function oxy_create_logo_css() { // check if we using a logo $css = ''; $header_height = oxy_get_option('header_height'); switch (oxy_get_option('logo_type')) { case 'image': $img_id = oxy_get_option('logo_image'); $img = wp_get_attachment_image_src($img_id, 'full'); $logo_width = $img[1]; $logo_height = $img[2]; $retina = ''; // check for retina logo if ('on' == oxy_get_option('logo_retina')) { // set brand logo to be half width & height $retina .= 'width:' . $logo_width / 2 . 'px;height:' . $logo_height / 2 . 'px;'; // use half logo height to calculate header size $logo_height = $logo_height / 2; } $css = oxy_create_header_css($header_height, $logo_height . 'px', $logo_width . 'px', $retina); break; case 'text': $css = oxy_create_header_css($header_height, 36, 'auto'); break; } update_option(THEME_SHORT . '-header-css', $css); }
public function current_screen($current_screen) { if ('nav-menus' === $current_screen->base) { wp_enqueue_style('oxy-mega-menu', OXY_MEGA_MENU_URI . 'assets/css/oxy-mega-menu.css'); if ('on' === oxy_get_option('ajax_menu_save')) { wp_enqueue_script('oxy-ajax-save-menu', OXY_MEGA_MENU_URI . 'assets/js/ajax-save-menu.js', array('jquery')); } // Make sure Mega Menu is installed $menus = get_posts(array('post_type' => 'oxy_mega_menu')); if (count($menus) === 0) { // Create post object $my_post = array('post_title' => 'Mega Menu', 'post_content' => '', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_type' => 'oxy_mega_menu'); // Insert the post into the database wp_insert_post($my_post); } $menus = get_posts(array('post_type' => 'oxy_mega_columns')); if (count($menus) === 0) { $columns = array('col-md-3' => __('One Quarter Column (1/4)', 'lambda-admin-td'), 'col-md-4' => __('One Third Column (1/3)', 'lambda-admin-td')); foreach ($columns as $content => $title) { // Create post object $column_post = array('post_title' => $title, 'post_content' => $content, 'post_status' => 'publish', 'post_type' => 'oxy_mega_columns'); // Insert the post into the database wp_insert_post($column_post); } } } }
function oxy_sign_up() { if (isset($_POST['nonce'])) { if (wp_verify_nonce($_POST['nonce'], 'oxygenna-sign-me-up-nonce')) { header('Content-Type: application/json'); $resp = new stdClass(); $user_email = $_POST['email']; $resp->email = $user_email; if (filter_var($user_email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) !== false) { //create the API from the stored key $api = new MCAPI(oxy_get_option('api_key')); // The list the user will subscribe to $list_id = oxy_get_option('list_id'); $api->listSubscribe($list_id, $user_email); if ($api->errorCode) { $resp->status = 'error'; $resp->message = __('Error registering', THEME_FRONT_TD); } else { $resp->status = 'ok'; $resp->message = __('Registered', THEME_FRONT_TD); } } else { $resp->status = 'error'; $resp->message = __('Invalid email', THEME_FRONT_TD); } echo json_encode($resp); die; } } }
public function current_screen($current_screen) { if ('nav-menus' === $current_screen->base) { wp_enqueue_style('oxy-mega-menu', OXY_MEGA_MENU_URI . 'assets/css/oxy-mega-menu.css'); if ('on' === oxy_get_option('ajax_menu_save')) { wp_enqueue_script('oxy-ajax-save-menu', OXY_MEGA_MENU_URI . 'assets/js/ajax-save-menu.js', array('jquery')); } } }
function load_select_data($database) { // get data $data = array(); switch ($database) { case 'taxonomy': if (isset($this->_field['taxonomy'])) { if (isset($this->_field['blank_label'])) { $this->_field['blank'] = $this->_field['blank_label']; } $data = get_categories(array('orderby' => 'name', 'hide_empty' => '0', 'taxonomy' => $this->_field['taxonomy'])); } break; case 'slideshow': $this->_field['blank'] = __('Select a Slideshow', THEME_ADMIN_TD); $data = get_categories(array('orderby' => 'name', 'hide_empty' => '0', 'taxonomy' => 'oxy_slideshow_categories')); break; case 'get_option': $options = get_option(THEME_SHORT . '-options'); if (isset($options['unregistered'][$this->_field['option']])) { $data = oxy_get_option($this->_field['option']); $unregistered = oxy_get_option('unregistered'); $data = $options['unregistered'][$this->_field['option']]; } else { $data = null; } break; case 'staff_featured': $this->_field['blank'] = __('Select a Staff member', THEME_ADMIN_TD); $posts = get_posts("showposts=-1&post_type=oxy_staff"); foreach ($posts as $staff) { $data[$staff->post_title] = $staff->ID; } break; case 'social_icons': $data = (include OPTIONS_DIR . 'icons/social.php'); break; case 'categories': $this->_field['blank'] = __('all categories', THEME_ADMIN_TD); $data = get_categories(array('orderby' => 'name', 'hide_empty' => '0')); break; case 'portfolios': $this->_field['blank'] = __('Select a Portfolio', THEME_ADMIN_TD); $data = get_categories(array('orderby' => 'name', 'hide_empty' => '0', 'taxonomy' => 'oxy_portfolio_categories')); break; default: $data = array(); break; } return $data; }
<?php /** * Displays the archive for oxy_portfolio_image custom post type * * @package Lambda * @subpackage Frontend * @since 0.1 * * @copyright (c) 2015 * @license * @version 1.17.0 */ get_header(); $page = oxy_get_option('portfolio_archive_page'); if (!empty($page)) { global $post; $post = get_post($page); setup_postdata($post); oxy_page_header($post->ID); get_template_part('partials/content', 'page'); wp_reset_postdata(); } get_footer();
<?php /** * Adds navigation for single post * * @package Omega * @subpackage Admin * @since 0.1 * * @copyright (c) 2014 * @license **LICENSE** * @version 1.7.3 */ $extra_post_class = oxy_get_option('blog_post_icons') == 'on' ? 'post-showinfo' : ''; ?> <nav id="nav-below" class="post-navigation <?php echo $extra_post_class; ?> "> <ul class="pager"> <?php if (get_previous_post()) { ?> <li class="previous"> <a class="btn btn-primary btn-icon btn-icon-left" rel="prev" href="<?php echo get_permalink(get_adjacent_post(false, '', true)); ?> "> <i class="fa fa-angle-left"></i> <?php _e('Previous', 'omega-td');
* @license * @version 1.2.2 */ ?> <small class="post-extras"> <i class="icon-user"></i> <?php the_author(); ?> <i class="icon-calendar"></i> <?php the_time(get_option('date_format')); ?> <?php if (has_tag() && oxy_get_option('blog_tags') == 'on') { ?> <i class="icon-tags"></i> <?php the_tags($before = null, $sep = ', ', $after = ''); ?> <?php } ?> <?php if (has_category()) { ?> <i class="icon-bookmark"></i> <?php the_category(', '); ?>
} $allow_comments = oxy_get_option('site_comments'); ?> <?php if (oxy_get_option('related_portfolio_items') === 'on') { ?> <?php get_template_part('partials/portfolio/portfolio-related'); } ?> <?php if ($allow_comments === 'portfolio' || $allow_comments === 'all') { ?> <section class="section <?php echo oxy_get_option('portfolio_comments_swatch'); ?> "> <div class="container"> <div class="row element-normal-top element-normal-bottom"> <?php comments_template('', true); ?> </div> </div> </section> <?php } get_footer();
<?php $margin_top = oxy_get_option('template_margin'); ?> <section class="section"> <div class="container"> <div class="row element-top-<?php echo $margin_top; ?> "> <div class="col-md-8 col-md-offset-2">
* Displays the main body of the theme * * @package Omega * @subpackage Frontend * @since 0.1 * * @copyright (c) 2014 * @license * @version 1.7.3 */ // get the author name if (get_query_var('author_name')) { $author = get_user_by('slug', get_query_var('author_name')); } else { $author = get_userdata(get_query_var('author')); } get_header(); oxy_blog_header(get_the_author_meta('display_name', $author->ID), null); // if masonry option set then use masonry option for name otherwise use blog style $name = oxy_get_option('blog_masonry') === 'no-masonry' ? oxy_get_option('blog_style') : oxy_get_option('blog_masonry'); ?> <section class="section <?php echo oxy_get_option('blog_swatch'); ?> "> <?php get_template_part('partials/blog/list', $name); ?> </section> <?php get_footer();
function oxy_read_more_link($more_link, $more_link_text) { // remove #more $more_link = preg_replace('|#more-[0-9]+|', '', $more_link); return str_replace($more_link_text, oxy_get_option('blog_readmore'), $more_link); }
echo oxy_get_option('product_directionnav'); ?> " data-flex-directions-type="<?php echo oxy_get_option('product_directionnavtype'); ?> " data-flex-speed="<?php echo oxy_get_option('product_speed'); ?> " data-flex-controls="<?php echo oxy_get_option('product_showcontrols'); ?> " data-flex-slideshow="<?php echo oxy_get_option('product_autostart'); ?> " data-flex-duration="<?php echo oxy_get_option('product_duration'); ?> "> <ul class="slides product-gallery"> <?php foreach ($image_ids as $image_id) { $thumb = wp_get_attachment_image_src($image_id, 'shop_thumbnail'); $single = wp_get_attachment_image_src($image_id, 'shop_single'); $full = wp_get_attachment_image_src($image_id, 'full'); ?> <li data-thumb="<?php echo $thumb[0]; ?> "> <figure> <img src="<?php
* @copyright (c) 2015 * @license **LICENSE** * @version 1.17.0 */ global $post; $image = get_post_meta($post->ID, THEME_SHORT . '_masonry_image', true); if (empty($image)) { $image_attachment = wp_get_attachment_image_src(get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID), 'full'); if (isset($image_attachment[0])) { $image = $image_attachment[0]; } } $width = get_post_meta($post->ID, THEME_SHORT . '_masonry_width', true); $item_style = oxy_get_option('blog_masonry_style'); $text_align = oxy_get_option('blog_masonry_text_align'); $title_tag = oxy_get_option('blog_masonry_title_tag'); $format = get_post_format(); if ($format !== 'quote' && $format !== 'link') { $format = 'standard'; } ?> <div class="post-masonry masonry-item masonry-<?php echo esc_attr($width); ?> " data-menu-order="<?php echo esc_attr($masonry_count); ?> "> <div class="post-masonry-inner <?php echo esc_attr(implode(' ', $classes)); ?>
<a href="<?php echo get_permalink($prev->ID); ?> "> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 100 100"> <g> <polyline fill="none" stroke-width="3" stroke-miterlimit="10" points="68.692,16.091 33.146,50 68.692,83.906 "/> </g> </svg> </a> </li> <?php } ?> <?php $page = oxy_get_option('portfolio_page'); ?> <?php if (!empty($page)) { ?> <li> <a href="<?php echo get_permalink($page); ?> "> <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 100 100"> <g> <rect x="15.958" y="15" fill="none" stroke-width="3" stroke-miterlimit="10" width="70" height="70"/> <line fill="none" stroke-width="3" stroke-miterlimit="10" x1="15.958" y1="61.655" x2="85.958" y2="61.655"/> <line fill="none" stroke-width="3" stroke-miterlimit="10" x1="15.958" y1="38.345" x2="85.958" y2="38.345"/> <line fill="none" stroke-width="3" stroke-miterlimit="10" x1="62.632" y1="15" x2="62.632" y2="85"/>
<?php if (!is_search()) { if ($video_shortcode !== null) { echo $wp_embed->run_shortcode($video_shortcode[0]); } else { if (has_post_thumbnail()) { get_template_part('partials/blog/posts/normal/featured-image'); } } } ?> </div> <?php get_template_part('partials/blog/posts/normal/post', 'header'); ?> <div class="post-body"> <?php echo apply_filters('the_content', $content); if (!is_single() && oxy_get_option('blog_show_readmore') == 'on') { // show up to readmore tag and conditionally render the readmore oxy_read_more_link(); } ?> </div> <?php get_template_part('partials/blog/posts/normal/post', 'footer'); ?> </article>
?> </h2> <?php } else { ?> <h1 class="post-title"> <?php the_title(); ?> </h1> <?php } ?> <?php if (oxy_get_option('blog_post_header') === 'details') { ?> <?php get_template_part('partials/blog/posts/normal/post', 'details'); ?> <?php } else { ?> <?php if (!empty($subtitle)) { ?> <p class="lead"><?php echo $subtitle; ?> </p> <?php
<?php /** * Displays the main body of the theme * * @package Omega * @subpackage Frontend * @since 0.1 * * @copyright (c) 2014 * @license * @version 1.7.3 */ get_header(); oxy_blog_header(); ?> <section class="section <?php echo oxy_get_option('blog_swatch'); ?> "> <?php get_template_part('partials/blog/list', oxy_get_option('blog_style')); ?> </section> <?php get_footer();
{ remove_meta_box('postimagediv', 'oxy_slideshow_image', 'side'); add_meta_box('postimagediv', __('Slideshow Image', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'post_thumbnail_meta_box', 'oxy_slideshow_image', 'advanced', 'low'); } add_action('do_meta_boxes', 'oxy_move_slideshow_meta_box'); /** * Logo Custom Post */ $labels = array('name' => _x('Sections', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'singular_name' => _x('Section', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'add_new' => _x('Add New', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'add_new_item' => __('Add New Section', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'edit_item' => __('Edit Section', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'new_item' => __('New Section', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'view_item' => __('View Section', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'search_items' => __('Search Sections', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'not_found' => __('No sections found', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'not_found_in_trash' => __('No sections found in Trash', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'menu_name' => __('Sections', THEME_ADMIN_TD)); $args = array('labels' => $labels, 'public' => true, 'show_ui' => true, 'query_var' => false, 'rewrite' => false, 'supports' => array('title', 'editor', 'thumbnail')); // create custom post register_post_type('oxy_section', $args); $labels = array('name' => __('Features', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'singular_name' => __('Feature', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'add_new' => __('Add New', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'add_new_item' => __('Add New Feature', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'edit_item' => __('Edit Feature', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'new_item' => __('New Feature', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'all_items' => __('All Features', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'view_item' => __('View Feature', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'search_items' => __('Search Features', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'not_found' => __('No Features found', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'not_found_in_trash' => __('No Features found in Trash', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'menu_name' => __('Features', THEME_ADMIN_TD)); $args = array('labels' => $labels, 'public' => true, 'publicly_queryable' => true, 'show_ui' => true, 'show_in_menu' => true, 'query_var' => true, 'capability_type' => 'post', 'has_archive' => true, 'hierarchical' => false, 'menu_position' => null, 'supports' => array('title', 'editor')); register_post_type('oxy_feature', $args); /* ------------------ TESTIMONIALS -----------------------*/ $labels = array('name' => __('Testimonial', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'singular_name' => __('Testimonial', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'add_new' => __('Add New', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'add_new_item' => __('Add New Testimonial', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'edit_item' => __('Edit Testimonial', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'new_item' => __('New Testimonial', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'all_items' => __('All Testimonial', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'view_item' => __('View Testimonial', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'search_items' => __('Search Testimonial', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'not_found' => __('No Testimonial found', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'not_found_in_trash' => __('No Testimonial found in Trash', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'menu_name' => __('Testimonials', THEME_ADMIN_TD)); $args = array('labels' => $labels, 'public' => true, 'publicly_queryable' => true, 'show_ui' => true, 'show_in_menu' => true, 'query_var' => true, 'capability_type' => 'post', 'has_archive' => true, 'hierarchical' => false, 'menu_position' => null, 'menu_icon' => ADMIN_ASSETS_URI . 'images/testimonials.png', 'supports' => array('title', 'editor', 'thumbnail', 'page-attributes')); register_post_type('oxy_testimonial', $args); $labels = array('name' => _x('Gallery Items', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'singular_name' => _x('Gallery Item', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'add_new' => _x('Add New', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'add_new_item' => __('Add New Gallery Item', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'edit_item' => __('Edit Gallery Item', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'new_item' => __('New Gallery Item', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'view_item' => __('View Gallery Item', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'search_items' => __('Search Gallery Items', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'not_found' => __('No Gallery Items found', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'not_found_in_trash' => __('No Gallery Items found in Trash', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'parent_item_colon' => '', 'menu_name' => __('Gallery Items', THEME_ADMIN_TD)); // fetch portfolio slug $permalink_slug = trim(oxy_get_option('portfolio_slug')); if (empty($permalink_slug)) { $permalink_slug = 'gallery'; } $args = array('labels' => $labels, 'public' => true, 'publicly_queryable' => true, 'show_ui' => true, 'query_var' => true, 'capability_type' => 'post', 'hierarchical' => false, 'menu_position' => null, 'menu_icon' => ADMIN_ASSETS_URI . 'images/portfolio.png', 'supports' => array('title', 'editor', 'thumbnail', 'page-attributes', 'post-formats'), 'rewrite' => array('slug' => $permalink_slug, 'with_front' => true, 'pages' => true, 'feeds' => false)); // create custom post register_post_type('oxy_gallery_item', $args); // Register portfolio taxonomy $labels = array('name' => __('Galleries', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'singular_name' => __('Gallery', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'search_items' => __('Search Galleries', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'all_items' => __('All Galleries', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'edit_item' => __('Edit Gallery', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'update_item' => __('Update Gallery', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'add_new_item' => __('Add New Gallery', THEME_ADMIN_TD), 'new_item_name' => __('New Gallery Name', THEME_ADMIN_TD)); register_taxonomy('oxy_gallery_categories', 'oxy_gallery_item', array('hierarchical' => true, 'labels' => $labels, 'show_ui' => true, 'query_var' => true));
* Shows related posts * * @package Lambda * @subpackage Frontend * @since 1.3 * * @copyright (c) 2015 * @license **LICENSE** * @version 1.17.0 */ // get related posts excluding this one. $cats = wp_get_post_terms($post->ID, 'oxy_portfolio_categories'); $related_text = oxy_get_option('related_portfolio_text'); if (!empty($cats)) { $args = array('post_type' => 'oxy_portfolio_image', 'numberposts' => oxy_get_option('related_portfolio_count'), 'post__not_in' => array($post->ID), 'orderby' => 'rand', 'tax_query' => array(array('taxonomy' => 'oxy_portfolio_categories', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $cats[0]->slug))); $columns = intval(oxy_get_option('related_portfolio_columns')); $span_width = $columns > 0 ? floor(12 / $columns) : 12; $posts = get_posts($args); } ?> <?php if ($posts) { ?> <section class="section portfolio-related"> <div class="container"> <div class="row element-bottom-80 text-center"> <?php if (!empty($related_text)) { ?> <h3 class="element-top-30 element-bottom-30">
* @license * @version 1.17.0 */ get_header(); global $post; oxy_page_header($post->ID, array('heading_type' => 'portfolio')); while (have_posts()) { the_post(); get_template_part('partials/content', 'page'); } $allow_comments = oxy_get_option('site_comments'); $template_margin = oxy_get_option('template_margin'); ?> <?php if (oxy_get_option('related_portfolio_items') === 'on') { ?> <?php get_template_part('partials/portfolio/portfolio-related'); } ?> <?php if ($allow_comments === 'portfolio' || $allow_comments === 'all') { ?> <section class="section"> <div class="container"> <div class="row element-top-<?php echo esc_attr($template_margin); ?>
<?php /** * Shows a posts featured image * * @package Omega * @subpackage Admin * @since 0.1 * * @copyright (c) 2014 * @license **LICENSE** * @version 1.7.3 */ global $post; $image_link = is_single() ? '' : get_permalink($post->ID); $image_link_type = is_single() && oxy_get_option('blog_fancybox') === 'on' ? 'magnific' : 'item'; $image_overlay_icon = is_single() ? 'plus' : 'link'; $image_overlay = oxy_get_option('blog_fancybox') === 'on' ? 'icon' : 'none'; echo oxy_section_vc_single_image(array('image' => get_post_thumbnail_id($post->ID), 'size' => 'full', 'link' => $image_link, 'item_link_type' => $image_link_type, 'overlay_icon' => $image_overlay_icon, 'margin_top' => 'no-top', 'margin_bottom' => 'no-bottom', 'overlay' => $image_overlay));
<!--[if lt IE 9]> <script src=""></script> <![endif]--> <?php wp_head(); ?> </head> <body <?php body_class(); ?> data-spy="scroll" data-target=".navbar"> <!-- Page Header --> <header class="pull-center" id="masthead"> <nav class="navbar navbar-fixed-top"> <div class="navbar-inner" style="text-align:<?php echo oxy_get_option('menu_align'); ?> "> <div class="container"> <a class="btn btn-navbar" data-target=".nav-collapse" data-toggle="collapse"> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> </a> <?php oxy_create_mobile_logo(); ?> <div class="nav-collapse"> <?php if (has_nav_menu('primary')) { wp_nav_menu(array('theme_location' => 'primary', 'menu_class' => 'nav', 'depth' => 2, 'walker' => new OxyNavWalker()));
function oxy_section_heading($options, $content = '') { extract(shortcode_atts(array('heading_type' => 'shortcode', 'header_type' => 'h1', 'text_color' => 'text-normal', 'header_size' => 'normal', 'header_weight' => 'regular', 'header_align' => 'left', 'heading_type' => 'shortcode', 'header_fade_out' => 'off', 'extra_classes' => '', 'extra_classes' => '', 'margin_top' => '20', 'margin_bottom' => '20', 'scroll_animation' => 'none', 'scroll_animation_delay' => '0', 'hidden_on_large' => 'off', 'hidden_on_medium' => 'off', 'hidden_on_small' => 'off', 'hidden_on_xsmall' => 'off'), $options)); $headline_classes = array(); $headline_classes[] = 'text-' . $header_align; $headline_classes[] = oxy_add_extra_shortcode_classes($options); $headline_classes[] = 'element-top-' . $margin_top; $headline_classes[] = 'element-bottom-' . $margin_bottom; $headline_classes[] = $text_color; if ($scroll_animation !== 'none') { $headline_classes[] = 'os-animation'; } //Striping content to avoid <p></p> tags $content = strip_tags($content); $headline_classes[] = $header_size; $headline_classes[] = $header_weight; $parallax_data_attr = array(); if ('on' === $header_fade_out) { $fade_y = 0; if ('navbar-sticky' === oxy_get_option('header_type')) { $fade_y = oxy_get_option('navbar_scrolled'); } $parallax_data_attr[] = 'data-start="opacity:1"'; $parallax_data_attr[] = 'data-center="opacity:1"'; $parallax_data_attr[] = 'data-' . $fade_y . '-top-bottom="opacity:0"'; } ob_start(); include locate_template('partials/shortcodes/headings/heading-' . $heading_type . '.php'); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); return $output; }
if (function_exists('is_woocommerce')) { if (is_woocommerce() || is_cart() || is_checkout()) { $add_section = false; } } if ($add_section) { $vc_status_meta = get_post_meta($post->ID, '_wpb_vc_js_status', true); if (!empty($vc_status_meta)) { $add_section = $vc_status_meta === 'false'; } } $allow_comments = oxy_get_option('site_comments'); get_header(); global $post; oxy_page_header($post->ID, array('heading_type' => 'page')); $template_margin = oxy_get_option('template_margin'); if ($add_section === true) { ?> <section class="section"> <div class="container"> <div class="row element-top-<?php echo esc_attr($template_margin); ?> element-bottom-<?php echo esc_attr($template_margin); ?> "> <div class="col-md-12"> <?php } while (have_posts()) {
function oxy_render_system_status_page() { $status = new stdClass(); // remove old default swatches $status->installed_swatches = get_posts(array('post_type' => 'oxy_swatch', 'meta_key' => THEME_SHORT . '_status', 'meta_value' => 'enabled', 'posts_per_page' => '-1')); $status->swatch_writable = is_writable(OXY_THEME_DIR . 'assets/css'); $status->swatch_css_save = oxy_get_option('swatch_css_save'); $status->swatches_files = get_option(THEME_SHORT . '-swatch-files', array()); ob_start(); include OXY_THEME_DIR . 'inc/system-status-page.php'; $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); echo $output; die; }
echo $extra_post_class; ?> " id="comments"> <div class="comments-head"> <h3> <?php printf(_n('1 comment', '%s comments', get_comments_number(), 'omega-td'), number_format_i18n(get_comments_number())); ?> </h3> <small> <?php _e('Join the conversation', 'omega-td'); ?> </small> <?php if (oxy_get_option('blog_post_icons') == 'on') { ?> <div class="post-icon"> <i class="fa fa-comments"></i> </div> <?php } ?> </div> <ul class="comments-list comments-body media-list"> <?php wp_list_comments(array('walker' => new OxyCommentWalker())); ?> </ul> <?php
<?php } ?> </div> <div class="col-md-3 sidebar"> <?php get_sidebar(); ?> </div> </div> </div> </section> <?php if ($allow_comments === 'pages' || $allow_comments === 'all') { ?> <section class="section <?php echo oxy_get_option('page_comments_swatch'); ?> "> <div class="container"> <div class="row element-normal-top element-normal-bottom"> <?php comments_template('', true); ?> </div> </div> </section> <?php } get_footer();
</div> </div> <?php if (oxy_get_option('author_bio') === 'on') { ?> <?php $author_id = get_the_author_meta('ID'); $author_url = get_author_posts_url($author_id); $extra_post_class = oxy_get_option('blog_post_icons') == 'on' ? 'post-showinfo' : ''; ?> <div class="author-info media small-screen-center <?php echo $extra_post_class; ?> "> <div class="author-avatar pull-left"><?php if (oxy_get_option('author_bio_avatar') == 'on') { echo get_avatar($author_id, 150); } ?> </div> <div class="media-body"> <a href="<?php echo $author_url; ?> "> <h3 class="media-heading bordered bordered-small"><?php the_author_meta('nickname'); ?> </h3> </a> <div class="media">
function oxy_woocommerce_shop_classes() { return oxy_get_option('woocom_general_swatch'); }