echo "<font face=Verdana size=-2 color=green><b>Query#" . $num . " : " . htmlspecialchars($query) . "</b></font><br>"; $stat = @ociparse($db, $query); @ociexecute($stat); if ($error = @ocierror()) { echo "<table width=100%><tr><td><font face=Verdana size=-2>Error : <b>" . $error['message'] . "</b></font></td></tr></table><br>"; } else { $rowcount = @ocirowcount($stat); if ($rowcount != 0) { echo "<table width=100%><tr><td><font face=Verdana size=-2>affected rows : <b>" . $rowcount . "</b></font></td></tr></table><br>"; } else { echo "<table width=100%><tr>"; for ($j = 1; $j <= @ocinumcols($stat); $j++) { echo "<td bgcolor=#cccccc><font face=Verdana size=-2><b> " . htmlspecialchars(@ocicolumnname($stat, $j)) . " </b></font></td>"; } echo "</tr>"; while (ocifetch($stat)) { echo "<tr>"; for ($j = 1; $j <= @ocinumcols($stat); $j++) { echo "<td><font face=Verdana size=-2> " . htmlspecialchars(@ociresult($stat, $j)) . " </font></td>"; } echo "</tr>"; } echo "</table><br>"; } @ocifreestatement($stat); } } } @ocilogoff($db); } break;
function nextid($seqname) { $this->connect(); $Query_ID = @ociparse($this->Link_ID, "SELECT {$seqname}.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL"); if (!@ociexecute($Query_ID)) { $this->Error = @OCIError($Query_ID); if ($this->Error["code"] == 2289) { $Query_ID = ociparse($this->Link_ID, "CREATE SEQUENCE {$seqname}"); if (!ociexecute($Query_ID)) { $this->Error = OCIError($Query_ID); $this->Errors->addError("Database error: " . $this->Error["message"]); return 0; } else { $Query_ID = ociparse($this->Link_ID, "SELECT {$seqname}.NEXTVAL FROM DUAL"); ociexecute($Query_ID); } } } if (ocifetch($Query_ID)) { $next_id = ociresult($Query_ID, "NEXTVAL"); } else { $next_id = 0; } ocifreestatement($Query_ID); return $next_id; }
<html> <body> <?php $connect = oci_connect("lp10", "d3whrc2", "iutdb"); //Connexion à la base $stmt = ociparse($connect, "select * from PLANTE"); //On parse la requête à effectuer sans oublier de lui passer la chaine de connexion en paramêtre ociexecute($stmt, OCI_DEFAULT); //On execute la requête en lui passant l'option OCI_DEFAULT echo "Début----<br>\n\n"; while (ocifetch($stmt)) { //On parcourt les résultats echo ociresult($stmt, 1); //On récupère le premier champ de la ma_table echo ociresult($stmt, 2); //On récupère le deuxième champ de la ma_table } echo "<br>----fin\n\n"; ocilogoff($connect); //On se déconnecte du serveur ?> </body> </html>
<body> <h1>PHP und Oracle</h1> <table border="1"> <tr> <th>Interpret</th> <th>Titel</th> <th>Jahr</th> </tr> <?php $db = "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)\r\n (HOST=localhost) (PORT=1521)))\r\n (CONNECT_DATA=(SERVICE_NAME=xe)))"; // Oracle 10g //$db="//localhost/xe"; $c = ocilogon("hr", "geheim", $db); $s = ociparse($c, "SELECT * FROM cds"); if (ociexecute($s)) { while (ocifetch($s)) { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>" . ociresult($s, "INTERPRET") . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . ociresult($s, "TITEL") . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . ociresult($s, "JAHR") . "</td>"; echo "</tr>"; } } else { $e = oci_error($s); echo htmlentities($e['message']); } ?> </table> </body> </html>
/** * db::fetch_row() Alias to {DB}_fetch_row() * * @param string $result * @return **/ function fetch_row($result = "") { global $GonxAdmin; switch ($GonxAdmin["dbtype"]) { case "mysql": $this->dbResultLine = @mysql_fetch_row($result); break; case "postgresql": $this->dbResultLine = @pg_fetch_row($result, 0); break; case "oracle": $this->dbResultLine = @ocifetch($result); break; case "sqlite": break; case "mssql": $this->dbResultLine = @mssql_fetch_row($result); break; } // switch return $this->dbResultLine; }
function currentid($seqname) { $this->connect(); $Query_ID = @ociparse($this->Link_ID, "SELECT {$seqname}.CURRVAL FROM DUAL"); @ociexecute($Query_ID); if (@ocifetch($Query_ID)) { $current_id = ociresult($Query_ID, "CURRVAL"); } else { $current_id = 0; } ocifreestatement($Query_ID); return $current_id; }
/** * 分页算法从 adodb 修改 */ function selectLimit($sql, $length = 'ALL', $offset = 0) { if (strpos($sql, '/*+') !== false) { $sql = str_replace('/*+ ', '/*+FIRST_ROWS ', $sql); } else { $sql = preg_replace('/^[ \\t\\n]*SELECT/i', 'SELECT /*+FIRST_ROWS*/', $sql); } $selectOffsetAlg1 = 100; $inputarr = array(); if ($offset < $selectOffsetAlg1) { if ($length > 0) { if ($offset > 0) { $length += $offset; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM ({$sql}) WHERE ROWNUM <= :length"; $inputarr['length'] = $length; } $stmt = $this->execute($sql, $inputarr); for ($i = 0; $i < $offset; $i++) { ocifetch($stmt); } return $stmt; } else { // Algorithm by Tomas V V Cox, from PEAR DB oci8.php // Let Oracle return the name of the columns $qfields = "SELECT * FROM ({$sql}) WHERE NULL = NULL"; $stmt = ociparse($this->conn, $qfields); if (!$stmt) { return false; } if (is_array($inputarr)) { foreach (array_keys($inputarr) as $k) { ocibindbyname($stmt, $k, $inputarr[$k], -1); } } if (!ociexecute($stmt, OCI_DEFAULT)) { ocifreestatement($stmt); return false; } $ncols = ocinumcols($stmt); for ($i = 1; $i <= $ncols; $i++) { $cols[] = '"' . ocicolumnname($stmt, $i) . '"'; } ocifreestatement($stmt); $fields = implode(', ', $cols); $length += $offset; $offset += 1; // in Oracle rownum starts at 1 $sql = "SELECT {$fields} FROM " . "(SELECT rownum as adodb_rownum, {$fields} FROM " . "({$sql})" . ' WHERE rownum <= :adodb_nrows) WHERE adodb_rownum >= :adodb_offset'; $inputarr['adodb_nrows'] = $length; $inputarr['adodb_offset'] = $offset; return $this->execute($sql, $inputarr); } }
/** * Get information about student's programms and subjects. * * @param $sident * * @return array */ public function getStudyInfo($sident) { $query = "SELECT zpovinn, pnazev, panazev, zvysl, zbody, to_char(zdatum,'DD.MM.YYYY')\n\t\t\t\t\tAS datum, zskr\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM zkous JOIN ( SELECT povinn,pnazev,panazev,vplatiod,vplatido\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM povinn UNION SELECT povinn,pnazev,panazev,vplatiod,vplatido\n\t\t\t\t\tFROM povinn2 ) ON (zpovinn=povinn AND vplatiod<=zskr AND vplatido>=zskr )\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE zsplsem='S' AND zident = {$sident} ORDER BY zskr, zdt"; $data = $this->execute($query); $grades = []; while (ocifetch($data)) { $grades[] = ['code' => ociresult($data, "ZPOVINN"), 'name' => ociresult($data, "PNAZEV"), 'name_en' => ociresult($data, "PANAZEV"), 'grade' => ociresult($data, "ZVYSL"), 'credits' => ociresult($data, "ZBODY"), 'date' => ociresult($data, "DATUM"), 'year' => ociresult($data, "ZSKR")]; } return $grades; }
function form_checkfield($name, $title, $sql) { $stm = ociexec($sql); echo "<tr><td align=right>{$title} :</td><td>"; while (ocifetch($stm)) { echo "<input type=checkbox name={$name} value=\"" . ociresult($stm, 'CVALUE') . "\">" . ociresult($stm, 'CNAME') . "<br>"; } echo "</td></tr>"; }
<a href="">Logout</a> </div> <?php $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['pwd']; $connection = ocilogon("tanis2", "oracle", ""); $sqlquery = "SELECT count(*) FROM CREDENTIALS WHERE username='******' AND password='******'"; $sql_id = ociparse($connection, $sqlquery); if (!$sql_id) { $e = oci_error($connection); echo "The following error occured:"; print htmlentities($e['message']); exit; } ociexecute($sql_id, OCI_DEFAULT); while (ocifetch($sql_id)) { $result = ociresult($sql_id, 1); if ($result == 1) { echo "<h3>You have logged in successfully<h3/>"; echo "<a href=''>Click here to generate reports</a>"; } else { echo '<font color="' . red . '">Invalid login credentials. Please enter correct username and password</font>'; echo "<br/><br/>"; echo "<a href=''>Back To Login Page</a>"; } } ocicommit($connection); OCIFreeStatement($sql_id); ocilogoff($connection); ?> </body>
/** * Get the rows returned from a SELECT query. * * @param resource The query result pointer * @param ?integer Whether to start reading from (NULL: irrelevant for this forum driver) * @return array A list of row maps */ function db_get_query_rows($stmt, $start = NULL) { $out = array(); $i = 0; $num_fields = ocinumcols($stmt); $types = array(); $names = array(); for ($x = 1; $x <= $num_fields; $x++) { $types[$x] = ocicolumntype($stmt, $x); $names[$x] = strtolower(ocicolumnname($stmt, $x)); } while (ocifetch($stmt)) { if (is_null($start) || $i >= $start) { $newrow = array(); for ($j = 1; $j <= $num_fields; $j++) { $v = ociresult($stmt, $j); if (is_object($v)) { $v = $v->load(); } // For CLOB's if ($v === false) { fatal_exit(do_lang_tempcode('QUERY_FAILED', ocierror($stmt))); } $name = $names[$j]; $type = $types[$j]; if ($type == 'NUMBER') { if (!is_null($v)) { $newrow[$name] = intval($v); } else { $newrow[$name] = NULL; } } else { if ($v == ' ') { $v = ''; } $newrow[$name] = $v; } } $out[] = $newrow; } $i++; } return $out; }
ocicollgetelem(); ocicollmax(); ocicollsize(); ocicolltrim(); ocicolumnisnull(); ocicolumnname(); ocicolumnprecision(); ocicolumnscale(); ocicolumnsize(); ocicolumntype(); ocicolumntyperaw(); ocicommit(); ocidefinebyname(); ocierror(); ociexecute(); ocifetch(); ocifetchinto(); ocifetchstatement(); ocifreecollection(); ocifreecursor(); ocifreedesc(); ocifreestatement(); ociinternaldebug(); ociloadlob(); ocilogoff(); ocilogon(); ocinewcollection(); ocinewcursor(); ocinewdescriptor(); ocinlogon(); ocinumcols();