function display() { global $CFG, $PAGE, $COURSE; $moving = optional_param('moving', 0, PARAM_INT); require_capability('format/page:managepages', $this->context); $PAGE->print_tabs('manage'); if ($pages = page_get_all_pages($COURSE->id, 'flat')) { $table->head = array(get_string('pagename', 'format_page'), get_string('pageoptions', 'format_page'), get_string('displaytheme', 'format_page'), get_string('displaymenu', 'format_page'), get_string('publish', 'format_page'), get_string('locks', 'format_page')); $table->align = array('left', 'center', 'center', 'center', 'center', 'center'); $table->width = '70%'; $table->cellspacing = '0'; $table->id = 'editing-table'; $table->class = 'generaltable pageeditingtable'; $table->data = array(); foreach ($pages as $page) { $a = strip_tags(format_string($page->nameone)); $editalt = get_string('edita', 'format_page', $a); $movealt = get_string('movea', 'format_page', $a); $delealt = get_string('deletea', 'format_page', $a); // Page link/name $name = page_pad_string('<a href="' . $PAGE->url_build('page', $page->id) . '" title="' . $a . '">' . format_string($page->nameone) . '</a>', $page->depth); // Edit, move and delete widgets $widgets = '<a title="' . $editalt . '" href="' . $PAGE->url_build('page', $page->id, 'action', 'editpage', 'returnaction', 'manage') . '" class="icon edit"><img src="' . $CFG->pixpath . '/t/edit.gif" alt="' . $editalt . '" /></a> '; $widgets .= '<a title="' . $movealt . '" href="' . $PAGE->url_build('action', 'moving', 'moving', $page->id, 'sesskey', sesskey()) . '" class="icon move"><img src="' . $CFG->pixpath . '/t/move.gif" alt="' . $movealt . '" /></a> '; $widgets .= '<a title="' . $delealt . '" href="' . $PAGE->url_build('action', 'confirmdelete', 'page', $page->id, 'sesskey', sesskey()) . '" class="icon delete"><img src="' . $CFG->pixpath . '/t/delete.gif" alt="' . $delealt . '" /></a>'; // Theme, menu and publish widgets if ($page->parent == 0) { // Only master pages get this one $theme = $this->manage_showhide($page, DISP_THEME); } else { //$theme = ''; $theme = $this->manage_showhide($page, DISP_THEME); } $menu = $this->manage_showhide($page, DISP_MENU); $publish = $this->manage_showhide($page, DISP_PUBLISH); if (empty($page->locks)) { $lockalt = get_string('notlockedalt', 'format_page'); $lockicon = 'lock.gif'; } else { $lockalt = get_string('lockedalt', 'format_page'); $lockicon = 'unlock.gif'; } $lock = '<a title="' . $lockalt . '" href="' . $PAGE->url_build('page', $page->id, 'action', 'lock') . '" class="icon lock"><img src="' . $CFG->pixpath . '/t/' . $lockicon . '" alt="' . $lockalt . '" /></a>'; $table->data[] = array($name, $widgets, $theme, $menu, $publish, $lock); } print_table($table); } else { error(get_string('nopages', 'format_page'), $PAGE->url_build('action', 'editpage')); } }
/** * Prints a page and recursively prints its children along * with move here markers. * * @param object $page Page object * @param int $moving ID of the page that we are moving * @return array **/ function page_print_moving_hierarchy($page, $moving) { global $USER, $CFG, $PAGE; $data = array(); // Add the page link/name $data[] = page_pad_string('<a href="' . $PAGE->url_build('page', $page->id) . '">' . format_string($page->nameone) . '</a>', $page->depth); // Add move here for making the moving page a child of this one $data[] = page_movehere_widget($moving, $page->id, 0, $page->depth, get_string('asachildof', 'format_page', format_string($page->nameone))); // Process all the children if (!empty($page->children)) { $sortorder = 1; foreach ($page->children as $child) { if ($moving != $child->id) { $data = array_merge($data, page_print_moving_hierarchy($child, $moving)); $data[] = page_movehere_widget($moving, $page->id, $sortorder, $page->depth, get_string('asachildof', 'format_page', format_string($page->nameone))); $sortorder++; } } } return $data; }
/** * Preps a page name for being added to a menu dropdown * * @param string $name Page name * @param int $amount Amount of padding (Page depth for example) * @param int $length Can shorten the name so the dropdown does not get too wide (Pass NULL avoid shortening) * @return string **/ function page_name_menu($name, $amount, $length = 28) { $name = format_string($name); if ($length !== NULL) { $name = shorten_text($name, $length); } return page_pad_string($name, $amount); }
* @license GNU Public License */ $moving = optional_param('moving', 0, PARAM_INT); require_capability('format/page:managepages', $context); $PAGE->print_tabs('manage'); if ($pages = page_get_all_pages($course->id, 'flat')) { $table->head = array(get_string('pagename', 'format_page'), get_string('pageoptions', 'format_page'), get_string('displaytheme', 'format_page'), get_string('displaymenu', 'format_page'), get_string('publish', 'format_page')); $table->align = array('left', 'center', 'center', 'center', 'center'); $table->width = '70%'; $table->cellspacing = '0'; $table->id = 'editing-table'; $table->class = 'generaltable pageeditingtable'; $table->data = array(); foreach ($pages as $page) { // Page link/name $name = page_pad_string('<a href="' . $PAGE->url_build('page', $page->id) . '">' . format_string($page->nameone) . '</a>', $page->depth); // Edit, move and delete widgets $widgets = '<a href="' . $PAGE->url_build('page', $page->id, 'action', 'editpage', 'returnaction', 'manage') . '" class="icon edit"><img src="' . $CFG->pixpath . '/t/edit.gif" alt="' . get_string('editpage', 'format_page') . '" /></a> '; $widgets .= '<a href="' . $PAGE->url_build('action', 'moving', 'moving', $page->id, 'sesskey', sesskey()) . '" class="icon move"><img src="' . $CFG->pixpath . '/t/move.gif" /></a> '; $widgets .= '<a href="' . $PAGE->url_build('action', 'confirmdelete', 'page', $page->id, 'sesskey', sesskey()) . '" class="icon delete"><img src="' . $CFG->pixpath . '/t/delete.gif" alt="' . get_string('deletepage', 'format_page') . '" /></a>'; // Theme, menu and publish widgets if ($page->parent == 0) { // Only master pages get this one $theme = page_manage_showhide($page, DISP_THEME); } else { $theme = ''; } $menu = page_manage_showhide($page, DISP_MENU); $publish = page_manage_showhide($page, DISP_PUBLISH); $table->data[] = array($name, $widgets, $theme, $menu, $publish); }