public function thread() { if ($_GET["articleid"]) { $map['id'] = $_GET['articleid']; } else { $this->error("访问错误", 'index', 5); return; } //如果用户已经登录,将当前的文章id保存到session中 $user = session('user'); if ($user) { $user['articleid'] = $_GET['articleid']; session('user', $user); } //读取文章数据 $model = M('article'); //更新查看数量 $model->where($map)->setInc('reviewnum'); $article = $model->where($map)->select(); if (!$article) { $this->error("服务器错误"); return; } $article = $article[0]; $this->assign("article", $article); $th['reply_num'] = $article['replynum']; $th['review_num'] = $article['reviewnum']; //读取作者用户数据 $vip = M('vip'); $query['id'] = $article['authorid']; $user = $vip->where($query)->select(); if (!$user) { $this->error("服务器错误"); return; } $user = $user[0]; //读取作者的主题数据 $query = []; $query['authorid'] = $article['authorid']; $user['thnum'] = $model->where($query)->count(); //读取作者的帖子数据 $review = M('review'); $query = []; $query['reviewerid'] = $article['authorid']; $user['replynum'] = $review->where($query)->count(); //生成vip地址 if ($user["viplevel"] < 1) { $user["viplevel"] = 1; } if ($user["viplevel"] > 5) { $user["viplevel"] = 5; } $user['lvimg'] = __ROOT__ . '' . '/Application/Home/View/resource/img/' . '' . $user['viplevel'] . '' . 'zuan.gif'; $user['desc'] = $user['viplevel'] . '' . '钻会员'; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //读取评论数据 $th['articleid'] = $article['id']; if ($_GET['page']) { $th['cur_page'] = (int) $_GET['page']; } else { $th['cur_page'] = 1; } $th["per_page_num"] = 5; //每页评论数量 $th["menu_num"] = 6; //每页页码数量 $query = []; $query['articleid'] = $article['id']; $th['reply_num'] = $review->where($query)->count(); $th['page_total'] = intval($th['reply_num']) / $th["per_page_num"]; if (floor($th['page_total']) < $th['page_total']) { $th['page_total'] = (int) floor($th['page_total']); $th['page_total']++; } $th = paged($th); $limit['articleid'] = $article['id']; $query = $th["cur_page"] . "," . $th["per_page_num"]; $replyer = $review->where($limit)->page($query)->select(); //拉取评论者的统计数据 $vip = M("vip"); foreach ($replyer as $key => $value) { //读取评论者的vip用户数据 $query = []; $query['id'] = $value['reviewerid']; $u = $vip->where($query)->select(); $value['user'] = $u[0]; //读取评论者的主题数据 $query = []; $query['authorid'] = $value['reviewerid']; $value['user']['thnum'] = $model->where($query)->count(); //读取评论者的帖子数据 $query = []; $query['reviewerid'] = $value['reviewerid']; $value['user']['replynum'] = $review->where($query)->count(); //生成评论者生成vip地址 if ($user["viplevel"] < 1) { $user["viplevel"] = 1; } if ($user["viplevel"] > 5) { $user["viplevel"] = 5; } $value['user']['lvimg'] = __ROOT__ . '' . '/Application/Home/View/resource/img/' . '' . $user['viplevel'] . '' . 'zuan.gif'; $value['user']['desc'] = $user['viplevel'] . '' . '钻会员'; $replyer[$key] = $value; } //生成网站索引 $url = "theme.html?" . '' . "category=" . '' . $article['categoryid']; $query = []; $query['id'] = $article['categoryid']; $cate = M("category"); $c = $cate->where($query)->select(); set_path($url, $c[0]['name'], 1); $url = "thread.html?" . '' . "articleid=" . '' . $article['id']; set_path($url, $article['title'], 2); $this->assign('path', get_path(2)); $the = 'newth.html?categoryid=' . '' . $article['categoryid']; $this->assign('newth', $the); $this->assign('paged', $th); $this->assign('replyer', $replyer); $this->assign('author', $user); $this->assign('user', session('user')); $this->show(); }
function printLea($_POST) { # get vars extract($_POST); # validate input require_lib("validate"); $v = new validate(); $v->isOk($f_day, "num", 1, 2, "Invalid from Date day."); $v->isOk($f_month, "num", 1, 2, "Invalid from Date month."); $v->isOk($f_year, "num", 1, 4, "Invalid from Date Year."); $v->isOk($to_day, "num", 1, 2, "Invalid to Date day."); $v->isOk($to_month, "num", 1, 2, "Invalid to Date month."); $v->isOk($to_year, "num", 1, 4, "Invalid to Date Year."); # mix dates $fromdate = $f_year . "-" . $f_month . "-" . $f_day; $todate = $to_year . "-" . $to_month . "-" . $to_day; $v->isOk($fromdate, "date", 1, 1, "Invalid from date."); $v->isOk($todate, "date", 1, 1, "Invalid to date."); if ($v->isError()) { $err = $v->genErrors(); return $err; } if (isset($empnum)) { $OUTPUT = genslip($empnum, $fromdate, $todate); } else { $OUTPUT = ""; $qry = new dbSelect("employees", "cubit", grp(m("cols", "empnum"), m("where", "div='" . USER_DIV . "'"))); $qry->run(); while ($row = $qry->fetch_array()) { $OUTPUT .= paged(genslip($row["empnum"], $fromdate, $todate)); } } require "../tmpl-print.php"; }
public function sd_search() { $key = $_POST["key"]; $model = M("sd"); $vip = M('vip'); //计算分页数据 $th["per_page_num"] = $key['per_page_num']; //每页条数 $th["menu_num"] = $key['menu_num']; //每页页码数量 $th["cur_page"] = $key['cur_page']; //每页页码数量 $th['data_count'] = $model->count(); $th = paged($th); $str = $key['cur_page'] . ',' . $key['per_page_num']; $res = $model->order('endtime DESC')->page($str)->select(); if ($res) { //查询到数据后。读取刷单者信息 foreach ($res as $key => $value) { $query = []; $query['id'] = $value['czid']; $auth = $vip->where($query)->select(); if ($auth) { $value['czname'] = $auth[0]['name']; } $query['id'] = $value['gxid']; $auth = $vip->where($query)->select(); if ($auth) { $value['gxname'] = $auth[0]['name']; } $res[$key] = $value; } $res = sd_format($res); $ret["sd"] = $res; $ret['paged'] = $th; $ret["status"] = 1; } else { $ret["status"] = 0; } $this->ajaxReturn($ret); }