function internal_error($txt) { header("HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error"); nocache(); if ($txt) { print $txt; } die; }
function PageMaker($xmlfile, $xslfile) { global $options, $id, $df, $cacheLifeTime; # Инициализация системы кэширования // Подключаем класс вывода PEAR::Cache_Lite require_once 'cache/output.php'; // Создаем объект класса Cache_Lite_Output $cache = new Cache_Lite_Output($options); // Устанавливаем время жизни кэша для данной части $cache->setLifeTime($cacheLifeTime[$id]); if (!$cache->start($id)) { # Передаем путь к запрошенному документу на вход модуля анализа и преобразования XML+XSLT, # формирующего на выходе запрошенный документ в XHTML-формате. require_once "inc/"; require_once "inc/"; require_once "inc/"; $outputformat = 'xml'; //if ($xslfile !== "xsl/rbcrss.xsl") $xslfile = "xsl/layout.xsl"; $domxml = new DOMDocument(); $domxml->substituteEntities = true; $domxml->load($xmlfile); @fclose($df); # Снимаем блокировку с файла * $domxsl = new DOMDocument(); $domxsl->load($xslfile); setOutputFormat($domxsl, $outputformat); $xsl = new xsltProcessor(); $xsl->importStylesheet($domxsl); $outdom = $xsl->transformtoDOC($domxml); $outdom = nstoxhtml($outdom); $outdom->formatoutput = true; nocache(); $page = $outdom->saveXML(); echo TrimStr($page); $cache->end(); } }
<?php ini_set("display_errors", "On"); error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); include "funciones.php"; nocache(); include_once "connect.php"; $link = conectarse(); //include("funciones.php"); $arr = array(); $arr1 = array(); $n = $_GET['n']; if (!$n) { $n = $_POST['n']; } $fechayhora = date("Y-m-d H:i", time()); switch ($n) { case 11: // $sqlquery = "select codtipdoc,destipdoc from tb_tipdoc where esttipdoc=1"; $stmt = mysql_query($sqlquery); while ($obj = mysql_fetch_object($stmt)) { $arr[] = $obj; } echo '{"tipdocper":' . json_encode($arr) . '}'; break; break; case 15: // break; case 16:
/** * Dump a JSON response along with the appropriate headers. * * @param mixed $obj object to serialize into JSON * @param string $func for JSONP output, this is the callback name * * @return void */ function json($obj, $func = null) { nocache(); if (!$func) { header('Content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode($obj); } else { header('Content-type: application/javascript'); echo ";{$func}(" . json_encode($obj) . ");"; } }
<?php namespace cms; isset($this) && $this instanceof Sphido or die('Sorry can be executed only from Sphido'); // check AJAX request isAjax() or status(500) and die(json(['message' => 'Not AJAX request, but nice try :-)'])); // response all AJAX requests nocache(json(['message' => 'Well done! It\'s AJAX request']));
assert(headers_get_clean() === ['x-powered-by: dispatch', 'x-authored-by: noodlehaus']); # cookie fetch $_COOKIE = ['name' => 'dispatch']; assert(cookies('name') === 'dispatch'); assert(cookies('invalid') === null); # cookie set cookies('title', 'john & marsha', time() + 3600, '/'); assert(strpos(headers_get_clean()[0], 'Set-Cookie: title=john+%26+marsha; expires=') === 0); # json response ob_start(); json(['name' => 'dispatch']); assert(ob_get_clean() === json_encode(['name' => 'dispatch'])); assert(strpos(headers_get_clean()[0], 'Content-type: application/json') === 0); # no-cache headers ob_start(); nocache('dispatch'); ob_get_clean(); $list = headers_get_clean(); assert($list[0] === 'Expires: Tue, 13 Mar 1979 18:00:00 GMT'); assert(strpos($list[1], 'Last-Modified: ') === 0); assert($list[2] === 'Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate'); assert($list[3] === 'Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0'); assert($list[4] === 'Pragma: no-cache'); # status status(201); assert(http_response_code() === 201); # redirect (we can't test halting flag) redirect('/redir1', 302); assert(http_response_code() === 302); assert(headers_get_clean()[0] === 'Location: /redir1'); } else {