Esempio n. 1
function sectionYTShortcode($atts = null, $content = null)
    $atts = ytshortcode_atts(array('background' => '#ffffff', 'image' => '', 'repeat' => 'repeat', 'parallax' => 'yes', 'speed' => '10', 'max_width' => '960', 'margin' => '0px 0px 0px 0px', 'padding' => '30px 0px 30px 0px', 'border' => 'none', 'color' => '#333333', 'text_align' => 'inharit', 'text_shadow' => 'none', 'url_youtube' => '', 'url_webm' => '', 'url_vimeo' => '', 'font_size' => '12px', 'class' => ''), $atts, 'section');
    $id_section = uniqid('sec_') . rand() . time();
    $id_video = uniqid('svb_sec_') . rand() . time();
    $background = $atts['image'] ? sprintf('%s %s url(\'%s\') repeat %s', $atts['background'], '50% 0', yt_image_media($atts['image']), $atts['parallax'] === 'yes' ? 'fixed' : 'scroll') : $atts['background'];
    if ($atts['image'] && $atts['parallax'] === 'yes') {
        $atts['class'] .= ' yt-section-parallax';
    if ($atts['url_youtube']) {
        $atts['class'] .= ' yt-panel-clickable';
    if ($atts['image'] && $atts['parallax'] === 'yes' or $atts['url_youtube']) {
        JHtml::script(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/shortcodes/section/js/section.js");
    JHtml::script(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/shortcodes/section/js/");
    JHtml::script(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/shortcodes/section/js/swfobject.js");
    JHtml::script(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/shortcodes/section/js/video_background.js");
    JHtml::stylesheet(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/shortcodes/section/css/section.css", 'text/css');
    $atts['text_align'] = $atts['text_align'] != 'inherit' ? 'text-align:' . $atts['text_align'] . ';' : '';
    $atts['text_shadow'] = $atts['text_shadow'] ? ' -webkit-text-shadow:' . $atts['text_shadow'] . ';-moz-text-shadow:' . $atts['text_shadow'] . ';text-shadow:' . $atts['text_shadow'] . ';' : '';
    if ($atts['url_youtube'] != '') {
        return '<div class="yt-section-forcefullwidth"><div id="' . $id_section . '" class="yt-section-wrapper" data-id="' . $id_section . '"><div class="yt-section ' . trim($atts['class']) . ' " data-speed="' . $atts['speed'] . '" style="background:' . $background . ';margin:' . $atts['margin'] . ';padding:' . $atts['padding'] . ';border-top:' . $atts['border'] . ';border-bottom:' . $atts['border'] . '"><div class="yt-section-content yt-content-wrap" style="max-width:' . $atts['max_width'] . 'px; ' . $atts['text_align'] . ' color:' . $atts['color'] . ';' . $atts['text_shadow'] . ' font-size:' . $atts['font_size'] . '">' . parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br />", "<p></p>"), " ", $content)) . '</div><div class="yt-section-overlay"></div><div class="yt-section-video" id="' . $id_video . '" data-id="' . $id_video . '" data-loop="true" data-muted="true" data-autoplay="true" data-ratio="1.77" data-overlay="" data-swfpath=""  data-youtube="' . $atts['url_youtube'] . '"><div id="video_background_video_1" style="z-index: 0; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px; overflow: hidden;"></div></div></div></div></div>';
    } else {
        if ($atts['url_webm'] != '') {
            return '<div class="yt-section-forcefullwidth"><div id="' . $id_section . '" class="yt-section-wrapper" data-id="' . $id_section . '"><div class="yt-section ' . trim($atts['class']) . ' " data-speed="' . $atts['speed'] . '" style="background:' . $background . ';margin:' . $atts['margin'] . ';padding:' . $atts['padding'] . ';border-top:' . $atts['border'] . ';border-bottom:' . $atts['border'] . '"><div class="yt-section-content yt-content-wrap" style="max-width:' . $atts['max_width'] . 'px; ' . $atts['text_align'] . ' color:' . $atts['color'] . ';' . $atts['text_shadow'] . ' font-size:' . $atts['font_size'] . '">' . parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br />"), " ", $content)) . '</div><div class="yt-section-overlay"></div><div class="yt-section-video" id="' . $id_video . '" data-id="' . $id_video . '" data-loop="true" data-muted="true" data-autoplay="true" data-ratio="1.77" data-overlay="" data-swfpath=""  data-webm="' . $atts['url_webm'] . '"><div id="video_background_video_1" style="z-index: 0; position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px; right: 0px; bottom: 0px; overflow: hidden;"><video  autoplay="" loop="" onended=""><source src="' . $atts['url_webm'] . '" type="video/webm"></video></div></div></div></div></div>';
        } else {
            return '<div class="yt-section ' . trim($atts['class']) . ' " data-speed="' . $atts['speed'] . '" style="background:' . $background . ';margin:' . $atts['margin'] . ';padding:' . $atts['padding'] . ';border-top:' . $atts['border'] . ';border-bottom:' . $atts['border'] . '"><div class="yt-section-content yt-content-wrap" style="max-width:' . $atts['max_width'] . 'px; ' . $atts['text_align'] . ' color:' . $atts['color'] . ';' . $atts['text_shadow'] . ' font-size:' . $atts['font_size'] . '">' . parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br />", "<p></p>"), " ", $content)) . '</div></div>';
Esempio n. 2
function accordion_itemYTShortcode($atts, $content = null)
    global $style_acc;
    extract(ytshortcode_atts(array("title" => '', "icon" => 'plus', 'background' => '#fff', "color_title" => '#333', "color_desc" => '#333', "width" => '100', "height" => '100%', "active" => '', "border_color" => '', "icon_color" => '#ccc', "icon_size" => '16', "background_active" => '#fff', "color_active" => '#4e9e31'), $atts));
    $id = uniqid('yt_acc_item_') . rand() . time();
    $css = '';
    $icon_color = $icon_color ? 'color:' . $icon_color . ';' : '';
    $icon_size_ = $icon_size ? 'font-size: ' . intval($icon_size) . 'px;' : '';
    $style = $style_acc == 'border' ? 'border:1px solid ' . $border_color : '';
    $acc_item = "<li class='yt-accordion-group' id='" . $id . "' style='" . $style . "'>";
    $active = $active == "yes" ? 'enable' : 'disable';
    $acc_item .= "<h3 class='accordion-heading " . $active . "'";
    $acc_item .= " style='background:" . $background . "; box-shadow: 0px 1px 0px " . $background . " inset ; color:" . $color_title . ";font-size:" . $icon_size . "px'>";
    if ($icon != '') {
        if (strpos($icon, 'icon:') !== false) {
            $acc_item .= "<i class='icon_accordion fa fa-" . trim(str_replace('icon:', '', $icon)) . "'></i> ";
            if ($icon_color or $icon_size) {
                $css .= '#' . $id . ' .icon_accordion {' . $icon_color . $icon_size_ . '}';
        } else {
            $acc_item .= '<img src="' . yt_image_media($icon) . '" style="width:' . $icon_size . 'px" alt="" /> ';
    $acc_item .= ' ' . $title . "</h3>";
    $acc_item .= "<div class='yt-accordion-inner' style='background:" . $background . ";color:" . $color_desc . ";border-color:" . $color_title . "'>" . parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br>", "<br />"), " ", $content)) . "</div>";
    $acc_item .= "</li>";
    $doc = JFactory::getDocument();
    return $acc_item;
Esempio n. 3
function notificationYTShortcode($atts = null, $content = null)
    $atts = ytshortcode_atts(array('effect' => 1, 'button_text' => 'Open notification', 'button_class' => '', 'close_button' => '', 'title' => 'notification Title', 'title_background' => 'rgba(0,0,0,0.1)', 'title_color' => '#222222', 'background' => '#ffffff', 'color' => '#666666', 'border' => 'none', 'shadow' => '0 solid #000000', 'width' => '640px', 'height' => 'auto', 'overlay_background' => '#000', 'class' => ''), $atts, 'notification');
    $id = uniqid('ytmodal_') . rand() . time();
    $id_over = uniqid() . rand() . time();
    JHtml::stylesheet(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/shortcodes/notification/css/notification.css", 'text/css');
    JHtml::script(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/shortcodes/notification/js/notification.js");
    $css = '
          #' . $id . ' .yt-modal-content-wrapper { height: ' . $atts['height'] . '; width: ' . $atts['width'] . '; background: ' . $atts['background'] . '; color: ' . $atts['color'] . '; border: ' . $atts['border'] . '; box-shadow: ' . $atts['shadow'] . '; }
          #' . $id . ' .yt-modal-title-wrapper { background: ' . $atts['title_background'] . '; }
          #' . $id . ' .yt-modal-title-wrapper h3 { color: ' . $atts['title_color'] . '; }
    $doc = JFactory::getDocument();
    $overlay_style = 'style=" background-color: ' . $atts['overlay_background'] . ';"';
    $close_button = $atts['close_button'] === 'yes' ? '<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="yt-modal-close"><i class="fa fa-remove"></i></a>' : '';
    $return = '<div class="yt-modal-wrapper">';
    $return .= '<a href="javascript:void(0);" class="yt-modal-trigger ' . $atts['button_class'] . '" data-modal="' . $id . '">' . $atts['button_text'] . '</a>';
    $return .= '<div class="yt-modal yt-modal-effect-' . $atts['effect'] . '" id="' . $id . '">
            <div class="yt-modal-content-wrapper">';
    $return .= '<div class="yt-modal-title-wrapper">';
    $return .= '<h3>' . $atts['title'] . '</h3>';
    $return .= $close_button;
    $return .= '</div>';
    $return .= '<div class="yt-content">';
    $return .= parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br />", "<p></p>"), " ", $content));
    $return .= '</div>
        <div class="yt-modal-overlay ' . $id . '" ' . $overlay_style . '></div>';
    $return .= '</div>';
    return $return;
Esempio n. 4
function masonryYTShortcode($atts = null, $content = null)
    $atts = ytshortcode_atts(array('id_masonry' => '', 'gutter' => null, 'rtl' => 'no'), $atts, 'yt_masonry');
    global $intense_masonry_gutter;
    $intense_masonry_gutter = $atts['gutter'];
    if (empty($intense_masonry_gutter)) {
        $intense_masonry_gutter = '0';
    if (empty($id_masonry)) {
        $id_masonry = rand();
    // intense_add_script( 'packery' );
    JHtml::script(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/shortcodes/masonry/js/masonry.js");
    JHtml::stylesheet(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/shortcodes/masonry/css/masonry.css", 'text/css');
    $init_script = '<script>
			function intenseInitMasonry() {
				var $ = jQuery;
					var $container = $(".intense.masonry");
					  itemSelector: ".item",
					  gutter: 0,
					  isOriginLeft: ' . ($atts['rtl'] == "no" ? 'false' : 'true') . '
				return $container;
			jQuery(function($){ $(window).load(function() {
				setTimeout(intenseInitMasonry, 250);
            }); });</script>';
    return $init_script . '<div id="' . $id_masonry . '" class="intense masonry' . (!empty($class) ? ' ' . $class : '') . '" style="position: relative;">' . parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br />"), " ", $content)) . '</div><div class="clearfix"></div>';
Esempio n. 5
function blockquoteYTShortcode($atts, $content = null)
    extract(ytshortcode_atts(array("title" => '', "align" => 'none', 'border' => '#666', 'color' => '#fff', 'width' => 'auto'), $atts));
    JHtml::stylesheet(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/shortcodes/blockquote/css/blockquote.css");
    $source_title = $title != '' ? "<small>" . $title . "</small>" : '';
    return '<blockquote class="yt-clearfix yt-boxquote pull-' . $align . '" style="width:' . $width . '%;border-color:' . $border . ';color:' . $color . '">' . parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br>", "<br />"), " ", $content)) . $source_title . '</blockquote>';
Esempio n. 6
function animationYTShortcode($atts, $content = null)
    $atts = ytshortcode_atts(array('type' => 'bounceIn', 'duration' => 1, 'delay' => 0, 'inline_block' => 'no', 'class' => ''), $atts, 'animation');
    $id = uniqid('yta') . rand() . time();
    $inline = $atts['inline_block'] === 'yes' ? ' display: inline-block;' : '';
    $style = array('duration' => array(), 'delay' => array());
    // CSS Prefix manage
    foreach (array('-webkit-', '-moz-', '-ms-', '-o-', '') as $vendor) {
        $style['duration'][] = $vendor . 'animation-duration:' . $atts['duration'] . 's';
        $style['delay'][] = $vendor . 'animation-delay:' . $atts['delay'] . 's';
    // Get Css in $css variable
    $css = '#' . $id . ' {visibility:hidden;' . $inline . implode(';', $style['duration']) . ';' . implode(';', $style['delay']) . '}';
    // Add CSS in head
    $doc = JFactory::getDocument();
    // Add CSS file in head
    JHtml::stylesheet(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/assets/css/animate.css");
    JHtml::script(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/assets/js/jquery.appear.js");
    JHtml::script(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/shortcodes/animation/js/animate.js");
    // Output HTML
    $output = '<div id="' . $id . '" class="yt-clearfix yt-animate " data-animation="' . $atts['type'] . '">' . parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br />", "<p></p>"), " ", $content)) . '</div>';
    return $output;
Esempio n. 7
function columnsYTShortcode($atts, $content = null)
    extract(ytshortcode_atts(array("grid" => 'no'), $atts));
    $show_grid = $grid == 'yes' ? 'show-grid' : '';
    JHtml::stylesheet(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/shortcodes/columns/css/columns.css");
    return '<div class="yt-clearfix yt-show-grid ' . $show_grid . ' ">' . parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br>", "<br />"), " ", $content)) . '</div>';
Esempio n. 8
function frameYTShortcode($atts = null, $content = null)
    $atts = ytshortcode_atts(array('style' => 'default', 'align' => 'left', 'class' => ''), $atts, 'yt_frame');
    JHtml::stylesheet(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/shortcodes/frame/css/frame.css", 'text/css');
    return '<span class="yt-frame yt-frame-align-' . $atts['align'] . ' yt-frame-style-' . $atts['style'] . '"><span class="yt-frame-inner">' . parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br>", "<br />"), " ", $content)) . '</span></span><div class="clear clearfix"></div>';
Esempio n. 9
function tabsYTShortcode($atts, $content = null)
    global $tab_array;
    global $index_tab;
    extract(ytshortcode_atts(array("style" => '', "type" => 'basic', "width" => '', "align" => '', "height" => ''), $atts));
    JHtml::stylesheet(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/shortcodes/tabs/css/tabs.css");
    parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br>", "<br />"), " ", $content));
    $tabs_style = $style != '' ? "style-" . $style : "";
    $num = count($tab_array);
    $tab = "<p><div class='yt-tabs " . $type . " " . $tabs_style . " pull-" . $align . "' style='width:" . $width . "; height:" . $height . "'><ul class='nav-tabs clearfix'>";
    for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
        $active = $i == 0 ? 'active' : '';
        $tab_id = str_replace(' ', '-', $tab_array[$i]["title"]);
        $tab .= '<li class="' . $active . '"><a href="#' . $tab_id . $index_tab . '" class="';
        //$icon = ($tab_array[$i]["icon"] !='fa fa-' ? '<i class="'.$tab_array[$i]["icon"].'"></i><br/>' : '');
        $tab .= $active . '" >' . $tab_array[$i]["icon"] . '' . $tab_array[$i]["title"] . '</a></li>';
    $tab .= "</ul>";
    $tab .= "<div class='tab-content'>";
    for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {
        $active = $i == 0 ? 'active' : '';
        $tab_id = str_replace(' ', '-', $tab_array[$i]["title"]);
        $tab = $tab . '<div id="' . $tab_id . $index_tab . '" class="clearfix ';
        $tab = $tab . $active . '" >' . $tab_array[$i]["content"] . '</div>';
    $tab .= "</div></div></p>";
    $tab_array = array();
    return $tab;
Esempio n. 10
function countdownYTShortcode($atts = null, $content = null)
    $atts = ytshortcode_atts(array('count_date' => '2020/12/25', 'count_time' => '', 'count_size' => '32', 'count_color' => '', 'background' => '#FFFFFF', 'text_align' => 'default', 'text_size' => '14', 'text_color' => '#666666', 'align' => 'left', 'padding' => '', 'margin' => '', 'border' => '0px solid #DDD', 'radius' => '', 'divider' => 'none', 'divider_color' => 'rgba(100,100,100,.1)', 'class' => ''), $atts, 'countdown');
    $id = uniqid('yt_countdown_') . rand() . time();
    $css = '';
    $js = '';
    $divider_style = '';
    if ($atts['divider'] == 'colon') {
        $divider_style = '#' . $id . ' .yt-countdown-content .yt-cd-timer > span:after { font-size: ' . round($atts['count_size'] / 2) . 'px;line-height: ' . round($atts['count_size'] / 2) . 'px; color: ' . $atts['divider_color'] . ';}';
    if ($atts['divider'] == 'vertical_line' || $atts['divider'] == 'horizontal_line') {
        $divider_style = '#' . $id . ' .yt-countdown-content .yt-cd-timer > span:after {background-color: ' . $atts['divider_color'] . ';}';
    } else {
        $divider_style = '#' . $id . ' .yt-countdown-content .yt-cd-timer > span:after { font-size: ' . $atts['count_size'] . 'px;line-height: ' . $atts['count_size'] . 'px; color: ' . $atts['divider_color'] . ';}';
    if ($atts['margin'] or $atts['padding'] or $atts['radius'] or $atts['border'] or $atts['background']) {
        $margin = $atts['margin'] ? 'margin: ' . $atts['margin'] . ';' : '';
        $padding = $atts['padding'] ? 'padding: ' . $atts['padding'] . ';' : '';
        $radius = $atts['radius'] ? 'border-radius: ' . $atts['radius'] . ';' : '';
        $border = $atts['border'] ? 'border: ' . $atts['border'] . ';' : '';
        $background = $atts['background'] ? 'background-color: ' . $atts['background'] . ';' : '';
        $css .= '#' . $id . ' {' . $margin . $padding . $radius . $border . $background . '}';
    $count_color = $atts['count_color'] ? 'color: ' . $atts['count_color'] . ';' : '';
    $css .= '#' . $id . '  .yt-cd-timer > span span[class*="text"] { color: ' . $atts['text_color'] . '; font-size: ' . $atts['text_size'] . 'px; }
			      #' . $id . '  .yt-cd-timer span > span { font-size: ' . $atts['count_size'] . 'px; line-height: ' . $atts['count_size'] . 'px; ' . $count_color . '}
			     ' . $divider_style . '
    $message = '';
    $countdown = $atts['count_date'];
    $countdown .= $atts['count_time'] ? ' ' . $atts['count_time'] : '';
    if (isset($content)) {
        $message = '.on("finish.countdown", function(event) {
                   .html("' . parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br>", "<br />", "<p>", "</p>"), " ", $content)) . '");
    $js .= '
            jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
               $("#' . $id . ' .yt-cd-timer").countdown("' . $countdown . '").on("update.countdown", function(event) {
                   var $this = $(this).html(event.strftime(
                       "<span class=\'yt-cd-day\'><span class=\'yt-cd-day-data\'>%-D</span> <span class=\'yt-cd-day-text\'>DAY</span></span> "
                     + "<span class=\'yt-cd-hour\'><span class=\'yt-cd-hour-data\'>%H</span> <span class=\'yt-cd-hour-text\'>HOUR</span></span> "
                     + "<span class=\'yt-cd-minute\'><span class=\'yt-cd-minute-data\'>%M</span> <span class=\'yt-cd-minute-text\'>MIN</span></span> "
                     + "<span class=\'yt-cd-second\'><span class=\'yt-cd-second-data\'>%S</span> <span class=\'yt-cd-second-text\'>SEC</span></span>"));
                })' . $message . ';
    JHtml::stylesheet(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/shortcodes/countdown/css/countdown.css", 'text/css');
    JHtml::script(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/shortcodes/countdown/js/jquery.countdown.js");
    $doc = JFactory::getDocument();
    return '<div id="' . $id . '" class="yt-countdown-wrapper clearfix yt-countdown-' . $atts['align'] . ' yt-cd-divider-' . $atts['divider'] . ' yt-countdown-text-' . $atts['text_align'] . '">
            <div class="yt-countdown-content">
                <div class="yt-cd-timer"></div>
Esempio n. 11
function galleryYTShortcode($atts, $content = null)
    global $gwidth, $gheight, $gcolumns, $galleryArray, $cation_gallery, $border_gallery, $padding_item, $id_uniq, $hover_gallery;
    $gwidth = 100;
    $gheight = 100;
    JHtml::script(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/assets/js/jquery.prettyPhoto.js");
    JHtml::stylesheet(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/shortcodes/gallery/css/gallery.css");
    extract(ytshortcode_atts(array("title" => '', "width" => 100, "height" => 100, "columns" => 3, "align" => 'center', "caption" => '0', "border" => '0px solid #4e9e41', "border_size" => '0px', "border_color" => '#4e9e41', "border_style" => 'solid', "padding" => '0px', "hover" => '1'), $atts));
    //$border_gallery = ($border_size =='0px') ? '' : "border:".$border_size." ".$border_style." #4e9e41;";
    $border_gallery = "border: " . $border . "";
    switch ($caption) {
        case '1':
            $cation_gallery = 'caption_gallery_1';
        case '2':
            $cation_gallery = 'caption_gallery_2';
            $cation_gallery = '';
    $hover_gallery = $hover;
    $padding_item = $padding == '0px' ? '' : "padding:" . $padding . "";
    $id_uniq = uniqid("yt") . rand() . time();
    $gwidth = $width;
    $gheight = $height;
    $gcolumns = $columns;
    $gallery = '';
    $galleryArray = array();
    $tags = array();
    $tags = '';
    foreach ($galleryArray as $key => $item) {
        $tags .= ',' . strtolower($item['tag']);
    $tags = ltrim($tags, ',');
    $tags = explode(',', $tags);
    $newtags = array();
    foreach ($tags as $tag) {
        $newtags[] = trim($tag);
    $tags = array_values(array_unique($newtags));
    if ($align != '') {
        $align = 'pull-' . $align;
    } else {
        $align = '';
    $gallery .= '<div class="yt-gallery clearfix ' . $align . '" style="margin:0 auto">';
    $gallery .= '<div class = "yt-gallery-tabbed" style="display:table; margin-bottom:10px;">';
    $gallery .= '<ul class="tabnav">';
    $gallery .= '<li class="showall active ' . $id_uniq . '"><span >Show all</span></li>';
    foreach ($tags as $tag) {
        $gallery .= '<li id=' . trim($tag) . $id_uniq . ' class="' . $id_uniq . '"><span>' . ucfirst(trim($tag)) . '</span></li>';
    $gallery .= '</ul>';
    $gallery .= '</div>';
    $gallery .= '<ul class="gallery-list clearfix">' . parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br>", "<br />", "<p>", "</p>"), " ", $content)) . '</ul>';
    $gallery .= '</div>';
    return $gallery;
Esempio n. 12
function BoxYTShortcode($atts = null, $content = null)
    $atts = ytshortcode_atts(array('style' => 'default', 'title' => 'Box Title', 'title_color' => '#FFFFFF', 'box_color' => '#333333', 'color' => null, 'radius' => '', 'class' => ''), $atts, 'box');
    // Initioal Variables
    $id = uniqid('yt_box_') . rand() . time();
    $radius = '';
    $css = '';
    // Color Manage
    if ($atts['color'] !== null) {
        $atts['box_color'] = $atts['color'];
    // Radius Manage
    if ($atts['radius']) {
        $radius = $atts['radius'] != '0' ? 'border-radius:' . $atts['radius'] . 'px;' : '';
    // Get Css in $css variable
    $css .= '#' . $id . '{' . $radius . 'border-color:' . $atts['box_color'] . ';} #' . $id . ' .yt-box-title { background-color:' . $atts['box_color'] . ';color:' . $atts['title_color'] . ';}';
    // Add CSS in head
    $doc = JFactory::getDocument();
    JHtml::stylesheet(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/shortcodes/box/css/box.css");
    // Output HTML
    $return = '<div id="' . $id . '" class="yt-clearfix yt-box yt-box-style-' . $atts['style'] . '">
                    <div class="yt-box-title">' . $atts['title'] . '
                    <div class="yt-box-content yt-clearfix">' . parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br>", "<br />", "<p>", "</p>"), " ", $content)) . '</div>
    return $return;
Esempio n. 13
function toggle_boxYTShortcode($atts, $content = null)
    extract(ytshortcode_atts(array("width" => '', "align" => '', "height" => ''), $atts));
    $toggle_box = "<ul class='yt-toggle-box pull-" . $align . "' style='width:" . $width . "' >";
    $toggle_box = $toggle_box . parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br>", "<br />"), " ", $content));
    $toggle_box = $toggle_box . "</ul>";
    JHtml::stylesheet(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/shortcodes/toggle_box/css/toggle_box.css");
    return $toggle_box;
Esempio n. 14
function pricing_tablesYTShortcode($atts, $content = null)
    global $pcolumns, $type;
    extract(ytshortcode_atts(array("columns" => '3', "width" => '100%', "style" => '', "type" => ''), $atts));
    $pcolumns = $columns;
    $class = 'yt-pricing block col-' . $columns . ' pricing-' . $style;
    JHtml::stylesheet(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/shortcodes/pricing_tables/css/pricingtable.css", 'text/css', "screen");
    return '<div class="' . $class . '"  style="width:' . $width . ';" >' . parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br>", "<br />"), " ", $content)) . '</div>';
Esempio n. 15
function highlightYTShortcode($atts = null, $content = null)
    $atts = ytshortcode_atts(array('background' => '#ddff99', 'bg' => null, 'color' => '#000000', 'size' => '14', 'class' => ''), $atts, 'highlight');
    if ($atts['bg'] !== null) {
        $atts['background'] = $atts['bg'];
    JHtml::stylesheet(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/shortcodes/highlight/css/highlight.css", 'text/css');
    return '<span class="yt-highlight' . trim($atts['class']) . '" style="background:' . $atts['background'] . ';color:' . $atts['color'] . '; font-size:' . $atts['size'] . 'px; line-height:' . $atts['size'] . 'px">&nbsp;' . parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br />", "<p></p>"), " ", $content)) . '&nbsp;</span>';
Esempio n. 16
function skillsYTShortcode($atts, $content = null)
    global $no_number;
    extract(ytshortcode_atts(array("width" => '', 'no_number' => ''), $atts));
    $skills = '<div class="yt-skills" style="width:' . $width . '">';
    $skills .= parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br>", "<br />"), " ", $content));
    $skills .= '</div>';
    JHtml::stylesheet(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/shortcodes/skills/css/skills.css");
    return $skills;
Esempio n. 17
function blurYTShortcode($atts, $content = null)
    extract(ytshortcode_atts(array("blur" => '1', "hover_blur" => '0.1'), $atts));
    $class = uniqid('yt_blur_') . rand() . time();
    $css = '.' . $class . ' {-webkit-filter: blur(' . $blur . 'px); -moz-filter: blur(' . $blur . 'px); -o-filter: blur(' . $blur . 'px); -ms-filter: blur(' . $blur . 'px); filter: blur(' . $blur . 'px);}
				.' . $class . ':hover{-webkit-filter: blur(' . $hover_blur . 'px); -moz-filter: blur(' . $hover_blur . 'px); -o-filter: blur(' . $hover_blur . 'px); -ms-filter: blur(' . $hover_blur . 'px); filter: blur(' . $hover_blur . 'px);}';
    $doc = JFactory::getDocument();
    return '<div class="yt-clearfix ' . $class . '" >	' . parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br />", "<p></p>"), " ", $content)) . '</div> ';
Esempio n. 18
function content_slider_itemYTShortcode($atts, $content = null)
    extract(ytshortcode_atts(array('class' => '', 'src' => '', 'caption' => 'no'), $atts));
    $image = $src != '' ? '<img src=' . JURI::base() . $src . ' alt=' . uniqid("title_") . rand() . time() . '>' : '';
    if ($caption == "yes") {
        return '<div class="yt-content-slide yt-clearfix yt-content-wrap' . $class . '"> ' . $image . ' <p class="caption">' . parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br>", "<br />"), " ", $content)) . '</p></div>';
    } else {
        return '<div class="yt-content-slide yt-clearfix yt-content-wrap' . $class . '"> ' . $image . ' ' . parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br>", "<br />"), " ", $content)) . '</div>';
Esempio n. 19
function list_styleYTShortcode($atts, $content = null)
    extract(ytshortcode_atts(array("type" => 'check', "color" => ''), $atts));
    if ($color != '') {
        global $list_color;
        $list_color = $color;
    $color = $color != '' ? 'color:' . $color : "";
    JHtml::stylesheet(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/shortcodes/list_style/css/list_style.css");
    return '<ul class="yt-list type-' . $type . '" style="' . $color . '">' . parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br>", "<br />"), " ", $content)) . '</ul>';
Esempio n. 20
function flip_boxYTShortcode($atts, $content = null)
    $atts = ytshortcode_atts(array('animation_style' => 'horizontal_flip_left', 'width' => '100', 'class' => '', 'radius' => ''), $atts, 'flip_box');
    // Add style
    JHtml::stylesheet(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/shortcodes/flip_box/css/flip-box.css", 'text/css', "screen");
    $return = '
        <div class="flip-box-wrap' . $atts['class'] . '" style="width:' . $atts['width'] . '%; border-radius:' . $atts['radius'] . 'px"><div class="yt-flip-box ' . $atts['animation_style'] . '">
            ' . parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br />", "<p></p>"), " ", $content)) . '<div style="clear:both;height:0"></div>
    return $return;
Esempio n. 21
function message_boxYTShortcode($atts, $content = null)
    extract(ytshortcode_atts(array("title" => '', "type" => 'error', "close" => "Yes"), $atts));
    $message_box = '<div class="alert alert-' . $type . ' fade in">';
    $message_box .= $close == "Yes" || $close == "yes" ? '<button data-dismiss="alert" class="close" type="button"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></button>' : "";
    $message_title = !empty($title) && $title != null ? '<h3 class="alert-heading">' . $title . '</h3>' : "";
    $message_box = $message_box . $message_title;
    $message_box = $message_box . '<div class="alert-content">' . parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br>", "<br />"), " ", $content)) . '</div>';
    $message_box = $message_box . '</div>';
    return $message_box;
Esempio n. 22
function points_itemYTShortcode($atts, $content = null)
    global $no_number;
    //set these positions of interest points according to your product image
    extract(ytshortcode_atts(array("x" => '', "y" => '', "position" => ''), $atts));
    $points_item = "<li class='yt-single-point' style='top:" . $y . "%; left: " . $x . "%; list-style:none'>";
    $points_item .= "<a class='yt-img-replace' href='#0'>More</a>";
    $points_item .= "<div class='yt-more-info yt-" . $position . "'>";
    $points_item .= parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br>", "<br />"), " ", $content));
    $points_item .= "<a href='#0' class='yt-close-info yt-img-replace'>Close</a></div> </li>";
    return $points_item;
Esempio n. 23
 public function onContentPrepare($context, &$article, &$params, $page = 0)
     $param = new stdClass();
     $param->api_key = $this->params->get('google_map_api_key');
     $param->width = $this->params->get('google_map_width', '400');
     $param->height = $this->params->get('google_map_height', '400');
     $param->zoom = $this->params->get('google_map_zoom', '15');
     $is_mod = 1;
     $plugin = new Plugin_googleMaps($article, $param, $is_mod);
     $article->text = parse_shortcode($article->text);
     return true;
Esempio n. 24
function url_underlineYTShortcode($atts, $content = null)
    extract(ytshortcode_atts(array("href" => '#', "border" => '', "background" => '#fff', "color" => '#000', "font_size" => '14px', "align" => 'none', "padding" => '0px', "color_hover" => ''), $atts));
    $id = uniqid() . rand() . time();
    $css = '.url_underline:hover{text-decoration:underline; border-bottom:none !important; color:' . $color . '}
			.url_underline.pull-none{ margin:0 auto; display:inline-block}
			.url_underline.pull-left{ margin:0 0 0 0px}
			.url_underline.pull-right{ margin:0 0px}
    $doc = JFactory::getDocument();
    return "<a class='url_underline pull-" . $align . "' id='" . $id . "' href='" . $href . "' style='border-bottom:" . $border . "; background:" . $background . "; padding-bottom:" . $padding . "; color:" . $color . "; font-size:" . $font_size . ";'> " . parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br />", "<p></p>"), " ", $content)) . " </a> ";
Esempio n. 25
function content_slider_itemYTShortcode($atts, $content = null)
    extract(ytshortcode_atts(array('class' => '', 'src' => '', 'caption' => 'no', 'link' => ''), $atts));
    $image = $src != '' ? '<img src=' . JURI::base() . $src . ' alt=' . uniqid("title_") . rand() . time() . '>' : 'plugins/system/ytshortcodes/assets/images/URL_IMAGES.png';
    if ($link != '') {
        $image = '<a href="' . $link . '" title="" target="brank">' . $image . '</a>';
    if ($caption == "yes") {
        return '<div class="yt-content-slide yt-clearfix yt-content-wrap' . $class . '"> ' . $image . ' <div class="caption">' . parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br>", "<br />"), " ", $content)) . '</div></div>';
    } else {
        return '<div class="yt-content-slide yt-clearfix yt-content-wrap' . $class . '"> ' . $image . ' ' . parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br>", "<br />"), " ", $content)) . '</div>';
Esempio n. 26
function tabs_itemYTShortcode($atts, $content = null)
    extract(ytshortcode_atts(array("title" => '', "icon" => ''), $atts));
    global $tab_array;
    if ($icon != '') {
        if (strpos($icon, 'icon:') !== false) {
            $icon = "<i class='fa fa-" . trim(str_replace('icon:', '', $icon)) . "'></i> ";
        } else {
            $icon = '<img src="' . yt_image_media($icon) . '" style="width:16px" alt="" /> ';
    $tab_array[] = array("title" => $title, "icon" => $icon, "content" => parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br>", "<br />"), " ", $content)));
Esempio n. 27
function flip_backYTShortcode($atts = null, $content = null)
    $atts = ytshortcode_atts(array('background' => '#4e9e41', 'color' => '#fff', 'border' => 'none', 'shadow' => 'none', 'radius' => '0px', 'text_align' => 'center', 'padding' => '15px', 'class' => ''), $atts, 'flip_back');
    return '<div class="back-flip_box ' . trim($atts['class']) . '"
       style="background-color:' . $atts['background'] . ';
       color:' . $atts['color'] . ';
       border:' . $atts['border'] . ';
       box-shadow:' . $atts['shadow'] . ';
       border-radius:' . $atts['radius'] . ';
       text-align:' . $atts['text_align'] . ';
       padding:' . $atts['padding'] . ';

         ">' . parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br />"), " ", $content)) . '</div>';
Esempio n. 28
function memberYTShortcode($atts = null, $content = null)
    $atts = ytshortcode_atts(array('style' => '1', 'background' => '#ffffff', 'color' => '#333333', 'shadow' => '', 'border' => '1px solid #cccccc', 'radius' => '0', 'text_align' => 'left', 'photo' => '', 'name' => 'John Doe', 'role' => 'Designer', 'icon_1' => '', 'icon_1_url' => '', 'icon_1_color' => '#444444', 'icon_1_title' => '', 'icon_2' => '', 'icon_2_url' => '', 'icon_2_color' => '#444444', 'icon_2_title' => '', 'icon_3' => '', 'icon_3_url' => '', 'icon_3_color' => '#444444', 'icon_3_title' => '', 'icon_4' => '', 'icon_4_url' => '', 'icon_4_color' => '#444444', 'icon_4_title' => '', 'icon_5' => '', 'icon_5_url' => '', 'icon_5_color' => '#444444', 'icon_5_title' => '', 'icon_6' => '', 'icon_6_url' => '', 'icon_6_color' => '#444444', 'icon_6_title' => '', 'url' => '', 'class' => ''), $atts, 'yt_member');
    $icons = array();
    $id = uniqid('ytm') . rand() . time();
    $css = '';
    $box_shadow = $atts['shadow'] ? 'box-shadow:' . $atts['shadow'] . '; -webkit-box-shadow:' . $atts['shadow'] . ';' : '';
    $radius = $atts['radius'] ? 'border-radius:' . $atts['radius'] . ';' : '';
    $css .= '#' . $id . '.yt-member {background-color:' . $atts['background'] . '; color:' . $atts['color'] . '; border:' . $atts['border'] . ';' . $radius . $box_shadow . '}';
    for ($i = 1; $i <= 6; $i++) {
        if (!$atts['icon_' . $i] || !$atts['icon_' . $i . '_url']) {
        if (strpos($atts['icon_' . $i], 'icon:') !== false) {
            $icon = '<i class="fa fa-' . trim(str_replace('icon:', '', $atts['icon_' . $i])) . '" style="color:' . $atts['icon_' . $i . '_color'] . '"></i>';
        } else {
            $icon = '<img src="' . yt_image_media($atts['icon_' . $i]) . '" width="16" height="16" alt="" />';
        $icons[] = '<a href="' . $atts['icon_' . $i . '_url'] . '" title="' . $atts['icon_' . $i . '_title'] . '" class="yt-memeber-icon yt-m-' . trim(str_replace('icon:', '', $atts['icon_' . $i])) . '" target="_blank" style="text-align:center"> ' . $icon . ' </a>';
    $icons = count($icons) ? '<div class="yt-member-icons" style="text-align:' . $atts['text_align'] . ';"><div class="yt-member-ic">' . implode('', $icons) . '</div></div>' : '';
    $multi_photo = array();
    $multi_photo = explode(',', $atts['photo'], 2);
    $member_photo = '';
    $member_photo = '<a href="' . $atts['url'] . '" title="' . $atts['name'] . '"><img src="' . yt_image_media($multi_photo[0]) . '" alt="" /></a>';
    if (isset($multi_photo[1])) {
        $member_photo .= '<a href="' . $atts['url'] . '" title="' . $atts['name'] . '"><img src="' . yt_image_media($multi_photo[1]) . '" alt=""  /></a>';
    $title = '<span class="yt-member-name">' . $atts['name'] . '</span><span class="yt-member-role">' . $atts['role'] . '</span>';
    // Adding asse
    $doc = JFactory::getDocument();
    JHtml::stylesheet(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/shortcodes/member/css/membar.css", 'text/css');
    // HTML Layout
    $return = '<div id="' . $id . '" class="yt-member yt-member-style-' . $atts['style'] . '" data-url="' . $atts['url'] . '">';
    $return .= '<div class="yt-member-photo">' . $member_photo;
    if ($atts['style'] == '2' or $atts['style'] == '4') {
        $return .= $icons;
    $return .= '</div>';
    $return .= '<div class="yt-member-info" style="text-align:' . $atts['text_align'] . '">';
    $return .= $title;
    $return .= '<div class="yt-member-desc yt-content-wrap">' . parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br />", "<p></p>"), " ", $content)) . '</div>';
    $return .= '</div>';
    if ($atts['style'] != '2' and $atts['style'] != '4') {
        $return .= $icons;
    $return .= '</div>';
    return $return;
Esempio n. 29
function content_sliderYTShortcode($atts, $content = null)
    extract(ytshortcode_atts(array('style' => 'default', 'transitionin' => 'fadeIn', 'transitionout' => 'fadeOut', 'arrows' => 'yes', 'arrow_position' => 'arrow-default', 'pagination' => 'no', 'autoplay' => 'yes', 'autoheight' => 'yes', 'delay' => 4, 'speed' => 0.6, 'hoverpause' => 'no', 'lazyload' => 'no', 'loop' => 'yes', 'margin' => 10, 'class' => ''), $atts));
    $id = uniqid('ytcs') . rand() . time();
    JHtml::stylesheet(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/assets/css/animate.css", 'text/css', "screen");
    JHtml::stylesheet(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/assets/css/owl.carousel.css", 'text/css', "screen");
    JHtml::stylesheet(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/shortcodes/content_slider/css/content_slider.css");
    JHtml::script(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/assets/js/owl.carousel.min.js");
    JHtml::script(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/shortcodes/content_slider/js/content_slider.js");
    if ($transitionin === 'slide') {
        $transitionin = 'false';
    return '<div id="' . $id . '" class="yt-content-slider owl-theme yt-content-slider-style-' . $style . ' ' . $arrow_position . '" data-transitionin="' . $transitionin . '" data-transitionout="' . $transitionout . '" data-autoplay="' . $autoplay . '" data-autoheight="' . $autoheight . '" data-delay="' . $delay . '" data-speed="' . $speed . '" data-margin="' . $margin . '" data-arrows="' . $arrows . '" data-pagination="' . $pagination . '" data-lazyload="' . $lazyload . '" data-loop="' . $loop . '" data-hoverpause="' . $hoverpause . '">' . parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br>", "<br />"), " ", $content)) . '</div>';
Esempio n. 30
function promotion_boxYTShortcode($atts, $content = null)
    extract(ytshortcode_atts(array('type' => '', 'title' => 'This is Call To Action Title', 'title_color' => '#ffffff', 'button_text' => 'Click Here', 'align' => 'default', 'button_link' => '#', 'target' => '_self', 'promotion_color' => '#ddd', 'promotion_background' => '#2D89EF', 'promotion_radius' => '0px', 'border' => '1', 'border_color' => '', 'button_color' => '#fff', 'button_background' => '#165194', 'button_background_hover' => '', 'arrow_height' => '52px', 'width' => '', 'button_radius' => '0px', 'desc' => '', 'class' => ''), $atts));
    $id = uniqid('yt_') . rand() . time();
    $css = '';
    $padding = '';
    $title = $title ? "<h3>" . $title . "</h3>" : '';
    //$target = ( $target === 'yes' || $target === 'blank' ) ? ' target="_blank"' : '';
    $bdt_hbg = $button_background_hover ? $button_background_hover : '';
    $width = $type == "arrow-box" ? "100%" : $width;
    if (intval($promotion_radius) > 40 && intval($button_radius) > 40) {
        $padding = "padding: 20px 20px 20px 40px;";
    if ($type == "border") {
        $background = 'border:' . $promotion_background . ' ' . $border . 'px solid; background:#fff;';
        $css .= '#' . $id . ' .border{' . $background . '}';
    } else {
        if ($type == "background-border") {
            $background = 'border:' . $border_color . ' ' . $border . 'px solid; background:' . $promotion_background . ';';
            $css .= '#' . $id . ' .background-border{ ' . $background . '}';
        } else {
            $background = 'background-color:' . $promotion_background;
            $css .= '#' . $id . ' { ' . $background . '}';
    $css .= '#' . $id . ' {' . $padding . '; border-radius:' . $promotion_radius . '; margin-bottom:15px; ' . $background . ' }';
    $css .= '#' . $id . ' a.cta-dbtn { border-radius:' . $button_radius . '; color:' . $button_color . '; background:' . $button_background . ';}';
    $css .= '#' . $id . ' a.cta-dbtn:hover { background:' . $bdt_hbg . ';}';
    $css .= '#' . $id . ' .cta-content > h3 { color: ' . $title_color . ';}';
    $css .= '#' . $id . ' .cta-content div { color:' . $promotion_color . ';}';
    $css .= '#' . $id . ' .cta-content h3 { color:' . $promotion_color . ';}';
    if ($type == "arrow-box") {
        $css .= '@media only screen and (min-width: 980px){';
        $css .= '#' . $id . '.arrow-box {position: relative;padding-right:' . $arrow_height . ';}';
        $css .= '#' . $id . '.arrow-box:before{content: "";width: 0px;height: 0px;position: absolute;border-style: solid;border-color:transparent transparent transparent #FFF  ;border-width: ' . $arrow_height . ';	top:0px;left: 0;z-index: 1;}';
        $css .= '#' . $id . '.arrow-box:after{content: "";	width: 0px;	height: 0px;position: absolute;	border-style: solid;border-color: #FFF #FFF #FFF transparent ;border-width: ' . $arrow_height . ' ;	top:0px;right: 0;z-index: 1;}';
        $css .= '#' . $id . '.arrow-box .cta-content {margin:0 ' . $arrow_height . '}';
        $css .= '#' . $id . '.arrow-box a.cta-dbtn {margin-right:' . $arrow_height . '}';
        $css .= '}';
    JHtml::stylesheet(JUri::base() . "plugins/system/ytshortcodes/shortcodes/promotion_box/css/promotion.css", 'text/css', "screen");
    $doc = JFactory::getDocument();
    $return = '<div style="width:' . $width . ';"><section id="' . $id . '" class="promotion cta-align-' . $align . ' ' . $type . '">';
    $return .= "<a class='cta-dbtn hidden-phone' target='" . $target . "' href='" . $button_link . "'>" . $button_text . "</a>";
    $return .= "<div class='cta-content'>" . $title . "<div>" . parse_shortcode(str_replace(array("<br/>", "<br>", "<br />"), " ", $content)) . '</div></div>';
    $return .= "<a class='cta-dbtn visible-phone' target='" . $target . "' href='" . $button_link . "'>" . $button_text . "</a>";
    $return .= '<div class="clear"></div></section></div>';
    return $return;