function buildTreeView($action, $stock_group_id = 0, $stock_group_parent_id = -1, $depth = 0, $parent_last = 0) { $sql = "select * from stock_group where stock_group_parent_id=" . $stock_group_parent_id . " order by stock_group_name"; if ($rs = mysql_query($sql)) { $depth++; $i = 1; while ($parent = mysql_fetch_array($rs)) { echo "<tr valign=top>"; echo "<td nowrap>"; if ($parent["stock_group_parent_id"] != -1) { drawBlanksIntersecs($parent["stock_group_id"]); } $sql2 = "select * from stock_group where stock_group_parent_id=" . $parent["stock_group_id"] . " order by stock_group_name"; $rs2 = mysql_query($sql2); if (mysql_num_rows($rs2) != 0) { if ($action == "expand" && openFolder($stock_group_id, $parent["stock_group_id"])) { echo "<a href=treeview.php?action=expand&stock_group_id=" . $parent["stock_group_parent_id"] . ">"; if (mysql_num_rows($rs) == $i) { echo "<img src=" . $dir . "images/trv_intersecminus_end.gif height=18 width=18 border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0 align=left>"; } else { echo "<img src=" . $dir . "images/trv_intersecminus.gif height=18 width=18 border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0 align=left>"; } } else { echo "<a href=treeview.php?action=expand&stock_group_id=" . $parent["stock_group_id"] . ">"; if (mysql_num_rows($rs) == $i) { echo "<img src=" . $dir . "images/trv_intersecplus_end.gif height=18 width=18 border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0 align=left>"; } else { echo "<img src=" . $dir . "images/trv_intersecplus.gif height=18 width=18 border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0 align=left>"; } } } else { if (mysql_num_rows($rs) == $i) { echo "<img src=images/trv_end.gif height=18 width=18 border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0 align=left>"; } else { echo "<img src=images/trv_intersec.gif height=18 width=18 border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0 align=left>"; } } if ($action == "expand" && openFolder($stock_group_id, $parent["stock_group_id"])) { echo "<img src=images/trv_openfolder.gif height=18 width=18 border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0 align=left>"; } else { echo "<img src=images/trv_closedfolder.gif height=18 width=18 border=0 vspace=0 hspace=0 align=left>"; } echo "</a>"; //Here you can change where the link of the folder points too. //You really should to edit it... echo "<a href=main.php?stock_group_id=" . $parent["stock_group_id"] . " target=treeview_main>"; echo " " . $parent["stock_group_name"]; echo "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; if ($action == "expand" && openFolder($stock_group_id, $parent["stock_group_id"])) { buildTreeView($action, $stock_group_id, $parent["stock_group_id"], $depth, $parent_last); } $i++; } } }
function processActions() { $ftpAction = ''; if (isset($_POST["ftpAction"]) && !empty($_POST["ftpAction"])) { $ftpAction = $_POST["ftpAction"]; } elseif (isset($_GET["ftpAction"]) && !empty($_GET["ftpAction"])) { $ftpAction = $_GET["ftpAction"]; } else { $ftpAction = 'error'; } // Open folder (always called) if (openFolder() == 1) { // New file if ($ftpAction == "newFile") { newFile(); } // New folder if ($ftpAction == "newFolder") { newFolder(); } // Upload file if ($ftpAction == "upload") { uploadFile(); } // Cut if ($ftpAction == "cut") { cutFilesPre(); } // Copy if ($ftpAction == "copy") { copyFilesPre(); } // Paste if ($ftpAction == "paste") { pasteFiles(); } // Delete if ($ftpAction == "delete") { deleteFiles(); } // Rename if ($ftpAction == "rename") { renameFiles(); } // Chmod if ($ftpAction == "chmod") { chmodFiles(); } // Drag & Drop if ($ftpAction == "dragDrop") { dragDropFiles(); } // Edit if ($ftpAction == "edit") { editFile(); } } }