Esempio n. 1
function DrawMap($filename = '', $thumbnailfile = '', $thumbnailmax = 250, $withnodes = TRUE, $use_via_overlay = FALSE, $use_rel_overlay=FALSE)
	wm_debug("Trace: DrawMap()\n");
	metadump("# start",true);
	if($this->configfile != "")
		$this->cachefile_version = crc32(file_get_contents($this->configfile));
		$this->cachefile_version = crc32("........");

	wm_debug("Running Post-Processing Plugins...\n");
	foreach ($this->postprocessclasses as $post_class)
		wm_debug("Running $post_class"."->run()\n");
		//call_user_func_array(array($post_class, 'run'), array(&$this));

	wm_debug("Finished Post-Processing Plugins...\n");

	wm_debug("Start of Map Drawing\n");

	$this->datestamp = strftime($this->stamptext, time());

	// do the basic prep work
	if ($this->background != '')
		if (is_readable($this->background))

			if (!$bgimage) { wm_warn
				("Failed to open background image.  One possible reason: Is your BACKGROUND really a PNG?\n");
		else { wm_warn
			("Your background image file could not be read. Check the filename, and permissions, for "
			. $this->background . "\n"); }

	$image=wimagecreatetruecolor($this->width, $this->height);

	# $image = imagecreate($this->width, $this->height);
	if (!$image) { wm_warn
		("Couldn't create output image in memory (" . $this->width . "x" . $this->height . ")."); }
		ImageAlphaBlending($image, true);
		# imageantialias($image,true);

		// by here, we should have a valid image handle

		// save this away, now

		$this->white=myimagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255);
		$this->black=myimagecolorallocate($image, 0, 0, 0);
		$this->grey=myimagecolorallocate($image, 192, 192, 192);
		$this->selected=myimagecolorallocate($image, 255, 0, 0); // for selections in the editor


		// fill with background colour anyway, in case the background image failed to load
		wimagefilledrectangle($image, 0, 0, $this->width, $this->height, $this->colours['DEFAULT']['BG']['gdref1']);

		if ($bgimage)
			imagecopy($image, $bgimage, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->width, $this->height);
			imagedestroy ($bgimage);

		// Now it's time to draw a map

		// do the node rendering stuff first, regardless of where they are actually drawn.
		// this is so we can get the size of the nodes, which links will need if they use offsets
		foreach ($this->nodes as $node)
			// don't try and draw template nodes
			wm_debug("Pre-rendering ".$node->name." to get bounding boxes.\n");
			if(!is_null($node->x)) $this->nodes[$node->name]->pre_render($image, $this);
		$all_layers = array_keys($this->seen_zlayers);

		foreach ($all_layers as $z)
			$z_items = $this->seen_zlayers[$z];
			wm_debug("Drawing layer $z\n");
			// all the map 'furniture' is fixed at z=1000
				foreach ($this->colours as $scalename=>$colours)
					wm_debug("Drawing KEY for $scalename if necessary.\n");

					if( (isset($this->numscales[$scalename])) && (isset($this->keyx[$scalename])) && ($this->keyx[$scalename] >= 0) && ($this->keyy[$scalename] >= 0) )
						if($this->keystyle[$scalename]=='classic') $this->DrawLegend_Classic($image,$scalename,FALSE);
						if($this->keystyle[$scalename]=='horizontal') $this->DrawLegend_Horizontal($image,$scalename,$this->keysize[$scalename]);
						if($this->keystyle[$scalename]=='vertical') $this->DrawLegend_Vertical($image,$scalename,$this->keysize[$scalename]);
						if($this->keystyle[$scalename]=='inverted') $this->DrawLegend_Vertical($image,$scalename,$this->keysize[$scalename],true);
						if($this->keystyle[$scalename]=='tags') $this->DrawLegend_Classic($image,$scalename,TRUE);

				$this->DrawTimestamp($image, $this->timefont, $this->colours['DEFAULT']['TIME']['gdref1']);
				if(! is_null($this->min_data_time))
					$this->DrawTimestamp($image, $this->timefont, $this->colours['DEFAULT']['TIME']['gdref1'],"MIN");
					$this->DrawTimestamp($image, $this->timefont, $this->colours['DEFAULT']['TIME']['gdref1'],"MAX");
				$this->DrawTitle($image, $this->titlefont, $this->colours['DEFAULT']['TITLE']['gdref1']);
				foreach($z_items as $it)
						// only draw LINKs if they have NODES defined (not templates)
						// (also, check if the link still exists - if this is in the editor, it may have been deleted by now)
						if ( isset($this->links[$it->name]) && isset($it->a) && isset($it->b))
							wm_debug("Drawing LINK ".$it->name."\n");
							$this->links[$it->name]->Draw($image, $this);
						// if(!is_null($it->x)) $it->pre_render($image, $this);
							// don't try and draw template nodes
							if( isset($this->nodes[$it->name]) && !is_null($it->x))
								# print "::".get_class($it)."\n";
								wm_debug("Drawing NODE ".$it->name."\n");
								$this->nodes[$it->name]->NewDraw($image, $this);
								foreach($this->nodes[$it->name]->boundingboxes as $bbox)
									# $areaname = "NODE:" . $it->name . ':'.$ii;
									$areaname = "NODE:N". $it->id . ":" . $ii;
									$this->imap->addArea("Rectangle", $areaname, '', $bbox);
									wm_debug("Adding imagemap area");
								wm_debug("Added $ii bounding boxes too\n");

		$overlay = myimagecolorallocate($image, 200, 0, 0);
		// for the editor, we can optionally overlay some other stuff
        if($this->context == 'editor')
		#		$overlay = myimagecolorallocate($image, 200, 0, 0);
			// first, we can show relatively positioned NODEs
			foreach ($this->nodes as $node) {
					if($node->relative_to != '')
							$rel_x = $this->nodes[$node->relative_to]->x;
							$rel_y = $this->nodes[$node->relative_to]->y;
							imagearc($image,$node->x, $node->y,
							imagearc($image,$node->x, $node->y,
							imageline($image,$node->x, $node->y,
									$rel_x, $rel_y, $overlay);
			// then overlay VIAs, so they can be seen
			foreach($this->links as $link)
				foreach ($link->vialist as $via)
						$x = $this->nodes[$via[2]]->x + $via[0];
						$y = $this->nodes[$via[2]]->y + $via[1];
						$x = $via[0];
						$y = $via[1];
					imagearc($image, $x,$y, 10,10,0,360,$overlay);
					imagearc($image, $x,$y, 12,12,0,360,$overlay);

		#$this->myimagestring($image, 3, 200, 100, "Test 1\nLine 2", $overlay,0);
#	$this->myimagestring($image, 30, 100, 100, "Test 1\nLine 2", $overlay,0);
		#$this->myimagestring($image, 30, 200, 200, "Test 1\nLine 2", $overlay,45);

		// Ready to output the results...

		if($filename == 'null')
			// do nothing at all - we just wanted the HTML AREAs for the editor or HTML output
			if ($filename == '') { imagepng ($image); }
			else {
				$result = FALSE;
				$functions = TRUE;
				if(function_exists('imagejpeg') && preg_match("/\.jpg/i",$filename))
					wm_debug("Writing JPEG file to $filename\n");
					$result = imagejpeg($image, $filename);
				elseif(function_exists('imagegif') && preg_match("/\.gif/i",$filename))
					wm_debug("Writing GIF file to $filename\n");
					$result = imagegif($image, $filename);
				elseif(function_exists('imagepng') && preg_match("/\.png/i",$filename))
					wm_debug("Writing PNG file to $filename\n");
					$result = imagepng($image, $filename);
					wm_warn("Failed to write map image. No function existed for the image format you requested. [WMWARN12]\n");
					$functions = FALSE;

				if(($result==FALSE) && ($functions==TRUE))
						wm_warn("Failed to overwrite existing image file $filename - permissions of existing file are wrong? [WMWARN13]");
						wm_warn("Failed to create image file $filename - permissions of output directory are wrong? [WMWARN14]");

		if($this->context == 'editor2')
			$cachefile = $this->cachefolder.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.dechex(crc32($this->configfile))."_bg.".$this->cachefile_version.".png";
			imagepng($image, $cachefile);
			$cacheuri = $this->cachefolder.'/'.dechex(crc32($this->configfile))."_bg.".$this->cachefile_version.".png";
			$this->mapcache = $cacheuri;

		if (function_exists('imagecopyresampled'))
			// if one is specified, and we can, write a thumbnail too
			if ($thumbnailfile != '')
				$result = FALSE;
				if ($this->width > $this->height) { $factor=($thumbnailmax / $this->width); }
				else { $factor=($thumbnailmax / $this->height); }

				$this->thumb_width = $this->width * $factor;
				$this->thumb_height = $this->height * $factor;

				$imagethumb=imagecreatetruecolor($this->thumb_width, $this->thumb_height);
				imagecopyresampled($imagethumb, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->thumb_width, $this->thumb_height,
					$this->width, $this->height);
				$result = imagepng($imagethumb, $thumbnailfile);

						wm_warn("Failed to overwrite existing image file $filename - permissions of existing file are wrong? [WMWARN15]");
						wm_warn("Failed to create image file $filename - permissions of output directory are wrong? [WMWARN16]");
			wm_warn("Skipping thumbnail creation, since we don't have the necessary function. [WMWARN17]");
		imagedestroy ($image);
 function gdallocate($image_ref)
     if ($this->is_none()) {
         return NULL;
     } else {
         return myimagecolorallocate($image_ref, $this->r, $this->g, $this->b);
 function gdAllocate($image_ref)
     if (false === $this->isRealColour()) {
         return null;
     return myimagecolorallocate($image_ref, $this->red, $this->green, $this->blue);
  * @return array
  * @throws WMException
 private function prepareOutputImage()
     $bgImageRef = $this->loadBackgroundImage($this->background);
     $outputImageRef = imagecreatetruecolor($this->width, $this->height);
     if (!$outputImageRef) {
         wm_warn("Couldn't create output image in memory (" . $this->width . "x" . $this->height . ").");
         throw new WMException("ImageCreationError");
     ImageAlphaBlending($outputImageRef, true);
     // by here, we should have a valid image handle
     $this->selected = myimagecolorallocate($outputImageRef, 255, 0, 0);
     // for selections in the editor
     if ($bgImageRef) {
         imagecopy($outputImageRef, $bgImageRef, 0, 0, 0, 0, $this->width, $this->height);
     } else {
         // fill with background colour anyway, since the background image failed to load
         imagefilledrectangle($outputImageRef, 0, 0, $this->width, $this->height, $this->colourtable['BG']->gdallocate($outputImageRef));
     return $outputImageRef;