Esempio n. 1
    public function testDataFiles()
        newConf('df', "components:\n  df:\n    files_path: /var/www/\n");
        if (!file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/files/')) {
            mkdir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/files/');
        if (!file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/files/test/')) {
            mkdir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/files/test/');
        file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/files/test/testfile', 'Title: A Bing-a-bong
Bar Biz: Bang

        $site = new Site(getConf('df'));
        $this->assertType('SiteDataFilesController', $site->df);
        $this->assertType('SiteDataFiles', $site->df->test);
        $f = $site->df->test->get(array('title' => 'A Bing-a-bong'));
        $this->assertType('SiteDataFile', $f);
        $this->assertEquals($f->title, 'A Bing-a-bong');
        $this->assertEquals($f->bar_biz, 'Bang');
        $this->assertEquals($f->content, "Content\n");
        $f = $site->df->test->get(array('title' => 'Not-a-Title'));
        unlink(dirname(__FILE__) . '/files/test/.index');
        unlink(dirname(__FILE__) . '/files/test/testfile');
        rmdir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/files/test/');
        rmdir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/files/');
Esempio n. 2
 public function testTemplate()
     newConf('tpl', "\ncomponents:\n  tpl:\n    template_dir: " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/view\n    compile_dir:  " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/view/_compile\n    config_dir:   " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/view/_config\n    cache_dir:    " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/view/_cache\n");
     $site = new Site(getConf('tpl'));
Esempio n. 3
    public function testAddons()
        newConf('addons', "\naddon_path: " . dirname(__FILE__) . "/addons1/:" . dirname(__FILE__) . "/addons2/\n");
        if (!file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/addons1/')) {
            mkdir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/addons1/');
        if (!file_exists(dirname(__FILE__) . '/addons2/')) {
            mkdir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/addons2/');
        file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/addons1/addon1.php', '
class SiteAddon1 extends SiteComponent {
        file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/addons2/addon2.php', '
class SiteAddon2 extends SiteComponent {
        $site = new Site(getConf('addons'));
        $this->assertType('SiteAddon1', $site->addon1);
        $this->assertType('SiteAddon2', $site->addon2);
        unlink(dirname(__FILE__) . '/addons1/addon1.php');
        unlink(dirname(__FILE__) . '/addons2/addon2.php');
        rmdir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/addons1/');
        rmdir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/addons2/');
Esempio n. 4
 public function testDBs()
     newConf('dbs', "\ncomponents:\n  dbs:\n    rw:\n      model: true\n      pool:\n        - host: localhost\n          username: fake\n          password: fake\n          database: fake\n        - host: localhost\n          username: sitetest\n          password: st123\n          database: sitetest_rw2\n    ro:\n      model: true\n      host: localhost\n      username: sitetest\n      password: st123\n      database: sitetest_ro1\n\n    rw1:\n      model: true\n      host: localhost\n      username: sitetest\n      password: st123\n      database: sitetest_rw1\n    ro1:\n      model: true\n      host: localhost\n      username: sitetest\n      password: st123\n      database: sitetest_ro1\n");
     $site = new Site(getConf('dbs'));
     $this->assertType('SiteDatabase', $site->dbs->rw);
     $this->assertType('SiteDatabase', $site->dbs->ro);
     $this->assertFalse($site->dbs->rw === $site->dbs->ro);
     $this->assertType('null', $site->dbs->notadb);
Esempio n. 5
function changeFromFtp()
    global $message;
    global $specialchars;
    $success = false;
    $dirgallery = getDirAsArray(GALLERIES_DIR_REL, "dir");
    foreach ($dirgallery as $currentgalerien) {
        $change = false;
        if (true !== ($error = setChmod(GALLERIES_DIR_REL . $currentgalerien))) {
            $message .= returnMessage(false, $error);
        $test_galerie = $specialchars->replaceSpecialChars($specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($currentgalerien, false, false), false);
        if ($test_galerie != $currentgalerien) {
            $nr = 0;
            $new_name = $test_galerie;
            while (in_array($new_name, $dirgallery)) {
                $new_name = "%23_" . $nr . "_" . $test_galerie;
            if (true !== ($error = moveFileDir(GALLERIES_DIR_REL . $currentgalerien, GALLERIES_DIR_REL . $new_name))) {
                $message .= returnMessage(false, $error);
            $change = true;
            $currentgalerien = $new_name;
        if (!is_dir(GALLERIES_DIR_REL . $currentgalerien . '/' . PREVIEW_DIR_NAME)) {
            if (true !== ($error = mkdirMulti(GALLERIES_DIR_REL . $currentgalerien . '/' . PREVIEW_DIR_NAME))) {
                $message .= returnMessage(false, $error);
            $change = true;
        if (!file_exists(GALLERIES_DIR_REL . $currentgalerien . "/texte.conf.php")) {
            if (false === newConf(GALLERIES_DIR_REL . $currentgalerien . "/texte.conf.php")) {
                $message .= returnMessage(false, getLanguageValue("gallery_error_subtitle_conf"));
            $change = true;
        $dirimg = getDirAsArray(GALLERIES_DIR_REL . $currentgalerien, "img");
        foreach ($dirimg as $currentimg) {
            if (true !== ($error = setChmod(GALLERIES_DIR_REL . $currentgalerien . "/" . $currentimg))) {
                $message .= returnMessage(false, $error);
            $test_img = cleanUploadFile($currentimg);
            if ($test_img != $currentimg) {
                $nr = 0;
                $new_name = $test_img;
                while (in_array($new_name, $dirimg)) {
                    $new_name = "_" . $nr . "_" . $test_img;
                if (true !== ($error = moveFileDir(GALLERIES_DIR_REL . $currentgalerien . "/" . $currentimg, GALLERIES_DIR_REL . $currentgalerien . "/" . $new_name))) {
                    $message .= returnMessage(false, $error);
                $change = true;
                if (is_file(GALLERIES_DIR_REL . $currentgalerien . '/' . PREVIEW_DIR_NAME . "/" . $currentimg)) {
                    if (true !== ($error = moveFileDir(GALLERIES_DIR_REL . $currentgalerien . '/' . PREVIEW_DIR_NAME . "/" . $currentimg, GALLERIES_DIR_REL . $currentgalerien . '/' . PREVIEW_DIR_NAME . "/" . $new_name))) {
                        $message .= returnMessage(false, $error);
                    $change = true;
        if ($change) {
            $success .= "<b>" . $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars($currentgalerien, false, true) . "</b><br />";
    if ($success) {
        $message .= returnMessage(true, getLanguageValue("gallery_messages_from_ftp") . "<br /><br />" . $success);
    } else {
        $message .= returnMessage(true, getLanguageValue("gallery_messages_from_ftp_no") . "");
Esempio n. 6
function plugins()
    global $ADMIN_CONF;
    global $CatPage;
    global $message;
    global $specialchars;
    global $debug;
    $plugin_manage_open = false;
    # plugins löschen
    if (getRequestValue('plugin-all-del', 'post') and getRequestValue('plugin-del', 'post')) {
        $plugin_manage_open = true;
    # hochgeladenes plugin installieren
    if (isset($_FILES["plugin-install-file"]["error"]) and getRequestValue('plugin-install', 'post') and $_FILES["plugin-install-file"]["error"] == 0 and strtolower(substr($_FILES["plugin-install-file"]["name"], -4)) == ".zip") {
        $debug .= "install=" . $_FILES["plugin-install-file"]["name"] . "<br />\n";
        $plugin_manage_open = true;
    } elseif ($plugin_select = $specialchars->rebuildSpecialChars(getRequestValue('plugin-install-select', 'post'), false, false) and getRequestValue('plugin-install', 'post') and is_file(PLUGIN_DIR_REL . $specialchars->replaceSpecialChars($plugin_select, false)) !== false and strtolower(substr($plugin_select, -4)) == ".zip") {
        $debug .= "local install=" . getRequestValue('plugin-install-select', 'post') . "<br />\n";
        $plugin_manage_open = true;
    $showdebug = false;
    if ($showdebug and !empty($debug)) {
        $message .= returnMessage(false, $debug);
    require_once BASE_DIR_CMS . "Plugin.php";
    if (false !== ($plugin_name = getRequestValue('pluginadmin'))) {
        if (file_exists(PLUGIN_DIR_REL . $plugin_name)) {
            define("PLUGINADMIN", $plugin_name);
            if (file_exists(PLUGIN_DIR_REL . PLUGINADMIN . "/plugin.conf.php") and file_exists(PLUGIN_DIR_REL . PLUGINADMIN . "/index.php")) {
                require_once PLUGIN_DIR_REL . PLUGINADMIN . "/index.php";
                # Enthält der Code eine Klasse mit dem Namen des Plugins und ist es auch der Dirname?
                if (class_exists(PLUGINADMIN) and in_array(PLUGINADMIN, get_declared_classes())) {
                    # $PLUGIN_ADMIN_ADD_HEAD gibts nur hier und ist für sachen die in den head sollen
                    global $PLUGIN_ADMIN_ADD_HEAD;
                    $PLUGIN_ADMIN_ADD_HEAD = array();
                    $multi_user = "";
                    if (defined('MULTI_USER') and MULTI_USER) {
                        $multi_user = "******";
                    define("PLUGINADMIN_GET_URL", URL_BASE . ADMIN_DIR_NAME . "/index.php?pluginadmin=" . PLUGINADMIN . "&amp;nojs=true&amp;action=" . ACTION . $multi_user);
                    $plugin = new $plugin_name();
                    $info = $plugin->getInfo();
                    $config = $plugin->getConfig();
                    if (PLUGIN_DIR_REL . $plugin_name . '/' . $config["--admin~~"]["datei_admin"] == PLUGIN_DIR_REL . PLUGINADMIN . "/index.php") {
                        return $plugin->getContent("");
                    } else {
                        return require_once PLUGIN_DIR_REL . $plugin_name . '/' . $config["--admin~~"]["datei_admin"];
            } else {
        } else {
    if (getRequestValue('chanceplugin', 'post') == "true" and false !== ($plugin_name = getRequestValue('plugin_name', 'post'))) {
        if (file_exists(PLUGIN_DIR_REL . $plugin_name) and file_exists(PLUGIN_DIR_REL . $plugin_name . "/plugin.conf.php") and file_exists(PLUGIN_DIR_REL . $plugin_name . "/index.php")) {
            $conf_plugin = new Properties(PLUGIN_DIR_REL . $plugin_name . "/plugin.conf.php");
        } else {
            die("Fatal Error");
        if (false !== ($activ = getRequestValue(array($plugin_name, 'active'), 'post')) and ($activ == "true" or $activ == "false")) {
            $conf_plugin->set("active", $activ);
            ajax_return("success", true);
        } elseif ($conf_plugin->get("active") == "true") {
            require_once PLUGIN_DIR_REL . $plugin_name . "/index.php";
            # Enthält der Code eine Klasse mit dem Namen des Plugins und ist es auch der Dirname?
            if (class_exists($plugin_name) and in_array($plugin_name, get_declared_classes())) {
                $plugin = new $plugin_name();
                # das ist nötig weil es sein kann das in getInfo() variblen initaliesiert werden
                $tmp = $plugin->getInfo();
                $config = $plugin->getConfig();
                echo save_plugin_settings($conf_plugin, $config, $plugin_name);
            } else {
                die("Fatal Error");
        die("Fatal Error");
    $pagecontent = '';
    $show = $ADMIN_CONF->get("plugins");
    if (!is_array($show)) {
        $show = array();
    if (ROOT or in_array("plugin_-_manage", $show)) {
        $multi_user = "";
        if (defined('MULTI_USER') and MULTI_USER) {
            $multi_user = "******";
        $html_manage = "";
        $plugin_manage = array();
        $disabled = '';
        if (!function_exists('gzopen')) {
            $disabled = ' disabled="disabled"';
        $plugin_install = array();
        foreach (getDirAsArray(PLUGIN_DIR_REL, array(".zip")) as $zip_file) {
            $plugin_install[] = '<option value="' . mo_rawurlencode($zip_file) . '">' . $zip_file . '</option>';
        $plugin_install_html = "";
        if (count($plugin_install) > 0) {
            $plugin_install_html .= '<br /><select class="mo-install-select mo-select-div" name="plugin-install-select" size="1"' . $disabled . '>' . '<option value="">' . getLanguageValue("plugins_select", true) . '</option>' . implode("", $plugin_install) . '</select>';
        $plugin_manage["plugins_title_manage"][] = '<form id="js-plugin-manage" action="index.php?nojs=true&amp;action=plugins' . $multi_user . '" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">' . '<div class="mo-nowrap align-right ui-helper-clearfix">' . '<span class="align-left" style="float:left"><span class="mo-bold">' . getLanguageValue("plugins_text_filebutton") . '</span><br />' . getLanguageValue("plugins_text_fileinfo") . '</span>' . '<input type="file" id="js-plugin-install-file" name="plugin-install-file" class="mo-select-div"' . $disabled . ' />' . $plugin_install_html . '<input type="submit" id="js-plugin-install-submit" name="plugin-install" value="' . getLanguageValue("plugins_button_install", true) . '"' . $disabled . ' /><br />' . '<input type="submit" id="js-plugin-del-submit" value="' . getLanguageValue("plugins_button_delete", true) . '" class="mo-margin-top js-send-del-stop" />' . '</div></form>';
        $plugin_manage["plugins_title_manage"]["toggle"] = true;
        $html_manage = contend_template($plugin_manage);
        $html_manage = str_replace("js-toggle", "js-toggle-manage", $html_manage);
        # es wurde in der template verwaltung was gemacht dann soll die aufgeklapt bleiben
        if ($plugin_manage_open) {
            $html_manage = str_replace("display:none;", "", $html_manage);
        $pagecontent .= $html_manage;
    $pagecontent .= '<ul class="js-plugins mo-ul">';
    $dircontent = getDirAsArray(PLUGIN_DIR_REL, "dir", "natcasesort");
    foreach ($dircontent as $currentelement) {
        $new_plugin_conf = false;
        if (!ROOT and !in_array($currentelement, $show)) {
        if (file_exists(PLUGIN_DIR_REL . $currentelement . "/index.php")) {
            if (!is_file(PLUGIN_DIR_REL . $currentelement . "/plugin.conf.php")) {
                if (false === newConf(PLUGIN_DIR_REL . $currentelement . "/plugin.conf.php")) {
                } else {
                    $new_plugin_conf = true;
            require_once PLUGIN_DIR_REL . $currentelement . "/index.php";
            # Enthält der Code eine Klasse mit dem Namen des Plugins und ist es auch der Dirname?
            if (class_exists($currentelement) and in_array($currentelement, get_declared_classes())) {
                $plugin = new $currentelement();
            } else {
                # Plugin Dirname stimt nicht mit Plugin Classnamen überein
            # plugin.conf.php wurde neu erstelt.
            # Wenn es die getDefaultSettings() gibt fühle die plugin.conf.php damit
            if ($new_plugin_conf and method_exists($plugin, 'getDefaultSettings')) {
            $plugin_css_li_error = NULL;
            $plugin_error = false;
            $plugin_info = $plugin->getInfo();
            # Plugin Info Prüfen
            if (isset($plugin_info) and count($plugin_info) > 0) {
                $plugin_name = strip_tags($plugin_info[0], '<b>');
                if (substr(strip_tags($plugin_name), 0, strlen($currentelement)) != $currentelement) {
                    $plugin_name = "<b>" . $currentelement . "</b> " . strip_tags($plugin_name);
                $plugin_name = htmlentities($plugin_name, ENT_COMPAT, CHARSET);
                $plugin_name = str_replace(array("&lt;", "&gt;", "\$"), array("<", ">", ""), $plugin_name);
            } else {
                $plugin_error = '<img class="mo-tool-icon mo-icons-icon mo-icons-error" src="' . ICON_URL_SLICE . '" alt="error" />' . getLanguageValue('plugins_error') . ' <b>' . $currentelement . '</b>';
                $plugin_css_li_error = ' ui-state-error';
            $pagecontent .= '<li class="js-plugin mo-li ui-widget-content ui-corner-all' . $plugin_css_li_error . '">' . '<div class="js-tools-show-hide mo-li-head-tag mo-li-head-tag-no-ul ui-state-active ui-corner-all ui-helper-clearfix">';
            $check_show = ' style="display:none;"';
            if ($plugin_manage_open) {
                $check_show = '';
            if ($plugin_error === false) {
                $pagecontent .= '<span class="js-plugin-name mo-padding-left mo-middle">' . $plugin_name . '</span>' . '<div style="float:right;" class="mo-tag-height-from-icon mo-middle mo-nowrap">' . '<span class="js-plugin-active mo-staus">' . buildCheckBox($currentelement . '[active]', $plugin->settings->get("active") == "true", getLanguageValue("plugins_input_active")) . '</span>' . '<img class="js-tools-icon-show-hide js-toggle mo-tool-icon mo-icons-icon mo-icons-edit" src="' . ICON_URL_SLICE . '" alt="edit" />' . '<input type="checkbox" value="' . $currentelement . '" class="mo-checkbox mo-checkbox-del js-plugin-del"' . $check_show . ' />' . '</div>' . '</div>' . '<div class="js-toggle-content mo-in-ul-ul ui-helper-clearfix" style="display:none;">' . get_plugin_info($plugin_info);
                # geändert damit getConfig() nicht 2mal ausgeführt wird
                $config = $plugin->getConfig();
                # Beschreibung und inputs der Konfiguration Bauen und ausgeben
                $pagecontent .= get_plugin_config($plugin->settings, $config, $currentelement);
            } else {
                $pagecontent .= $plugin_error;
            $pagecontent .= '</div></li>';
    $pagecontent .= '</ul>';
    return $pagecontent;
Esempio n. 7
function makeUpdate()
    $update_page_files = array();
    if (is_file(BASE_DIR . PLUGIN_DIR_NAME . '/Galerie/plugin.conf')) {
        updateConf(BASE_DIR . PLUGIN_DIR_NAME . '/Galerie/plugin.conf');
    if (is_file(BASE_DIR . PLUGIN_DIR_NAME . '/Galerie/plugin.conf.php')) {
        global $gallery_plugin;
        $gallery_plugin = new Properties(BASE_DIR . PLUGIN_DIR_NAME . '/Galerie/plugin.conf.php');
    if (is_dir(BASE_DIR . 'update')) {
        $cms_confs = array("basic", "main", "passwords", "gallery", "version", "logindata", "downloads", "catpage", "syntax", "user");
        $files = getDirAsArray(BASE_DIR . 'update', array(".conf"), "none");
        if (count($files) > 0) {
            global $GALLERY, $SYNTAX;
            $SYNTAX = new Properties(BASE_DIR_CMS . CONF_DIR_NAME . '/syntax.conf.php');
            $GALLERY = new Properties(BASE_DIR_CMS . CONF_DIR_NAME . '/gallery.conf.php');
            foreach ($files as $datei) {
                if (in_array(str_replace(".conf", "", $datei), $cms_confs)) {
                    mo_unlink(BASE_DIR . 'update/' . $datei);
    if (is_dir(BASE_DIR . 'galerien') and is_readable(BASE_DIR . 'galerien')) {
        foreach (getDirAsArray(BASE_DIR . GALLERIES_DIR_NAME, "dir", "none") as $datei) {
            $tmp_conf = false;
            if (is_file(BASE_DIR . GALLERIES_DIR_NAME . '/' . $datei . '/texte.conf')) {
                updateConf(BASE_DIR . GALLERIES_DIR_NAME . '/' . $datei . '/texte.conf');
            } else {
                newConf(BASE_DIR . GALLERIES_DIR_NAME . '/' . $datei . "/texte.conf.php");
            if (is_file(BASE_DIR . GALLERIES_DIR_NAME . '/' . $datei . '/texte.conf.php')) {
                $tmp_conf = new Properties(BASE_DIR . GALLERIES_DIR_NAME . '/' . $datei . "/texte.conf.php");
            $update_text = array();
            foreach (getDirAsArray(BASE_DIR . GALLERIES_DIR_NAME . '/' . $datei, "file", "none") as $img) {
                if ($img == 'texte.conf') {
                if (false !== ($newname = isUpdateFileName($img, "file", true))) {
                    $status = updateRename($img, $newname, BASE_DIR . GALLERIES_DIR_NAME . "/" . $datei . "/");
                    if ($status) {
                        $newname = $status;
                    if ($tmp_conf !== false and $tmp_conf->keyExists($img)) {
                        $tmp_conf->set($newname, toUtf($tmp_conf->get($img)));
                    $update_page_files[$img] = $newname;
                    if (is_file(BASE_DIR . GALLERIES_DIR_NAME . "/" . $datei . "/" . PREVIEW_DIR_NAME . "/" . $img)) {
                        updateRename($img, $newname, BASE_DIR . GALLERIES_DIR_NAME . "/" . $datei . "/" . PREVIEW_DIR_NAME . "/");
            if (false !== ($newname = isUpdateFileName($datei, false, true))) {
                updateRename($datei, $newname, BASE_DIR . GALLERIES_DIR_NAME . "/");
    if (is_dir(BASE_DIR . 'kategorien')) {
        $sort_array = array();
        $cats = getDirAsArray(BASE_DIR . CONTENT_DIR_NAME, "dir", "sort");
        $cats = sort_cat_page($cats, BASE_DIR . CONTENT_DIR_NAME, "dir");
        foreach ($cats as $cat) {
            #echo $cat."<br />\n";
            if (false !== ($newname = isUpdateFileName($cat, "catpage", true))) {
                updateRename($cat, $newname, BASE_DIR . CONTENT_DIR_NAME . "/");
                $cat = $newname;
            $sort_array[$cat] = "null";
            if (substr($cat, -EXT_LENGTH) == EXT_LINK) {
            $sort_array[$cat] = array();
            $pages = getDirAsArray(BASE_DIR . CONTENT_DIR_NAME . '/' . $cat, "file", "sort");
            $pages = sort_cat_page($pages, BASE_DIR . CONTENT_DIR_NAME . '/' . $cat, "file");
            foreach ($pages as $page) {
                if (false !== ($newname = isUpdateFileName($page, "catpage", true))) {
                    updateRename($page, $newname, BASE_DIR . CONTENT_DIR_NAME . "/" . $cat . "/");
                    $page = $newname;
                $sort_array[$cat][$page] = "null";
            if (is_dir(BASE_DIR . CONTENT_DIR_NAME . '/' . $cat . '/' . CONTENT_FILES_DIR_NAME)) {
                foreach (getDirAsArray(BASE_DIR . CONTENT_DIR_NAME . '/' . $cat . '/' . CONTENT_FILES_DIR_NAME, "file", "none") as $file) {
                    if (false !== ($newname = isUpdateFileName($file, "file", true))) {
                        $status = updateRename($file, $newname, BASE_DIR . CONTENT_DIR_NAME . "/" . $cat . "/" . CONTENT_FILES_DIR_NAME . "/");
                        if ($status) {
                            $newname = $status;
                        $tmp_file = cleanUploadFile(changeMoziloOldSpecialChars($file, false));
                        $update_page_files[rawurldecode($cat)][$tmp_file] = $newname;
        $sort_array = var_export($sort_array, true);
        file_put_contents(SORT_CAT_PAGE, "<?php if(!defined('IS_CMS')) die();\n\$cat_page_sort_array = " . $sort_array . ";\n?>", LOCK_EX);
        if (isset($_POST['update_pages']) and $_POST['update_pages'] == "true") {
    if (is_dir(BASE_DIR . 'plugins')) {
        foreach (getDirAsArray(BASE_DIR . PLUGIN_DIR_NAME, "dir", "none") as $datei) {
            if (is_file(BASE_DIR . PLUGIN_DIR_NAME . '/' . $datei . '/plugin.conf')) {
                updateConf(BASE_DIR . PLUGIN_DIR_NAME . '/' . $datei . '/plugin.conf');
            if ($datei == "CONTACT") {
                makeCONTACTSetings(BASE_DIR . PLUGIN_DIR_NAME . '/' . $datei . '/plugin.conf.php');
    if (is_dir(BASE_DIR . 'layouts')) {
        foreach (getDirAsArray(BASE_DIR . LAYOUT_DIR_NAME, "dir", "none") as $datei) {
            if (is_file(BASE_DIR . LAYOUT_DIR_NAME . '/' . $datei . '/layoutsettings.conf') and is_file(BASE_DIR . LAYOUT_DIR_NAME . '/' . $datei . '/template.html')) {
                updateTemplate(BASE_DIR . LAYOUT_DIR_NAME . '/' . $datei . '/');
            if (is_dir(BASE_DIR . LAYOUT_DIR_NAME . '/' . $datei . '/css')) {
                updateTemplateCSS(BASE_DIR . LAYOUT_DIR_NAME . '/' . $datei . '/');
            if (false !== ($newname = isUpdateFileName($datei, false, true))) {
                updateRename($datei, $newname, BASE_DIR . LAYOUT_DIR_NAME . "/");
Esempio n. 8
    public function testSplitDB()
        newConf('split_db', '
    model: false
      host: localhost
      username: sitetest
      password: st123
      database: sitetest_rw1
      host: localhost
      username: sitetest
      password: st123
      database: sitetest_ro1
        $rw1 = new Site(getConf('rw1'));
        $rw1id = $rw1->db->insert('st', array('str' => 'rw1'));
        $ro1 = new Site(getConf('ro1'));
        $ro1id = $ro1->db->insert('st', array('str' => 'ro1'));
        $site = new Site(getConf('split_db'));
        $rores = $site->db->queryRO('select * from st');
        $this->assertEquals(1, $rores->count());
        $this->assertEquals('ro1', $rores[0]['str']);
        $rwres = $site->db->queryRW('select * from st');
        $this->assertEquals(1, $rwres->count());
        $this->assertEquals('rw1', $rwres[0]['str']);
        // NOTE: subsequent calls after a RW query always hit RW
        $rores = $site->db->queryRO('select * from st');
        $this->assertEquals(1, $rores->count());
        $this->assertEquals('rw1', $rores[0]['str']);