function render_foundation_column($atts, $content = '')
    // Normalize Attributes to Identify Unnamed Attributes
    $atts = normalize_attributes($atts);
    // Declare Acceptable Attributes
    $atts = shortcode_atts(array('sm' => '', 'md' => '', 'lg' => '', 'sm-off' => '', 'md-off' => '', 'lg-off' => '', 'sm-ctr' => 0, 'md-ctr' => 0, 'lg-ctr' => 0, 'sm-unctr' => 0, 'md-unctr' => 0, 'lg-unctr' => 0, 'sm-pull' => '', 'md-pull' => '', 'lg-pull' => '', 'sm-push' => '', 'md-push' => '', 'lg-push' => '', 'class' => ''), $atts);
    // Define Column Widths
    $atts['sm'] ? $column_classes[] = 'small-' . $atts['sm'] : null;
    $atts['md'] ? $column_classes[] = 'medium-' . $atts['md'] : null;
    $atts['lg'] ? $column_classes[] = 'large-' . $atts['lg'] : null;
    // Define Column Offsets
    $atts['sm-off'] ? $column_classes[] = 'small-offset-' . $atts['sm-off'] : null;
    $atts['md-off'] ? $column_classes[] = 'medium-offset-' . $atts['md-off'] : null;
    $atts['lg-off'] ? $column_classes[] = 'large-offset-' . $atts['lg-off'] : null;
    // Define Column Center
    $atts['sm-ctr'] ? $column_classes[] = 'small-centered' : null;
    $atts['md-ctr'] ? $column_classes[] = 'medium-centered' : null;
    $atts['lg-ctr'] ? $column_classes[] = 'large-centered' : null;
    $atts['sm-unctr'] ? $column_classes[] = 'small-uncentered' : null;
    $atts['md-unctr'] ? $column_classes[] = 'medium-uncentered' : null;
    $atts['lg-unctr'] ? $column_classes[] = 'large-uncentered' : null;
    // Define Source Odering
    $atts['sm-pull'] ? $column_classes[] = 'small-pull-' . $atts['sm-pull'] : null;
    $atts['md-pull'] ? $column_classes[] = 'medium-pull-' . $atts['md-pull'] : null;
    $atts['lg-pull'] ? $column_classes[] = 'large-pull-' . $atts['lg-pull'] : null;
    $atts['sm-push'] ? $column_classes[] = 'small-push-' . $atts['sm-push'] : null;
    $atts['md-push'] ? $column_classes[] = 'medium-push-' . $atts['md-push'] : null;
    $atts['lg-push'] ? $column_classes[] = 'large-push-' . $atts['lg-push'] : null;
    // Define Additional Classes
    $atts['class'] ? $column_classes[] = $atts['class'] : null;
    // Turn Column Class Array into String for HTML
    $column_class = isset($column_classes) ? implode(' ', $column_classes) : null;
    return do_shortcode("<div class='{$column_class} columns'>" . $content . '</div>');
function render_foundation_button($atts, $content = '')
    // Normalize Attributes to Identify Unnamed Attributes
    $atts = normalize_attributes($atts);
    // Define Arrays
    // Declare Acceptable Attributes
    $atts = shortcode_atts(array('text' => '', 'hollow' => 0, 'class' => '', 'width' => ''), $atts);
    // Define Column Widths
    $atts['width'] ? $button_styles[] = 'width: ' . $atts['width'] . ';' : null;
    // Define Button Color & Hollow Styles
    $atts['hollow'] ? $button_classes[] = 'hollow' : null;
    // Define Additional Classes
    $atts['class'] ? $button_classes[] = $atts['class'] : null;
    // Turn Arrays into String for HTML
    $button_class = isset($button_class) ? implode(' ', $button_classes) : null;
    $button_style = isset($button_styles) ? implode(' ', $button_styles) : null;
    return do_shortcode("<button class='{$button_class}' style='{$button_style}'>" . $atts['text'] . '</button>');