Esempio n. 1
function opc_sanitize_max_width_unit($input)
    // Get radio choices
    $choices = opc_max_width_unit_choices();
    // Check if choices are in array
    foreach ($choices as $choice) {
        if ($choice['label'] == $input) {
            return $input;
Esempio n. 2

// Exit if accessed directly
if (!defined('ABSPATH')) {
// Term array for all sections and fields
$termMetaBoxes = array();
$termMetaBoxes[] = array('category' => 'opc-category', 'fields' => array(array('label' => __('Max Width', 'owl-post'), 'desc' => __('Max width of the slider. Numeric values are in pixels.', 'owl-post'), 'id' => 'opc-max-width', 'name' => 'opc-max-width', 'type' => 'text', 'validate' => 'opc_sanitize_number', 'column' => 'no'), array('label' => __('Max Width Unit', 'owl-post'), 'desc' => __('Should the max width unit use pixels or percentage? The default is pixels.', 'owl-post'), 'id' => 'opc-max-width-unit', 'name' => 'opc-max-width-unit', 'type' => 'radio', 'validate' => 'opc_sanitize_max_width_unit', 'column' => 'yes', 'options' => opc_max_width_unit_choices()), array('label' => __('Max Height', 'owl-post'), 'desc' => __('Max height of slide images. Numeric values are in pixels.', 'owl-post'), 'id' => 'opc-max-height', 'name' => 'opc-max-height', 'type' => 'text', 'validate' => 'opc_sanitize_number', 'column' => 'no'), array('label' => __('Autoplay', 'owl-post'), 'desc' => __('To disable autoplay on the slider, check this.', 'owl-post'), 'id' => 'opc-disable-autoplay', 'name' => 'opc-disable-autoplay', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => 1, 'validate' => 'opc_sanitize_checkbox', 'column' => 'no'), array('label' => __('Slide Speed', 'owl-post'), 'desc' => __('You can change the speed of the transition between slides here. Numeric values are in milliseconds. The default is 200 milliseconds (0.2 seconds).', 'owl-post'), 'id' => 'opc-slide-speed', 'name' => 'opc-slide-speed', 'type' => 'text', 'validate' => 'opc_sanitize_number', 'column' => 'no'), array('label' => __('Navigation', 'owl-post'), 'desc' => __('To disable navigation on the slider, check this.', 'owl-post'), 'id' => 'opc-disable-navigation', 'name' => 'opc-disable-navigation', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => 1, 'validate' => 'opc_sanitize_checkbox', 'column' => 'no'), array('label' => __('Pagination', 'owl-post'), 'desc' => __('To disable pagination on the slider, check this.', 'owl-post'), 'id' => 'opc-disable-pagination', 'name' => 'opc-disable-pagination', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'value' => 1, 'validate' => 'opc_sanitize_checkbox', 'column' => 'no'), array('label' => __('Pagination Speed', 'owl-post'), 'desc' => __('You can change the speed of the transition between pagination here. Numeric values are in milliseconds. The default is 800 milliseconds (0.8 seconds).', 'owl-post'), 'id' => 'opc-pagination-speed', 'name' => 'opc-pagination-speed', 'type' => 'text', 'validate' => 'opc_sanitize_number', 'column' => 'no')));