function __construct($productId)
     //make the api call using product details api
     $url = "" . $productId;
     $json = file_get_contents($url);
     $productData = json_decode($json, True);
     if (isset($productData['id'])) {
         $this->validProductID = True;
     } else {
         $this->validProductID = False;
     $taxonomyStore = $productData[taxonomy][store][id];
     $this->name = $productData[name];
     $this->productId = $productData[id];
     $this->developerId = $GLOBALS['developerId'];
     if ($taxonomyStore == 2 || $taxonomyStore == 3) {
         return ostk_formatError("Our apologies we do not offer <b>'{$this->name}'</b> for affiliate sale. Product ID is '{$productId}'");
     } else {
         //we have dynamic pricing types, including COMPARISON_PRICE, DISCOUNTED_AMOUNT, CURRENT_PRICE
         //return only the CURRENT_PRICE (formatted)
         $numPriceSets = count($productData[priceSet]);
         for ($i = 0; $i < $numPriceSets; $i++) {
             if ($productData[priceSet][$i][priceType] == "CURRENT_PRICE") {
                 $this->price = $productData[priceSet][$i][formattedPrice];
                 if ($this->price >= 1500) {
                     return ostk_formatError("Maximum price for affiliate items is \$1500.");
         $this->baseImageUrl = $productData[meta][imageBaseUrl];
         $this->numImages = count($productData[oViewerImages]);
         //we must populate the $arrayOfAllProductImages dynamically based on $numImages
         $this->arrayOfAllProductImages = array();
         for ($j = 1; $j <= $this->numImages; $j++) {
             $imageSizeCount = count($productData[oViewerImages][$j - 1][imageSizes]);
             //each oViewerImage has a dynamic number of sizes, fetch the biggest one
             $imagePath = $productData[oViewerImages][$j - 1][imageSizes][$imageSizeCount - 1][imagePath];
             //last img in array is the biggest one.
             $imageUrl = $this->baseImageUrl . $imagePath;
             array_push($this->arrayOfAllProductImages, $imageUrl);
         $this->description = $productData[shortDescription];
         if (empty($this->arrayOfAllProductImages)) {
             $this->imgUrl_large = $this->baseImageUrl . $productData[imageLarge];
         } else {
             $this->imgUrl_large = $this->arrayOfAllProductImages[0];
         $this->imgUrl_medium = $this->baseImageUrl . $productData[imageMedium1];
         $this->imgUrl_thumbnail = $this->baseImageUrl . $productData[imageThumbnail];
         $murl = "" . $this->productId . "%2Fproduct.html";
         $this->affiliateUrl = ostk_generateAffiliateLink($murl);
         $this->averageReviewAsDecimal = $productData[reviews];
         if (!empty($productData[rating])) {
             $this->averageReviewAsGif = "" . $productData[rating];
 * Pattern 2 - URL: lets you create links to any overstock page
 * Generate a link to a predefined page on
 * Specify the link_text with the link_text attribute
 * Usage example 
 * 1) [overstock type="link" url=""]
 * 2) [overstock type="link" url="" link_text="I want to buy this for my wife"]
function ostk_generateLinktoAnyPage($atts)
    $atts = shortcode_atts(array('url' => '', 'link_text' => 'A link to', 'link_target' => 'new_tab'), $atts);
    $affiliateLink = ostk_generateAffiliateLink($atts['url']);
    $link_text = $atts['link_text'];
    return '<a href="' . $affiliateLink . '" class="ostk-element ostk-link" ' . ostk_getLinkTarget($atts) . '>' . $link_text . '</a>';