, $page);
     return $list;
Esempio n. 3
 public function getWeiboDetail($id)
     //  $weibo = S('weibo_' . $id);
     // $check_empty = empty($weibo);
     //  if ($check_empty) {
     $weibo = $this->where(array('status' => 1, 'id' => $id))->find();
     if (!$weibo) {
         return null;
     $weibo_data = unserialize($weibo['data']);
     $class_exists = true;
     $type = array('repost', 'feed', 'image', 'share');
     if (!in_array($weibo['type'], $type)) {
         $class_exists = class_exists('Addons\\Insert' . ucfirst($weibo['type']) . '\\Insert' . ucfirst($weibo['type']) . 'Addon');
     $weibo['content'] = parse_topic(parse_weibo_mobile_content($weibo['content']));
     if ($weibo['type'] === 'feed' || $weibo['type'] == '' || !$class_exists) {
         $fetchContent = "<p class='word-wrap'>" . $weibo['content'] . "</p>";
     } elseif ($weibo['type'] === 'repost') {
         $fetchContent = A('Mob/WeiboType')->fetchRepost($weibo);
     } elseif ($weibo['type'] === 'image') {
         $fetchContent = A('Mob/WeiboType')->fetchImage($weibo);
     } elseif ($weibo['type'] === 'share') {
         $fetchContent = R('Weibo/Share/getFetchHtml', array('param' => unserialize($weibo['data']), 'weibo' => $weibo), 'Widget');
     } else {
         $fetchContent = Hook::exec('Addons\\Insert' . ucfirst($weibo['type']) . '\\Insert' . ucfirst($weibo['type']) . 'Addon', 'fetch' . ucfirst($weibo['type']), $weibo);
     $weibo = array('id' => intval($weibo['id']), 'content' => strval($weibo['content']), 'create_time' => intval($weibo['create_time']), 'type' => $weibo['type'], 'data' => unserialize($weibo['data']), 'weibo_data' => $weibo_data, 'comment_count' => intval($weibo['comment_count']), 'repost_count' => intval($weibo['repost_count']), 'can_delete' => 0, 'is_top' => $weibo['is_top'], 'uid' => $weibo['uid'], 'fetchContent' => $fetchContent, 'from' => $weibo['from']);
     //    S('weibo_' . $id, $weibo, 60 * 60);
     //  }
     $weibo['user'] = query_user(array('uid', 'nickname', 'avatar64', 'space_url', 'rank_link', 'title'), $weibo['uid']);
     $weibo['can_delete'] = $this->canDeleteWeibo($weibo);
     // 判断转发的原微博是否已经删除
     if ($weibo['type'] == 'repost') {
         $source_weibo = $this->getWeiboDetail($weibo['weibo_data']['sourceId']);
         if (!$source_weibo['uid']) {
             if (!$check_empty) {
                 S('weibo_' . $id, null);
                 $weibo = $this->getWeiboDetail($id);
     return $weibo;
Esempio n. 4
  * 增加专辑评论
 public function doAddComment()
     if (!is_login()) {
         $this->error('请您先进行登录', U('Mob/member/index'), 1);
     $aContent = I('post.content', '', 'op_t');
     $aIssueId = I('post.issueId', 0, 'intval');
     $aUid = I('post.uid', 0, 'intval');
     if (empty($aContent)) {
     $uid = is_login();
     $result = D('LocalComment')->addIssueComment($uid, $aIssueId, $aContent);
     $title = get_nickname(is_login()) . '评论了您';
     D('Common/Message')->sendMessage($aUid, $title, "评论内容:{$aContent}", 'Issue/Index/IssueContentDetail', array('id' => $aIssueId), is_login(), 0);
     action_log('add_issue_comment', 'local_comment', $result, $uid);
     $map['id'] = array('eq', $result);
     $issuecomment = D('Local_comment')->where(array('status' => 1, $map))->order('create_time desc')->select();
     foreach ($issuecomment as &$v) {
         $v['user'] = query_user(array('nickname', 'avatar32', 'uid'), $v['uid']);
         $v['cover_url'] = getThumbImageById($v['cover_id']);
         $v['content'] = parse_weibo_mobile_content($v['content']);
     if ($issuecomment) {
         $data['html'] = "";
         foreach ($issuecomment as $val) {
             $this->assign("vo", $val);
             $data['html'] .= $this->fetch("_issuecomment");
             $data['status'] = 1;
     } else {
         $data['stutus'] = 0;
Esempio n. 5
  * 加载更多热门微博
 public function addMoreHotWeibo()
     $aPage = I('', 1, 'op_t');
     $aCount = I('post.count', 10, 'op_t');
     $hot_left = modC('HOT_LEFT', 3);
     $time_left = get_some_day($hot_left);
     $time_left = get_some_day($hot_left);
     $param['create_time'] = array('gt', $time_left);
     $param['status'] = 1;
     $param['is_top'] = 0;
     $weibo = D('Weibo')->where(array('status' => 1, $param))->page($aPage, $aCount)->order('comment_count desc')->select();
     $support['appname'] = 'Weibo';
     $support['table'] = 'weibo';
     $support['uid'] = is_login();
     $is_zan = D('Support')->where($support)->select();
     $is_zan = array_column($is_zan, 'row');
     foreach ($weibo as &$v) {
         $v['user'] = query_user(array('nickname', 'avatar64', 'uid'), $v['uid']);
         $v['rand_title'] = mob_get_head_title($v['uid']);
         $v['support'] = D('Support')->where(array('appname' => 'Weibo', 'table' => 'weibo', 'row' => $v['id']))->count();
         if ($v['type'] === "repost") {
             $v['content'] = A('Mob/WeiboType')->fetchRepost($v);
         } else {
             if ($v['type'] === "xiami" || $v['type'] == "video") {
                 $v['content'] = Hook::exec('Addons\\Insert' . ucfirst($v['type']) . '\\Insert' . ucfirst($v['type']) . 'Addon', 'fetch' . ucfirst($v['type']), $v);
             } else {
                 $v['content'] = parse_weibo_mobile_content($v['content']);
         if (empty($v['from'])) {
             $v['from'] = "网站端";
         $v['data'] = unserialize($v['data']);
         if ($v['data']['sourceId']) {
             $v['sourceId'] = $v['data']['sourceId'];
             $v['is_sourceId'] = '1';
         } else {
             $v['sourceId'] = $v['id'];
             $v['is_sourceId'] = '0';
         $v['sourceId_user'] = D('Weibo')->where(array('status' => 1, 'id' => $v['sourceId']))->find();
         $v['sourceId_user'] = $v['sourceId_user']['uid'];
         $v['sourceId_user'] = query_user(array('nickname', 'uid'), $v['sourceId_user']);
         $v['sourceId_content'] = D('Weibo')->where(array('status' => 1, 'id' => $v['sourceId']))->field('content')->find();
         if (!is_null($v['sourceId_content'])) {
             $v['sourceId_content'] = parse_weibo_mobile_content($v['sourceId_content']['content']);
         $v['sourceId_repost_count'] = D('Weibo')->where(array('status' => 1, 'id' => $v['sourceId']))->field('repost_count')->find();
         $v['sourceId_from'] = D('Weibo')->where(array('status' => 1, 'id' => $v['sourceId']))->field('from')->find();
         if (empty($v['sourceId_from']['from'])) {
             $v['sourceId_from'] = "网站端";
         } else {
             $v['sourceId_from'] = "手机网页版";
         $v['sourceId_img'] = D('Weibo')->where(array('status' => 1, 'id' => $v['sourceId']))->field('data')->find();
         $v['sourceId_img'] = unserialize($v['sourceId_img']['data']);
         $v['sourceId_img'] = explode(',', $v['sourceId_img']['attach_ids']);
         foreach ($v['sourceId_img'] as &$b) {
             $v['sourceId_img_path'][] = getThumbImageById($b, 100, 100);
             $bi = M('Picture')->where(array('status' => 1))->getById($b);
             if (!is_bool(strpos($bi['path'], 'http://'))) {
                 $v['sourceId_img_big'][] = $bi['path'];
             } else {
                 $v['sourceId_img_big'][] = getRootUrl() . substr($bi['path'], 1);
         $v['cover_url'] = explode(',', $v['data']['attach_ids']);
         foreach ($v['cover_url'] as &$a) {
             $v['img_path'][] = getThumbImageById($a, 100, 100);
             $bi = M('Picture')->where(array('status' => 1))->getById($b);
             if (!is_bool(strpos($bi['path'], 'http://'))) {
                 $v['sourceId_img_big'][] = $bi['path'];
             } else {
                 $v['sourceId_img_big'][] = getRootUrl() . substr($bi['path'], 1);
         if (in_array($v['id'], $is_zan)) {
             $v['is_support'] = '1';
         } else {
             $v['is_support'] = '0';
         if (empty($v['data']['attach_ids'])) {
             $v['is_img'] = '0';
         } else {
             $v['is_img'] = '1';
         if (empty($v['sourceId_img']['0'])) {
             $v['sourceId_is_img'] = '0';
         } else {
             $v['sourceId_is_img'] = '1';
     if ($weibo) {
         $data['html'] = "";
         foreach ($weibo as $val) {
             $this->assign("vl", $val);
             $data['html'] .= $this->fetch("_weibolist");
             $data['status'] = 1;
     } else {
         $data['stutus'] = 0;
Esempio n. 6
 public function addmoreWeibo()
     $aPage = I('', 1, 'op_t');
     $aCount = I('post.count', 10, 'op_t');
     $uid = I('post.uid', '', 'op_t');
     $weibo = D('Weibo')->where(array('status' => 1, 'uid' => $uid))->order('create_time desc')->page($aPage, $aCount)->select();
     $support['appname'] = 'Weibo';
     $support['table'] = 'weibo';
     $support['uid'] = is_login();
     $is_zan = D('Support')->where($support)->select();
     $is_zan = array_column($is_zan, 'row');
     foreach ($weibo as &$v) {
         $v['user'] = query_user(array('nickname', 'avatar64', 'space_mob_url'), $v['uid']);
         $v['rand_title'] = mob_get_head_title($v['uid']);
         $v['support'] = D('Support')->where(array('appname' => 'Weibo', 'table' => 'weibo', 'row' => $v['id']))->count();
         $v['content'] = parse_weibo_mobile_content($v['content']);
         if (empty($v['from'])) {
             $v['from'] = "网站端";
         $v['data'] = unserialize($v['data']);
         if ($v['data']['sourceId']) {
             $v['sourceId'] = $v['data']['sourceId'];
             $v['is_sourceId'] = '1';
         } else {
             $v['sourceId'] = $v['id'];
             $v['is_sourceId'] = '0';
         $v['sourceId_user'] = D('Weibo')->where(array('status' => 1, 'id' => $v['sourceId']))->find();
         $v['sourceId_user'] = $v['sourceId_user']['uid'];
         $v['sourceId_user'] = query_user(array('nickname', 'space_mob_url'), $v['sourceId_user']);
         $v['sourceId_content'] = D('Weibo')->where(array('status' => 1, 'id' => $v['sourceId']))->field('content')->find();
         $v['sourceId_content'] = parse_weibo_mobile_content($v['sourceId_content']['content']);
         $v['sourceId_repost_count'] = D('Weibo')->where(array('status' => 1, 'id' => $v['sourceId']))->field('repost_count')->find();
         $v['sourceId_from'] = D('Weibo')->where(array('status' => 1, 'id' => $v['sourceId']))->field('from')->find();
         if (empty($v['sourceId_from']['from'])) {
             $v['sourceId_from'] = "网站端";
         } else {
             $v['sourceId_from'] = "手机网页版";
         $v['sourceId_img'] = D('Weibo')->where(array('status' => 1, 'id' => $v['sourceId']))->field('data')->find();
         $v['sourceId_img'] = unserialize($v['sourceId_img']['data']);
         $v['sourceId_img'] = explode(',', $v['sourceId_img']['attach_ids']);
         foreach ($v['sourceId_img'] as &$b) {
             $v['sourceId_img_path'][] = getThumbImageById($b, 100, 100);
             $bi = M('Picture')->where(array('status' => 1))->getById($b);
             if (!is_bool(strpos($bi['path'], 'http://'))) {
                 $v['sourceId_img_big'][] = $bi['path'];
             } else {
                 $v['sourceId_img_big'][] = getRootUrl() . substr($bi['path'], 1);
         $v['cover_url'] = explode(',', $v['data']['attach_ids']);
         foreach ($v['cover_url'] as &$a) {
             $v['img_path'][] = getThumbImageById($a, 100, 100);
             $bi = M('Picture')->where(array('status' => 1))->getById($b);
             if (!is_bool(strpos($bi['path'], 'http://'))) {
                 $v['sourceId_img_big'][] = $bi['path'];
             } else {
                 $v['sourceId_img_big'][] = getRootUrl() . substr($bi['path'], 1);
         if (in_array($v['id'], $is_zan)) {
             $v['is_support'] = '1';
         } else {
             $v['is_support'] = '0';
         if (empty($v['data']['attach_ids'])) {
             $v['is_img'] = '0';
         } else {
             $v['is_img'] = '1';
         if (empty($v['sourceId_img']['0'])) {
             $v['sourceId_is_img'] = '0';
         } else {
             $v['sourceId_is_img'] = '1';
     if ($weibo) {
         $data['html'] = "";
         foreach ($weibo as $val) {
             $this->assign("vo", $val);
             $data['html'] .= $this->fetch("_myweibo");
             $data['status'] = 1;
     } else {
         $data['stutus'] = 0;
 public function addMoreBlogComment()
     $aPage = I('', 0, 'op_t');
     $aCount = I('post.count', 10, 'op_t');
     $aId = I('', '', 'op_t');
     $blog_comment = M('LocalComment')->where(array('app' => 'News', 'mod' => 'index', 'status' => 1, 'row_id' => $aId))->order('create_time desc')->page($aPage, $aCount)->select();
     foreach ($blog_comment as &$v) {
         $v['user'] = query_user(array('nickname', 'avatar32', 'uid'), $v['uid']);
         $v['cover_url'] = getThumbImageById($v['cover']);
         $v['content'] = parse_weibo_mobile_content($v['content']);
     if ($blog_comment) {
         $data['html'] = "";
         foreach ($blog_comment as $val) {
             $this->assign("vl", $val);
             $data['html'] .= $this->fetch("_blogcomment");
             $data['status'] = 1;
     } else {
         $data['stutus'] = 0;
  * 增加评论实现
 public function doAddComment()
     if (!is_login()) {
         $this->error('请您先登录', U('Mob/index/index'), 1);
     $aContent = I('post.weibocontent', '', 'op_t');
     $aWeiboId = I('post.weiboId', 0, 'intval');
     if (empty($aContent)) {
     $this->checkAuth('Weibo/Index/doComment', -1, '您无微博评论权限。');
     $return = check_action_limit('add_weibo_comment', 'weibo_comment', 0, is_login(), true);
     if ($return && !$return['state']) {
     $new_id = send_comment($aWeiboId, $aContent);
     $weibocomment = D('WeiboComment')->where(array('status' => 1, 'id' => $new_id))->order('create_time desc')->select();
     foreach ($weibocomment as &$k) {
         $k['user'] = query_user(array('nickname', 'avatar32'), $k['uid']);
         $k['content'] = parse_weibo_mobile_content($k['content']);
     if ($weibocomment) {
         $data['html'] = "";
         foreach ($weibocomment as $val) {
             $this->assign("vl", $val);
             $data['html'] .= $this->fetch("_weibocomment");
             $data['status'] = 1;
     } else {
         $data['stutus'] = 0;