Esempio n. 1

 *    Copyright 2016 ppy Pty. Ltd.
 *    This file is part of osu!web. osu!web is distributed in the hopes of
 *    attracting more community contributions to the core ecosystem of osu!
 *    osu!web is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *    it under the terms of the Affero GNU General Public License version 3
 *    as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 *    osu!web is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
 *    See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 *    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 *    along with osu!web.  If not, see <>.
return ['login' => ['_' => 'Inloggen', 'username' => 'Gebruikernaam', 'password' => 'Wachtwoord', 'button' => 'Inloggen', 'remember' => 'Onthoud deze computer', 'title' => 'Log in om verder te gaan', 'failed' => 'Verkeerde login', 'register' => 'Heb je geen osu! account? Maak een nieuwe', 'forgot' => 'Wachtwoord vergeten?', 'beta' => ['main' => 'Beta toegang is alleen voor bepaalde gebruikers.', 'small' => '(supporters krijgen binnenkort toegang)'], 'here' => 'hier'], 'anonymous' => ['login_link' => 'klik om in te loggen', 'username' => 'Gast', 'error' => 'Je moet ingelogd zijn om dit te doen.'], 'logout_confirm' => 'Weet je zeker dat je wilt uitloggen? :(', 'show' => ['404' => 'Gebruiker niet gevonden! ;_;', 'current_location' => 'Momenteel in :location.', 'edit' => ['cover' => ['button' => 'Verander Profiel Cover', 'defaults_info' => 'In de toekomst zullen er meer cover opties beschikbaar zijn', 'upload' => ['broken_file' => 'Afbeelding verwerken mislukt. Controleer de geüploade afbeelding en probeer opnieuw.', 'button' => 'Upload afbeelding', 'dropzone' => 'Drop hier om te uploaden', 'dropzone_info' => 'Je kunt je afbeelding ook hier droppen om te uploaden', 'restriction_info' => "Uploaden alleen beschikbaar voor <a href='" . osu_url('support-the-game') . "' target='_blank'>osu!supporters</a>", 'size_info' => 'Cover grootte moet 2000x500 zijn', 'too_large' => 'Het geüploade bestand is te groot.', 'unsupported_format' => 'Niet ondersteund formaat.']]], 'extra' => ['achievements' => ['title' => 'Prestaties', 'achieved-on' => 'Behaald op :date'], 'beatmaps' => ['title' => 'Beatmaps'], 'historical' => ['empty' => 'Geen prestatiegegevens. :(', 'most_played' => ['count' => 'keer gespeeld', 'title' => 'Meest Gespeelde Beatmaps'], 'recent_plays' => ['accuracy' => 'precisie: :percentage', 'title' => 'Recent gespeeld'], 'title' => 'Historisch'], 'performance' => ['title' => 'Prestatie'], 'kudosu' => ['available' => 'Kudosu Beschikbaar', 'available_info' => 'Kudosu kunnen omgeruild worden voor kudosu sterren, deze zorgen ervoor dat je beatmap meer aandacht krijgt. Dit is het aantal kudosu dat je nog niet omgeruild hebt.', 'entry' => ['empty' => 'Deze gebruiker heeft nog geen kudosu ontvangen!', 'give' => '<strong class="kudosu-entries__amount">:amount kudosu</strong> ontvangen van :giver voor :post', 'revoke' => 'Kudosu geweigerd door :giver voor :post'], 'recent_entries' => 'Recente Kudosu Geschiedenis', 'title' => 'Kudosu!', 'total' => 'Totaal Aantal Kudosu Verdiend', 'total_info' => 'Gebaseerd op hoeveel contributie de gebruiker heeft geleverd aan beatmap moderatie. Zie <a href="' . osu_url('user.kudosu') . '">deze pagina</a> voor meer informatie.'], 'me' => ['title' => 'ik!'], 'medals' => ['title' => 'Medailles'], 'recent_activities' => ['title' => 'Recent'], 'top_ranks' => ['best' => ['title' => 'Beste Prestatie'], 'empty' => 'Nog geen geweldige prestatiegegevens. :(', 'first' => ['title' => 'Eerste Ranks'], 'pp' => ':amountpp', 'title' => 'Ranks', 'weighted_pp' => 'gewogen: :pp (:percentage)'], 'beatmaps' => ['title' => 'Beatmaps', 'favourite' => ['title' => 'Favoriete Beatmaps (:count)'], 'ranked_and_approved' => ['title' => 'Gerankte & Goedgekeurde Beatmaps (:count)'], 'none' => 'Nog geen...']], 'first_members' => 'hier sinds het begin', 'is_supporter' => 'osu!supporter', 'is_developer' => 'osu!developer', 'lastvisit' => 'Laatst gezien op :date.', 'joined_at' => 'werd lid op :date', 'more_achievements' => 'en meer', 'origin' => ['age' => ':age jaar oud.', 'country' => 'Uit :country.', 'country_age' => ':age jaar oud uit :country.'], 'page' => ['description' => '<strong>ik!</strong> is een persoonlijk bewerkbaar gedeelte van je profiel.', 'edit_big' => 'Bewerk me!', 'placeholder' => 'Typ pagina inhoud hier', 'restriction_info' => "Je moet een <a href='" . osu_url('support-the-game') . "' target='_blank'>osu!supporter</a> zijn om dit te gebruiken."], 'plays_with' => ['_' => 'Speelt met', 'keyboard' => 'Toetsenbord', 'mouse' => 'Muis', 'tablet' => 'Tablet', 'touch' => 'Touch Screen'], 'missingtext' => 'Je hebt misschien een typfout gemaakt! (of de gebruiker is verbannen)', 'page_description' => 'osu! - Alles wat je ooit over :username wilde weten!', 'rank' => ['country' => 'Landelijke rank voor :mode', 'global' => 'Globale rank voor :mode'], 'stats' => ['hit_accuracy' => 'Hit Precisie', 'level' => 'Level :level', 'maximum_combo' => 'Maximum Combo', 'play_count' => 'Play Count', 'ranked_score' => 'Gerankte Score', 'replays_watched_by_others' => 'Replays Gekeken door Anderen', 'score_ranks' => 'Score Ranks', 'total_hits' => 'Totaal Aantal Hits', 'total_score' => 'Totaal Aantal Score'], 'title' => 'Profiel van :username']];
Esempio n. 2

 *    Copyright 2015 ppy Pty. Ltd.
 *    This file is part of osu!web. osu!web is distributed in the hopes of
 *    attracting more community contributions to the core ecosystem of osu!
 *    osu!web is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *    it under the terms of the Affero GNU General Public License version 3
 *    as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 *    osu!web is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
 *    See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 *    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 *    along with osu!web.  If not, see <>.
return ['login' => ['_' => 'Iniciar sessão', 'username' => 'Nome de usuário', 'password' => 'Senha', 'button' => 'Iniciar sessão', 'remember' => 'Lembrar deste computador', 'title' => 'Inicie a sessão para continuar', 'failed' => 'Nome de usuário e/ou senha incorretos', 'register' => 'Não tem uma conta no osu!? Crie uma', 'forgot' => 'Esqueceu a sua senha?', 'beta' => ['main' => 'Acesso beta atualmente restrito para usuários privilegiados.', 'small' => '(supporters serão incluidos logo)'], 'here' => 'aqui'], 'signup' => ['_' => 'Registrar'], 'anonymous' => ['login_link' => 'clique para iniciar a sessão', 'username' => 'Convidado', 'error' => 'Você precisa iniciar a sessão para fazer isso.'], 'logout_confirm' => 'Tem certeza de que deseja sair? :(', 'show' => ['404' => 'Usuário não encontrado! ;_;', 'current_location' => 'Atualmente em :location.', 'edit' => ['cover' => ['button' => 'Alterar capa do perfil', 'defaults_info' => 'Mais opções de capa estarão disponíveis no futuro', 'upload' => ['broken_file' => 'Processamento de imagem falhou. Verifique a imagem enviada e tente novamente.', 'button' => 'Enviar imagem', 'dropzone' => 'Arraste aqui para enviar', 'dropzone_info' => 'Você também pode arrastar sua imagem aqui para enviar', 'restriction_info' => "Envio de imagem disponível apenas para <a href='" . osu_url('support-the-game') . "' target='_blank'>osu!supporters</a>", 'size_info' => 'O tamanho da capa deve ser 2000x500', 'too_large' => 'O arquivo enviado é muito grande.', 'unsupported_format' => 'Formato não suportado.']]], 'extra' => ['achievements' => ['title' => 'Conquistas', 'achieved-on' => 'Alcançada em :date'], 'beatmaps' => ['title' => 'Beatmaps'], 'historical' => ['empty' => 'Sem histórico de desempenho. :(', 'most_played' => ['count' => 'vezes jogadas', 'title' => 'Beatmaps mais jogados'], 'recent_plays' => ['accuracy' => 'precisão: :percentage', 'title' => 'Jogadas recentes'], 'title' => 'Histórico'], 'performance' => ['title' => 'Desempenho'], 'kudosu' => ['available' => 'Kudosu disponível', 'available_info' => 'Kudosu pode ser trocado por estrelas de kudosu, que podem ajudar seu beatmap a conseguir mais atenção. Este é o número de kudosu que você ainda não usou.', 'entry' => ['empty' => 'Este jogador ainda não recebeu nenhum kudosu!', 'give' => 'Recebeu <strong class="kudosu-entries__amount">:amount kudosu</strong> de :giver por uma publicação em :post', 'revoke' => 'Kudosu negado por :giver pela publicação :post'], 'recent_entries' => 'Histórico recente de Kudosu', 'title' => 'Kudosu!', 'total' => 'Kudosu total recebido', 'total_info' => 'Baseado na contribuição de um jogador para a moderação de beatmaps. Acesse <a href="' . osu_url('user.kudosu') . '">esta página</a> para mais informações.'], 'me' => ['title' => 'eu!'], 'medals' => ['empty' => 'Este usuário ainda não recebeu nenhuma. ;_;', 'title' => 'Medalhas'], 'recent_activities' => ['title' => 'Recente'], 'top_ranks' => ['best' => ['title' => 'Melhor desempenho'], 'empty' => 'Nenhum desempenho maravilhoso ainda. :(', 'first' => ['title' => 'Ranks de primeiro lugar'], 'pp' => ':amountpp', 'title' => 'Ranks', 'weighted_pp' => 'conseguiu: :pp (:percentage)'], 'beatmaps' => ['title' => 'Beatmaps', 'favourite' => ['title' => 'Beatmaps favoritos (:count)'], 'ranked_and_approved' => ['title' => 'Beatmaps ranqueados e aprovados (:count)'], 'none' => 'Nenhum... ainda.']], 'first_members' => 'aqui desde o começo', 'is_supporter' => 'osu!supporter', 'is_developer' => 'osu!developer', 'lastvisit' => 'Visto por último em :date.', 'joined_at' => 'registrou-se em :date', 'more_achievements' => 'e mais', 'origin' => ['age' => ':age anos.', 'country' => 'De :country.', 'country_age' => ':age anos de :country.'], 'page' => ['description' => '<strong>eu!</strong> é uma área pessoal personalizável na sua página de perfil.', 'edit_big' => 'Editar eu!', 'placeholder' => 'Digite o conteúdo da página aqui', 'restriction_info' => "Você precisa ser um <a href='" . osu_url('support-the-game') . "' target='_blank'>osu!supporter</a> para desbloquear essa função."], 'plays_with' => ['_' => 'Joga com', 'keyboard' => 'Teclado', 'mouse' => 'Mouse', 'tablet' => 'Mesa digitalizadora', 'touch' => 'Tela sensível ao toque'], 'missingtext' => 'Você pode ter cometido um erro de digitação! (ou o usuário pode ter sido banido)', 'page_description' => 'osu! — Tudo o que você sempre quis saber sobre :username!', 'rank' => ['country' => 'Rank de país para :mode', 'global' => 'Rank global para :mode'], 'stats' => ['hit_accuracy' => 'Precisão de acertos', 'level' => 'Nível :level', 'maximum_combo' => 'Combo máximo', 'play_count' => 'Vezes jogadas', 'ranked_score' => 'Pontuação ranqueada', 'replays_watched_by_others' => 'Replays assistidos por outros', 'score_ranks' => 'Ranks de pontuação', 'total_hits' => 'Acertos totais', 'total_score' => 'Pontuação total'], 'title' => 'Perfil de :username'], 'verify' => ['title' => 'Verificação de conta']];
Esempio n. 3

 *    Copyright 2015 ppy Pty. Ltd.
 *    This file is part of osu!web. osu!web is distributed in the hopes of
 *    attracting more community contributions to the core ecosystem of osu!
 *    osu!web is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *    it under the terms of the Affero GNU General Public License version 3
 *    as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 *    osu!web is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
 *    See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 *    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 *    along with osu!web.  If not, see <>.
return ['login' => ['_' => 'Se connecter', 'username' => 'Nom d\'utilisateur', 'password' => 'Mot de passe', 'button' => 'Se connecter', 'remember' => 'Se souvenir de moi sur cet ordinateur', 'title' => 'Merci de vous connecter pour continuer', 'failed' => 'Identifiants incorrects', 'register' => "Vous n'avez pas de compte osu! ? Inscrivez-vous maitenant ici", 'forgot' => 'Mot de passe oublié?', 'beta' => ['main' => 'Accès bêta restreint aux utlisateurs privilégiés.', 'small' => '(les supporteurs l\'obtiendront bientôt)'], 'here' => 'ici'], 'signup' => ['_' => 'S\'inscrire'], 'anonymous' => ['login_link' => 'cliquez pour vous connecter', 'username' => 'Invité', 'error' => 'Vous devez être connecté pour faire ça.'], 'logout_confirm' => 'Vous êtes sûr de vous déconnecter? :(', 'show' => ['404' => 'Utilisateur non trouvé! ;_;', 'current_location' => 'Actuellement à :location.', 'edit' => ['cover' => ['button' => 'Changer la bannière du profil', 'defaults_info' => 'Plus d\'options seront disponibles bientôt', 'upload' => ['broken_file' => 'Impossible de traiter l\'image. Vérifiez l\'image mis en ligne et réesayez.', 'button' => 'Mettre en ligne l\'image', 'dropzone' => 'Déplacez ici pour uploader', 'dropzone_info' => 'Vous pouvez aussi déplacer l\'image ici pour la mettre en ligne', 'restriction_info' => "Mise en ligne disponible pour les <a href='" . osu_url('support-the-game') . "' target='_blank'>osu!supporteurs</a> uniquement", 'size_info' => 'La taille de la bannière devrait être 2000x500', 'too_large' => 'Le fichier mis en ligne est trop gros.', 'unsupported_format' => 'Format non supporté.']]], 'extra' => ['achievements' => ['title' => 'Succès', 'achieved-on' => 'Acquis le :date'], 'beatmaps' => ['title' => 'Beatmaps'], 'historical' => ['empty' => 'Aucun enregistrement de performance. :(', 'most_played' => ['count' => 'nombre de fois jouées', 'title' => 'Beatmaps les plus jouées'], 'recent_plays' => ['accuracy' => 'précision: :percentage', 'title' => 'Parties récentes'], 'title' => 'Historique'], 'performance' => ['title' => 'Performance'], 'kudosu' => ['available' => 'Kudosu Disponible', 'available_info' => "Le Kudosu peut être échangé pour des étoiles kudosu, qui vous aidera pour que votre beatmap ait plus d'attention. C'est le nombre de Kudosu qui n'avaient pas encore échangés.", 'entry' => ['empty' => "Cet utilisateur n'a jamais reçu de Kudosu!", 'give' => 'A reçu <strong class="kudosu-entries__amount">:amount kudosu</strong> de :giver pour un post sur :post', 'revoke' => 'Denied kudosu by :giver for the post :post'], 'recent_entries' => 'Hitorique de Kudosu récents', 'title' => 'Kudosu!', 'total' => 'Kudosu reçus au total', 'total_info' => 'Basé sur combien de fois on a contribué dans la modération de beatmaps. Voir <a href="' . osu_url('user.kudosu') . '">cette page</a> pour plus d\'informations.'], 'me' => ['title' => 'moi!'], 'medals' => ['title' => 'Médailles'], 'recent_activities' => ['title' => 'Récent'], 'top_ranks' => ['best' => ['title' => 'Meilleures performances'], 'empty' => 'Pas de meilleurs performances. :(', 'first' => ['title' => 'Classements à la première place'], 'pp' => ':amountpp', 'title' => 'Classements', 'weighted_pp' => 'pondéré: :pp (:percentage)'], 'beatmaps' => ['title' => 'Beatmaps', 'favourite' => ['title' => 'Beatmaps favorites (:count)'], 'ranked_and_approved' => ['title' => 'Beatmaps classés et approuvés (:count)'], 'none' => 'Aucun... en ce moment.']], 'first_members' => 'ici depuis le début', 'is_supporter' => 'osu!supporter', 'is_developer' => 'osu!developer', 'lastvisit' => 'Vu la dernière fois le :date.', 'joined_at' => 'ici depuis le :date', 'more_achievements' => 'et plus', 'origin' => ['age' => 'âgé de :age.', 'country' => 'Depuis :country.', 'country_age' => 'Âgé de :age ans et de :country.'], 'page' => ['description' => '<strong>moi!</strong> est une zone personnalisable du profil.', 'edit_big' => 'éditer le moi!', 'placeholder' => 'Tapez le contenu de la page', 'restriction_info' => "Vous devez être <a href='" . osu_url('support-the-game') . "' target='_blank'>osu!supporter</a> pour débloquer cette fonctionnalité."], 'plays_with' => ['_' => 'Joue avec', 'keyboard' => 'Clavier', 'mouse' => 'Souris', 'tablet' => 'Tablette', 'touch' => 'Écran tactile'], 'missingtext' => 'Vous avez fait une erreur typo je crois! (ou l\'utilisateur vous a banni)', 'page_description' => 'osu! - Tout ce que vous devez savoir à propos de :username!', 'rank' => ['country' => 'Classement national pour :mode', 'global' => 'Classement global pour :mode'], 'stats' => ['hit_accuracy' => 'Précision du clic', 'level' => 'Niveau :level', 'maximum_combo' => 'Combo maximum', 'play_count' => 'Nombres de parties', 'ranked_score' => 'Score classé', 'replays_watched_by_others' => 'Replay regardés par les autres', 'score_ranks' => 'Classements de Scores', 'total_hits' => 'Nombre de clics', 'total_score' => 'Score total'], 'title' => 'profil de :username'], 'verify' => ['title' => 'Vérification de compte']];
Esempio n. 4

 *    Copyright 2015 ppy Pty. Ltd.
 *    This file is part of osu!web. osu!web is distributed in the hopes of
 *    attracting more community contributions to the core ecosystem of osu!
 *    osu!web is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *    it under the terms of the Affero GNU General Public License version 3
 *    as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 *    osu!web is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
 *    See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 *    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 *    along with osu!web.  If not, see <>.
return ['login' => ['_' => 'Sign in', 'username' => 'Username', 'password' => 'Password', 'button' => 'Login', 'remember' => 'Remember this computer', 'title' => 'Please login to proceed', 'failed' => 'Incorrect login', 'register' => "Don't have an osu! account? Make a new one", 'forgot' => 'Forgotten your password?', 'beta' => ['main' => 'Beta access is currently restricted to privileged users.', 'small' => '(supporters will get in soon)'], 'here' => 'here'], 'signup' => ['_' => 'Register'], 'anonymous' => ['login_link' => 'click to login', 'username' => 'Guest', 'error' => 'You need to be logged in to do this.'], 'logout_confirm' => 'Are you sure you want to log out? :(', 'show' => ['404' => 'User not found! ;_;', 'current_location' => 'Currently in :location.', 'edit' => ['cover' => ['button' => 'Change Profile Cover', 'defaults_info' => 'More cover options will be available in the future', 'upload' => ['broken_file' => 'Failed processing image. Verify uploaded image and try again.', 'button' => 'Upload image', 'dropzone' => 'Drop here to upload', 'dropzone_info' => 'You can also drop your image here to upload', 'restriction_info' => "Upload available for <a href='" . osu_url('support-the-game') . "' target='_blank'>osu!supporters</a> only", 'size_info' => 'Cover size should be at 2000x500', 'too_large' => 'Uploaded file is too large.', 'unsupported_format' => 'Unsupported format.']]], 'extra' => ['achievements' => ['title' => 'Achievements', 'achieved-on' => 'Achieved on :date'], 'beatmaps' => ['title' => 'Beatmaps'], 'historical' => ['empty' => 'No performance records. :(', 'most_played' => ['count' => 'times played', 'title' => 'Most Played Beatmaps'], 'recent_plays' => ['accuracy' => 'accuracy: :percentage', 'title' => 'Recent Plays'], 'title' => 'Historical'], 'performance' => ['title' => 'Performance'], 'kudosu' => ['available' => 'Kudosu Available', 'available_info' => "Kudosu can be traded for kudosu stars, which will help your beatmap get more attention. This is the number of kudosu you haven't traded in yet.", 'entry' => ['empty' => "This user hasn't received any kudosu!", 'give' => 'Received <strong class="kudosu-entries__amount">:amount kudosu</strong> from :giver for a post at :post', 'revoke' => 'Denied kudosu by :giver for the post :post'], 'recent_entries' => 'Recent Kudosu History', 'title' => 'Kudosu!', 'total' => 'Total Kudosu Earned', 'total_info' => 'Based on how much of a contribution the user has made to beatmap moderation. See <a href="' . osu_url('user.kudosu') . '">this page</a> for more information.'], 'me' => ['title' => 'me!'], 'medals' => ['title' => 'Medals'], 'recent_activities' => ['title' => 'Recent'], 'top_ranks' => ['best' => ['title' => 'Best Performance'], 'empty' => 'No awesome performance records yet. :(', 'first' => ['title' => 'First Place Ranks'], 'pp' => ':amountpp', 'title' => 'Ranks', 'weighted_pp' => 'weighted: :pp (:percentage)'], 'beatmaps' => ['title' => 'Beatmaps', 'favourite' => ['title' => 'Favourite Beatmaps (:count)'], 'ranked_and_approved' => ['title' => 'Ranked & Approved Beatmaps (:count)'], 'none' => 'None... yet.']], 'first_members' => 'here since the beginning', 'is_supporter' => 'osu!supporter', 'is_developer' => 'osu!developer', 'lastvisit' => 'Last seen :date.', 'joined_at' => 'joined :date', 'more_achievements' => 'and more', 'origin' => ['age' => ':age years old.', 'country' => 'From :country.', 'country_age' => ':age years old from :country.'], 'page' => ['description' => '<strong>me!</strong> is a personal customisable area in your profile page.', 'edit_big' => 'Edit me!', 'placeholder' => 'Type page content here', 'restriction_info' => "You need to be an <a href='" . osu_url('support-the-game') . "' target='_blank'>osu!supporter</a> to unlock this feature."], 'plays_with' => ['_' => 'Plays with', 'keyboard' => 'Keyboard', 'mouse' => 'Mouse', 'tablet' => 'Tablet', 'touch' => 'Touch Screen'], 'missingtext' => 'You might have made a typo! (or the user may have been banned)', 'page_description' => 'osu! - Everything you ever wanted to know about :username!', 'rank' => ['country' => 'Country rank for :mode', 'global' => 'Global rank for :mode'], 'stats' => ['hit_accuracy' => 'Hit Accuracy', 'level' => 'Level :level', 'maximum_combo' => 'Maximum Combo', 'play_count' => 'Play Count', 'ranked_score' => 'Ranked Score', 'replays_watched_by_others' => 'Replays Watched by Others', 'score_ranks' => 'Score Ranks', 'total_hits' => 'Total Hits', 'total_score' => 'Total Score'], 'title' => ":username's profile"], 'verify' => ['title' => 'Account Verification']];
Esempio n. 5
function footer_links()
    $links = [];
    $links['general'] = ['home' => route('home'), 'changelog' => osu_url('home.changelog'), 'beatmaps' => action('BeatmapsetsController@index'), 'download' => osu_url(''), 'wiki' => osu_url('')];
    $links['help'] = ['faq' => osu_url('help.faq'), 'forum' => route('forum.forums.index'), 'livestreams' => route('livestreams.index'), 'report' => route('forum.topics.create', ['forum_id' => 5])];
    $links['support'] = ['tags' => route('support-the-game'), 'merchandise' => action('StoreController@getListing')];
    $links['legal'] = ['tos' => osu_url('legal.tos'), 'copyright' => osu_url('legal.dmca'), 'serverStatus' => osu_url('status.server'), 'osuStatus' => osu_url('status.osustatus')];
    return $links;
Esempio n. 6

 *    Copyright 2015 ppy Pty. Ltd.
 *    This file is part of osu!web. osu!web is distributed in the hopes of
 *    attracting more community contributions to the core ecosystem of osu!
 *    osu!web is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *    it under the terms of the Affero GNU General Public License version 3
 *    as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 *    osu!web is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
 *    See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 *    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 *    along with osu!web.  If not, see <>.
return ['login' => ['_' => 'Zaloguj się', 'username' => 'Nazwa użytkownika', 'password' => 'Hasło', 'button' => 'Zaloguj się', 'remember' => 'Zapamiętaj ten komputer', 'title' => 'Zaloguj się, aby kontynuować', 'failed' => 'Niepoprawny login/hasło', 'register' => 'Nie posiadasz konta osu! ? Stwórz nowe', 'forgot' => 'Zapomniałeś hasła?', 'beta' => ['main' => 'Dostęp do bety jest obecnie ograniczony do wybranych użytkowników.', 'small' => '(supporterzy dostaną go wkrótce)'], 'here' => 'tutaj'], 'anonymous' => ['login_link' => 'kliknij, aby się zalogować', 'username' => 'Gość', 'error' => 'Musisz być zalogowany.'], 'logout_confirm' => 'Na pewno chcesz się wylogować? :(', 'show' => ['404' => 'Nie znaleziono gracza! ;_;', 'current_location' => 'Obecnie w :location.', 'edit' => ['cover' => ['button' => 'Zmień nagłówek profilu', 'defaults_info' => 'Więcej nagłówków pojawi się w przyszłości', 'upload' => ['broken_file' => 'Nie udało się przetworzyć pliku. Zweryfikuj plik i spróbuj ponownie.', 'button' => 'Dodaj tło', 'dropzone' => 'Upuść tutaj, aby dodać', 'dropzone_info' => 'Możesz także upuścić swoje tło tutaj, aby je dodać', 'restriction_info' => "Dodawanie jest dostępne tylko dla <a href='" . osu_url('support-the-game') . "' target='_blank'>supporterów</a> ", 'size_info' => 'Rozmiary nagłówka powinny być przynajmniej 2000x500', 'too_large' => 'Plik jest zbyt duży.', 'unsupported_format' => 'To rozszerzenie nie jest wspierane.']]], 'extra' => ['achievements' => ['title' => 'Osiągnięcia', 'achieved-on' => 'Odblokowane dnia :date'], 'beatmaps' => ['title' => 'Beatmapy'], 'historical' => ['empty' => 'Brak wyników. :(', 'most_played' => ['count' => 'ilość zagrań', 'title' => 'Najczęściej grane mapy'], 'recent_plays' => ['accuracy' => 'celność: :percentage', 'title' => 'Ostatnie wyniki'], 'title' => 'Historia'], 'performance' => ['title' => 'Osiągi'], 'kudosu' => ['available' => 'Dostępne kudosu', 'available_info' => 'Kudosu może być wymienione na gwiazdki kudosu, które pomogą twojej mapie zyskać więcej uwagi. To jest liczba kudosu, którego nie wymieniłeś.', 'entry' => ['empty' => 'Ten gracz nie otrzymał żadnego kudosu!', 'give' => 'Otrzymano <strong class="kudosu-entries__amount">:amount kudosu</strong> od :giver za post na :post', 'revoke' => 'Odebrano kudosu przezDenied kudosu by :giver for the post :post'], 'recent_entries' => 'Ostatnio zdobyte kudosu', 'title' => 'Kudosu!', 'total' => 'Ilość zdobytego kudosu', 'total_info' => 'Bazowane na tym, ile użytkownik zrobił dla modowania map. Spojrzyj <a href="' . osu_url('user.kudosu') . '">tutaj</a>, aby dowiedzieć się więcej.'], 'me' => ['title' => 'me!'], 'medals' => ['title' => 'Medale'], 'recent_activities' => ['title' => 'Ostatnie'], 'top_ranks' => ['best' => ['title' => 'Najlepsze wyniki'], 'empty' => 'Brak wyników. :(', 'first' => ['title' => 'Pierwsze miejsca'], 'pp' => ':amountpp', 'title' => 'Wyniki', 'weighted_pp' => 'ważone: :pp (:percentage)'], 'beatmaps' => ['title' => 'Beatmapy', 'favourite' => ['title' => 'Ulubione beatmapy (:count)'], 'ranked_and_approved' => ['title' => 'Rankingowe & Zatwierdzone beatmapy (:count)'], 'none' => 'Jeszcze nie ma...']], 'first_members' => 'od samego początku', 'is_supporter' => 'osu!supporter', 'is_developer' => 'osu!programista', 'lastvisit' => 'Ostatnio widziany :date.', 'joined_at' => 'dołączył :date', 'more_achievements' => 'i więcej', 'origin' => ['age' => 'Ma :age lat.', 'country' => 'Pochodzi z :country.', 'country_age' => 'Ma :age lat i pochodzi z :country.'], 'page' => ['description' => '<strong>ja!</strong> to twoje osobiste, personalizowalne miejsce na twoim profilu.', 'edit_big' => 'Edytuj mnie!', 'placeholder' => 'Pisz tutaj', 'restriction_info' => "Musisz być <a href='" . osu_url('support-the-game') . "' target='_blank'>supporterem</a>, aby odblokować tę funkcję."], 'plays_with' => ['_' => 'Gra używając', 'keyboard' => 'Klawiatury', 'mouse' => 'Myszki', 'tablet' => 'Tableta', 'touch' => 'Ekranu dotykowego'], 'missingtext' => 'Zrobiłeś literówkę! (albo ten gracz jest zbanowany)', 'page_description' => 'osu! - Wszystko co chciałbyś wiedzieć o :username!', 'rank' => ['country' => 'Pozycja w rankingu krajowym dla :mode', 'global' => 'Pozycja w rankingu świadowym dla :mode'], 'stats' => ['hit_accuracy' => 'Celność', 'level' => 'Poziom :level', 'maximum_combo' => 'Maksymalne combo', 'play_count' => 'Ilość zagrań', 'ranked_score' => 'Łączny rankingowy wynik', 'replays_watched_by_others' => 'Powtórki obejrzane przez innych', 'score_ranks' => 'Wyniki', 'total_hits' => 'Łączna ilość uderzeń', 'total_score' => 'Łączny wynik'], 'title' => 'Profil :username']];
Esempio n. 7
 public function parseSmilies($text)
     return preg_replace('#<!\\-\\- s(.*?) \\-\\-><img src="\\{SMILIES_PATH\\}\\/(.*?) \\/><!\\-\\- s\\1 \\-\\->#', '<img class="smiley" src="' . osu_url('smilies') . '/\\2 />', $text);
Esempio n. 8

 *    Copyright 2015 ppy Pty. Ltd.
 *    This file is part of osu!web. osu!web is distributed in the hopes of
 *    attracting more community contributions to the core ecosystem of osu!
 *    osu!web is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 *    it under the terms of the Affero GNU General Public License version 3
 *    as published by the Free Software Foundation.
 *    osu!web is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
 *    See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
 *    You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
 *    along with osu!web.  If not, see <>.
return ['login' => ['_' => 'Iniciar sesión', 'username' => 'Nombre de usuario', 'password' => 'Contraseña', 'button' => 'Iniciar sesión', 'remember' => 'Recordarme', 'title' => 'Inicia sesión para continuar', 'failed' => 'Nombre de usuario o contraseña incorrectos', 'register' => '¿No tienes una cuenta de osu!? Crea una', 'forgot' => '¿Olvidaste tu contraseña?', 'beta' => ['main' => 'Acceso a la beta es actualmente restringido a usuarios privilegiados.', 'small' => '(supporters tendrán acceso pronto)'], 'here' => 'aquí'], 'anonymous' => ['login_link' => 'clic para iniciar sesión', 'username' => 'Invitado', 'error' => 'Necesitas haber iniciado sesión para hacer esto.'], 'logout_confirm' => '¿Seguro que deseas salir? :(', 'show' => ['404' => '¡Usuario no encontrado! ;_;', 'current_location' => 'Actualmente en :location.', 'edit' => ['cover' => ['button' => 'Cambiar portada de perfil', 'defaults_info' => 'Más portadas estarán disponibles en el futuro', 'upload' => ['broken_file' => 'No se pudo procesar. Verifica la imagen e intenta de nuevo.', 'button' => 'Subir imagen', 'dropzone' => 'Suelta aquí para subir', 'dropzone_info' => 'También puedes soltar la imagen aquí para subirla', 'restriction_info' => "Subida solo disponible para <a href='" . osu_url('support-the-game') . "' target='_blank'>osu!supporters</a>", 'size_info' => 'El tamaño de la portada debe ser de 2000x500', 'too_large' => 'El archivo es demasiado grande.', 'unsupported_format' => 'Formato no soportado.']]], 'extra' => ['achievements' => ['title' => 'Logros', 'achieved-on' => 'Obtenido el :date'], 'beatmaps' => ['title' => 'Beatmaps'], 'historical' => ['empty' => 'Sin récords de rendimiento. :(', 'most_played' => ['count' => 'veces jugado', 'title' => 'Beatmaps Más Jugados'], 'recent_plays' => ['accuracy' => 'precisión: :percentage', 'title' => 'Jugadas Recientes'], 'title' => 'Historial'], 'performance' => ['title' => 'Rendimiento'], 'kudosu' => ['available' => 'Kudosu disponible', 'available_info' => 'Kudosu puede ser intercambiado por estrellas kudosu, que ayudarán a tu beatmap a obtener más atención. Este es el número de kudosu que no has intercambiado aún.', 'entry' => ['empty' => '¡Este usuario no ha recibido ningún kudosu!', 'give' => 'Recibido <strong class="kudosu-entries__amount">:amount kudosu</strong> de :giver por un post en :post', 'revoke' => 'Kudosu denegado por :giver por el post :post'], 'recent_entries' => 'Historial de Kudosu Reciente', 'title' => 'Kudosu!', 'total' => 'Kudosu Total Obtenido', 'total_info' => 'Basado en qué tanto ha colaborado el usuario a la moderación del beatmap. Ve <a href="' . osu_url('user.kudosu') . '">esta página</a> para más información.'], 'me' => ['title' => 'me!'], 'medals' => ['title' => 'Medallas'], 'recent_activities' => ['title' => 'Reciente'], 'top_ranks' => ['best' => ['title' => 'Mejor rendimiento'], 'empty' => 'No hay récords increíbles aún. :(', 'first' => ['title' => 'Primeros Lugares'], 'pp' => ':amountpp', 'title' => 'Rangos', 'weighted_pp' => 'valorado en: :pp (:percentage)'], 'beatmaps' => ['title' => 'Beatmaps', 'favourite' => ['title' => 'Beatmaps Favoritos (:count)'], 'ranked_and_approved' => ['title' => 'Beatmaps Rankeados & Aprobados (:count)'], 'none' => 'Ninguno... aún.']], 'first_members' => 'desde el comienzo', 'is_supporter' => 'osu!supporter', 'is_developer' => 'osu!developer', 'lastvisit' => 'Visto por última vez :date.', 'joined_at' => 'se unió el :date', 'more_achievements' => 'y más', 'origin' => ['age' => ':age años.', 'country' => 'De :country.', 'country_age' => ':age años de :country.'], 'page' => ['description' => '<strong>me!</strong> es una área personalizable en tu perfil.', 'edit_big' => 'Editar me!', 'placeholder' => 'Escribe el contenido aquí', 'restriction_info' => "Necesitas ser un <a href='" . osu_url('support-the-game') . "' target='_blank'>osu!supporter</a> para desbloquear esta característica."], 'plays_with' => ['_' => 'Juega con', 'keyboard' => 'Teclado', 'mouse' => 'Ratón', 'tablet' => 'Tableta', 'touch' => 'Pantalla Táctil'], 'missingtext' => '¡Has cometido un error! (o el usuario pudo haber sido baneado)', 'page_description' => 'osu! - Todo lo que siempre quisiste saber acerca de :username!', 'rank' => ['country' => 'Rank nacional para :mode', 'global' => 'Rank global para :mode'], 'stats' => ['hit_accuracy' => 'Precisión', 'level' => 'Nivel :level', 'maximum_combo' => 'Combo máximo', 'play_count' => 'Conteo de jugadas', 'ranked_score' => 'Puntuación rankeada', 'replays_watched_by_others' => 'Replays observadas por otros', 'score_ranks' => 'Score Ranks', 'total_hits' => 'Aciertos totales', 'total_score' => 'Puntuación total'], 'title' => 'perfil / :username']];