Esempio n. 1
<div class="figure">
<img class="main" src="../images/MyMap-final-6Sep12.jpg" alt="Rooms location in interface" />
<p>My Map</p>

<p>Note: All information that is created or copied into your "My Map" room is 
<i>saved</i> until deleted, even if you log out of NICS.  Users should use caution when sharing or copying information 
from this room with others.  Please ensure you are only sharing or copying the information intended to be shared or copied.</p>

<p><span class="bu">Share My Map</span> information can be found on the
<a href="sharemap.php" target="_top">Share My Map help page</a></p>

<div class="figure">
pagevideo('incidents', true);
<p>VIDEO: Joining incidents and rooms</p>

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Esempio n. 2
of thumb, avoid crossing lines if possible.</p>


<p>When you need to point to a location or show a route, but don't want to do this 
with permanent ink, use the fade pen….it fades away after a few seconds.</p>

<p><u>Measuring Tools</u></p>

<p>Along with finding <u>lengths and areas (acres)</u> in the object metadata, 
there are also 2 tools to make 1-time measurements. They work exactly like the 
pen and polygon tools, but leave a dotted trail rather than a solid line; they 
also do not leave any residual marks on the map.</p>

<div class="figure">
pagevideo('drawing2', false);
<p>VIDEO: Drawing tips</p>

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Esempio n. 3
<p>The active users tab</p>
<p>Columns for User, Login time, and Last activity give information 
on whether or not the user is available.</p>
<div class="figure">
<img class="main" src="../images/privatechat.png" />
<p>The private chat window</p>
<p>You can open up a private channel between you and a user by 
clicking on the chat icon next to the user's name. Users can drag and 
drop multiple participants into the private chat to create a group 
chat room that is independent of incidents and rooms.</p>

<div class="figure">
pagevideo('users', false);
<p>VIDEO: Active Users</p>

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Esempio n. 4
left corner of the map. Alternatively you can click and drag the map when using the Drag/Hand tool.</p>

<p>In the <a target="_top" href="sync.php">
Map Sync</a> window, you can allow other users to move your map, or move others to your current location (or view).</p>
<!-- No more overview map?
<div class="figure">
<img class="main" src="../images/overviewmap.jpg" alt="Overview map" />
<p>The Overview Map</p>

<p>To move over large areas use the overview map. It can be opened 
from the Tools menu under <i>Window Management</i>. It displays a 
mini-map where you can drag your viewing rectangle across larger areas.</p>
<div class="figure">
pagevideo('navigation', true);
<p>VIDEO: Navigating the map</p>

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Esempio n. 5
Vehicle Location (AVL), Automated Flight Following (AFF) and Personal Location Information (PLI).  Some 
uses for Tracking layers are for managing units in a field, following a moving target, or just marking 
hotspots of activity while in the field.</p>

<h3><span class="bu">Weather Layers:</span></h3>

<p><b>Weather</b> layers are also dynamic layers pertaining to current meteorological 
conditions. They can be turned on and off from the weather menu in the upper right corner of the map.</p>

<div class="figure">
<img class="main" src="../images/weatherlayers.jpg" alt="weather layers" />
<p>The Weather Layers Menu</p>

<div class="figure">
pagevideo('data', true);
<p>VIDEO: Utilizing data layers</p>

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Esempio n. 6
the line will become dashed.</p>

<div class="figure">
<img class="main" src="../images/dash.jpg" alt="Dashed lines" />
<p>Dashed lines in NICS</p>
<br />

<p><b>Measurement Tool</b>:  Shown as a ruler, the measurement tool can provide length (use the ruler option and draw a 
line….distance is shown) and area (select the L rulers and construct a polygon….acreage is shown).</p>

<p><b><u>Metadata</b></u>:  Selecting any shape/object, line, or text and clicking on it will result in a comment box that has various 
metadata:  who constructed/drew the object or text, when, some measurement data (if applicable) and other data.</p>

<div class="figure">
pagevideo('drawing', true);
<p>VIDEO: Drawing tools</p>

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Esempio n. 7
<p>The <i>Apps</i> button opens a list of applications available within NICS.  This 
is similar to the highly successful “App Store” model of other platforms like smartphone and tablet vendors.</p>

<p>The <i>Undo</i> and <i>Redo</i> buttons allow you to undo or redo any recent 
actions including but not limited to drawing, erasing, or pasting. Action history goes back 5 actions.</p>

<p>The <i>Copy</i> and <i>Paste</i> functions allow users to copy currently selected objects/text and paste 
them into the current room or other rooms.  Select an object or text with the HAND tool (it becomes highlighted) 
and then select Copy and Paste.
<!--ctrl zyxcv functionality activation?-->

<div class="figure">
pagevideo('toolbar', true);
<p>VIDEO: The Main Toolbar</p>

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Esempio n. 8
<p>The lock is midscreen on the left</p>
<p>Locking a room prevents the map from being edited (moving, 
creating, or deleting objects) but you may still navigate freely 
and apply/remove data layers</p>
<div class="figure">
<img class="main" src="../images/lock.jpg" alt="The lock" />
<p>The lock in unlocked and locked states respectively</p>
<p>Room maps can be locked and unlocked by clicking on the padlock 
on the left</p>

<div class="figure">
pagevideo('lock', false);
<p>VIDEO: Locking rooms</p>

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Esempio n. 9
<img class="main" src="../images/mapsync.png" alt="Map sync window" />
<p>Map sync window</p>

<p>If you wish to let other people move your map to their location and view, 
keep the box labeled "Allow others to move this map" checked.</p>

<p>If you don’t want others to move your map without your permission, uncheck the box.</p>

<p>If you wish to take command of everyone’s map orientation and view, select 
the bottom command  "Move others to my current map location." </p>

<div class="figure">
pagevideo('sync', false);
<p>VIDEO: How map sync works</p>

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Esempio n. 10
<img class="main" src="../images/sharemymap.jpg" alt="Share my map in dropdown" />

<p><span class="bu">(3)  Copy & Paste</span>:  You can also permanently 
paste (although the features can be changed or deleted) some or all of the content in My Map using the Copy and Paste commands 
as discussed earlier.  Select what you wish to copy in My Map by highlighting 
it, then open the room you want to paste to, and select the Paste command.  
As above, this is a permanent paste, so be sure to be in sync with the owner of that room.

<p>As with most actions, you, or anyone else in the room with sufficient privileges, 
can reverse a Paste function with the UNDO button.</i></p>

<div class="figure">
pagevideo('sharemap', false);
<p>VIDEO: two screens after sharing maps</p>

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Esempio n. 11
KML or SHAPE format.  The folder will be downloaded to your computer’s 
download folder.  You can then use it in another application (e.g., 
viewing a KML file in Google Earth) or send it to another user using 
conventional means (e.g., email attachment).</p>

<div class="figure">  
<img class="main" src="../images/exporttools.jpg" alt="room export menu" />
<p>Export the room from the tools menu</p>

<p>You can access the same KML URL by going to Tools => Room Management => 
Get Room Info and copy the URL from the popup window.</p>

<div class="figure">
pagevideo('kml', false);
<p>VIDEO: Using kml files</p>

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Esempio n. 12

<li>View Rooms: View a room through the NICS web interface.</li>
<li>Edit Rooms: Draw and Erase features in the room;  modify content.</li>
<li>Upload Layers: Access to the “Upload Tool.”</li>
<li>Organize Folders: "Right click" functionality to reorganize the data layer directory structure.</li>
<li>Administer An Organization: Access to the administrative interface. </li>
<li>Administer NICS: Access to the NICS administrative/development interface.</li>

<div class="figure">
pagevideo('usergroups', false);
<p>VIDEO: Changing User Types</p>

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Esempio n. 13
<img class="main" src="../images/chat3.JPG" alt="The chat interface 3" />

<p> If Bob Smith accepts, the Private Chat window (below on the left) appears on his computer, and the Private Chat 
window on the right appears on John Doe’s computer.</p>

<div class="figure"> 
<img class="main" src="../images/chat4.JPG" alt="The chat interface 4" />

<p> To invite more than one person to a Private Chat session, drag additional “Chat” icons from the Active Users 
list into the Private Chat window on your screen.  Each new person will get an invitation as above and you will 
get an acceptance if they elect to join.</p>

<div class="figure">
pagevideo('chat', true);
<p>VIDEO: Chatroom interface</p>

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Esempio n. 14
<p>Move windows by clicking and dragging their menu bar to a new location. 
Close windows by clicking on the x in the top right corner.</p>

<p id="hide">Under TOOLS => WINDOW MANAGEMENT , you can 
hide all windows to increase your viewing space, as well as reshow the 
hidden windows.</p>

<div class="figure">
<img class="main" src="../images/othertools.jpg" alt="tools" />
<p>The tools menu is located in the top right</p>

<br />
<div class="figure">
pagevideo('windows', true);
<p>VIDEO: Window and panel management</p>

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