Esempio n. 1
 //Business Open/Closed
 if (business_open()) {
     $business_open = 'During Business Hours';
     echo 'clientinfo.businessopen = true;';
 } else {
     $business_open = 'Non-Business Hours';
     echo 'clientinfo.businessopen = false;';
 if (nebula_option('nebula_cd_businesshours')) {
     echo 'ga("set", gaCustomDimensions["businessHours"], "' . $business_open . '");';
 //Relative time ("Late Morning", "Early Evening")
 if (nebula_option('nebula_cd_relativetime')) {
     $relative_time = nebula_relative_time();
     $time_description = implode(' ', $relative_time['description']);
     $time_range = $relative_time['standard'][0] . ':00' . $relative_time['ampm'] . ' - ' . $relative_time['standard'][2] . ':59' . $relative_time['ampm'];
     echo 'ga("set", gaCustomDimensions["relativeTime"], "' . ucwords($time_description) . ' (' . $time_range . ')");';
 //Session ID
 if (nebula_option('nebula_cd_sessionid')) {
     $session_info = is_debug() ? 'Dbg.' : '';
     $session_info .= nebula_is_option_enabled('wireframing') ? 'Wr.' : '';
     if (is_client()) {
         $session_info .= 'Cl.';
     } elseif (is_dev()) {
         $session_info .= 'Dv.';
     $session_info .= is_user_logged_in() ? 'Li.' : '';
     $session_info .= nebula_is_bot() ? 'Bt.' : '';
Esempio n. 2
function nebula_body_classes($classes)
    $spaces_and_dots = array(' ', '.');
    $underscores_and_hyphens = array('_', '-');
    $classes[] = strtolower(nebula_get_device('full'));
    //Device make and model
    $classes[] = strtolower(str_replace($spaces_and_dots, $underscores_and_hyphens, nebula_get_os('full')));
    //Operating System name with version
    $classes[] = strtolower(str_replace($spaces_and_dots, $underscores_and_hyphens, nebula_get_os('name')));
    //Operating System name
    $classes[] = strtolower(str_replace($spaces_and_dots, $underscores_and_hyphens, nebula_get_browser('full')));
    //Browser name and version
    $classes[] = strtolower(str_replace($spaces_and_dots, $underscores_and_hyphens, nebula_get_browser('name')));
    //Browser name
    $classes[] = strtolower(str_replace($spaces_and_dots, $underscores_and_hyphens, nebula_get_browser('engine')));
    //Rendering engine
    //User Information
    $current_user = wp_get_current_user();
    if (is_user_logged_in()) {
        $classes[] = 'user-' . $current_user->user_login;
        $user_info = get_userdata(get_current_user_id());
        $classes[] = 'user-role-' . $user_info->roles[0];
    //Post Information
    if (!is_search() && !is_archive() && !is_front_page()) {
        global $post;
        $segments = explode('/', trim(parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], PHP_URL_PATH), '/'));
        $parents = get_post_ancestors($post->ID);
        foreach ($parents as $parent) {
            if (!empty($parent)) {
                $classes[] = 'ancestor-id-' . $parent;
        foreach ($segments as $segment) {
            if (!empty($segment)) {
                $classes[] = 'ancestor-of-' . $segment;
        foreach (get_the_category($post->ID) as $category) {
            $classes[] = 'cat-' . $category->cat_ID . '-id';
    $nebula_theme_info = wp_get_theme();
    $classes[] = 'nebula';
    $classes[] = 'nebula_' . str_replace('.', '-', $nebula_theme_info->get('Version'));
    //Time of Day
    $classes[] = business_open() ? 'business-open' : 'business-closed';
    $relative_time = nebula_relative_time('description');
    foreach ($relative_time as $relative_desc) {
        $classes[] = 'time-' . $relative_desc;
    if (date('H') >= 12) {
        $classes[] = 'time-pm';
    } else {
        $classes[] = 'time-am';
    if (get_option('nebula_latitude') && get_option('nebula_longitude')) {
        $lat = get_option('nebula_latitude');
        $lng = get_option('nebula_longitude');
        $gmt = intval(get_option('gmt_offset'));
        $zenith = 90 + 50 / 60;
        //Civil twilight = 96°, Nautical twilight = 102°, Astronomical twilight = 108°
        $sunrise = strtotime(date_sunrise(strtotime('today'), SUNFUNCS_RET_STRING, $lat, $lng, $zenith, $gmt));
        $sunset = strtotime(date_sunset(strtotime('today'), SUNFUNCS_RET_STRING, $lat, $lng, $zenith, $gmt));
        if (time() >= $sunrise && time() <= $sunset) {
            $classes[] = 'time-daylight';
        } else {
            $classes[] = 'time-darkness';
        if (strtotime('now') >= $sunrise - 60 * 45 && strtotime('now') <= $sunrise + 60 * 45) {
            //45 minutes before and after true sunrise
            $classes[] = 'time-sunrise';
        if (strtotime('now') >= $sunset - 60 * 45 && strtotime('now') <= $sunset + 60 * 45) {
            //45 minutes before and after true sunset
            $classes[] = 'time-sunset';
    $classes[] = 'date-day-' . strtolower(date('l'));
    $classes[] = 'date-ymd-' . strtolower(date('Y-m-d'));
    $classes[] = 'date-month-' . strtolower(date('F'));
    if ($GLOBALS['http'] && is_int($GLOBALS['http'])) {
        $classes[] = 'error' . $GLOBALS['http'];
    return $classes;
Esempio n. 3
                 $word_count_range = '1,000 - 1,499 words';
             } elseif ($word_count < 2000) {
                 $word_count_range = '1,500 - 1,999 words';
             } else {
                 $word_count_range = '2,000+ words';
         echo 'ga("set", gaCustomDimensions["wordCount"], "' . $word_count_range . '");';
 if (nebula_option('nebula_cd_businesshours')) {
     $business_open = business_open() ? 'During Business Hours' : 'Non-Business Hours';
     echo 'ga("set", gaCustomDimensions["businessHours"], "' . $business_open . '");';
 if (nebula_option('nebula_cd_relativetime')) {
     $relative_time = implode(' ', nebula_relative_time());
     echo 'ga("set", gaCustomDimensions["relativeTime"], "' . ucwords($relative_time) . '");';
 if (nebula_option('nebula_cd_sessionid')) {
     $session_info = is_debug() ? 'Dbg.' : '';
     $session_info .= nebula_is_option_enabled('wireframing') ? 'Wr.' : '';
     if (is_client()) {
         $session_info .= 'Cl.';
     } elseif (is_dev()) {
         $session_info .= 'Dv.';
     $session_info .= is_user_logged_in() ? 'Li.' : '';
     $session_info .= nebula_is_bot() ? 'Bt.' : '';
     echo 'var sessionID = new Date().getTime() + ".' . $session_info . '" + Math.random().toString(36).substring(5);';
     echo 'ga("set", gaCustomDimensions["sessionID"], sessionID);';