function getNetworks() { //mashdebug()->timer('getNetworks'); global $mashsb_options, $enablednetworks; $output = ''; $startsecondaryshares = ''; $endsecondaryshares = ''; /* content of 'more services' button */ $onoffswitch = ''; /* counter for 'Visible Services' */ $startcounter = 1; $maxcounter = $mashsb_options['visible_services'] + 1; // plus 1 because our array values start counting from zero /* our list of available services, includes the disabled ones! * We have to clean this array first! */ $getnetworks = $mashsb_options['networks']; // Delete disabled services from array. Use callback function here. Only once: array_filter is slow. // Use the newly created array and bypass the callback function than if (is_array($getnetworks)) { if (!is_array($enablednetworks)) { //echo "is not array"; //var_dump($enablednetworks); $enablednetworks = array_filter($getnetworks, 'isStatus'); } else { //echo "is array"; //var_dump($enablednetworks); $enablednetworks = $enablednetworks; } } else { $enablednetworks = $getnetworks; } if (!empty($enablednetworks)) { foreach ($enablednetworks as $key => $network) { if ($mashsb_options['visible_services'] !== 'all' && $maxcounter != count($enablednetworks) && $mashsb_options['visible_services'] < count($enablednetworks)) { if ($startcounter === $maxcounter) { $onoffswitch = onOffSwitch(); $startsecondaryshares = '<div class="secondary-shares" style="display:none;">'; } else { $onoffswitch = ''; $onoffswitch2 = ''; $startsecondaryshares = ''; } if ($startcounter === count($enablednetworks)) { $endsecondaryshares = '</div>'; } else { $endsecondaryshares = ''; } //echo "<h1>Debug: Startcounter " . $startcounter . " Hello: " . $maxcounter+1 . //" Debug: Enabled services: " . count($enablednetworks) . "</h1>"; } if ($enablednetworks[$key]['name'] != '') { /* replace all spaces with $nbsp; This prevents error in css style content: text-intend */ $name = preg_replace('/\\040{1,}/', ' ', $enablednetworks[$key]['name']); } else { $name = ucfirst($enablednetworks[$key]['id']); } $enablednetworks[$key]['id'] == 'whatsapp' ? $display = 'display:none;' : ($display = ''); // Whatsapp button is made visible via js when opened on mobile devices $output .= '<a style="' . $display . '" class="mashicon-' . $enablednetworks[$key]['id'] . '" href="' . arrNetworks($enablednetworks[$key]['id']) . '" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><span class="icon"></span><span class="text">' . $name . '</span></a>'; $output .= $onoffswitch; $output .= $startsecondaryshares; $startcounter++; } $output .= onOffSwitch2(); $output .= $endsecondaryshares; } //mashdebug()->timer('getNetworks', true); return apply_filters('return_networks', $output); }
function mashsb_getNetworks($is_shortcode = false, $services = 0) { global $mashsb_options, $mashsb_custom_url, $enablednetworks, $mashsb_twitter_url; // define globals if ($is_shortcode) { $mashsb_twitter_url = !empty($mashsb_custom_url) ? mashsb_get_shorturl($mashsb_custom_url) : mashsb_get_twitter_url(); } else { $mashsb_twitter_url = mashsb_get_twitter_url(); } // Get class names for buttons size $class_size = isset($mashsb_options['buttons_size']) ? ' ' . $mashsb_options['buttons_size'] : ''; // Get class names for buttons margin $class_margin = isset($mashsb_options['button_margin']) ? '' : ' mash-nomargin'; // Get class names for center align $class_center = isset($mashsb_options['text_align_center']) ? ' mash-center' : ''; // Get class names for button style $class_style = isset($mashsb_options['mash_style']) && $mashsb_options['mash_style'] === 'shadow' ? ' mashsb-shadow' : ''; $output = ''; $startsecondaryshares = ''; $endsecondaryshares = ''; /* content of 'more services' button */ $onoffswitch = ''; /* counter for 'Visible Services' */ $startcounter = 1; $maxcounter = isset($mashsb_options['visible_services']) ? $mashsb_options['visible_services'] : 0; $maxcounter = $maxcounter === 'all' ? 'all' : $maxcounter + 1; // plus 1 to get networks correct counted (array's starting counting from zero) $maxcounter = apply_filters('mashsb_visible_services', $maxcounter); /* Overwrite maxcounter with shortcode attribute */ $maxcounter = $services === 0 ? $maxcounter : $services; /* our list of available services, includes the disabled ones! * We have to clean this array first! */ $getnetworks = isset($mashsb_options['networks']) ? $mashsb_options['networks'] : ''; //echo '<pre>'.var_dump($getnetworks) . '</pre>'; /* Delete disabled services from array. Use callback function here. Do this only once because array_filter is slow! * Use the newly created array and bypass the callback function */ if (is_array($getnetworks)) { if (!is_array($enablednetworks)) { $enablednetworks = array_filter($getnetworks, 'isStatus'); } else { $enablednetworks = $enablednetworks; } } else { $enablednetworks = $getnetworks; } // Start Primary Buttons //$output .= '<div class="mashsb-primary-shares">'; if (!empty($enablednetworks)) { foreach ($enablednetworks as $key => $network) { if ($maxcounter !== 'all' && $maxcounter < count($enablednetworks)) { // $maxcounter + 1 for correct comparision with count() if ($startcounter == $maxcounter) { $onoffswitch = onOffSwitch(); // Start More Button //$startsecondaryshares = '</div>'; // End Primary Buttons $startsecondaryshares .= '<div class="secondary-shares" style="display:none;">'; // Start secondary-shares } else { $onoffswitch = ''; $onoffswitch2 = ''; $startsecondaryshares = ''; } if ($startcounter === count($enablednetworks)) { $endsecondaryshares = '</div>'; } else { $endsecondaryshares = ''; } } //if( $enablednetworks[$key]['name'] != '' ) { if (isset($enablednetworks[$key]['name']) && !empty($enablednetworks[$key]['name'])) { /* replace all spaces with $nbsp; This prevents error in css style content: text-intend */ $name = preg_replace('/\\040{1,}/', ' ', $enablednetworks[$key]['name']); // The custom share label } else { $name = ucfirst($enablednetworks[$key]['id']); // Use the id as share label. Capitalize it! } $enablednetworks[$key]['id'] == 'whatsapp' ? $display = 'style="display:none;"' : ($display = ''); // Whatsapp button is made visible via js when opened on mobile devices // Lets use the data attribute to prevent that pininit.js is overwriting our pinterest button - PR: if ('pinterest' === $enablednetworks[$key]['id'] && !mashsb_is_amp_page()) { $output .= '<a ' . $display . ' class="mashicon-' . $enablednetworks[$key]['id'] . $class_size . $class_margin . $class_center . $class_style . '" href="#" data-mashsb-url="' . arrNetworks($enablednetworks[$key]['id'], $is_shortcode) . '" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><span class="icon"></span><span class="text">' . $name . '</span></a>'; } else { $output .= '<a ' . $display . ' class="mashicon-' . $enablednetworks[$key]['id'] . $class_size . $class_margin . $class_center . $class_style . '" href="' . arrNetworks($enablednetworks[$key]['id'], $is_shortcode) . '" target="_blank" rel="nofollow"><span class="icon"></span><span class="text">' . $name . '</span></a>'; } $output .= $onoffswitch; $output .= $startsecondaryshares; $startcounter++; } $output .= onOffSwitch2(); $output .= $endsecondaryshares; } return apply_filters('return_networks', $output); }