/** * Constructor for the base resource class * * Constructor for the base resource class. * If cmid is set create the cm, course, resource objects. * and do some checks to make sure people can be here, and so on. * * @param cmid integer, the current course module id - not set for new resources */ function resource_base($cmid = 0) { global $CFG, $COURSE; $this->navlinks = array(); if ($cmid) { if (!($this->cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('resource', $cmid))) { error("Course Module ID was incorrect"); } if (!($this->course = get_record("course", "id", $this->cm->course))) { error("Course is misconfigured"); } if (!($this->resource = get_record("resource", "id", $this->cm->instance))) { error("Resource ID was incorrect"); } $this->strresource = get_string("modulename", "resource"); $this->strresources = get_string("modulenameplural", "resource"); if (!$this->cm->visible and !has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenactivities', get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $this->cm->id))) { $pagetitle = strip_tags($this->course->shortname . ': ' . $this->strresource); $navigation = build_navigation($this->navlinks, $this->cm); print_header($pagetitle, $this->course->fullname, $navigation, "", "", true, '', navmenu($this->course, $this->cm)); notice(get_string("activityiscurrentlyhidden"), "{$CFG->wwwroot}/course/view.php?id={$this->course->id}"); } } else { $this->course = $COURSE; } }
function allfriends_content(&$a) { $o = ''; if (!local_user()) { notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return; } if ($a->argc > 1) { $cid = intval($a->argv[1]); } if (!$cid) { return; } $c = q("select name, url, photo from contact where id = %d and uid = %d limit 1", intval($cid), intval(local_user())); $a->page['aside'] .= '<div class="vcard">' . '<div class="fn label">' . $c[0]['name'] . '</div>' . '<div id="profile-photo-wrapper">' . '<a href="/contacts/' . $cid . '"><img class="photo" width="175" height="175" src="' . $c[0]['photo'] . '" alt="' . $c[0]['name'] . '" /></div>' . '</div>'; if (!count($c)) { return; } $o .= '<h2>' . sprintf(t('Friends of %s'), $c[0]['name']) . '</h2>'; $r = all_friends(local_user(), $cid); if (!count($r)) { $o .= t('No friends to display.'); return $o; } $tpl = get_markup_template('common_friends.tpl'); foreach ($r as $rr) { $o .= replace_macros($tpl, array('$url' => $rr['url'], '$name' => $rr['name'], '$photo' => $rr['photo'], '$tags' => '')); } $o .= cleardiv(); // $o .= paginate($a); return $o; }
function post() { if (!local_channel()) { return; } if ($_SESSION['delegate']) { return; } if (!x($_POST, 'qxz_password') || !strlen(trim($_POST['qxz_password']))) { return; } if (!x($_POST, 'verify') || !strlen(trim($_POST['verify']))) { return; } if ($_POST['verify'] !== $_SESSION['remove_account_verify']) { return; } $account = \App::get_account(); $account_id = get_account_id(); if (!account_verify_password($account['account_email'], $_POST['qxz_password'])) { return; } if ($account['account_password_changed'] != NULL_DATE) { $d1 = datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', 'now - 48 hours'); if ($account['account_password_changed'] > d1) { notice(t('Account removals are not allowed within 48 hours of changing the account password.') . EOL); return; } } $global_remove = intval($_POST['global']); account_remove($account_id, 1 - $global_remove); }
function get() { if (argc() > 2 && argv(2) === 'add') { $tpl = get_markup_template("settings_oauth_edit.tpl"); $o .= replace_macros($tpl, array('$form_security_token' => get_form_security_token("settings_oauth"), '$title' => t('Add application'), '$submit' => t('Submit'), '$cancel' => t('Cancel'), '$name' => array('name', t('Name'), '', t('Name of application')), '$key' => array('key', t('Consumer Key'), random_string(16), t('Automatically generated - change if desired. Max length 20')), '$secret' => array('secret', t('Consumer Secret'), random_string(16), t('Automatically generated - change if desired. Max length 20')), '$redirect' => array('redirect', t('Redirect'), '', t('Redirect URI - leave blank unless your application specifically requires this')), '$icon' => array('icon', t('Icon url'), '', t('Optional')))); return $o; } if (argc() > 3 && argv(2) === 'edit') { $r = q("SELECT * FROM clients WHERE client_id='%s' AND uid=%d", dbesc(argv(3)), local_channel()); if (!count($r)) { notice(t('Application not found.')); return; } $app = $r[0]; $tpl = get_markup_template("settings_oauth_edit.tpl"); $o .= replace_macros($tpl, array('$form_security_token' => get_form_security_token("settings_oauth"), '$title' => t('Add application'), '$submit' => t('Update'), '$cancel' => t('Cancel'), '$name' => array('name', t('Name'), $app['clname'], ''), '$key' => array('key', t('Consumer Key'), $app['client_id'], ''), '$secret' => array('secret', t('Consumer Secret'), $app['pw'], ''), '$redirect' => array('redirect', t('Redirect'), $app['redirect_uri'], ''), '$icon' => array('icon', t('Icon url'), $app['icon'], ''))); return $o; } if (argc() > 3 && argv(2) === 'delete') { check_form_security_token_redirectOnErr('/settings/oauth', 'settings_oauth', 't'); $r = q("DELETE FROM clients WHERE client_id='%s' AND uid=%d", dbesc(argv(3)), local_channel()); goaway(z_root() . "/settings/oauth/"); return; } $r = q("SELECT clients.*, tokens.id as oauth_token, (clients.uid=%d) AS my \n\t\t\t\tFROM clients\n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN tokens ON clients.client_id=tokens.client_id\n\t\t\t\tWHERE clients.uid IN (%d,0)", local_channel(), local_channel()); $tpl = get_markup_template("settings_oauth.tpl"); $o .= replace_macros($tpl, array('$form_security_token' => get_form_security_token("settings_oauth"), '$baseurl' => z_root(), '$title' => t('Connected Apps'), '$add' => t('Add application'), '$edit' => t('Edit'), '$delete' => t('Delete'), '$consumerkey' => t('Client key starts with'), '$noname' => t('No name'), '$remove' => t('Remove authorization'), '$apps' => $r)); return $o; }
function repair_ostatus_content(&$a) { if (!local_user()) { notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL); goaway($_SESSION['return_url']); // NOTREACHED } $o = "<h2>" . t("Resubsribing to OStatus contacts") . "</h2>"; $uid = local_user(); $a = get_app(); $counter = intval($_REQUEST['counter']); $r = q("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `total` FROM `contact` WHERE\n `uid` = %d AND `network` = '%s' AND `rel` IN (%d, %d)", intval($uid), dbesc(NETWORK_OSTATUS), intval(CONTACT_IS_FRIEND), intval(CONTACT_IS_SHARING)); if (!$r) { return $o . t("Error"); } $total = $r[0]["total"]; $r = q("SELECT `url` FROM `contact` WHERE\n `uid` = %d AND `network` = '%s' AND `rel` IN (%d, %d)\n\t\tORDER BY `url`\n\t\tLIMIT %d, 1", intval($uid), dbesc(NETWORK_OSTATUS), intval(CONTACT_IS_FRIEND), intval(CONTACT_IS_SHARING), $counter++); if (!$r) { $o .= t("Done"); return $o; } $o .= "<p>" . $counter . "/" . $total . ": " . $r[0]["url"] . "</p>"; $o .= "<p>" . t("Keep this window open until done.") . "</p>"; $result = new_contact($uid, $r[0]["url"], true); $a->page['htmlhead'] = '<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; URL=' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/repair_ostatus?counter=' . $counter . '">'; return $o; }
public function call_success() { global $USER, $COURSE, $CFG; if (empty($this->_xmlresponse)) { if (is_siteadmin($USER->id)) { notice(get_string('adminemptyxml', 'adobeconnect'), $CFG->wwwroot . '/admin/settings.php?section=modsettingadobeconnect'); } else { notice(get_string('emptyxml', 'adobeconnect'), '', $COURSE); } } $dom = new DomDocument(); $dom->loadXML($this->_xmlresponse); $domnodelist = $dom->getElementsByTagName('status'); if ($domnodelist->item(0)->hasAttributes()) { $domnode = $domnodelist->item(0)->attributes->getNamedItem('code'); if (!is_null($domnode)) { if (0 == strcmp('ok', $domnode->nodeValue)) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }
function notifications_content(&$a) { if (!local_user()) { notice(t('Permission denied') . EOL); goaway($a->get_baseurl()); } $o = ''; if ($a->argc > 1 && $a->argv[1] == 'all') { $sql_extra = ''; } else { $sql_extra = " AND `ignore` = 0 "; } $tpl = file_get_contents('view/intros-top.tpl'); $o .= replace_macros($tpl, array('$hide_url' => strlen($sql_extra) ? 'notifications/all' : 'notifications', '$hide_text' => strlen($sql_extra) ? t('Show Ignored Requests') : t('Hide Ignored Requests'))); $r = q("SELECT `intro`.`id` AS `intro-id`, `intro`.*, `contact`.* \n\t\tFROM `intro` LEFT JOIN `contact` ON `intro`.`contact-id` = `contact`.`id`\n\t\tWHERE `intro`.`blocked` = 0 {$sql_extra} "); if ($r !== false && count($r)) { $tpl = file_get_contents("view/intros.tpl"); foreach ($r as $rr) { $o .= replace_macros($tpl, array('$intro_id' => $rr['intro-id'], '$dfrn-id' => $rr['issued-id'], '$uid' => $_SESSION['uid'], '$contact-id' => $rr['contact-id'], '$photo' => x($rr, 'photo') ? $rr['photo'] : "images/default-profile.jpg", '$fullname' => $rr['name'], '$knowyou' => $rr['knowyou'] ? t('yes') : t('no'), '$url' => $rr['url'], '$note' => $rr['note'])); } } else { notice(t('No notifications.') . EOL); } return $o; }
function lostpass_content(&$a) { if (x($_GET, 'verify')) { $verify = $_GET['verify']; $r = q("SELECT * FROM account WHERE account_reset = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc($verify)); if (!$r) { notice(t("Request could not be verified. (You may have previously submitted it.) Password reset failed.") . EOL); goaway(z_root()); return; } $aid = $r[0]['account_id']; $email = $r[0]['account_email']; $new_password = autoname(6) . mt_rand(100, 9999); $salt = random_string(32); $password_encoded = hash('whirlpool', $salt . $new_password); $r = q("UPDATE account SET account_salt = '%s', account_password = '******', account_reset = '', account_flags = (account_flags & ~%d) where account_id = %d", dbesc($salt), dbesc($password_encoded), intval(ACCOUNT_UNVERIFIED), intval($aid)); if ($r) { $tpl = get_markup_template('pwdreset.tpl'); $o .= replace_macros($tpl, array('$lbl1' => t('Password Reset'), '$lbl2' => t('Your password has been reset as requested.'), '$lbl3' => t('Your new password is'), '$lbl4' => t('Save or copy your new password - and then'), '$lbl5' => '<a href="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '">' . t('click here to login') . '</a>.', '$lbl6' => t('Your password may be changed from the <em>Settings</em> page after successful login.'), '$newpass' => $new_password, '$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl())); info("Your password has been reset." . EOL); $email_tpl = get_intltext_template("passchanged_eml.tpl"); $message = replace_macros($email_tpl, array('$sitename' => $a->config['sitename'], '$siteurl' => $a->get_baseurl(), '$username' => sprintf(t('Site Member (%s)'), $email), '$email' => $email, '$new_password' => $new_password, '$uid' => $newuid)); $subject = email_header_encode(sprintf(t('Your password has changed at %s'), get_config('system', 'sitename')), 'UTF-8'); $res = mail($email, $subject, $message, 'From: ' . 'Administrator@' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "\n" . 'Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8' . "\n" . 'Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit'); return $o; } } else { $tpl = get_markup_template('lostpass.tpl'); $o .= replace_macros($tpl, array('$title' => t('Forgot your Password?'), '$desc' => t('Enter your email address and submit to have your password reset. Then check your email for further instructions.'), '$name' => t('Email Address'), '$submit' => t('Reset'))); return $o; } }
function get() { $o = ''; if (!\App::$profile['profile_uid']) { return; } $observer_hash = get_observer_hash(); if (!perm_is_allowed(\App::$profile['profile_uid'], $observer_hash, 'view_contacts')) { notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return; } $o .= '<h2>' . t('Common connections') . '</h2>'; $t = count_common_friends(\App::$profile['profile_uid'], $observer_hash); if (!$t) { notice(t('No connections in common.') . EOL); return $o; } $r = common_friends(\App::$profile['profile_uid'], $observer_hash); if ($r) { $tpl = get_markup_template('common_friends.tpl'); foreach ($r as $rr) { $o .= replace_macros($tpl, array('$url' => $rr['xchan_url'], '$name' => $rr['xchan_name'], '$photo' => $rr['xchan_photo_m'], '$tags' => '')); } $o .= cleardiv(); } return $o; }
function viewsrc_content(&$a) { $o = ''; $sys = get_sys_channel(); $item_id = argc() > 1 ? intval(argv(1)) : 0; $json = argc() > 2 && argv(2) === 'json' ? true : false; if (!local_channel()) { notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL); } if (!$item_id) { App::$error = 404; notice(t('Item not found.') . EOL); } $item_normal = item_normal(); if (local_channel() && $item_id) { $r = q("select id, item_flags, item_obscured, body from item where uid in (%d , %d) and id = %d {$item_normal} limit 1", intval(local_channel()), intval($sys['channel_id']), intval($item_id)); if ($r) { if (intval($r[0]['item_obscured'])) { $r[0]['body'] = crypto_unencapsulate(json_decode($r[0]['body'], true), get_config('system', 'prvkey')); } $o = $json ? json_encode($r[0]['body']) : str_replace("\n", '<br />', $r[0]['body']); } } if (is_ajax()) { print '<div><i class="icon-pencil"> ' . t('Source of Item') . ' ' . $r[0]['id'] . '</i></div>'; echo $o; killme(); } return $o; }
function post() { $using_api = false; if (\App::$data['api_info'] && array_key_exists('media', $_FILES)) { $using_api = true; $user_info = \App::$data['api_info']; $nick = $user_info['screen_name']; $channel = get_channel_by_nick($user_info['screen_name']); } elseif (argc() > 1) { $channel = get_channel_by_nick(argv(1)); } if (!$channel) { killme(); } $observer = \App::get_observer(); $def_album = get_pconfig($channel['channel_id'], 'system', 'photo_path'); $def_attach = get_pconfig($channel['channel_id'], 'system', 'attach_path'); $r = attach_store($channel, $observer ? $observer['xchan_hash'] : '', '', array('source' => 'editor', 'visible' => 0, 'album' => $def_album, 'directory' => $def_attach, 'allow_cid' => '<' . $channel['channel_hash'] . '>')); if (!$r['success']) { notice($r['message'] . EOL); killme(); } if (intval($r['data']['is_photo'])) { $s = "\n\n" . $r['body'] . "\n\n"; } else { $s = "\n\n" . '[attachment]' . $r['data']['hash'] . ',' . $r['data']['revision'] . '[/attachment]' . "\n"; } if ($using_api) { return $s; } echo $s; killme(); }
function get() { if (!local_channel()) { return login(); } $content = '<h3>' . t('Configuration Editor') . '</h3>'; $content .= '<div class="descriptive-paragraph">' . t('Warning: Changing some settings could render your channel inoperable. Please leave this page unless you are comfortable with and knowledgeable about how to correctly use this feature.') . '</div>' . EOL . EOL; if (argc() == 3) { $content .= '<a href="pconfig">pconfig[' . local_channel() . ']</a>' . EOL; $content .= '<a href="pconfig/' . escape_tags(argv(1)) . '">pconfig[' . local_channel() . '][' . escape_tags(argv(1)) . ']</a>' . EOL . EOL; $content .= '<a href="pconfig/' . escape_tags(argv(1)) . '/' . escape_tags(argv(2)) . '" >pconfig[' . local_channel() . '][' . escape_tags(argv(1)) . '][' . escape_tags(argv(2)) . ']</a> = ' . get_pconfig(local_channel(), escape_tags(argv(1)), escape_tags(argv(2))) . EOL; if (in_array(argv(2), $this->disallowed_pconfig())) { notice(t('This setting requires special processing and editing has been blocked.') . EOL); return $content; } else { $content .= $this->pconfig_form(escape_tags(argv(1)), escape_tags(argv(2))); } } if (argc() == 2) { $content .= '<a href="pconfig">pconfig[' . local_channel() . ']</a>' . EOL; load_pconfig(local_channel(), escape_tags(argv(1))); foreach (\App::$config[local_channel()][escape_tags(argv(1))] as $k => $x) { $content .= '<a href="pconfig/' . escape_tags(argv(1)) . '/' . $k . '" >pconfig[' . local_channel() . '][' . escape_tags(argv(1)) . '][' . $k . ']</a> = ' . escape_tags($x) . EOL; } } if (argc() == 1) { $r = q("select * from pconfig where uid = " . local_channel()); if ($r) { foreach ($r as $rr) { $content .= '<a href="' . 'pconfig/' . escape_tags($rr['cat']) . '/' . escape_tags($rr['k']) . '" >pconfig[' . local_channel() . '][' . escape_tags($rr['cat']) . '][' . escape_tags($rr['k']) . ']</a> = ' . escape_tags($rr['v']) . EOL; } } } return $content; }
function follow_post(&$a) { if (!local_user()) { notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL); goaway($_SESSION['return_url']); // NOTREACHED } if ($_REQUEST['cancel']) { goaway($_SESSION['return_url']); } $uid = local_user(); $url = notags(trim($_REQUEST['url'])); $return_url = $_SESSION['return_url']; // Makes the connection request for friendica contacts easier // This is just a precaution if maybe this page is called somewhere directly via POST $_SESSION["fastlane"] = $url; $result = new_contact($uid, $url, true); if ($result['success'] == false) { if ($result['message']) { notice($result['message']); } goaway($return_url); } elseif ($result['cid']) { goaway($a->get_baseurl() . '/contacts/' . $result['cid']); } info(t('Contact added') . EOL); if (strstr($return_url, 'contacts')) { goaway($a->get_baseurl() . '/contacts/' . $contact_id); } goaway($return_url); // NOTREACHED }
/** @file */ function group_add($uid, $name, $public = 0) { $ret = false; if (x($uid) && x($name)) { $r = group_byname($uid, $name); // check for dups if ($r !== false) { // This could be a problem. // Let's assume we've just created a group which we once deleted // all the old members are gone, but the group remains so we don't break any security // access lists. What we're doing here is reviving the dead group, but old content which // was restricted to this group may now be seen by the new group members. $z = q("SELECT * FROM `groups` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($r)); if (count($z) && $z[0]['deleted']) { $r = q("UPDATE `groups` SET `deleted` = 0 WHERE `uid` = %d AND `name` = '%s' LIMIT 1", intval($uid), dbesc($name)); notice(t('A deleted group with this name was revived. Existing item permissions <strong>may</strong> apply to this group and any future members. If this is not what you intended, please create another group with a different name.') . EOL); } return true; } do { $dups = false; $hash = random_string() . $name; $r = q("SELECT id FROM `groups` WHERE hash = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc($hash)); if ($r) { $dups = true; } } while ($dups == true); $r = q("INSERT INTO `groups` ( hash, uid, visible, name )\n\t\t\tVALUES( '%s', %d, %d, '%s' ) ", dbesc($hash), intval($uid), intval($public), dbesc($name)); $ret = $r; } build_sync_packet($uid, null, true); return $ret; }
function lostpass_content(&$a) { if (x($_GET, 'verify')) { $verify = $_GET['verify']; $hash = hash('whirlpool', $verify); $r = q("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `pwdreset` = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc($hash)); if (!count($r)) { notice(t("Request could not be verified. (You may have previously submitted it.) Password reset failed.") . EOL); goaway(z_root()); return; } $uid = $r[0]['uid']; $username = $r[0]['username']; $email = $r[0]['email']; $new_password = autoname(6) . mt_rand(100, 9999); $new_password_encoded = hash('whirlpool', $new_password); $r = q("UPDATE `user` SET `password` = '%s', `pwdreset` = '' WHERE `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($new_password_encoded), intval($uid)); if ($r) { $tpl = get_markup_template('pwdreset.tpl'); $o .= replace_macros($tpl, array('$lbl1' => t('Password Reset'), '$lbl2' => t('Your password has been reset as requested.'), '$lbl3' => t('Your new password is'), '$lbl4' => t('Save or copy your new password - and then'), '$lbl5' => '<a href="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '">' . t('click here to login') . '</a>.', '$lbl6' => t('Your password may be changed from the <em>Settings</em> page after successful login.'), '$newpass' => $new_password, '$baseurl' => $a->get_baseurl())); info("Your password has been reset." . EOL); $email_tpl = get_intltext_template("passchanged_eml.tpl"); $email_tpl = replace_macros($email_tpl, array('$sitename' => $a->config['sitename'], '$siteurl' => $a->get_baseurl(), '$username' => $username, '$email' => $email, '$new_password' => $new_password, '$uid' => $newuid)); $res = mail($email, "Your password has changed at {$a->config['sitename']}", $email_tpl, 'From: ' . t('Administrator') . '@' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . "\n" . 'Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8' . "\n" . 'Content-transfer-encoding: 8bit'); return $o; } } else { $tpl = get_markup_template('lostpass.tpl'); $o .= replace_macros($tpl, array('$title' => t('Forgot your Password?'), '$desc' => t('Enter your email address and submit to have your password reset. Then check your email for further instructions.'), '$name' => t('Nickname or Email: '), '$submit' => t('Reset'))); return $o; } }
function removeaccount_post(&$a) { if (!local_user()) { return; } if (x($_SESSION, 'submanage') && intval($_SESSION['submanage'])) { return; } if (!x($_POST, 'qxz_password') || !strlen(trim($_POST['qxz_password']))) { return; } if (!x($_POST, 'verify') || !strlen(trim($_POST['verify']))) { return; } if ($_POST['verify'] !== $_SESSION['remove_account_verify']) { return; } $account = $a->get_account(); $account_id = get_account_id(); if (!account_verify_password($account['account_email'], $_POST['qxz_password'])) { return; } if ($account['account_password_changed'] != NULL_DATE) { $d1 = datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', 'now - 48 hours'); if ($account['account_password_changed'] > d1) { notice(t('Account removals are not allowed within 48 hours of changing the account password.') . EOL); return; } } require_once 'include/Contact.php'; $global_remove = intval($_POST['global']); account_remove($account_id, true); }
function get() { $acc = \App::get_account(); if (!$acc || $acc['account_id'] != get_account_id()) { notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return; } $default_role = ''; $aid = get_account_id(); if ($aid) { $r = q("select count(channel_id) as total from channel where channel_account_id = %d", intval($aid)); if ($r && !intval($r[0]['total'])) { $default_role = get_config('system', 'default_permissions_role'); } $limit = account_service_class_fetch(get_account_id(), 'total_identities'); if ($r && $limit !== false) { $channel_usage_message = sprintf(t("You have created %1\$.0f of %2\$.0f allowed channels."), $r[0]['total'], $limit); } else { $channel_usage_message = ''; } } $privacy_role = x($_REQUEST, 'permissions_role') ? $_REQUEST['permissions_role'] : ""; $perm_roles = \Zotlabs\Access\PermissionRoles::roles(); if (get_account_techlevel() < 4 && $privacy_role !== 'custom') { unset($perm_roles[t('Other')]); } $name = array('name', t('Name or caption'), x($_REQUEST, 'name') ? $_REQUEST['name'] : '', t('Examples: "Bob Jameson", "Lisa and her Horses", "Soccer", "Aviation Group"'), "*"); $nickhub = '@' . \App::get_hostname(); $nickname = array('nickname', t('Choose a short nickname'), x($_REQUEST, 'nickname') ? $_REQUEST['nickname'] : '', sprintf(t('Your nickname will be used to create an easy to remember channel address e.g. nickname%s'), $nickhub), "*"); $role = array('permissions_role', t('Channel role and privacy'), $privacy_role ? $privacy_role : 'social', t('Select a channel role with your privacy requirements.') . ' <a href="help/roles" target="_blank">' . t('Read more about roles') . '</a>', $perm_roles); $o = replace_macros(get_markup_template('new_channel.tpl'), array('$title' => t('Create Channel'), '$desc' => t('A channel is your identity on this network. It can represent a person, a blog, or a forum to name a few. Channels can make connections with other channels to share information with highly detailed permissions.'), '$label_import' => t('or <a href="import">import an existing channel</a> from another location.'), '$name' => $name, '$role' => $role, '$default_role' => $default_role, '$nickname' => $nickname, '$submit' => t('Create'), '$channel_usage_message' => $channel_usage_message)); return $o; }
function get() { if (!local_channel()) { notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return; } $channel = \App::get_channel(); $app = null; $embed = null; if ($_REQUEST['appid']) { $r = q("select * from app where app_id = '%s' and app_channel = %d limit 1", dbesc($_REQUEST['appid']), dbesc(local_channel())); if ($r) { $app = $r[0]; $term = q("select * from term where otype = %d and oid = %d", intval(TERM_OBJ_APP), intval($r[0]['id'])); if ($term) { $app['categories'] = ''; foreach ($term as $t) { if ($app['categories']) { $app['categories'] .= ','; } $app['categories'] .= $t['term']; } } } $embed = array('embed', t('Embed code'), app_encode($app, true), '', 'onclick="this.select();"'); } return replace_macros(get_markup_template('app_create.tpl'), array('$banner' => $app ? t('Edit App') : t('Create App'), '$app' => $app, '$guid' => $app ? $app['app_id'] : '', '$author' => $app ? $app['app_author'] : $channel['channel_hash'], '$addr' => $app ? $app['app_addr'] : $channel['xchan_addr'], '$name' => array('name', t('Name of app'), $app ? $app['app_name'] : '', t('Required')), '$url' => array('url', t('Location (URL) of app'), $app ? $app['app_url'] : '', t('Required')), '$desc' => array('desc', t('Description'), $app ? $app['app_desc'] : '', ''), '$photo' => array('photo', t('Photo icon URL'), $app ? $app['app_photo'] : '', t('80 x 80 pixels - optional')), '$categories' => array('categories', t('Categories (optional, comma separated list)'), $app ? $app['categories'] : '', ''), '$version' => array('version', t('Version ID'), $app ? $app['app_version'] : '', ''), '$price' => array('price', t('Price of app'), $app ? $app['app_price'] : '', ''), '$page' => array('page', t('Location (URL) to purchase app'), $app ? $app['app_page'] : '', ''), '$system' => $app ? intval($app['app_system']) : 0, '$requires' => $app ? $app['app_requires'] : '', '$embed' => $embed, '$submit' => t('Submit'))); }
function flag_post(&$a) { $id = $_POST['id']; $reason = $_POST['reason']; $type = 0; if ($reason === 'censor') { $type = 1; } elseif ($reason === 'dead') { $type = 2; } if (!$id || !$type) { // goaway($a->get_baseurl()); print_r($_POST); return; } $r = q("SELECT * FROM `flag` WHERE `pid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($id)); if (!count($r)) { $r = q("INSERT INTO `flag` ( `pid`, `reason`, `total` ) VALUES ( %d , %d, 1 ) ", intval($id), intval($type)); $msg = "An entry ({$id}) has just been flagged for {$reason}."; mail('*****@*****.**', "Directory Flag action", $msg); } else { q("UPDATE `flag` SET `total` = %d WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($r[0]['total']) + 1, intval($r[0]['id'])); } notice("Entry has been flagged."); goaway($a->get_baseurl()); }
function attach_init(&$a) { if ($a->argc != 2) { notice(t('Item not available.') . EOL); return; } $item_id = intval($a->argv[1]); // Check for existence, which will also provide us the owner uid $r = q("SELECT * FROM `attach` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($item_id)); if (!count($r)) { notice(t('Item was not found.') . EOL); return; } $sql_extra = permissions_sql($r[0]['uid']); // Now we'll see if we can access the attachment $r = q("SELECT * FROM `attach` WHERE `id` = '%d' {$sql_extra} LIMIT 1", dbesc($item_id)); if (!count($r)) { notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return; } // Use quotes around the filename to prevent a "multiple Content-Disposition" // error in Chrome for filenames with commas in them header('Content-type: ' . $r[0]['filetype']); header('Content-length: ' . $r[0]['filesize']); if (isset($_GET['attachment']) && $_GET['attachment'] === '0') { header('Content-disposition: filename="' . $r[0]['filename'] . '"'); } else { header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="' . $r[0]['filename'] . '"'); } echo $r[0]['data']; killme(); // NOTREACHED }
function hubwall_post(&$a) { if (!is_site_admin()) { return; } $text = trim($_REQUEST['text']); if (!$text) { return; } $sender_name = sprintf(t('$1%s Administrator'), \Zotlabs\Lib\System::get_site_name()); $sender_email = $_REQUEST['sender']; $subject = $_REQUEST['subject']; $textversion = strip_tags(html_entity_decode(bbcode(stripslashes(str_replace(array("\\r", "\\n"), array("", "\n"), $text))), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); $htmlversion = bbcode(stripslashes(str_replace(array("\\r", "\\n"), array("", "<br />\n"), $text))); $sql_extra = intval($_REQUEST['test']) ? sprintf(" and account_email = '%s' ", get_config('system', 'admin_email')) : ''; $recips = q("select account_email from account where account_flags = %d {$sql_extra}", intval(ACCOUNT_OK)); if (!$recips) { notice(t('No recipients found.') . EOL); return; } $total_recips = count($recips); $total_delivered = 0; foreach ($recips as $recip) { $x = \Zotlabs\Lib\Enotify::send(array('fromName' => $sender_name, 'fromEmail' => $sender_email, 'replyTo' => $sender_email, 'toEmail' => $recip['account_email'], 'messageSubject' => $subject, 'htmlVersion' => $htmlversion, 'textVersion' => $textversion)); if ($x) { $total_delivered++; } } info(sprintf(t('%1$d of %2$d messages sent.'), $total_delivered, $total_recips) . EOL); }
function regmod_content(&$a) { global $lang; $_SESSION['return_url'] = $a->cmd; if (!local_user()) { info(t('Please login.') . EOL); $o .= '<br /><br />' . login($a->config['register_policy'] == REGISTER_CLOSED ? 0 : 1); return $o; } if (!is_site_admin() || x($_SESSION, 'submanage') && intval($_SESSION['submanage'])) { notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return ''; } if ($a->argc != 3) { killme(); } $cmd = $a->argv[1]; $hash = $a->argv[2]; if ($cmd === 'deny') { user_deny($hash); goaway($a->get_baseurl() . "/admin/users/"); killme(); } if ($cmd === 'allow') { user_allow($hash); goaway($a->get_baseurl() . "/admin/users/"); killme(); } }
function bookmarks_content(&$a) { if (!local_user()) { notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return; } require_once 'include/menu.php'; require_once 'include/conversation.php'; $channel = $a->get_channel(); $o = profile_tabs($a, true, $channel['channel_address']); $o .= '<h3>' . t('My Bookmarks') . '</h3>'; $x = menu_list(local_user(), '', MENU_BOOKMARK); if ($x) { foreach ($x as $xx) { $y = menu_fetch($xx['menu_name'], local_user(), get_observer_hash()); $o .= menu_render($y, '', true); } } $o .= '<h3>' . t('My Connections Bookmarks') . '</h3>'; $x = menu_list(local_user(), '', MENU_SYSTEM | MENU_BOOKMARK); if ($x) { foreach ($x as $xx) { $y = menu_fetch($xx['menu_name'], local_user(), get_observer_hash()); $o .= menu_render($y, '', true); } } return $o; }
function crepair_content(&$a) { if (!local_user()) { notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return; } $cid = $a->argc > 1 ? intval($a->argv[1]) : 0; if ($cid) { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($cid), intval(local_user())); } if (!count($r)) { notice(t('Contact not found.') . EOL); return; } $contact = $r[0]; $msg1 = t('Repair Contact Settings'); $msg2 = t('<strong>WARNING: This is highly advanced</strong> and if you enter incorrect information your communications with this contact may stop working.'); $msg3 = t('Please use your browser \'Back\' button <strong>now</strong> if you are uncertain what to do on this page.'); $o .= '<h2>' . $msg1 . '</h2>'; $o .= '<div class="error-message">' . $msg2 . EOL . EOL . $msg3 . '</div>'; $o .= EOL . '<a href="contacts/' . $cid . '">' . t('Return to contact editor') . '</a>' . EOL; $tpl = get_markup_template('crepair.tpl'); $o .= replace_macros($tpl, array('$label_name' => t('Name'), '$label_nick' => t('Account Nickname'), '$label_attag' => t('@Tagname - overrides Name/Nickname'), '$label_url' => t('Account URL'), '$label_request' => t('Friend Request URL'), '$label_confirm' => t('Friend Confirm URL'), '$label_notify' => t('Notification Endpoint URL'), '$label_poll' => t('Poll/Feed URL'), '$label_photo' => t('New photo from this URL'), '$contact_name' => $contact['name'], '$contact_nick' => $contact['nick'], '$contact_id' => $contact['id'], '$contact_url' => $contact['url'], '$request' => $contact['request'], '$confirm' => $contact['confirm'], '$notify' => $contact['notify'], '$poll' => $contact['poll'], '$contact_attag' => $contact['attag'], '$lbl_submit' => t('Submit'))); return $o; }
function suggest_content(&$a) { require_once "mod/proxy.php"; $o = ''; if (!local_user()) { notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return; } $_SESSION['return_url'] = $a->get_baseurl() . '/' . $a->cmd; $a->page['aside'] .= findpeople_widget(); $a->page['aside'] .= follow_widget(); $r = suggestion_query(local_user()); if (!count($r)) { $o .= t('No suggestions available. If this is a new site, please try again in 24 hours.'); return $o; } require_once 'include/contact_selectors.php'; foreach ($r as $rr) { $connlnk = $a->get_baseurl() . '/follow/?url=' . ($rr['connect'] ? $rr['connect'] : $rr['url']); $ignlnk = $a->get_baseurl() . '/suggest?ignore=' . $rr['id']; $photo_menu = array(array(t("View Profile"), zrl($rr["url"]))); $photo_menu[] = array(t("Connect/Follow"), $connlnk); $photo_menu[] = array(t('Ignore/Hide'), $ignlnk); $contact_details = get_contact_details_by_url($rr["url"], local_user()); $entry = array('url' => zrl($rr['url']), 'itemurl' => $contact_details['addr'] != "" ? $contact_details['addr'] : $rr['url'], 'img_hover' => $rr['url'], 'name' => $rr['name'], 'thumb' => proxy_url($rr['photo'], false, PROXY_SIZE_THUMB), 'details' => $contact_details['location'], 'tags' => $contact_details['keywords'], 'about' => $contact_details['about'], 'account_type' => $contact_details['community'] ? t('Forum') : '', 'ignlnk' => $ignlnk, 'ignid' => $rr['id'], 'conntxt' => t('Connect'), 'connlnk' => $connlnk, 'photo_menu' => $photo_menu, 'ignore' => t('Ignore/Hide'), 'network' => network_to_name($rr['network'], $rr['url']), 'id' => ++$id); $entries[] = $entry; } $tpl = get_markup_template('viewcontact_template.tpl'); $o .= replace_macros($tpl, array('$title' => t('Friend Suggestions'), '$contacts' => $entries)); return $o; }
function hcard_init(&$a) { if (argc() > 1) { $which = argv(1); } else { notice(t('Requested profile is not available.') . EOL); $a->error = 404; return; } $profile = ''; $channel = $a->get_channel(); if (local_channel() && argc() > 2 && argv(2) === 'view') { $which = $channel['channel_address']; $profile = argv(1); $r = q("select profile_guid from profile where id = %d and uid = %d limit 1", intval($profile), intval(local_channel())); if (!$r) { $profile = ''; } $profile = $r[0]['profile_guid']; } $a->page['htmlhead'] .= '<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" href="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/feed/' . $which . '" />' . "\r\n"; if (!$profile) { $x = q("select channel_id as profile_uid from channel where channel_address = '%s' limit 1", dbesc(argv(1))); if ($x) { $a->profile = $x[0]; } } profile_load($a, $which, $profile); }
function get() { require_once 'include/acl_selectors.php'; if (!local_channel()) { notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return; } if (\App::$argc != 2) { return; } $contact_id = intval(\App::$argv[1]); $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($contact_id), intval(local_channel())); if (!count($r)) { notice(t('Contact not found.') . EOL); return; } $contact = $r[0]; $o = '<h3>' . t('Suggest Friends') . '</h3>'; $o .= '<div id="fsuggest-desc" >' . sprintf(t('Suggest a friend for %s'), $contact['name']) . '</div>'; $o .= '<form id="fsuggest-form" action="fsuggest/' . $contact_id . '" method="post" >'; // FIXME contact_selector deprecated, removed // $o .= contact_selector('suggest','suggest-select', false, // array('size' => 4, 'exclude' => $contact_id, 'networks' => 'DFRN_ONLY', 'single' => true)); $o .= '<div id="fsuggest-submit-wrapper"><input id="fsuggest-submit" type="submit" name="submit" value="' . t('Submit') . '" /></div>'; $o .= '</form>'; return $o; }
function pdledit_content(&$a) { if (!local_channel()) { notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL); return; } if (argc() > 1) { $module = 'mod_' . argv(1) . '.pdl'; } else { $o .= '<h1>' . t('Edit System Page Description') . '</h1>'; $files = glob('mod/*'); if ($files) { foreach ($files as $f) { $name = basename($f, '.php'); $x = theme_include('mod_' . $name . '.pdl'); if ($x) { $o .= '<a href="pdledit/' . $name . '" >' . $name . '</a><br />'; } } } // list module pdl files return $o; } $t = get_pconfig(local_channel(), 'system', $module); if (!$t) { $t = file_get_contents(theme_include($module)); } if (!$t) { notice(t('Layout not found.') . EOL); return ''; } $o = replace_macros(get_markup_template('pdledit.tpl'), array('$header' => t('Edit System Page Description'), '$mname' => t('Module Name:'), '$help' => t('Layout Help'), '$module' => argv(1), '$content' => htmlspecialchars($t, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8'), '$submit' => t('Submit'))); return $o; }
function build_editform($item, $feedback, $cm) { global $DB; $editurl = new moodle_url('/mod/feedback/edit.php', array('id' => $cm->id)); //ther are no settings for recaptcha if (isset($item->id) and $item->id > 0) { notice(get_string('there_are_no_settings_for_recaptcha', 'feedback'), $editurl->out()); exit; } //only one recaptcha can be in a feedback if ($DB->record_exists('feedback_item', array('feedback' => $feedback->id, 'typ' => $this->type))) { notice(get_string('only_one_captcha_allowed', 'feedback'), $editurl->out()); exit; } $this->item = $item; $this->feedback = $feedback; $this->item_form = true; //dummy $lastposition = $DB->count_records('feedback_item', array('feedback' => $feedback->id)); $this->item->feedback = $feedback->id; $this->item->template = 0; $this->item->name = get_string('captcha', 'feedback'); $this->item->label = get_string('captcha', 'feedback'); $this->item->presentation = ''; $this->item->typ = $this->type; $this->item->hasvalue = $this->get_hasvalue(); $this->item->position = $lastposition + 1; $this->item->required = 1; $this->item->dependitem = 0; $this->item->dependvalue = ''; $this->item->options = ''; }
function merge_platforms($platform_to_merge, $destination_platform) { global $db; $db->begin_transaction(); // First, move all test runs to the test configurations in the destination for all test configurations that // exist in both the original platform and the platform into which we're merging. if (!$db->query_and_get_affected_rows('UPDATE test_runs SET run_config = destination.config_id FROM test_configurations as merged, test_configurations as destination WHERE merged.config_platform = $1 AND destination.config_platform = $2 AND run_config = merged.config_id AND destination.config_type = merged.config_type AND destination.config_metric = merged.config_metric', array($platform_to_merge, $destination_platform))) { $db->rollback_transaction(); return notice("Failed to migrate test runs for {$platform_to_merge} that have test configurations in {$destination_platform}."); } // Then migrate test configurations that don't exist in the destination platform to the new platform // so that test runs associated with those configurations are moved to the destination. if ($db->query_and_get_affected_rows('UPDATE test_configurations SET config_platform = $2 WHERE config_platform = $1 AND config_metric NOT IN (SELECT config_metric FROM test_configurations WHERE config_platform = $2)', array($platform_to_merge, $destination_platform)) === FALSE) { $db->rollback_transaction(); return notice("Failed to migrate test configurations for {$platform_to_merge}."); } if ($db->query_and_fetch_all('SELECT * FROM test_runs, test_configurations WHERE run_config = config_id AND config_platform = $1', array($platform_to_merge))) { // We should never reach here. $db->rollback_transaction(); return notice('Failed to migrate all test runs.'); } $db->query_and_get_affected_rows('DELETE FROM platforms WHERE platform_id = $1', array($platform_to_merge)); $db->commit_transaction(); }