/** * Template tags. * * @package P2 * @since unknown */ function p2_body_class( $classes ) { if ( is_tax( P2_MENTIONS_TAXONOMY ) ) $classes[] = 'mentions'; if ( p2_is_iphone() ) $classes[] = 'iphone'; return $classes; }
static function enqueue_scripts() { global $wp_locale; // Generate dependencies for p2 $depends = array('jquery', 'utils', 'jquery-color', 'comment-reply', 'scrollit', 'wp-locale', 'p2-spin'); if (is_user_logged_in()) { $depends[] = 'jeditable'; $depends[] = 'jquery-ui-autocomplete-html'; $depends[] = 'jquery-ui-autocomplete-multiValue'; $depends[] = 'jquery-ui-autocomplete-match'; // media upload if (is_home()) { $depends[] = 'media-upload'; } } // Enqueue P2 JS wp_enqueue_script('p2js', P2_JS_URL . '/p2.js', $depends, '20140603'); wp_localize_script('p2js', 'p2txt', array('tags' => '<br />' . __('Tags:', 'p2'), 'tagit' => __('Tag it', 'p2'), 'citation' => __('Citation', 'p2'), 'title' => __('Post Title', 'p2'), 'goto_homepage' => __('Go to homepage', 'p2'), 'n_new_updates' => __('%d new update(s)', 'p2'), 'n_new_comments' => __('%d new comment(s)', 'p2'), 'jump_to_top' => __('Jump to top', 'p2'), 'not_posted_error' => __('An error has occurred, your post was not posted', 'p2'), 'update_posted' => __('Your update has been posted', 'p2'), 'loading' => __('Loading...', 'p2'), 'cancel' => __('Cancel', 'p2'), 'save' => __('Save', 'p2'), 'hide_threads' => __('Hide threads', 'p2'), 'show_threads' => __('Show threads', 'p2'), 'unsaved_changes' => __('Your comments or posts will be lost if you continue.', 'p2'), 'date_time_format' => __('%1$s <em>on</em> %2$s', 'p2'), 'date_format' => get_option('date_format'), 'time_format' => get_option('time_format'), 'l10n_print_after' => 'try{convertEntities(p2txt);}catch(e){};', 'autocomplete_prompt' => __('After typing @, type a name or username to find a member of this site', 'p2'), 'no_matches' => __('No matches.', 'p2'), 'comment_cancel_ays' => __('Are you sure you would like to clear this comment? Its contents will be deleted.', 'p2'), 'oops_not_logged_in' => __('Oops! Looks like you are not logged in.', 'p2'), 'please_log_in' => __('Please log in again', 'p2'), 'whoops_maybe_offline' => __('Whoops! Looks like you are not connected to the server. P2 could not connect with WordPress.', 'p2'), 'required_filed' => __('This field is required.', 'p2'))); if (p2_is_iphone()) { wp_enqueue_script('iphone', get_template_directory_uri() . '/js/iphone.js', array('jquery'), '20120402', true); } add_action('wp_head', array('P2_JS', 'locale_script_data'), 2); }
/** * iPhone Stylesheet. * * Hooks into the wp_enqueue_styles action late. * * @uses p2_is_iphone() * @since P2 1.4 */ function p2_iphone_style() { if ( p2_is_iphone() ) { wp_enqueue_style( 'p2-iphone-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style-iphone.css', array(), '20120402' ); } }