Esempio n. 1
                     $db->where("ladder_id = '{$lad_id}' AND id = '{$m_id}'");
                 } else {
                     $db->where("ladder_id = '{$lad_id}' AND id = '{$m_id}'");
 } else {
     $log = '<hr>' . $strLAD_logresult . '<br />' . $strDate . ' : ' . strftime(DATESTRING1, $date) . '<hr>';
     //mod joueur
     $n_j1 = nom_joueur($j1);
     $n_j2 = nom_joueur($j2);
     for ($i = 1; $i < $nb_manche + 1; $i++) {
         $log .= '<u><b>' . $strManche . ' ' . $i . '</b> :</u> ' . ${maps . $i} . '<br/><br/>';
         if ($s_frag) {
             //calcule du total de point de frag
             $p_total_frag_j1_w += ${fs_j1_ . $i} * $f_frag_win;
             $p_total_frag_j2_w += ${fs_j2_ . $i} * $f_frag_win;
             $t_total_frag_j1_w += ${fs_j1_ . $i};
             $t_total_frag_j2_w += ${fs_j2_ . $i};
             //calcule du total de point de death
             $p_total_frag_j1_l += ${ds_j1_ . $i} * $f_frag_loose;
             $p_total_frag_j2_l += ${ds_j2_ . $i} * $f_frag_loose;
             $t_total_frag_j1_l += ${ds_j1_ . $i};
             $t_total_frag_j2_l += ${ds_j2_ . $i};
             $save_j1 .= ${fs_j1_ . $i} . ',' . ${ds_j1_ . $i} . ',' . ${fs_j2_ . $i} . ',' . ${ds_j2_ . $i} . ',';
             //$save_j2 .= ${fs_j2_.$i}.','.${ds_j2_.$i}.',';
Esempio n. 2
global $config, $s_joueur, $s_theme, $db, $dbprefix, $db, $dbprefix, $strAjouter;
 * Ajout d'un commentaire
if ($op == "addshout") {
    /*** verification securite ***/
    if ($s_joueur == "" || $s_joueur == NULL) {
    if (!$contenu) {
    $date = time();
    $contenu = remove_XSS($contenu);
    $pseudo = nom_joueur($s_joueur);
    $sqladd = "INSERT INTO {$dbprefix}shoutbox(id,pseudo,date,contenu) Values('','{$pseudo}','{$date}','{$contenu}')";
    $reqadd = mysql_query($sqladd) or die('Erreur SQL !<br>' . $sqladd . '<br>' . mysql_error());
    if ($a == "o") {
    } else {
 * Del d'un commentaire
if ($op == "del") {
    /*** verification securite ***/
    if ($grade['a'] != 'a' && $grade['b'] != 'b' && $grade['m'] != 'm') {
Esempio n. 3
   |                                                                     |
   | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License   |
   | along with AdminBot; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, |
   | Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA       |
   |                                                                     |
   | Authors: Li0n  <*****@*****.**>                               |
   |          RV <*****@*****.**>                                    |
   |          Gougou                                                     |
if (eregi("alerte.php", $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
    die("You cannot open this page directly");
// MOD COMMANDE //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
$pseudodrrX = '' . nom_joueur($s_joueur) . '';
$pev = '';
$sqln12X = "SELECT article_config FROM {$dbprefix}config";
$reqn12X = mysql_query($sqln12X) or die('Erreur SQL !<br>' . $sqln12X . '<br>' . mysql_error());
while ($datad12X = mysql_fetch_array($reqn12X)) {
    $ccidX = $datad12X['article_config'];
$sqlnX = "SELECT * FROM {$dbprefix}article ORDER BY id";
$reqnX = mysql_query($sqlnX) or die('Erreur SQL !<br>' . $sqlnX . '<br>' . mysql_error());
$iX = 0;
$okX = "no";
while ($datadX = mysql_fetch_array($reqnX)) {
    $didX = $datadX['id'];
    $tcidX = $datadX['cid'];
    $name_articleX = $datadX['article'];
Esempio n. 4
    echo "<td class=\"footerfiche\" style=\"text-align:center\" colspan=\"2\"><input type=\"submit\" value=\"{$strConnecter}\"></td>";
    echo '</tr>';
    echo '</form>';
    echo '</table><br />';
    echo '<div align="center">';
    if ($config['inscription_joueur']) {
        $nbinscrits = nb_joueurs_inscrit();
        $nbplaces = $config['places'];
        if ($nbinscrits < $nbplaces) {
            echo "<a href=\"?page=joueurs&op=inscription\"><span style=\"color=:red;font_weight:bold\">{$strSInscrire}</span></a><br />";
    echo "<a href=\"?page=joueurs&op=envoi_passwd\">{$strOubliPass}</a>";
    echo '</div>';
} else {
    echo "<span class=\"connecte\">&nbsp; {$strConnecte} : " . nom_joueur($s_joueur) . "</span><br />";
    echo "<ul><li class=\"lir\"><a href=\"?page=login&op=logout\">{$strDeconnexion}</a><br />";
    /** login diff du retroproj **/
    if ($s_joueur != -1) {
        echo "<li class=\"lib\"><a href=\"?page=joueurs&id={$s_joueur}\">{$strMaFiche}</a><br />";
        $mesequipes = equipes_joueur($s_joueur);
        if (count($mesequipes) == 1) {
            echo '<li class="lib"><a href="?page=equipes&id=' . $mesequipes[0]['id'] . "\">{$strMonEquipe} " . stripslashes($mesequipes[0]['tag']) . '</a><br />';
        } elseif (count($mesequipes) > 1) {
            echo "<br /><img src=\"themes/{$s_theme}/images/icon_equipes.gif\" align=absmiddle> <u>{$strMesEquipes}</u> :<br />";
            for ($i = 0; $i < count($mesequipes); $i++) {
                echo '<li class="lib"><a href="?page=equipes&id=' . $mesequipes[$i]['id'] . '">' . stripslashes($mesequipes[$i]['tag']) . '</a><br />';
        if ($config['inscription_equipe']) {
            echo "<li class=\"lib\"><a href=\"?page=equipes&op=inscription\"><font color=\"red\"><b>{$strCreerEquipe}</b></font></a><br />";
Esempio n. 5
        $db->insert("{$dbprefix}article (article, pseudo, regle, arrive, ingred, prix, cid, idj)");
        $db->values("'{$article_article}','{$article_pseudo}','N','N','{$article_ingred}','{$article_prix}','{$cid}', '{$idj}'");
        echo '<br></p>';
        echo '<table width="309" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=15 bordercolor="#669900">';
        echo '<tr> ';
        echo '<td width="300" align="center" bgcolor="#CCFFCC" class=text style="border: 3px dashed"><b>';
        echo '<font color="#009900">';
        echo "{$strAc_comvalide}";
        echo '</font></b></td></tr></table><br><br>';
//---------- ANNULER article ---------
if ($_GET['del'] != "") {
    $del_pseudo = '' . nom_joueur($s_joueur) . '';
    if ($del_pseudo != "") {
        $del_id = $_GET['del'];
        $sqldel = "DELETE FROM `{$dbprefix}article` WHERE id='{$del_id}'";
        $reqdel = mysql_query($sqldel) or die('Erreur SQL !<br>' . $sqldel . '<br>' . mysql_error());
        echo '<br><table width="318" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=15><tr> ';
        echo '<td width="300" align="center" bgcolor="#CCFFCC" class=text style="border: 3px dashed"><b> ';
        echo '<font color="#990000">';
        echo "{$strAc_comannulee}";
        echo '</font></b></td>';
        echo '</tr>';
        echo '</table><br><br>';
/////////////////////////END Reception des MAJ//////////////////////////////
Esempio n. 6
} else {
    if ($s_joueur != -1) {
		<table width="100%" height="12" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" background="themes/phpTG4/images/bck.png">
				<tr><form method="post" action="?page=search&op=searching">
						<table height="12" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
								<td style="width: 10px;" background="themes/phpTG4/images/bck.png" height="26"></td>
								<td style="vertical-align: justify;" background="themes/phpTG4/images/bck.png" height="26"><span style="color: rgb(101, 255, 125);"><u>user</u> : </span><span style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);"><?php 
        echo nom_joueur($s_joueur);
								<td style="text-align: center; width: 59px;" background="themes/phpTG4/images/bck.png" height="26"><a href="?page=login&op=logout"><img src="themes/phpTG4/images/logout.png" border="0"></a> </td>
								<td style="width: 23px; text-align: center;" background="themes/phpTG4/images/bck.png" height="26"><a href="?page=joueurs&id=<?php 
        echo $s_joueur;
"><img src="themes/phpTG4/images/profile.png" alt="profile" border="0"></a> </td>
        if ($config['inscription_equipe']) {
								<td style="text-align: center; width: 23px;" background="themes/phpTG4/images/bck.png" height="26"><a href="?page=equipes&op=inscription"><img src="themes/phpTG4/images/nteam.png" alt="new team" border="0" /></a>  </td>
        $mesequipes = equipes_joueur($s_joueur);
Esempio n. 7
     echo '<table border=0 cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" width=100%>';
     echo '<tr><td class="textforum2" width="25%">' . show_joueur($datar->auteur) . '</td>';
     echo '<td class="textforum3">';
     echo "<div align='left' style='float:left;padding-top:4px;padding-bottom:4px'>";
     echo '' . $strLe . ' ' . $date . '';
     echo '</div>';
     echo "<div align='right' style='float:right;padding-top:4px;padding-bottom:4px'>";
     echo $edit;
     echo '</div></td></tr>';
     echo '<tr><td class="textforum4" width="25%">' . show_avatar($joueur->avatar_img) . '<br><div align="center">' . $rank_av . '<br>' . $joueur->forum_userrank . '<br><div align="left">' . $strNbpost . ' : ' . $joueur->forum_post . '</td>';
     echo '<td class="textforum">' . bbcode(stripslashes($datar->message)) . '';
     if ($datar->edit == 'O') {
         echo "<br><br><br><br><font size='-3'>&nbsp;<b>{$strFedit}</b> " . strftime("%c", $datar->edit_date) . " {$strBy} " . nom_joueur($datar->edit_by) . "</font>";
     echo '</td></tr>';
     echo '</table>';
 echo '</td></tr>';
 // ajout choix affichage
 echo '<form method=post name="forum_formu"action="?page=forum&op=read&topid=' . $topid . '&cattopic=' . $cat . '&titre=' . $titre . '&topic=' . $topic . '">';
 echo '<tr><td colspan="3" class=textfiche align=center>';
 //tableau def affichage
 echo "{$strFNbpage} <select name=nbtopicpageX>";
 echo "<option value=\"" . $nbtopicpageX . "\" >" . $nbtopicpageX . "</option>";
 for ($nbpage = "1"; $nbpage <= $nbtopicpage; $nbpage++) {
     echo "<option value=\"" . $nbpage . "\" >" . $nbpage . "</option>";
 echo "</select>";