Esempio n. 1
    function widget($args, $instance)
        $orderby = empty($instance['orderby']) ? 'name' : $instance['orderby'];
        $postcount = isset($instance['postcount']) ? $instance['postcount'] : false;
        $showcategories = isset($instance['showcategories']) ? $instance['showcategories'] : false;
        $showtags = isset($instance['showtags']) ? $instance['showtags'] : false;
        $showarchives = isset($instance['showarchives']) ? $instance['showarchives'] : false;
        $showpopular = isset($instance['showpopular']) ? $instance['showpopular'] : false;
        $showrecentcomm = isset($instance['showrecentcomm']) ? $instance['showrecentcomm'] : false;
        $popularpostnumber = empty($instance['popularpostnumber']) ? '10' : $instance['popularpostnumber'];
        $commentnumber = empty($instance['commentnumber']) ? '8' : $instance['commentnumber'];
        $id = $args['widget_id'];
        $jquery = get_mystique_option('jquery');
        echo $before_widget;
        if ($jquery) {
            // no tab navigation if jquery is disabled
      <!-- tabbed content -->
      <div class="tabbed-content sidebar-tabs clear-block" id="<?php 
            echo $id;

       <!-- tab navigation (items must be in reverse order because of the tab-design) -->
       <ul class="box-tabs clear-block">
            if ($showrecentcomm && WP_VERSION > 2.8) {
<li class="recentcomm"><a href="#<?php 
                echo $id;
-section-recentcomments" title="<?php 
                _e('Recent comments', 'mystique');
                _e('Recent comments', 'mystique');
            if ($showpopular) {
<li class="popular"><a href="#<?php 
                echo $id;
-section-popular" title="<?php 
                _e('Popular posts', 'mystique');
                _e('Popular posts', 'mystique');
            if ($showarchives) {
<li class="archives"><a href="#<?php 
                echo $id;
-section-archives" title="<?php 
                _e('Archives', 'mystique');
                _e('Archives', 'mystique');
            if ($showtags) {
<li class="tags"><a href="#<?php 
                echo $id;
-section-tags" title="<?php 
                _e('Tags', 'mystique');
                _e('Tags', 'mystique');
            if ($showcategories) {
<li class="categories"><a href="#<?php 
                echo $id;
-section-categories" title="<?php 
                _e('Categories', 'mystique');
                _e('Categories', 'mystique');
       <!-- /tab nav -->

       <!-- tab sections -->
       <div class="sections">

            if ($showcategories) {
        <!-- comments -->

         <div class="box section" id="<?php 
                echo $id;
          <div class="box-top-left"><div class="box-top-right"></div></div>
          <div class="box-main">
           <div class="box-content">
            <ul class="menuList categories">
                if ($postcount) {
                    echo preg_replace('@\\<li([^>]*)>\\<a([^>]*)>(.*?)\\<\\/a> \\(\\<a ([^>]*)([^>]*)>XML\\<\\/a>\\) \\((.*?)\\)@i', '<li $1><a$2 class="fadeThis"><span class="entry">$3 <span class="details inline">($6)</span></span></a><a class="rss bubble" $4></a>', wp_list_categories('orderby=' . $orderby . '&show_count=1&echo=0&title_li=&feed=XML'));
                } else {
                    echo preg_replace('@\\<li([^>]*)>\\<a([^>]*)>(.*?)\\<\\/a> \\(\\<a ([^>]*) ([^>]*)>(.*?)\\<\\/a>\\)@i', '<li $1><a$2 class="fadeThis"><span class="entry">$3</span></a><a class="rss bubble" $4></a>', wp_list_categories('orderby=' . $orderby . '&show_count=0&echo=0&title_li=&feed=XML'));


            if ($showtags) {

         <div class="box section" id="<?php 
                echo $id;
          <div class="box-top-left"><div class="box-top-right"></div></div>
          <div class="box-main">
           <div class="box-content">
            <div class="tag-cloud">
                wp_tag_cloud(apply_filters('widget_tag_cloud_args', array()));


            if ($showarchives) {

         <div class="box section" id="<?php 
                echo $id;
          <div class="box-top-left"><div class="box-top-right"></div></div>
          <div class="box-main">
           <div class="box-content">
            <ul class="menuList">
                //wp_get_archives(apply_filters('widget_archives_args', array('type' => 'monthly', 'show_post_count' => $postcount)));
                if ($postcount) {
                    echo preg_replace('@\\<li>\\<a([^>]*)>(.*?)\\<\\/a>([^>]*)\\((.*?)\\)@i', '<li><a$1 class="fadeThis"><span class="entry">$2 <span class="details inline">($4)</span></span></a>', wp_get_archives(apply_filters('widget_archives_args', array('type' => 'monthly', 'show_post_count' => $postcount, 'echo' => 0))));
                } else {
                    echo preg_replace('@\\<li>\\<a([^>]*)>(.*?)\\<\\/a>@i', '<li><a$1 class="fadeThis"><span class="entry">$2</span></a>', wp_get_archives(apply_filters('widget_archives_args', array('type' => 'monthly', 'show_post_count' => $postcount, 'echo' => 0))));


            if ($showpopular) {

         <div class="box section" id="<?php 
                echo $id;
          <div class="box-top-left"><div class="box-top-right"></div></div>
          <div class="box-main">
           <div class="box-content">
                $popular = new WP_Query('orderby=comment_count&caller_get_posts=1&posts_per_page=' . $popularpostnumber);
                if ($popular->have_posts()) {
              <ul class="menuList"><?php 
                    while ($popular->have_posts()) {
               <li><a class="fadeThis" href="<?php 
" rel="bookmark" title="<?php 
"><span class="entry"><?php 
 <span class="details inline">(<?php 
                        comments_number('0', '1', '%');
              </ul> <?php 
                } else {
                    _e("Didn't find any posts popular enough :(", "mystique");


            if ($showrecentcomm && WP_VERSION > 2.8) {

         <div class="box section" id="<?php 
                echo $id;
          <div class="box-top-left"><div class="box-top-right"></div></div>
          <div class="box-main">
           <div class="box-content">

            <ul class="menuList recentcomm">
                $comments = get_comments('number=' . $commentnumber . '&status=approve');
                //$true_comment_count = 0;
                foreach ($comments as $comment) {
                    $comment_type = get_comment_type();
                    //if($comment_type == 'comment'):
                    //$true_comment_count = $true_comment_count+1;
                    //$comm_title = get_the_title($comment->comment_post_ID);
                    $comm_content = get_comment($comment->comment_ID, ARRAY_A);
                <li class="clear-block"><a title="<?php 
                    printf(__("Posted in: %s", "mystique"), get_the_title($comment->comment_post_ID));
" class="fadeThis" href="<?php 
                    echo get_comment_link($comment->comment_ID);
"><span class="avatar"><?php 
                    echo mystique_get_avatar($comment->comment_author_email, 32);
</span><span class="entry"><?php 
                    echo $comment->comment_author;
: <span class="details"> <?php 
                    echo mystique_strip_string(100, $comm_content['comment_content']);
                    //if($true_comment_count == $commentnumber) break;



      <!-- tabbed content -->
        } else {
            echo $before_title . __("Sidebar tabs", "mystique") . $after_title;
      <p class="error"><?php 
            _e("jQuery is disabled and this widget needs it", "mystique");

        echo $after_widget;
Esempio n. 2
function mystique_featured_post()
    if (mystique_featured_post_target_page()) {
        //global $valid_featured_posts;
        global $wp_query;
        $featured_posts = get_mystique_option('featured_posts');
        $found_posts = array();
        $featured_posts = explode(',', $featured_posts);
        // randomize
        foreach ($featured_posts as $featured_post) {
            $current_post = get_post($featured_post);
            $current_post = (array) $current_post;
            if ($current_post) {
                // take it in consideration only if is a recent post
                if (strtotime($current_post['post_date_gmt']) > strtotime('-' . get_mystique_option('featured_timeframe') . ' days')) {
                    $found_posts[] = $current_post;
        // remove posts from the main loop (on homepage)?
        // $wp_query->query_vars['post__not_in'] = $found_posts;
        $count = (int) get_mystique_option('featured_count');

<div id="featured-content"<?php 
        if ($count > 1 && count($found_posts) > 1) {
        if ($found_posts) {
            // only show if the global variable is set in the function above
 <!-- block container -->
 <div class="slide-container">
  <ul class="slides">
            $number = 1;
            foreach ($found_posts as $featured_post) {
         <!-- slide (100%) -->
         <li class="slide slide-<?php 
                echo $number;
          <div class="slide-content clearfix">
            <div class="details clearfix">
                mystique_post_thumb('featured-thumbnail', $featured_post['ID']);
                echo '<h2><a href="' . get_permalink($featured_post['ID']) . '">' . mystique_strip_string(70, strip_tags($featured_post['post_title'])) . '</a></h2>';
                echo '<div class="summary">' . mystique_strip_string(420, strip_tags(strip_shortcodes($featured_post['post_content']))) . '</div>';
          <a class="readmore" href="<?php 
                echo get_permalink($featured_post['ID']);
                _e("More", "mystique");
         <!-- /slide -->
                if ($count == $number) {
 <!-- /block container -->
        } else {
            if (current_user_can('switch_themes')) {
                echo '<h4>' . sprintf(__("No featured posts found older than %s days.", "mystique"), get_mystique_option('featured_timeframe')) . '</h4>';
