//if the query is a sequence if ($sequence) { $lhs = $_GET['lhs']; $rhs = explode(' ', $_GET['rhs']); $distance = $_GET['distance']; $toHighlight = $rhs; $pos_list = array(); if (strlen($_GET['rhs']) > 0) { $rhs_ids = ""; foreach ($rhs as $rh) { $rhs_ids += " " . getWordID($rh); } if ($lhs != "anything") { $pos_list = listFormat($lhs); } $rhs_ids = numberList($rhs_ids); if ($distance == 'sentence') { if ($lhs == "anything") { $query = "SELECT sentence_id FROM sentence_xref_word WHERE word_id in (" . $rhs_ids . "); "; $sentence_ids = mysql_($query); } else { $query = "SELECT sentence_id, word as lhs FROM word, sentence_xref_word WHERE word_id in (" . $rhs_ids . ") AND lhs.id = sentence_xref_word.word_id AND word.pos in (" . $pos_list . ");"; $sentence_ids = mysql_query($query); } } else { if ($lhs == "anything") { $query = "SELECT s.sentence_id, s.word_id as lhsid, s.position as lhspos from sentence_xref_word as s, (SELECT sentence_id, position from sentence_xref_word WHERE word_id in (" . $rhs_ids . ")) AS positions WHERE\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\ts.sentence_id = positions.sentence_id AND\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t(positions.position - s.position)*(positions.position - s.position) <=" . pow(intval($distance), 2) . ";"; $sentence_ids = mysql_query($query); } else { $query = "SELECT s.sentence_id, s.word_id as lhsid, s.position as lhspos FROM \n\t\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT * from sentence_xref_word, word as lh WHERE lh.pos in (" . $pos_list . ") ) as s,\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(SELECT sentence_id, position from sentence_xref_word WHERE word_id in (" . $rhs_ids . ")) AS positions\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE s.sentence_id = positions.sentence_id AND\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(positions.position - s.position)*(positions.position - s.position) <=" . pow(intval($distance), 2) . ";"; $sentence_ids = mysql_query($query);
<?php include "dbsetup.php"; include "util.php"; $withinSentence = $_GET['within'] == 'sentence'; $withinNarrative = $_GET['within'] == 'narrative'; $within = numberList($_GET['results']); //paging $page = $_GET['page']; $pageLength = $_GET['pagelength']; $gov = str_replace('\\"', '"', $_GET['gov']); $dep = str_replace('\\"', '"', $_GET['dep']); $relationship = str_replace('\\"', '"', $_GET['relation']); $count = 0; $sentence_dependencies = array(); $t1 = time(); $govs = wordIDList($gov); $deps = wordIDList($dep); $rels = relationshipIDList($relationship); $dependency_ids = getDependencyIDs($govs, $deps, $rels, $withinNarrative, $withinSentence, $within, false); $time = time() - $t1; //echo '"Time to fetch dependencies: "'.$time.' seconds"'; $count = mysql_num_rows($dependency_ids); //print out search results if ($count > 0) { echo '<h3 class="num-results">' . $count; if ($count == 1) { echo ' result'; } else { if ($count < $pageLength) { echo ' results';