/** * Handle importer uploading and add attachment. * * @since 2.0.0 * * @return array Uploaded file's details on success, error message on failure */ function nxt_import_handle_upload() { if (!isset($_FILES['import'])) { $file['error'] = __('File is empty. Please upload something more substantial. This error could also be caused by uploads being disabled in your php.ini or by post_max_size being defined as smaller than upload_max_filesize in php.ini.'); return $file; } $overrides = array('test_form' => false, 'test_type' => false); $_FILES['import']['name'] .= '.txt'; $file = nxt_handle_upload($_FILES['import'], $overrides); if (isset($file['error'])) { return $file; } $url = $file['url']; $type = $file['type']; $file = $file['file']; $filename = basename($file); // Construct the object array $object = array('post_title' => $filename, 'post_content' => $url, 'post_mime_type' => $type, 'guid' => $url, 'context' => 'import', 'post_status' => 'private'); // Save the data $id = nxt_insert_attachment($object, $file); // schedule a cleanup for one day from now in case of failed import or missing nxt_import_cleanup() call nxt_schedule_single_event(time() + 86400, 'importer_scheduled_cleanup', array($id)); return array('file' => $file, 'id' => $id); }
/** * This handles a sideloaded file in the same way as an uploaded file is handled by {@link media_handle_upload()} * * @since 2.6.0 * * @param array $file_array Array similar to a {@link $_FILES} upload array * @param int $post_id The post ID the media is associated with * @param string $desc Description of the sideloaded file * @param array $post_data allows you to overwrite some of the attachment * @return int|object The ID of the attachment or a nxt_Error on failure */ function media_handle_sideload($file_array, $post_id, $desc = null, $post_data = array()) { $overrides = array('test_form' => false); $file = nxt_handle_sideload($file_array, $overrides); if (isset($file['error'])) { return new nxt_Error('upload_error', $file['error']); } $url = $file['url']; $type = $file['type']; $file = $file['file']; $title = preg_replace('/\\.[^.]+$/', '', basename($file)); $content = ''; // use image exif/iptc data for title and caption defaults if possible if ($image_meta = @nxt_read_image_metadata($file)) { if (trim($image_meta['title']) && !is_numeric(sanitize_title($image_meta['title']))) { $title = $image_meta['title']; } if (trim($image_meta['caption'])) { $content = $image_meta['caption']; } } if (isset($desc)) { $title = $desc; } // Construct the attachment array $attachment = array_merge(array('post_mime_type' => $type, 'guid' => $url, 'post_parent' => $post_id, 'post_title' => $title, 'post_content' => $content), $post_data); // This should never be set as it would then overwrite an existing attachment. if (isset($attachment['ID'])) { unset($attachment['ID']); } // Save the attachment metadata $id = nxt_insert_attachment($attachment, $file, $post_id); if (!is_nxt_error($id)) { nxt_update_attachment_metadata($id, nxt_generate_attachment_metadata($id, $file)); } return $id; }
/** * Update a post with new post data. * * The date does not have to be set for drafts. You can set the date and it will * not be overridden. * * @since 1.0.0 * * @param array|object $postarr Post data. Arrays are expected to be escaped, objects are not. * @return int 0 on failure, Post ID on success. */ function nxt_update_post($postarr = array()) { if (is_object($postarr)) { // non-escaped post was passed $postarr = get_object_vars($postarr); $postarr = add_magic_quotes($postarr); } // First, get all of the original fields $post = nxt_get_single_post($postarr['ID'], ARRAY_A); // Escape data pulled from DB. $post = add_magic_quotes($post); // Passed post category list overwrites existing category list if not empty. if (isset($postarr['post_category']) && is_array($postarr['post_category']) && 0 != count($postarr['post_category'])) { $post_cats = $postarr['post_category']; } else { $post_cats = $post['post_category']; } // Drafts shouldn't be assigned a date unless explicitly done so by the user if (isset($post['post_status']) && in_array($post['post_status'], array('draft', 'pending', 'auto-draft')) && empty($postarr['edit_date']) && '0000-00-00 00:00:00' == $post['post_date_gmt']) { $clear_date = true; } else { $clear_date = false; } // Merge old and new fields with new fields overwriting old ones. $postarr = array_merge($post, $postarr); $postarr['post_category'] = $post_cats; if ($clear_date) { $postarr['post_date'] = current_time('mysql'); $postarr['post_date_gmt'] = ''; } if ($postarr['post_type'] == 'attachment') { return nxt_insert_attachment($postarr); } return nxt_insert_post($postarr); }
/** * Imports library * * @param integer $limit * @param integer $offset * @param integer $count * @param integer $total * @param array $results * @return boolean */ function import_library($limit, $offset, &$count, &$total, &$results) { global $nxtdb; $count = 0; $total = 0; $results = array(); $upload_info = w3_upload_info(); $uploads_use_yearmonth_folders = get_option('uploads_use_yearmonth_folders'); $document_root = w3_get_document_root(); @set_time_limit($this->_config->get_integer('timelimit.cdn_import')); if ($upload_info) { /** * Search for posts with links or images */ $sql = sprintf('SELECT ID, post_content, post_date FROM %sposts WHERE post_status = "publish" AND (post_type = "post" OR post_type = "page") AND (post_content LIKE "%%src=%%" OR post_content LIKE "%%href=%%") ', $nxtdb->prefix); if ($limit) { $sql .= sprintf(' LIMIT %d', $limit); if ($offset) { $sql .= sprintf(' OFFSET %d', $offset); } } $posts = $nxtdb->get_results($sql); if ($posts) { $count = count($posts); $total = $this->get_import_posts_count(); $regexp = '~(' . $this->get_regexp_by_mask($this->_config->get_string('cdn.import.files')) . ')$~'; $import_external = $this->_config->get_boolean('cdn.import.external'); foreach ($posts as $post) { $matches = null; $replaced = array(); $attachments = array(); $post_content = $post->post_content; /** * Search for all link and image sources */ if (preg_match_all('~(href|src)=[\'"]?([^\'"<>\\s]+)[\'"]?~', $post_content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { foreach ($matches as $match) { list($search, $attribute, $origin) = $match; /** * Check if $search is already replaced */ if (isset($replaced[$search])) { continue; } $error = ''; $result = false; $src = w3_normalize_file_minify($origin); $dst = ''; /** * Check if file exists in the library */ if (stristr($origin, $upload_info['baseurl']) === false) { /** * Check file extension */ $check_src = $src; if (w3_is_url($check_src)) { $qpos = strpos($check_src, '?'); if ($qpos !== false) { $check_src = substr($check_src, 0, $qpos); } } if (preg_match($regexp, $check_src)) { /** * Check for already uploaded attachment */ if (isset($attachments[$src])) { list($dst, $dst_url) = $attachments[$src]; $result = true; } else { if ($uploads_use_yearmonth_folders) { $upload_subdir = date('Y/m', strtotime($post->post_date)); $upload_dir = sprintf('%s/%s', $upload_info['basedir'], $upload_subdir); $upload_url = sprintf('%s/%s', $upload_info['baseurl'], $upload_subdir); } else { $upload_subdir = ''; $upload_dir = $upload_info['basedir']; $upload_url = $upload_info['baseurl']; } $src_filename = pathinfo($src, PATHINFO_FILENAME); $src_extension = pathinfo($src, PATHINFO_EXTENSION); /** * Get available filename */ for ($i = 0;; $i++) { $dst = sprintf('%s/%s%s%s', $upload_dir, $src_filename, $i ? $i : '', $src_extension ? '.' . $src_extension : ''); if (!file_exists($dst)) { break; } } $dst_basename = basename($dst); $dst_url = sprintf('%s/%s', $upload_url, $dst_basename); $dst_path = ltrim(str_replace($document_root, '', w3_path($dst)), '/'); if ($upload_subdir) { w3_mkdir($upload_subdir, 0777, $upload_info['basedir']); } $download_result = false; /** * Check if file is remote URL */ if (w3_is_url($src)) { /** * Download file */ if ($import_external) { $download_result = w3_download($src, $dst); if (!$download_result) { $error = 'Unable to download file'; } } else { $error = 'External file import is disabled'; } } else { /** * Otherwise copy file from local path */ $src_path = $document_root . '/' . urldecode($src); if (file_exists($src_path)) { $download_result = @copy($src_path, $dst); if (!$download_result) { $error = 'Unable to copy file'; } } else { $error = 'Source file doesn\'t exists'; } } /** * Check if download or copy was successful */ if ($download_result) { require_once W3TC_INC_DIR . '/functions/mime.php'; $title = $dst_basename; $guid = ltrim($upload_info['baseurlpath'] . $title, ','); $mime_type = w3_get_mime_type($dst); @($GLOBALS['nxt_rewrite'] =& new nxt_Rewrite()); /** * Insert attachment */ $id = nxt_insert_attachment(array('post_mime_type' => $mime_type, 'guid' => $guid, 'post_title' => $title, 'post_content' => '', 'post_parent' => $post->ID), $dst); if (!is_nxt_error($id)) { /** * Generate attachment metadata and upload to CDN */ require_once ABSPATH . 'nxt-admin/includes/image.php'; nxt_update_attachment_metadata($id, nxt_generate_attachment_metadata($id, $dst)); $attachments[$src] = array($dst, $dst_url); $result = true; } else { $error = 'Unable to insert attachment'; } } } /** * If attachment was successfully created then replace links */ if ($result) { $replace = sprintf('%s="%s"', $attribute, $dst_url); // replace $search with $replace $post_content = str_replace($search, $replace, $post_content); $replaced[$search] = $replace; $error = 'OK'; } } else { $error = 'File type rejected'; } } else { $error = 'File already exists in the media library'; } /** * Add new entry to the log file */ $results[] = array('src' => $src, 'dst' => $dst_path, 'result' => $result, 'error' => $error); } } /** * If post content was chenged then update DB */ if ($post_content != $post->post_content) { nxt_update_post(array('ID' => $post->ID, 'post_content' => $post_content)); } } } } }
function express_uploadFile($args) { global $nxtdb; global $nxt_xmlrpc_server; $blog_ID = (int) $args[0]; $username = $nxtdb->escape($args[1]); $password = $nxtdb->escape($args[2]); $data = $args[3]; $name = sanitize_file_name($data['name']); $type = $data['type']; $bits = $data['bits']; logIO('O', '(MW) Received ' . strlen($bits) . ' bytes'); if (!($user = $nxt_xmlrpc_server->login($username, $password))) { return $nxt_xmlrpc_server->error; } do_action('xmlrpc_call', 'metaWeblog.newMediaObject'); if (!current_user_can('upload_files')) { logIO('O', '(MW) User does not have upload_files capability'); return new IXR_Error(401, __('You are not allowed to upload files to this site.', 'woothemes')); } if ($upload_err = apply_filters("pre_upload_error", false)) { return new IXR_Error(500, $upload_err); } if (!empty($data["overwrite"]) && $data["overwrite"] == true) { // Get postmeta info on the object. $old_file = $nxtdb->get_row("\n\t\t\tSELECT ID\n\t\t\tFROM {$nxtdb->posts}\n\t\t\tWHERE post_title = '{$name}'\n\t\t\t\tAND post_type = 'attachment'\n\t\t"); // Delete previous file. nxt_delete_attachment($old_file->ID); // Make sure the new name is different by pre-pending the // previous post id. $filename = preg_replace("/^nxtid\\d+-/", "", $name); $name = "nxtid{$old_file->ID}-{$filename}"; } $upload = nxt_upload_bits($name, $type, $bits); if (!empty($upload['error'])) { $errorString = sprintf(__('Could not write file %1$s (%2$s)', 'woothemes'), $name, $upload['error']); logIO('O', '(MW) ' . $errorString); return new IXR_Error(500, $errorString); } // Construct the attachment array // attach to post_id 0 $post_id = 0; $attachment = array('post_title' => $name, 'post_content' => '', 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_parent' => $post_id, 'post_mime_type' => $type, 'guid' => $upload['url']); // Save the data $id = nxt_insert_attachment($attachment, $upload['file'], $post_id); nxt_update_attachment_metadata($id, nxt_generate_attachment_metadata($id, $upload['file'])); return apply_filters('nxt_handle_upload', array('file' => $name, 'url' => $upload['url'], 'type' => $type, 'id' => $id)); }
function __construct($form, $urlholder) { if (empty($_FILES[$form]['name']) && empty($_GET[$urlholder])) { nxt_die(__('Please select a file')); } //Handle a newly uploaded file, Else assume its already been uploaded if (!empty($_FILES)) { $overrides = array('test_form' => false, 'test_type' => false); $file = nxt_handle_upload($_FILES[$form], $overrides); if (isset($file['error'])) { nxt_die($file['error']); } $this->filename = $_FILES[$form]['name']; $this->package = $file['file']; // Construct the object array $object = array('post_title' => $this->filename, 'post_content' => $file['url'], 'post_mime_type' => $file['type'], 'guid' => $file['url'], 'context' => 'upgrader', 'post_status' => 'private'); // Save the data $this->id = nxt_insert_attachment($object, $file['file']); // schedule a cleanup for 2 hours from now in case of failed install nxt_schedule_single_event(time() + 7200, 'upgrader_scheduled_cleanup', array($this->id)); } elseif (is_numeric($_GET[$urlholder])) { // Numeric Package = previously uploaded file, see above. $this->id = (int) $_GET[$urlholder]; $attachment = get_post($this->id); if (empty($attachment)) { nxt_die(__('Please select a file')); } $this->filename = $attachment->post_title; $this->package = get_attached_file($attachment->ID); } else { // Else, It's set to something, Back compat for plugins using the old (pre-3.3) File_Uploader handler. if (!(($uploads = nxt_upload_dir()) && false === $uploads['error'])) { nxt_die($uploads['error']); } $this->filename = $_GET[$urlholder]; $this->package = $uploads['basedir'] . '/' . $this->filename; } }
/** * Display third step of custom header image page. * * @since 2.1.0 */ function step_3() { check_admin_referer('custom-header-crop-image'); if (!current_theme_supports('custom-header-uploads')) { nxt_die(__('Cheatin’ uh?')); } if ($_POST['oitar'] > 1) { $_POST['x1'] = $_POST['x1'] * $_POST['oitar']; $_POST['y1'] = $_POST['y1'] * $_POST['oitar']; $_POST['width'] = $_POST['width'] * $_POST['oitar']; $_POST['height'] = $_POST['height'] * $_POST['oitar']; } $attachment_id = absint($_POST['attachment_id']); $original = get_attached_file($attachment_id); $cropped = nxt_crop_image($attachment_id, (int) $_POST['x1'], (int) $_POST['y1'], (int) $_POST['width'], (int) $_POST['height'], HEADER_IMAGE_WIDTH, HEADER_IMAGE_HEIGHT); if (is_nxt_error($cropped)) { nxt_die(__('Image could not be processed. Please go back and try again.'), __('Image Processing Error')); } $cropped = apply_filters('nxt_create_file_in_uploads', $cropped, $attachment_id); // For replication $parent = get_post($attachment_id); $parent_url = $parent->guid; $url = str_replace(basename($parent_url), basename($cropped), $parent_url); // Construct the object array $object = array('ID' => $attachment_id, 'post_title' => basename($cropped), 'post_content' => $url, 'post_mime_type' => 'image/jpeg', 'guid' => $url, 'context' => 'custom-header'); // Update the attachment nxt_insert_attachment($object, $cropped); nxt_update_attachment_metadata($attachment_id, nxt_generate_attachment_metadata($attachment_id, $cropped)); update_post_meta($attachment_id, '_nxt_attachment_is_custom_header', get_option('stylesheet')); set_theme_mod('header_image', $url); // cleanup $medium = str_replace(basename($original), 'midsize-' . basename($original), $original); @unlink(apply_filters('nxt_delete_file', $medium)); @unlink(apply_filters('nxt_delete_file', $original)); return $this->finished(); }
function woo_tumblog_file_upload() { global $nxtdb; //Upload overrides $filename = $_FILES['userfile']; // [name] [tmp_name] $override['test_form'] = false; $override['action'] = 'nxt_handle_upload'; //Handle Uploaded File $uploaded_file = nxt_handle_upload($filename, $override); // [file] [url] [type] //Create Attachment Object $attachment['post_title'] = $filename['name']; //post_title, post_content (the value for this key should be the empty string), post_status and post_mime_type $attachment['post_content'] = ''; $attachment['post_status'] = 'inherit'; $attachment['post_mime_type'] = $uploaded_file['type']; $attachment['guid'] = $uploaded_file['url']; //Prepare file attachment $wud = nxt_upload_dir(); // [path] [url] [subdir] [basedir] [baseurl] [error] $filename_attach = $wud['basedir'] . $uploaded_file['file']; //Insert Attachment $attach_id = nxt_insert_attachment($attachment, $filename_attach, 0); $attach_data = nxt_generate_attachment_metadata($attach_id, $filename_attach); nxt_update_attachment_metadata($attach_id, $attach_data); //Handle Errors and Response if (!empty($uploaded_file['error'])) { echo 'Upload Error: ' . $uploaded_file['error']; } else { echo $uploaded_file['url'] . '|' . $attach_id . '|'; } // Is the Response }
/** * Handle an Image upload for the background image. * * @since 3.0.0 */ function handle_upload() { if (empty($_FILES)) { return; } check_admin_referer('custom-background-upload', '_nxtnonce-custom-background-upload'); $overrides = array('test_form' => false); $file = nxt_handle_upload($_FILES['import'], $overrides); if (isset($file['error'])) { nxt_die($file['error']); } $url = $file['url']; $type = $file['type']; $file = $file['file']; $filename = basename($file); // Construct the object array $object = array('post_title' => $filename, 'post_content' => $url, 'post_mime_type' => $type, 'guid' => $url, 'context' => 'custom-background'); // Save the data $id = nxt_insert_attachment($object, $file); // Add the meta-data nxt_update_attachment_metadata($id, nxt_generate_attachment_metadata($id, $file)); update_post_meta($id, '_nxt_attachment_is_custom_background', get_option('stylesheet')); set_theme_mod('background_image', esc_url($url)); $thumbnail = nxt_get_attachment_image_src($id, 'thumbnail'); set_theme_mod('background_image_thumb', esc_url($thumbnail[0])); do_action('nxt_create_file_in_uploads', $file, $id); // For replication $this->updated = true; }
/** * If fetching attachments is enabled then attempt to create a new attachment * * @param array $post Attachment post details from WXR * @param string $url URL to fetch attachment from * @return int|nxt_Error Post ID on success, nxt_Error otherwise */ function process_attachment($post, $url) { if (!$this->fetch_attachments) { return new nxt_Error('attachment_processing_error', __('Fetching attachments is not enabled', 'nxtclass-importer')); } // if the URL is absolute, but does not contain address, then upload it assuming base_site_url if (preg_match('|^/[\\w\\W]+$|', $url)) { $url = rtrim($this->base_url, '/') . $url; } $upload = $this->fetch_remote_file($url, $post); if (is_nxt_error($upload)) { return $upload; } if ($info = nxt_check_filetype($upload['file'])) { $post['post_mime_type'] = $info['type']; } else { return new nxt_Error('attachment_processing_error', __('Invalid file type', 'nxtclass-importer')); } $post['guid'] = $upload['url']; // as per nxt-admin/includes/upload.php $post_id = nxt_insert_attachment($post, $upload['file']); nxt_update_attachment_metadata($post_id, nxt_generate_attachment_metadata($post_id, $upload['file'])); // remap resized image URLs, works by stripping the extension and remapping the URL stub. if (preg_match('!^image/!', $info['type'])) { $parts = pathinfo($url); $name = basename($parts['basename'], ".{$parts['extension']}"); // PATHINFO_FILENAME in PHP 5.2 $parts_new = pathinfo($upload['url']); $name_new = basename($parts_new['basename'], ".{$parts_new['extension']}"); $this->url_remap[$parts['dirname'] . '/' . $name] = $parts_new['dirname'] . '/' . $name_new; } return $post_id; }